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Gamestop Tournament Tips and Info!


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I use the term Casual to describe a player that doesn't really care about placing in tournaments, or just play for fun. I see Competitive as playing in tournaments (for fun) and wanting to do the best that they can.

I am a very competitive player in Socal. However, there are times when I'm playing with those I am way better than that I'll just play casually instead.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2004
South Carolina

Now you're starting to get on my nerves. Did you not read what I posted. I even fixed my wording in my first post when you seemingly understood my point.

Now you're saying I said casual players are inexperienced and played poorly?


But I have implied scrubs who lose do complain and make excuses instead of admitting defeat.

I acknowledged that I didn't use the proper words and fix them. Even before I had categorized the type of casuals I was talking about and it was clear I was referring to the scrubs when I used the term "casual."

If you're saying how you don't like how the words are being used, then that's too bad. Even if someone "competitive" say "casual" there is a understood meaning of their reference. We don't mean the solid definition of "casual" rather a specific faction within casual players whom we tend to meet.

As said before, it's just the jargon. If a pro sport player says "those amateurs don't know what they're doing" they refer to what they actually mean. Amateurs who don't know what they are doing, not amateurs to participate in leagues.

If that's what you're getting at then say, "you guys should use scrubs instead of casuals because there is some misunderstanding." Tells us what our words mean, but don't tell us what we mean when we way something.


Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2006
PA - Philly - North East

Now you're starting to get on my nerves. Did you not read what I posted. I even fixed my wording in my first post when you seemingly understood my point.

Now you're saying I said casual players are inexperienced and played poorly?


But I have implied scrubs who lose do complain and make excuses instead of admitting defeat.

I acknowledged that I didn't use the proper words and fix them. Even before I had categorized the type of casuals I was talking about and it was clear I was referring to the scrubs when I used the term "casual."

If you're saying how you don't like how the words are being used, then that's too bad. Even if someone "competitive" say "casual" there is a understood meaning of their reference. We don't mean the solid definition of "casual" rather a specific faction within casual players whom we tend to meet.

As said before, it's just the jargon. If a pro sport player says "those amateurs don't know what they're doing" they refer to what they actually mean. Amateurs who don't know what they are doing, not amateurs to participate in leagues.

If that's what you're getting at then say, "you guys should use scrubs instead of casuals because there is some misunderstanding." Tells us what our words mean, but don't tell us what we mean when we way something.
i have no problem with what you said.

I was only addressing the issue as to why "casuals" and "competitive" players never EVER agree on anything. Its partly because "competitive players" lump everyone who isnt competitive into the casual crowd. And then they have a defined stereotype for those who are "casuals". That stereotype doesnt make any sense, because it excludes a ton of people.

If you were talking about hardcore / casual. then it would make sense. There could be a black and white line. But when youre talking about competitive and casual, there is no black and white, because they arent antomyns, they have to be related through a long and, in smashbaords case, undefined route.


Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2006
PA - Philly - North East
ok .. im done arguing ..

i said 1 little thing ... it seems like if anyone challenges anything about the was smashboards is run, then everyone has a hissy fit and blows up. It wasnt even a big thing. I REALLY have no idea why anyone would care at all.

its been fun.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Impact used the term Casual, and implied that everyone who was casual was inexperienced and played poorly. Yes, this is the quote i used to counter you bet.
No he didn't.

You said that this wasnt an insult. The fact of whether its an insult or not is irrelevant. My argument directed towards the inconsistinces that are brought about by using only 2 words to describe the smash community.
No it isn't as you specifically claimed that "we" the Competitive Gamers use "Casual" as an insult and "Competitve" as an expletive.

PERHAPS, years ago, when there were about 30 people on this board at any given time, those 2 words were simple enough to describe the smash community. But now, with over 500 people on at any time, the community has grown. 2 words, with absolutely no relevance to each other, are not good enough to describe people on smash.
Why can it not?

You know what this implies? YES! My original point. That smashboards have developed a relationship between two words which have no relationship outside of this forum.

