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Deleted member

Well of course I know what's going on.

I just don't see why people would take it upon themselves to be offended upon a word which has and still is evolving past its original sentiment.

I mean, when most people say, "that's ********," they don't truly condemn or have hatred towards the mentally deficient.

The word ******** has changed past its old definition into something new. Just like the word gay.

Just ask whomever keeps using the word to refrain from using it when you are around them. Many people will go out of their way not to use it and avoid offending others.


cactus in the valley that's about to crumble down.
Nov 21, 2010
Oro Valley
You gotta stop looking at it from a literal point of view, and view it in the definition people are using it as. Whether you view it as being offensive or not is not going to stop people from using the word. Seeing your original post, you know what definition people use the word for. Gay and many other words mentioned in this thread have evolved and taken on new meanings which aren't the actual meaning, this is called slang.

I personally don't get offended by the word's common use, because I know whoever is saying it is not meaning any offense towards me or anyone else. It is rare for someone to use the word to actually describe something as being homosexual, and I have never heard the word being used to describe something as being merry or happy other than in old novels.

I know it may hurt your feelings when people use the word, I remember I got mad at someone one time for using it to describe something as stupid, but I realized they did not mean any literal offense towards anyone. Some people subconsciously use the word, as in it has just developed as a part of their vocabulary with them not actually realizing what they are saying. Do I take offense and hate them? No, because I know they don't mean it offensively, the word is used so much nowadays that I have just learned to ignore it, and replace it with the word they meant.

Besides, you don't have to go by gay. Gay has no definite meaning anymore in today's society, homosexual does though. If you look up the word homosexual in the dictionary, or if you ask someone the definition for homosexual, the only definition you will find is "Sexually attracted to those of your own sex." You will receive a lot of varying responses if you ask for the definition of gay. I don't recall anyone using "that is so homosexual" because frankly it doesn't make sense.

Lenus Altair

Smash Ace
Mar 7, 2008

I know it may hurt your feelings when people use the word, I remember I got mad at someone one time for using it to describe something as stupid, but I realized they did not mean any literal offense towards anyone. Some people subconsciously use the word, as in it has just developed as a part of their vocabulary with them not actually realizing what they are saying. Do I take offense and hate them? No, because I know they don't mean it offensively, the word is used so much nowadays that I have just learned to ignore it, and replace it with the word they meant.

It doesn't hurt my feelings. It makes me angry at how it hurts others., how it's common use (among other things) in society make it so difficult, so alienating growing up for GLBT youth trying to figure it all for themselves. That does included people in the age group that would be on these boards.

Whether they mean it as a crack on gay people or not makes little difference in that.

I don't recall anyone using "that is so homosexual" because frankly it doesn't make sense.
I do 'cept then they shortened it to Gay. But the reason anyone used the word gay in the first place was a synonym for homosexual as an example of something that was wrong or undesirable.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Unless you found good reason to ensure that "gay" continues to be the primary classification for "homosexual male" I consider it odd that you're willing to defend the use of the term as such to death.

Yung Mei

Where all da hot anime moms at
Jul 20, 2009
why the heck do ya'll (or alot of y'all) use the N word to describe each other/other people, whether they are friends, or random people its always like.
adding on to this (didnt read the whole thread lol)

Every once in a while, ill hear a white guy say "*****" and african americans will get mad and say "nah mayne thats our word"

or some BS like that

***** is derived from the offensive N Word. Were was the N Word Originated? English speaking white people.

Technically, its white peoples word.


Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
adding on to this (didnt read the whole thread lol)

Every once in a while, ill hear a white guy say "*****" and african americans will get mad and say "nah mayne thats our word"

or some BS like that

***** is derived from the offensive N Word. Were was the N Word Originated? English speaking white people.

Technically, its white peoples word.


That's why we use the n-word. I agree that it's silly to get upset when non-blacks use it though.

I would argue that this is what is happening with the word "gay." It means "lame" more than it means homosexual, at least in the way that Smashers (and most other people) use it.


Smash Rookie
Mar 3, 2011
See justrk86
I have to admit that when I found out that using the word gay in that context was widespread, I thought that it was just people being juvenile. I don't think any of the people using it mean any harm by it though, so that's the point behind people justifying it. I do think if we used a substitute word though, people would get the idea of how it feels. Imagine someone responding angrily to a timeout by saying "Way to be Catholic, Jim!"


cactus in the valley that's about to crumble down.
Nov 21, 2010
Oro Valley
I do 'cept then they shortened it to Gay. But the reason anyone used the word gay in the first place was a synonym for homosexual as an example of something that was wrong or undesirable.

