Smash Lord
LOL, that's not your fault. It's just kind of silly that I managed to find housing for close to 50 out-of-staters for OH SNAP!, but 10 of us can't be accommodated anywhere that's reasonably close to the venue. Why have I wasted my time hyping up this event in my own state if we're not even going to be taken care of in similar fashion? You're not even a host, so I appreciate the fact that you're even extending any sort of offer, period.;_; Sorry I don't live closer?
That would be more acceptable, except that everyone that's entering Melee is entering Brawl too. But if this is the best offer (and you're positive you can do this free of hassle), then I will happily accept. I just feel bad crashing your place, especially since I was expecting more hands-on involvement from the hosts and people affiliated with this event to adopt a more proactive approach about this.I might be able to split you guys(melee/brawl) between kal and I... My house is an hour away from the venue.
For fun, let's do the math:
Ten (10) people from OK for Brawl = $100
Five (5) also want to enter Melee = $50
Oh, yeah = $50 venue fee
You guys really want to turn this many people away?