Thanx bro. That makes me feel good XD!yes it will be capped
were not sure at how many people yet though
maybe 40 or maybe 50
we don't want it getting too crowded you know?
but what you can do is drop by the store earlier and pay your money like through out the week before the day of the tourney to save a spot
or if you don't have the money you can just drop by to write your name on the list
just to save you a spot you know?
they like you there anyway of course were gonna want you to come back bro
were gonna need someone who offers the good competition
Well its kinda of a far drive for me so Ill just get there that morning of registration early. Good looking out and ill cya there!
retro you still wanna team? if so ill let you know for sure by the end of this weekend if i can make it or not