Smash Legend
Actually, I'm gonna disagree.Ganon's making Lucario his b**** in that photo.
in terms of Pokemon, you're doing it wrong. Wobbuffet is the Pokemon to be. I know all about his place in the competitive game, but in a 1 vs. 1 battle, Wobbufett is the most worthless pokemon in the game. Even worse then Farfetch'd. Wobbuffet has literally zero offense, so any other pokemon can set up on Wobbuffet's fact and Wobbuffet can just taunt them and make life as frustrating as possible. And any time the other Pokemon doesn't finish off Wobbufett fast enough, Wobbuffet completely rips them apart and destroys them, but enough pokemon can just set up and finish off Wobbuffet that Wobbuffet is worthless in 1 vs. 1 battles. Plus Wobbuffet's tail has eyes, and nobody wants to know why, just like why Ganon doesn't actually use his sword in battle.
There's a lot of reasons why Ganondorf is a lot like Wobbuffet. Like Wobbuffet, Ganondorf shines in teams, where he can support his mate and his mate can do the same. Both are essentially worthless in 1 vs. 1 battles because they're incapable of mounting an offensive without getting hit for a tonload of damage first. Oh, and if that tonload of damage doesn't kill Ganondorf, Ganon can retaliate and strike back for twice the damage in the same time frame. Both are way too slow, but their taunts are awesome. To end with a final point, they can't recover.
Wobbuffet is too good.
Wobbuffet actually loses out in teams, cause that means more of a chance of a pokemon that can set up against him and also means your opponent can choose not to direct damage at you.
He excels in trapping in 1v1, just ripping pokemon apart that can't get through his defenses and so he counters or mirror coats them into oblivion.
Can you have my babies?![]()
Man, TP, that is a crappy reason to justify use of Nidoking. Lemme break it down.
Do you see that ****? Purple fire all over the place because he just punched you in the face, and I think we all know fire isn't purple. Therefore we must conclude that is a type of superfire, so basically being hit by Ganondorf is about the same thing as having fifty buildings made out of tanks fall on top of you. Also, these tank-buildings are on fire.
Now let's check out Nidoking.
He's purple. He has KING in his name. Nidoking, ladies and gentlemen, you are about to be mauled on by the biggest piece of purple loyalty you have ever seen. Also, do you know his types? He's poison, sure, sure, that's pretty cool, but he's also GROUND-type. And what makes this so awesome is that ground-types are completely invulnerable to lightning.
That's right. This mother****er could be hit by lightning - and it would not do a thing. When it storms, Nidoking hides under a tree because he doesn't give a **** if he's hit by lightning.
Does this remind you of anything? It should, it's called "23% of concentrated beard lightning stomping in your face".
With this information I can only pull one conclusion: the only thing that can match up to the awesomeness of Ganondorf is Nidoking himself, because they're just really alike. Also, they're about as cool as say... riding a dolphin. Now that may not sound so appealing to some but you should know that this dolphin goes around the universe in a single jump and is 500 feet tall.
Any questions?