I really dont know what else to tell you
Point me towards a single competitive fighting community that's not grouped in the same way using the same definitions. Just because you say something does not make it so.

i have no problem with what you said.
Funny, you claimed he was insulting all casuals.

I was only addressing the issue as to why "casuals" and "competitive" players never EVER agree on anything. Its partly because "competitive players" lump everyone who isnt competitive into the casual crowd. And then they have a defined stereotype for those who are "casuals". That stereotype doesnt make any sense, because it excludes a ton of people.
How hard is it to understand that it's not that strane to "lump" everyone who isn't part of the Competitive "crowd" together into the Casual "crowd"?

There are many kinds of Casuals, just as there are many kinds of Competitives. While the Casual crown for Melee might be bigger than the Competitive Crowd, this still doesn't make it impossible or logical to not group the different players into the two major groups Competitive and Casual.

Within both groups, sub-groups exist.

There is nothing wrong with being a Casual Gamer. No one ever said it was!

Why are you so against us classifying Smashers by these two labels (and possible sub-labels)?! It's quite illogical. It's as if you think we'd lump you into the Casual Gamer crowd and are somehow affrontred by this, desperately wanting to not be lumped in with the "Casuals".

The definition of Casual according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

1: subject to, resulting from, or occurring by chance <a casual meeting>2 a: occurring without regularity : occasional <casual employment> b: employed for irregular periods <a casual worker> c: met with on occasion and known only superficially <a casual friend>3 a (1): feeling or showing little concern : nonchalant <a casual approach to cooking> (2): lacking a high degree of interest or devotion <casual sports fans> <casual readers> (3): done without serious intent or commitment <casual sex> b

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary + Me, MookieRah and Others > You.

If you were talking about hardcore / casual. then it would make sense. There could be a black and white line. But when youre talking about competitive and casual, there is no black and white, because they arent antomyns, they have to be related through a long and, in smashbaords case, undefined route.
Most people start out as Casuals. They move up through the rank of Casual Gaming until they decide to go into Competitive Gaming.

Some jump straight to Competitive Gaming (like I did with Smash).


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
Impact used the term Casual, and implied that everyone who was casual was inexperienced and played poorly. Yes, this is the quote i used to counter you bet.
No he didn't.

You said that this wasnt an insult. The fact of whether its an insult or not is irrelevant. My argument directed towards the inconsistinces that are brought about by using only 2 words to describe the smash community.
No it isn't as you specifically claimed that "we" the Competitive Gamers use "Casual" as an insult and "Competitve" as an expletive.

PERHAPS, years ago, when there were about 30 people on this board at any given time, those 2 words were simple enough to describe the smash community. But now, with over 500 people on at any time, the community has grown. 2 words, with absolutely no relevance to each other, are not good enough to describe people on smash.
Why can it not?

You know what this implies? YES! My original point. That smashboards have developed a relationship between two words which have no relationship outside of this forum.

I really dont know what else to tell you
Point me towards a single competitive fighting community that's not grouped in the same way using the same definitions. Just because you say something does not make it so.

i have no problem with what you said.
Funny, you claimed he was insulting all casuals.

I was only addressing the issue as to why "casuals" and "competitive" players never EVER agree on anything. Its partly because "competitive players" lump everyone who isnt competitive into the casual crowd. And then they have a defined stereotype for those who are "casuals". That stereotype doesnt make any sense, because it excludes a ton of people.
How hard is it to understand that it's not that strane to "lump" everyone who isn't part of the Competitive "crowd" together into the Casual "crowd"?

There are many kinds of Casuals, just as there are many kinds of Competitives. While the Casual crown for Melee might be bigger than the Competitive Crowd, this still doesn't make it impossible or logical to not group the different players into the two major groups Competitive and Casual.

Within both groups, sub-groups exist.

There is nothing wrong with being a Casual Gamer. No one ever said it was!

