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Q&A -Fox Advice/Questions Topic-


Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2007
New York
btw do you guys know if peach can airdodge out of uthrow uair (at low percent) everytime? when testing it in training mode I can't get uthrow->uair to combo until around 70%. Yah you can bait the airdodge and punish but I'm just curious
sorry 4 the triple post =)

peach can air dodge out of it... but what peach do is they just float after u up throw.. i think she gets out of up throw up air @ around 60ish 70ish % i may be wrong tho..


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
raynex & cactus - you mean the DI away from uthrow, then DI the uair in the opposite direction?
yhea that usually ends the combo early :(
I often get 3 uairs b/c many of the people I play will keep diing the same direction throughout the entire combo (I need to learn some of my friends more about di, I know >.>)

And yhea, charging smashes against spot-dodgers is fun. :laugh: Problem is, I always get greedy and try to charge it to much so I mistime it :( I'll try the fullhop nair/dair thing, sound cool

Lovage-Nice sig O.o Do you kno how that guy DI'd there? I know normal shine-bairs are possible even if they don't DI, but shine-turnaround-bairs? (You lose 3 frames when you turn around...)
lol he super d.i.ed that. Also, look at where lovage hit him with the initial shine. Top part of the shine, on the lower part of Marth's body. Seems to follow the same recipe for most shine bairs I've seen from Fox.

Lovage 805

Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
I left my wallet in
connor vs lovage 5 is my eggz vs dj comboLOL

shine turnaround bair works when they survival DI, expecting a bair or nair off the stage like most people would. so even tho it requires stupid DI, you can hit it most of the time if you just predict how they're going to DI. this concept goes for a lot of fun combos like that. get them in a situation where they DI a certain way and then punish them for DIing that way
Jun 27, 2005
the west
Does that say DJ-O in your sig, Oscar? I can't tell lol.
I did this tight combo the other day on this Bojangles guy. Nair>shine>short hop bair>nair onto platform under him>usmash


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
Honestly...Jman making a thread is like me making a thread. I know you've kicked **** up in NYC biweeklies and stuff, but to make your own thread as if you've made it as a pro level smasher...

People might think you have a big head. Just sayin'.

This post comes out of nowhere. Clear sideswipe at jman. Raynex obviously thinks he is jman's equal or better and took some type of offense to Jman thinking he could make a fox topic like this. Then he says "people" might think jman has a big head (i.e. HE thinks jman needs to check himself). It's just a passive aggressive shot at jman. Then he says pro-level is M2K/PC level which means there are like a handful of "pro level smashers" out there. Pretty high standard...awkward way of justifying the first post.

I do agree there don't need to be this many fox topics on the board tho. :chuckle:


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
How is ny starting **** when you volunteered to compare urself to jman and say you both were unworthy of making this topic, then knock the alukard biweekly when nobody had mentioned ur name before that?


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
hey jman, who is the best character in the game ? LOL

i love getting into this discussion with you ^_^


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
pivot drop offs are hard as hell but really satisfying
I have to admit, when PC did that walk off pivot edgehog to shine on M2k in the finals on that FD match... That's just a situation I don't think I would ever have the nerves to do at a pinnacle point in a match.

Lovage 805

Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
I left my wallet in
I have to admit, when PC did that walk off pivot edgehog to shine on M2k in the finals on that FD match... That's just a situation I don't think I would ever have the nerves to do at a pinnacle point in a match.
no, we're talking about different things

theres walkoffs and pivot drops
walkoffs is just walking at the ledge and pressing back right before you fall off, its really easy and practical. this is sometimes called the PC chris walk off, PC drop or just The PC Chris

pivot drops is dashing at the ledge, and then initiating a dash back on the frame you would have fallen off. so basically you're pivoting, but because you happen to be on the ledge, you fall off and grab. . its very hard and people never do it intentionally because its too difficult and requires very precise timing

Lovage 805

Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
I left my wallet in
another reason why melee is the best game ever, this discussion wouldn't even happen in brawl LOL
walkoff and WD back are both amazing ways to grab the ledge. from short distances, a pivot drop by far the fastest way to grab the ledge, but its so hard :X.

there are a lot of fun ways to grab the ledge.
short hop fast fall grab
WD back
shine turnaround WD back
edge cancel aeriel -> shine turnaround up+b grab
pivot drop
and more, thats why this game is amazing lol

walkoff is my favorite, though, and its usefulness extends when you use it off of platforms for back air spacing.

you can also do a walkoff off a near platform and grab the ledge below


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
no, we're talking about different things

theres walkoffs and pivot drops
walkoffs is just walking at the ledge and pressing back right before you fall off, its really easy and practical. this is sometimes called the PC chris walk off, PC drop or just The PC Chris

pivot drops is dashing at the ledge, and then initiating a dash back on the frame you would have fallen off. so basically you're pivoting, but because you happen to be on the ledge, you fall off and grab. . its very hard and people never do it intentionally because its too difficult and requires very precise timing
I knew the differences. But whenever someone mentions pivot edgehog, walk-off turn around edgehogs... I just think of that blessed moment.

What's odd is, I definitely do the pivot edgehog the most with Falcon. Probably because with Fox I find myself doing run off shine reverse upB edgehog, or doing walk-offs.


Smash Master
Apr 12, 2008
Göteborg, Sweden
You forgot edge-canceled reverse SHL (from a dash) and full jump single laser->fall off and grab the edge (also from a dash)
they're prolly the fastest from a dash, except dash-cancel->pivot drop
dash cancel shine->jump cancel and slide off during the jump animation that kya mentioned is fun aswell
you can also just run off, fast fall and do a illusion and instantly grab the edge. it's not fast or anything, but it says "ping" lol

i prefer just wd'ing back or doing shine-turnaround->wd back out of a dash. they're not really hard so I won't mess up and they're fast

Moonwalking is just for lulz/surprise/wow-factor (i was kidding about it being practical shuffla :p)

Lovage 805

Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
I left my wallet in
yeah i also do the pivot drop the most with falcon, just because his dash is the longest its easier to time.
sliding off during your shines jump animation is hard i should practice it


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
-dash->shine->JC with a SH and FF to edge.

-run off FF illusion to edge

-run off up+b->momentum carries you out->sweetspot

lol so useless but so fun.
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