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Gathering of the Brethren II: I Can't Believe it's Not Bill, 7/10, Chapel Hill, NC


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC

family: thanks for dropping me off on the way back from new york.

Jim: thanks for the ditto's bro. Losing in tournament never felt so fun. I'll keep learning, and I'll be a challenge next year.

snap: keep your head up. We've both improved so much recently. In like 5 years we'll be the next stingers and jim. I have no words for that stitch, but I have faith that you'll bounce back. Those friendlies were intense too man, and most importantly stay confident.

twitch: ur funny. Your fox is oddly simple...problem is I play ganon...ur fun to play tho. Good stuff vs mike.

karn: I will keep learning for as long as you keep teaching.

smith: don't do stuff like that bro!

pp: I got your back :)

tj: still good. Hope you keep playing.

l0zr: you the dern best. Friendlies against you are mad fun.

cam: OMFG **** HARDER JEEZUS. I wish we got more...or any friendlies. But we both actually attend stuff, so we'll get some in in the fall.

stingers: playing against you at dark:30 was pretty fun. Maybe someday we'll get friendlies during daylight with our minds completely functioning. Good stuff tho, I learned a lot.

the general: what a man. Those friendlies were so fun. Hope to see you again man. Such a quick peach...nairs faster than a black man runnin from the police. Serious ****.

others: fun tourney, and we all made it happen.

pr's: get more accurate now, scrub.

Damage Points

Smash Ace
Apr 22, 2010
Apex, NC
Oh i thought Rag got 5th. Wish I could have gone. What did mits and duo place??? Someone needs to post the full bracket. Seth r u coming to the tourney on the 31st????


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
I lost to seth in round 2 of winners (got a bye round 1) and craig in losers semis.

lol i was playing so dumb against you craig.


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
I lost to seth in round 2 of winners (got a bye round 1) and craig in losers semis.

lol i was playing so dumb against you craig.
you would have to. craig sucks. my MK beat him in friendlies and i was sandbagging.
and then all of the sudden he sucked my ****. so he's also gay, apparently.

@smith: shut the **** up

@all of SP: <3

shoutouts later


Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2006
SHoutouts! ( in no particular order )

L0zr - great to meet you man. Your fox is the truth, lol. It was great playing you in singles and teams. I think you not wearing a shirt all day just made all of your matches more hype in addition to keeping you cooler than everyone else. ****ing mind games son.

Mott - Good to meet you as well. This community needs to hype its peach mains more. I'd never heard of you until yesterday and you are definitely a lot more knowledgeable about peach than most people ( me included ). I think the next tourney though we need to have a side peach tourney to really see where everyone stands.

BlackChris - My NY brother. Good to meet you in person. You're super chill and collected. I highly value those traits. Your ganon is pretty freaking scary, too. I'd have to say that the way you move seems to just increase ganon's ground speed. Great playing friendlies with you.

Snap - My peach brother. Thanks for showing me a good time in teams. Sorry I ****ed up and cost us matches by hitting you accidentally. Way to hype this entire tourney. You're too funnyy dude. I will have to signature the Kevin Nanney Convulsion and the origin of L0zr.

Stingers - I didn't know you played melee at all. Good to see you and Jim doing work in teams. Very interesting.

TJ - Yet another peach down here. Had a lot of fun doing friendlies with you and I learned quite a bit.

Dr. PP aka the Tyrant of NC - Keeping that first place spot on lock, man. Unfortunately we didn't get to play at all yesterday but it was still good to see you baby. Double falcon team was legit, man.

Cam - good **** in singles. basically 0 to death'd my peach on yoshi's and I saw it coming, too. Very legit. We'll have to play friendlies more next time I see you.

Peter - I knew you were going to be good at street fighter just judging by how quiet you were when you entered the room that day. Feeling out things from the start. We gotta play some more before I go back up to new york. Your timing is too good on that pad and those dragon punches were pretty godlike. I don't think your ryu ever really left the ground, lol.

Karn - good stuff hosting the tourney. I was very pleased with how everything ran overall. We're going to need a bigger venue next time though. Winner's teams finals was pretty much a sausage fest.

Ocean - thanks for the ride, bro. Sucks that you still have that driving curfew but it'll be over before you know it. Good luck getting that puff legit and remember people can say and think whatever they want about your character but that should have no influence on your decision to use it. In other words "Haters gonna hate" baby.