Why are you so against us classifying Smashers by these two labels (and possible sub-labels)?! It's quite illogical. It's as if you think we'd lump you into the Casual Gamer crowd and are somehow affrontred by this, desperately wanting to not be lumped in with the "Casuals".

The definition of Casual according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

1: subject to, resulting from, or occurring by chance <a casual meeting>2 a: occurring without regularity : occasional <casual employment> b: employed for irregular periods <a casual worker> c: met with on occasion and known only superficially <a casual friend>3 a (1): feeling or showing little concern : nonchalant <a casual approach to cooking> (2): lacking a high degree of interest or devotion <casual sports fans> <casual readers> (3): done without serious intent or commitment <casual sex> b

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary + Me, MookieRah and Others > You.

If you were talking about hardcore / casual. then it would make sense. There could be a black and white line. But when youre talking about competitive and casual, there is no black and white, because they arent antomyns, they have to be related through a long and, in smashbaords case, undefined route.
Most people start out as Casuals. They move up through the rank of Casual Gaming until they decide to go into Competitive Gaming.

Some jump straight to Competitive Gaming (like I did with Smash).


Smash Cadet
Feb 26, 2008
Something that occured to me that I never posted:

A fighting game's fanbase tends to break down into 4 major catagories. You have the casual type, who play sometimes and don't attend tournaments. The hardcore type, who play often with great skill, and don't attend tournaments. The scrubs, who aren't very good but attempt to prove something at a tournament level. And the competitive type, who play in tournaments and usually place.

Many here often make the mistake of assuming that just because someone plays in tournaments often that they are better than a non-tournament going hardcore vet. I can tell you that I've learned far, FAR more from playing against people in a non-tournament environment than I ever have otherwise, because you are far more likely to meet a broader range of people that way.

Finally, the last point I'll make on the Mookie "debate", is that you never presented anything for me to argue with. The best you came up with was to shield yourself and back-pedal, which is all I really wanted in the first place. Something to keep in mind, kid. You may be good, but no one is ever as good as they think they are.

Maybe I'll get back to you with my FC when Brawl comes out and I get home for Spring break.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 5, 2007
so hows about them tips eh?
i recommend being awesome so you can beat all them noobs and show how ridiculously awesome you are.

but seriously,how bout we get back on topic?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
Something that occured to me that I never posted:

A fighting game's fanbase tends to break down into 4 major catagories. You have the casual type, who play sometimes and don't attend tournaments. The hardcore type, who play often with great skill, and don't attend tournaments. The scrubs, who aren't very good but attempt to prove something at a tournament level. And the competitive type, who play in tournaments and usually place.

Many here often make the mistake of assuming that just because someone plays in tournaments often that they are better than a non-tournament going hardcore vet. I can tell you that I've learned far, FAR more from playing against people in a non-tournament environment than I ever have otherwise, because you are far more likely to meet a broader range of people that way.

I try to at least imply this on other places I go to, I'm sure I may have said something like this here at some point.


Smash Cadet
Dec 6, 2007
Im currently trying to decide between Sheik or ZSS.

Questions about ZSS:

I was a Sheik main in melee, so would I adapt to her quickly?

I seen alot of vids where she was punished for missing a grab, is it best to avoid
using the move for beginners?

Questions about Sheik:

People have stated that her F-Air is no longer the kill move as it was in melee, what
are her best kill moves to use? So far, I read to use Nair and Bair and that her Fsmash
was buffed.

Can she still use her tilts excessively?

Thanks for any help and I apologize if this has already been asked.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2006
San Marcos, Tx, USA

I don't want to lose the brawl intellectuals to some debate.

So! Can we talk about counterpicks? I'm assuming we'll see alot of Fox, Ike, Ike, Link (we can only hope)...

who else do you think we'll see, and are there any good counterpicks for multiple of those? I mean, I know we're likely talking about an immense difference in skill level (average tourney goer vs. SWF user), and that should out, but I'm just not sure of counterpicks.