Lol, again, that is taking it too literal. When people say "that's so gay" they are not literally meaning that whatever they are talking about likes the same gender. That is the point that I was trying to make, is that people don't have homosexuals in mind when they use gay, normally they have what you said, "wrong or undesirable." They are not saying being gay is wrong, they are simply using the slang behind what that word has become. Does this offend homosexuals? I'm not offended, because like I also said, they are not meaning any offense behind saying the word.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
I'm gay and idgaf about how it's used.

***gots need to stop crying. The more you cry the more it encourages a word's use tbh.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2008
In your nightmares
If anything I am not the one over exaggerating but rather you are over exaggerating this specific topic. Im not trying to start an argument but i simply stated my opinion. You seem to want to fight this to the death and thats a bit on the extreme side.

If someone said "thats so homo" would it make it any better. It's not derogatory toward gay people just because someone simply used the word gay in the first place. Like you've probably heard gay has many meanings. It's up to the person hearing it and being offended to realize they are not in offense to them. Besides gay people are gay are they not? So why should they get mad?


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Gay people are gay and use degenerative tactics to ruin the game.

I hate gay people and find their lifestyles brutally offensive.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
It doesn't matter if there is anything "intended" or not. It's simply not acceptable. I don't walk around saying everything I think is stupid "Straight" or "That's so Black".

You wouldn't say "That's so Mexican" would you?

Not appropriot. This isn't up for debate.

Gay doesn't mean Happy. That's like using eighteenth century english in the real world, it doesn't apply.

Anyone arguing FOR saying "Gay" or "F*ggot" or "No Homo" is simply against the gay community. You're diminishing me as a person by saying anything like that. You're making what I am, an insult.

I hate gay people and find their lifestyles brutally offensive.
Hi there. Nice to meet you.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
I mean if the word "Black" was used instead would it not be Racist? If "Jewish" was used instead would it not be bigoted?

Gay has been around in the English dictionary for many, many centuries. Before it was considered homosexual.

1275–1325; 1950–55 for def. 5; Middle English gai < Old French < Germanic; compare Old High German gāhi meaning fast, sudden (dictionary.com)

Gay doesn't mean Happy. That's like using eighteenth century english in the real world, it doesn't apply.
I'm sure having a gay ol' time or

I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and gay

Is not 18th century.

Gay as its present sense is now considered homosexual, through usage of SLANG.

SLANG meaning the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's dialect or language.

Therefore, Homosexual is gay, and Annoying is gay, but these two definitions of the word are as same as Bear in the woods and to bear a child.

To compare them as saying BLACK when angry is not the same, or shall I use the word ******, is different because although smartass people might wanna claim that it means a ignorant person, along that route of usage means that blacks were ignorant, lazy people, and the word just evolved from that.

Likewise, saying JEW'd in a sense that someone got gipped and had something taken away from them stems from the fact that many Jewish people were Loaners and Jewelers that took things away from people and confiscated funds, hence the ill will of Jews in Nazi Germany.

Now, today, We know better than to say ****** or jew (for the latter one, I hope we figure out that this isn't a good way to refer to things since judaism is a religion, not a race), but when It comes to the term gay, that word didn't start as homosexuality, it started as Happy :D

In short, no. Gay is the definition of Annoying to me. If someone gay has a problem with it, then maybe they need to comprehend that I am not refering, nor insulting their homosexuality, and they need to get that through their heads. Not one single gay person I know have chastised me for this, and I believe many homosexuals say OMG THATS GAY, just like any one of us.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Gay as its present sense is now considered homosexual, through usage of SLANG.
That doesn't even matter, gay is the appropriot term for being "Homosexual". Why are you even defending ignorance? It's called LGBT for a reason.

You're defending your right to speak as you please. Whatever. Awesome. But it's still offensive/derogatory. Bottom Line This isn't argueable. We can sit here and argue all you want but I don't see why you insist on using a word when you know it hurts people. You would stop doing something if it physically hurt someone, so why continue to hurt someone in the emotional sense?

Chances are you don't know what it's like to be a minority and hated for how you were born. You don't know what it's like to listen to people use what you are as an insult. I do, and there is a reason why suicide rate in gay teens is massively higher then an normal person.

It's because people don't like to change, and would prefer to simply hate.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
That doesn't even matter, gay is the appropriot term for being "Homosexual". Why are you even defending ignorance? It's called LGBT for a reason.

You're defending your right to speak as you please. Whatever. Awesome. But it's still offensive/derogatory. Bottom Line This isn't argueable.
I thought LGBT was called Lesbian Gay Bi Transgender for that reason.

I am sorry it offends you, if it means much. I got nothing against you.

At the same point it is argueable. It's the reason why this thread was created.

