hey i finally played some friendlies with a dude whos decent (he L-cancels and DIs) and we played a bunch of fox dittos and i pretty much beasted. lol but whenever i tried to do the shffl nair->shine-wavedash->jab (is that Thunders combo?), i would always be short or late in jabbing. AKA after shining he would get pushed out of my jab range after I waveshined so he used his get up attack and hit me like every time, and i know for a fact that he was not DIing away from the shine.
it looked like i was wavedashing at full length and not triangle jumping but i guess i could be wrong. so i could've not been wavedashing at full length. is it necessary to against fox? also when i was doing the nair, fox's legs were hitting my opponent, so my shine would barely hit. should i be hitting them closer to fox's butt (lol), then waveshining? oh and sometimes he even used ftilt before i jabbed him but thats probably because i was too slow in hitting A.