I assure you, I unfortunately read it, I just felt as though you were misconstruing the purpose of his post. I understand your "response" to the sentiment. I just fail to see how it is relevant. You implied that the majority opinion would yield results or that his sentiment did not matter because it was not the majority. I have no idea what you were getting on about; nevertheless, it was clearly fallacious and I felt obligated to address it.I already responded to this sentiment. Maybe you should read the posts you like, because you liked this one and didn't seem to acknowledge it as the follow-up to the post you quoted from me.
Sakurai makes the decisions regarding game-development, it does not matter if the majority of LoZ fans want a new move-set, it does not matter if the majority of LoZ fans do not want Ganon to be changed at all. He has the final decision and I asserted that, more likely than not; based on the precedent, he was going to prioritize the same party he did in Brawl. The current Ganon mains who are accustomed to Ganon's move-set.
I am declaring that it does not mean anything that some Ganon mains would be okay with the entirely new move-set. He is not catering to those mains. He is catering to the mains who main Ganon because they are content with Ganon's current move-set. Simple as that. If he materially altered his move-set, it would have an adverse effect on those players. There is a reason almost every single character in the game has the exact same move-set. He does not want to fundamentally change anything. Ganon is no exception just because the fan-base believes that he "deserves" more.
Unless you are alluding to the post where you basically agree with me; in that case, okay... agreed? I was focusing on one aspect of your post, if that helps.
That one sentence fragment is the basis of my entire response. So if it appeared that I did not read the rest of your posts because I responded to this one statement, I apologize. It was the only aspect of the argument that I was disagreeing with.just that your sentiment isn't in the majority.