I am not defending ignorance, I just have a difference in opinion. It's okay to have that.


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2008
London, Ontario
I am gay and would never call something that., I find it annoying that people constantly refer to stuff as gay.

When a person is gay, they are different but it isn't something on the surface such as skin color. Black people don't have to tell people that they are black. But being gay is internal so you have to make a conscious choice to be seen and judged differently by almost everybody that you know.

A lot of gay people deal with troubles of self acceptance and telling people you are gay isn't easy and can be very awkward. Having your new public sexuality being synonymous with wrong or lame only makes things harder, and thats why I don't say it.


OTL Winrar
Jun 6, 2006
Brooklyn, New York
*reads OP*
I've had the same thought in my mind. I don't use it the way I've seen it used in modern society. It does, however, bothers me a bit. I don't try to push my beliefs on people but rather do my part in not saying it in a meaning that it's used today. It's all about tolerance.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008

mountain out of a mole hill....

that is what this whole topic seems to be now....


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
I am gay and would never call something that., I find it annoying that people constantly refer to stuff as gay.

When a person is gay, they are different but it isn't something on the surface such as skin color. Black people don't have to tell people that they are black. But being gay is internal so you have to make a conscious choice to be seen and judged different by almost everybody that you know.

A lot of gay people deal with troubles of self acceptance, telling people you are gay isn't easy and can be very awkward. Having your new public sexuality being synonymous with wrong or lame only makes things harder, and thats why I don't say it.
I like this guy. He has a valid point. If someone is not comfortable in their skin hearing Gay, then it is a personal sense of responsiblity not to offend who is around. If this guy is gay, I am not going to say Gay around him. It's offensive. I let my friends say ***** around me, but thats because I am ok with it. If I wasn't, then I'd say something. I really don't think this subject needs agression, as much as there is an understanding that people have different views on this opinion, and some are offended, and some are not.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
I'm not gay, but I grew out of using the word "gay" as the Smash community uses it years ago. It must have been anywhere from 6-8 years ago when I stopped using it. Heck, I don't even use the word ***, mostly because I don't have a reason to.

I think this commercial says it all:

If you desperately need a new word, here:

Stupid, herp derp, bull****, overpowered/OP, annoying.

Any of those five would do, really.

I see these way more on SRK and Dustloop. I can't even recall the last time I saw gay even used at those places as it's used here.

That guy who said gays are offensive was just trolling, but I understand why you'd get riled up.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
All I can say is, if this thread was about saying the N word at tournaments, it would have been closed in an instant. . .

Equality FTL.

@Nick You say this isn't a Jab fest, and yet you're defending slurrs. I seriously don't and will probably never see the point you're trying to make. I'm increadibly open minded, but to sit here and say that "This is okay" is something I will never do. I see no reason for any sort of racial, sexist, homophobic ect. word to even be used ever. This isn't a perfect world, and I understand when people slip up when they say things. My friends sometimes do and I get it. But to just decide, "nah, I'll keep saying it" is ignorant. No other word describes someone not caring when they are putting another person down a way as personal as saying "That's so gay".


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Chances are you don't know what it's like to be a minority and hated for how you were born. You don't know what it's like to listen to people use what you are as an insult. I do, and there is a reason why suicide rate in gay teens is massively higher then an normal person.
Glad to see you are alive.

You know, I don't wanna make a big deal outta this, but yes, I am a minority. I have been called ******. I have been ridiculed by my peers for acting like an Uncle Tom and "an Intelligent *****". So please, keep your accuasations to yourself, it is not needed in this thread. This thread needs to be a civil conversation of opinions, not a jab fest.

Dude, make a Reply. Dont re-edit your post. It stops forum flow.

You are gay. That's fine. You can also be my *****. It cool man. You don't need to understand my opinion, but just knowing that I have a different one is good enough, so no need for attack.

I respect you for being who you are, and I understand your opinion. Just don't try to make it seem that your opinion must be understood or I am demonized as a general misunderstanding douchebag of the populace. Don't attack my personal background. You haven't lived my life. That was very insulting. What I may have typed before hand may have insulted you, but make no assurance was I singling out you of every gay person in the world.

Ask Teran why he doesn't find the word offensive :D


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2009
Anyone notice how a few posts back, we were called to accept change/differences and stop using the word gay to show acceptance of change?

Take a second, and realize that the usage of the word gay by the smash community (and the public in general) has a DIFFERENT meaning than homosexual. The meaning has CHANGED from its original meaning of homosexual (which was CHANGED from happy before that).

Do gay people (Edit: gay Non-Teran people) want to be more accepting of this change/difference?


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Anyone notice how a few posts back, we were called to accept change/differences and stop using the word gay to show acceptance of change?

