Well-said, but the bold part is something I think is entirely too accurate. As I've mentioned in the past, probably ad nauseum, Ganon's power counts for very little through the lense of consistency. The primary moves with which Ganon <will> secure an advantage in neutral seldom kill below average kill percents across the cast. UAir, NAir, DTilt, Wizkick, etc.It's not so much Risk relative to Reward as it is Risk relative to the Reward of the rest of his moveset. I feel like just plain dropping an absurdly powerful grab confirm into his moveset would mess up Ganon as a character and overly centralize him around that confirm. It would absolutely be absurdly powerful too, no matter what aerial he was hitting with. Probably would be killing around 60-120% depending on rage and position.
However, you could avoid that centralization by buffing the power of the rest of his moveset along with adding the confirm by just buffing all/most of the moves that don't kill around 80-130% (depending on stage position and rage naturally, 80 being optimal position with full rage and 130 being the opposite) to the point that they do. That would keep the reward of the confirm in line with his entire moveset as a whole, and would avoid centralizing him around grabbing.
I don't think that kind of consistent killing power would be out of line either. Ganondorf needs to use his comparatively limited tools very creatively to win neutral, and that occasional hit can give Ganon enough reward to justify that. At the moment though, too often you work hard for that hit and they just still don't die. Quite frankly that reaaaaally shouldn't happen. If Ganon wins neutral against your comparatively superfast character and you're at 120-130%, you should be dead barring really bad stage position.
I can't see it being problematic in FFAs either. Ganon in FFA is mostly going to be using his most powerful attacks anyway, so buffing less powerful ones won't affect it much.
Wow this wound up a lot longer than I thought it would turn out.
Using moves that can net stocks reasonably early are ones I'd be remiss to say are well-suited for high-level play outside of, of course, maverick, dead-ass, bullseye reads.