Hey, it's me again. YAY! I did it! I did the multishine (even though it was at slow frame speed). Thanks for the info!!!
I think you messed up when you gave me the frame data though.
You got most of it right up until when Fox is off the ground:
Frame 4: Fox is off the ground, shine comes out (add three if you hit stuff) <-Correct
Frame 5,6,7: Fox lands <-Not so correct. Fox is still in the air here.
Frame 8: Shine again<-Incorrect. This is when Fox lands.
And then on frame 9 you jump and repeat the process.
Yeah, that's right, i forgot mislabeled the part about landings, and that confused me. I knew there were three frames in the air.
So if someone pulls up a shield, and I hit it with a shine, they get pushed back and they are stuck in their shield for a short amount of time? Is this what you meant by shield stun and traction? Sorry if this sounds kind of noobish, but I've never really heard of this.
Exactly. Each move gives a certain # of frames of Shield hit lag that they can't do anything w/ their shield during. Also, when an attack hits their shield, they'll slide a bit, this traction is determined both by the traction of the character, and the "density" (heavy vs light) of their shield.
Again with the multishine: What are the/how many ways do people pull off this move? i.e.: BXB <-REALLY fast, using the control stick, using finger nails, sliding fingers, clawing <-WHAT IS THAT?!

I REALLY want to pull off this move even if it's just during training mode (or taunting).
What you're doing here is just jumping, then shining the moment you're in the air, so you can use any jump method and press down b. I personally slide my thumb from y>b, lift it, and start over again (don't slide back to y, as this will limit your ending options).
The "Claw" is just a term for a variety of ways of holding the controller with an index finger on one or more of the buttons. It's not necessary, and i don't recommend using it.
On average, what is the probability of pulling off a perfect waveshine when attempting a waveshine? And when you DO pull off a perfect waveshine, how do you know? And do you need to walk a bit to waveshine combo them if you did a perfect waveshine? I think I do pretty well when it comes to perfect waveshines, but I don't really have any indication to tell me whether I'm doing it right or not, so that's why I'm asking.
1. there is no probability, there is a success rate that is person specific (mine's over 90%)
2. You know because you're awesome (there isn't really a good way to tell, unless you're waveshine comboing a luigi, then you know you've done it right).
3. Depends on the traction of the character, sheik and less can be comboed w/o walking (sheik might take a step, i'm not exactly sure). greater than sheik (i.e. marios, ness, marth) you need to dash you of your perfect waveshines.
"There is no such thing as annoying w/ too many questions, so long as it's in this thread, (not making a new thread for each)." -Scotu. Thanks, that means a lot.

Like I said before, I have A LOT of questions. Another...big...post...
This is a very intelligent, non-flammable discussion in which one person shares their knowledge w/ another for the common good. This is not a n00b conversation at all, nor are they n00b questions. n00b questions are very simple things that have been asked many times, and have a new thread for them each time they are asked. there are a ton of "how do i waveshine" threads. Those are n00b questions because they didn't check stickies/ ask here. Answering questions like these are actually really fun, so go ahead.
Note: further discussion on shield pressure, and other shield related topics would be more suited for the thread on shield pressure, so the knowlege is all there, not spread between here, there, and some new thread on fox pillaring when he didn't look 1/4 of the way down the page before posting (n00b question...). I guess i'm defining a n00b question as a question asked when there is already a thread explaining it on the first page of the fox boards.