Take a second, and realize that the usage of the word gay by the smash community (and the public in general) has a DIFFERENT meaning than homosexual. The meaning has CHANGED from its original meaning of homosexual (which was CHANGED from happy before that).

Do gay people (Edit: gay Non-Teran people) want to be more accepting of this change/difference?
Good point. I wonder if Homosexuals were offended by being called gay, that was derivative from happy. I know I do not like being called African American, and I prefer to be called Black American.

Lenus Altair

Smash Ace
Mar 7, 2008
Anyone notice how a few posts back, we were called to accept change/differences and stop using the word gay to show acceptance of change?

Take a second, and realize that the usage of the word gay by the smash community (and the public in general) has a DIFFERENT meaning than homosexual. The meaning has CHANGED from its original meaning of homosexual (which was CHANGED from happy before that).

Do gay people (Edit: gay Non-Teran people) want to be more accepting of this change/difference?
The change was based on Gay being a synonymy for homosexual which was defined as wrong. Just cause you cut out the homosexual part doesn't mean it's suddenly not bigoted.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I'm not attacking you for your background, I'm showing the flaws in your arguement. And if it came across as me attacking you personally then I'm sorry and I didn't intend for that. It's stupid for people to say that they don't have a problem with gay people, yet they continue to use the word "Gay" as a subistute for stupid/annoying/a negative word. If you aren't going to posatively impact something, then you are negatively impacting it.

To argue that Gays should just except it, is makes no sense. Instead of fighting for equality and not letting people step all over you. . . just take it. So ladies, if you have a boss who continually hits on you and makes dirty jokes towards you, just except it. Is it fixable? yes. But nope. Just except it.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
So ladies, if you have a boss who continually hits on you and makes dirty jokes towards you, just except it.
Men, if you have a boss who continually hits on you and makes dirty jokes towards you, just except it. Hell yea.

Shortie, I have no real problems with your arguments, except, try to stay a bit on topic on your subjects. Lol, sometimes I feel they deviate a bit. Like the going from "minority" to "gay teenage suicides" part from earlier".

Well, a gay person told me to say it. Sudai from LA. He said to me, "dude, I use it, You can too. It's no big deal. Personally, I do not use Gay often. I just usually say GOTDANGIT. But I say it around Silly Kyle, and I don't hear a refusal from him. I'll ask him about it and see what he says. In Teran's case however, he don't fuggin care lol


Smash Journeyman
Sep 16, 2010
Nah it isnt even close to restricted to the smash community. Its a global issue. It doesn't have a different meaning, even in this context, it springs from the fact that calling someone gay is derogatory and so calling something gay is derrogatory. While it isn't always cheap or princessy or lame or actually gay, its always derogatory. And the worst part is unlike words like f@g or mankind this word (in this use) is of modern origin.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 16, 2010
Even under the argument that its derogatory to women, using the word **** does not condone it


Smash Journeyman
Sep 16, 2010
Unlike the word gay where it has a direct impication that being gay is derrogatory.

At worst, using "****" commits the crime of making light of something that is very dark. However this is human nature to laugh at satire. Similar how you laugh at Cartman from South Park. You laugh at it rather than with it.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
**** affects everyone. I never said woman either. What about Church Boys? I am a Catholic. I think **** has every reason to be on the discussion as well.

Of course, this is the Gay use thread. Im just throwing that out for your consideration.

Anyway, Im done with this thread. I dunno why my arse walked into Brawl discussion. Peace.

I hate South Park.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 16, 2010
So your argument is it makes light of ****, becuase certainly using the word does not condone it. I just want to be clear

I dont really like it either.

Lenus Altair

Smash Ace
Mar 7, 2008
Yep. That's why it needs the shutdown. Saying someone got ***** isn't funny. For no one. :(
I find it odd that you can say that yet not have issue with the word gay.

Also the friend you quoted is just one person. There are a number of gays who don't feel it's offensive. The opposite is also true.

I stand by the the use of the word is inherently derogatory in how its used on Smash Boards and the community at large and harms a number of people who are still dealing with their identity. The fact the so many people see it as a non issue is perhaps the most distressing.


cactus in the valley that's about to crumble down.
Nov 21, 2010
Oro Valley
I think the phrase "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me" needs to be seriously considered for a topic such as this. "Gay" is a word, don't treat it like anything else. There is a lot of hate in the world, nothing will ever change that, and it is very hard to change a person's views on a specific matter. The only thing that matters is whether or not you decide to care what people think of you, and whether you can handle words you deem as hateful or succumb to them. The word doesn't bother me at all, it is not aimed towards me, it is not being used in a hateful manner towards me, so why should I care?
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