I'm likely going to go with Sheik/Zelda as my two picks because I know Sheik can rack up damage, then kill with an item against slower players, and many other chars can be taken out by Zelda.

Anyone else's strategy for picking? I'm particularly thinking about Ike here.

EDIT: @ poster above me: Sheik can still manhandle, but you need to concentrate solely on comboing. Go for racking up damage rather than trying to KO early. Her fSmash, up+b, and uSmash are viable KO moves.

For more info, visit the sheik character discussion forum.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
I can tell you that I've learned far, FAR more from playing against people in a non-tournament environment than I ever have otherwise, because you are far more likely to meet a broader range of people that way.
Of course, you learn all of your basics by playing people in your area. You train prior to tournaments with people that are around you, or online if the game allows. The thing is, you improve much faster by training with other competitive players who also have tournament experience.

Also, you learn so much from tournaments. These things go beyond simply learning techniques and strategies. Some of the lessons you learn is to slow yourself down, or not be so greedy. Other important things are learning how to handle well under pressure. There is a lot that one learns in a tournament setting that is extremely hard to learn outside of tournaments.

Another important aspect to tournaments is the valuable experience you gain from playing a lot of friendly matches with people from another location. While it's subtle, there are differences in how each region plays. The more you learn from these variations the better and more diverse player you become.
Many here often make the mistake of assuming that just because someone plays in tournaments often that they are better than a non-tournament going hardcore vet.
The only exception to this argument are the competitive newcomers. There are some newbies that aren't as good as the casual crowd, and that is fairly obvious. That said, when I or pretty much anybody here, refers to "competitive players" we are referring to people that have been around for a decent amount of time and aren't in any way a newbie.
is that you never presented anything for me to argue with.
Umm, what? You criticized me for virtually everything, called me out on things, and then when you can't back up your arguments you tell me that I never presented you with anything? There are tons of points you could have made, but for the most part you just attacked my character and made assumptions about my knowledge of the smash community.

Points I've made with my arguments:
Competitive players as a whole are better than casual players.

Casual players as a whole do not actively engage in adjusting to their opponents playstyle, they typically run on a set of patterns.

Using psychology against human opponents is effective. Those with less mental resolve more easily succumb to tactics that involve establishing fear and doubt.

Casual players as a whole aren't used to the pressures of a tournament match nearly as much as competitive players.

Ike, Dedede, and Lucas are excellent choices to use based on the ruleset.

Those are my points in a nutshell. If you can't really debate them, it's not my fault that what I'm saying makes too much sense to counter. If you can't counter them, then why are you debating against me?
The best you came up with was to shield yourself and back-pedal, which is all I really wanted in the first place.
I never back-peddled. Please, tell me where I actually went back and changed what I've said. My message has always been the same, the only difference is how I worded things a few times.

You act as if you actually took part in a "debate" but all you were capable of doing was making generalized statements about other scenes and throwing insults and assumptions around.
You may be good, but no one is ever as good as they think they are.
For starters... I told you, specifically, that I was overrated. I'm good, but not great. I used to be better, by metagame standards, but now not so much. So yeah, you are making a lot of assumptions about me.
Maybe I'll get back to you with my FC when Brawl comes out and I get home for Spring break.
I honestly would like that. You are obviously intelligent from your posts, it just seems you particularly hate the competitive smash community and are a bit misguided in your beliefs over it. I'd like to play yas, although I'm somewhat out in the boonies so the connection might be pretty ****ty. Are you anywhere near the south/southeast?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2005
Im currently trying to decide between Sheik or ZSS.

Questions about ZSS:

I was a Sheik main in melee, so would I adapt to her quickly?

I seen alot of vids where she was punished for missing a grab, is it best to avoid
using the move for beginners?

Questions about Sheik:

People have stated that her F-Air is no longer the kill move as it was in melee, what
are her best kill moves to use? So far, I read to use Nair and Bair and that her Fsmash
was buffed.

Can she still use her tilts excessively?