PLUR - nice to meet you, man. Hats off to you for going ic's in a team battle against double peach. Balzy does not begin to describe that. I mean even Chu switches from ic's against good peach's.

Twitch - I had a lot of fun doing friendlies with you. Your fox is great. Very high pressure. Good job on your singles placing, too. We'll have to play again sometime.

I'm sure I missed lots of people and I apologize but regardless, it was good to see NC out in full force. Great stuff.


Smash Cadet
Apr 4, 2009
Mott - Good to meet you as well. This community needs to hype its peach mains more. I'd never heard of you until yesterday and you are definitely a lot more knowledgeable about peach than most people ( me included ). I think the next tourney though we need to have a side peach tourney to really see where everyone stands.

I think you have me mistaken for someone else, I main Marth.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
vids are for tourneys run OUTSIDE of NC.

same with results threads.

in short: haha, you crazy.

but **** i wish i could rewatch some of those matches. especially anything involving cam. dat ***** wild.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
I'll make a results thread with the brackets and whatnot soon. I tried to just now, but mullins' computer was being gay.

38 entrants for melee! so legit


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
oh yeah, that was said. ocean forgot his setup or something, so no melee was recorded.

brawl might have stuff on their sd cards or something like that, idk.

forced entry is ****. 38 entrants? woulda been like 20 without it i bet. <3 NC.

edit: good **** raggy bro.

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
Snap: Speaking of which, I heard you trying to spread the legacy of BAYYBEHHHH around, I appreciate that.
Thanks man, after i watched you play cam i kind of wanted to play you but you have no idea how much i hate marth, haha. But seriously next time man.

I think you have me mistaken for someone else, I main Marth.
Pretty sure you mean david (Tho) bearded man?

Okay, now, shout outs time.

Black Chris, That stitch face was too good. you get honorary first shout out for ****ing combo videoing me right there. :( you make me feel so bad at this game.

Ocean, thanks for trying to make me feel better after getting ****ed up by chris, True bro status.

Rohan, boy your fox be looking good. DROP MARTH LOL :)

David, grrr. peach dittos.

Bracket, I have the worst luck when it comes to it.

Stingers, i love you man, your so ****ing hilarious.

Alex The Zellers, way to be an ******* on that car combo, good stuff other wise, almost ****ed rag up till he gayed you. keep stacking it up and youll get better placings.

Cory- wiping your butthole with the states best MK's since 2010.

Shady- lol D3

Keef- where were you during this?

Scott- you missed the best tournament ever. ****er, no johns.

Mits- never got to play SC4. if i get it you should pick it back up and play online with me :)

Duo- keep stacking it up man. your gonna be number one again real soon. i know it.

Cam- why did i never hang with you at this :/ get at me about apex car, i think me and joshua figured something out.

PP- thanks for the ride babehhhhh. loved it.

Twitch- too good.


yay- thanks for buying me food, your the best. ill hit you back for sure at the next one

LOZR 3:16- Thats the bottom line.


Everyone else, thanks for making it out. loved it, had fun.

Robby Thompson!!!

Smash Rookie
Mar 19, 2010
It was really awesome meeting everyone! Shout-outs:

Cam: Good matches man. Your falco is legit. PLaying you when you were on green greens was weird. :)

PP: It was an honor to play with the best. You're so good. Ahhhhhhh ****.

Stingers: Lol it was fun playing you in brawl. Maybe I'll start playing. You should stop sandbagging even tho you ***** me.

Foxy: YOu're a pretty funny guy. Hope to see you around more.

Karn: I'm so glad this was my first tournament. There were a lot people there but looks like we all had fun. Too bad I had to leave early.

Matt/Diatenshi: Good friendlies. They were wicked close.

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
**** snap, forgetin' me. :(
Sorry little baby. you know i love ya

also this is funny to me

He's handicapped, so he uses one hand just to press the R trigger, and then I think he moves the control stick with his lips while pressing the buttons by pressing his tongue through his cheek.

Thats in regards to some marth player.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
i saw this "last posted by" and i lol'd.

edit: that was when lvl 9 luigi posted.

double edit: lol snap, i really knew you'd enjoy that. for those who don't know, pawls to the wall is a good ganon, used to be cluelessbtd on the boards (Clue).
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