pick your battles.
Ganondorf is not more manly than Captain Falcon. No, no, at ease, gentlemen. Such is a chance to grow in our understanding of the Orthodoxy.
Captain Falcon is more manly than Ganondorf. To say otherwise is just denial of scientific fact.
Much like the secrets of Samus' Chozo armor, scientists of any discipline are not entirely sure how the Falcon's manliness comes into being, but there is data to say a lot
about it - and leaving many of the deep questions of this phenomenon to our greatest philosophers, we can all be certain, that no one surpasses the Falcon in mannitude.
But at the same time, the Ganon's
beast levels, among other, vastly more important metrics, do dwarf Falcon's own. In addition, just for exploratory purposes, the Ganon even has properties of which Falcon has
no measure;
exemplis gratis, do you know how many material symbols of primordial Creator Force that Captain Falcon has in his possession? I'll bet you it's not one.
But, the work of figuring out exactly what the beast levels are or what sort of measures it is we want to talk about, can be left to the physicists. For now, my job as a theologian I think can be at rest, and say these would be why our
worship subscription to Ganondorf is good and just - although such facts are little more than contingent, given it was not our choice, but His that we should grovel so.
Nonetheless. We shall not fall from the right knowledge of our king, being caught in inconsequential squabbles over untruths on His name.
A short hymn now, if you will join me:
wwwooooaaarrruuohhh.... urrrruuuaaaaaaggghhh. Amen.
Thank you for your question, Spelt.