Thanks for any help and I apologize if this has already been asked.
I believe Sheik can still use her tilts fairly well, but what I've gathered is that she just isn't the killer she was in Melee, which is why you could try switching to Zelda for the kill, if the time is enough that is. As for Zamus, I have no idea


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
Sheik's fair would probably still kill alright, but the thing is it's so useful for racking up damage that you would want to use it for comboing. That in itself means that unless you actually abstain from using it purely for killing then it wouldn't be a good kill move. It's still significantly nerfed though... even without stale moves it doesn't have as much killing potential. It now knocks people up and away, as opposed to down and away.

Also, the problem with switching to Zelda is that it takes a long long time now. Basically it gives your opponent a free smash on you :-(. It's a sad story.


Smash Rookie
Aug 8, 2006
sorry for being a n00b but does the tournament start at midnight and if so what time are the gamestops opening up? Thanks.


Smash Lord
Dec 20, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
I'm going to get to try out brawl this week.

So that means I have enough time to get off some practice with TACTICS with Link. TACTICS is also known as the swiftshot, tethercancel, or quickshot.



Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2008
sorry for being a n00b but does the tournament start at midnight and if so what time are the game stops opening up? Thanks.

You don't have to say your sorry your just asking a question bra.

To answer your question many different we are not sure. Every game stop is hosting different style tournaments at different times, I believe most are starting at 9:30 but you should be there a half an hour early to sign up. Most game stops will only be allowing 32 people and you sign up WHEN YOU GET THERE so get there ASAP.


Da Black Rabbit

Smash Journeyman
Jan 4, 2008
Ephrata, PA
... It sucks how Sheik is my top pick for winning in Melee cuz now she sucks...

Falco, Luigi is secret and so is Marth so their out.

All that leaves is Link...

I know for sure I'm getting past round one with Link. I should know everyone who's good at smash around my way. Not like I live in a big city like Philly. Still, districts and regionals worries me...

Well, actually EXCITES ME! Can't wait for the challenge. I hear Link got better but still. I wouldn't rely on him to much for a serious win.

I might use Ike since I was inherently good with Roy through Marth. But I really wanna use Sonic. I doubt I'm getting Sub-90 damage kills with him like I could pull with Ike.


Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
yo guys I had a thought about D3. There you are, penguin-ing away, winning your matches, when somebody flips out over the chaingrab. maybe you can just ignore him, right? but worst case scenario, the tired employee tells you to stop using D3 just to shut the guy up. now you need a new character.
from the way this tourney is run, it's a distinct possibility. so I'd say that any potential D3s should at least be aware that people may react this way. I make this statement with full knowledge that the CG is escapable and a relatively minor tactic, nevertheless it might get your character banned.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2006
under the rainbow
Wow. Of all the things to claim I'm being a *******. That my friend is called psychology. If you beat people at a mental game, they can't beat you. It's referred to as "psyching" people out. There is nothing inherently wrong with that at all.
I never said you were an ******* [though you may be, i wouldn't know], just that you come off as one. I suppose it's more of a problem with your style of writing than anything.

Zk Hammer

Smash Cadet
Oct 27, 2007
Yes, can we please stay on topic, there is a lot of great tips for people who want to be recognized at the tournament. I was going to use MK, but thanks to this thread (especially MookieRah who is active, stays on topic and focuses on important things), I think I will use DDD.

Thanks all for the tips, even though I may not get much past round 2 or 3 (with the assumtion no round 1ers from my area are from smashboards). Can't wait to play some of you when its actually out.

Chrono Centaur

Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2008
yo guys I had a thought about D3. There you are, penguin-ing away, winning your matches, when somebody flips out over the chaingrab. maybe you can just ignore him, right? but worst case scenario, the tired employee tells you to stop using D3 just to shut the guy up. now you need a new character.
from the way this tourney is run, it's a distinct possibility. so I'd say that any potential D3s should at least be aware that people may react this way. I make this statement with full knowledge that the CG is escapable and a relatively minor tactic, nevertheless it might get your character banned.
Then uhh, you don't chaingrab? No offense, but if people are going to get pissed over something broken, don't do it. I thought it only worked against a wall anyway. :<


Smash Rookie
Feb 7, 2008
I was at Gamestop today to get a place in the tournament, and they ARE useing only Wiimote+Nunchuck:(


Smash Hero
Aug 14, 2005
Northwest NJ
Technically it might not be the starting roster only. Its been said that you will be able to play the game on March 4th because that is when they get it. Probably whatever characters are unlocked you can play as.

Also if you want to have a chance at all with getting to play with a GC controller. Talk to your gamestop about having them put your wavebird port inside the plastic box before it starts. You can't use a normal GC controller because it obviously cant go through plastic and its manditory for it to be around the wii so nobody touches it.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2008
Technically it might not be the starting roster only. Its been said that you will be able to play the game on March 4th because that is when they get it. Probably whatever characters are unlocked you can play as.

Also if you want to have a chance at all with getting to play with a GC controller. Talk to your gamestop about having them put your wavebird port inside the plastic box before it starts. You can't use a normal GC controller because it obviously cant go through plastic and its manditory for it to be around the wii so nobody touches it.
"*These rules are NOT set in stone, some gamestops may have totally different rules all together, this is just a blue print for what most gamestop rules will be. The only way to be sure is to call the gamestop you will be going to."

good point about asking them if you can use a wavebird though :)

Ban Heim

Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
Technically it might not be the starting roster only. Its been said that you will be able to play the game on March 4th because that is when they get it. Probably whatever characters are unlocked you can play as.

Also if you want to have a chance at all with getting to play with a GC controller. Talk to your gamestop about having them put your wavebird port inside the plastic box before it starts. You can't use a normal GC controller because it obviously cant go through plastic and its manditory for it to be around the wii so nobody touches it.
Who's been saying this March 4th thing?

Also, my gamestop has only had 5 people sign up so far, including me and two of my friends. Doesn't seem like we'll have a high turnout. Honestly though, I'm more afraid of my friends beating me than random people since they know my play style.


Smash Lord
May 28, 2007
Homewood, IL
Who's been saying this March 4th thing?

Honestly though, I'm more afraid of my friends beating me than random people since they know my play style.
Thats why I'm going to the gamestop down the street and leaving my friends at another, so we don't get eliminated.

Zk Hammer

Smash Cadet
Oct 27, 2007
Who's been saying this March 4th thing?

Also, my gamestop has only had 5 people sign up so far, including me and two of my friends. Doesn't seem like we'll have a high turnout. Honestly though, I'm more afraid of my friends beating me than random people since they know my play style.
oh man that sucks dude. The gamestop near me already has 150 people who reserved it, so i assume the line will be hell. I live in a pretty small town too, im surprised at the turnout over there of only 5 thus far.


Smash Master
Sep 21, 2007
Baton Rouge, LA
Technically it might not be the starting roster only. Its been said that you will be able to play the game on March 4th because that is when they get it. Probably whatever characters are unlocked you can play as.

Also if you want to have a chance at all with getting to play with a GC controller. Talk to your gamestop about having them put your wavebird port inside the plastic box before it starts. You can't use a normal GC controller because it obviously cant go through plastic and its manditory for it to be around the wii so nobody touches it.
You know, it'd be ironic if they used the wireless Gamestop controllers.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2008
Yesterday when i signed up the paper they gave me to sign was half full...so like 15 people including me....i bet though some will just sign up like 10 mins before it stars...if they come at 10PM and not 12 cause it's being held at 10 there lol.

Ban Heim

Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2007
oh man that sucks dude. The gamestop near me already has 150 people who reserved it, so i assume the line will be hell. I live in a pretty small town too, im surprised at the turnout over there of only 5 thus far.
We have tons of reservations but they aren't advertising the tournament at all. At least they weren't until I went there and had them make a list for it.
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