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FMOI and Glyph present War of the Roses. DABUZ IS THE CHAMP!


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters
OK, Excellence, you need to stop now.

You saying that you suck means that you think I suck even more, because you've beaten me before. That's bullcrap. You're a high level player, but you need to be able to accept a loss.
Good grief, Glyph, are you really going to contest the fact that I suck? How can you even say that I'm a high level player when you know it's not true? I can accept a loss, trust me they're what I cling to for improvement - especially getting three stocked like just a few moments ago. Neither of us are at a high level of play. That's a fact.


All I want is a custom title
Aug 9, 2008
San Diego
Slithe, just post or leave me a pm/message if you're here, so we can do our matches

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006



People who I can easily three stock suck. People who can keep me in a constant state of fear do not. You, good sir, and in the latter group. There's no breathing room against your Olimar.

EDIT: I came one place away from money in a tournament about a month ago. I lost to Chozenone and Boss8 2-1. Boss is considered the best mario in the USA, and I came **** near close to beating him. If that's not "high level", I don't know what is.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters



People who I can easily three stock suck. People who can keep me in a constant state of fear do not. You, good sir, and in the latter group. There's no breathing room against your Olimar.

EDIT: I came one place away from money in a tournament about a month ago. I lost to Chozenone and Boss8 2-1. Boss is considered the best mario in the USA, and I came **** near close to beating him. If that's not "high level", I don't know what is.
Okay, Glyph, I'm no going to argue with you anymore. I've told you the facts and you're still not listening me. When I tell you that I suck, I am being as realistic as possible. There is a fine line between high level, competitive play and where I'm at. If I tell you I suck, it's not being postoptomistic because of a loss. I'm being realistic in telling you that I'm playing far from the level I should be playing at - a level that should be winning tournaments - a competitive level.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Excellence, you changed your opinion of yourself alot. You don't suck. But the thing is not everyone wins tournaments. Although you think you might be able to not everyone can.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters
Excellence, you changed your opinion of yourself alot. You don't suck. But the thing is not everyone wins tournaments. Although you think you might be able to not everyone can.
Chaco, I have never said that I'm good because I've never thought it to be true. I've always maintained the fact that I'm below the level needed to play and win tournaments.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Um, GFE hasn't been on since the 7th... I think I have a problem.:bee:
Is cba on? They're brothers.

@ Excellence:

We get it, you're a perfectionist but if you're going to be a sore loser and try to get people to feel sorry for you then just get out... -_-' Saying you suck not only insults the people who have beaten you but also those who have tried very hard to beat you in the past. If you're going to get all emo on us then just bring yourself down; don't try to drag down everyone with you.


Smash Master
Feb 24, 2007
Arlington, VA
He shouldn't feel bad, I have a lot of experience with Olimar. I used to play him for a while, and I've faced very good Olimars before, like Olimarman at Boon's tourneys. I know what he can do and how to handle it for the most part.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters
Is cba on? They're brothers.

@ Excellence:

We get it, you're a perfectionist but if you're going to be a sore loser and try to get people to feel sorry for you then just get out... -_-' Saying you suck not only insults the people who have beaten you but also those who have tried very hard to beat you in the past. If you're going to get all emo on us then just bring yourself down; don't try to drag down everyone with you.
Since when am I a sore loser? Come on, be realistic. Has anyone ever expected to win each match? No. Losing happens and I refuse to keep explaining myself as to my thoughts on losing. If people beat me, how would that drag them down? If you beat someone who sucks then there's a chance that you do not. As for those who consistantly lose to me, then you've probably got a lot of work ahead of you, because as I said I suck. It's not being emotional to realize you've got changes to make.

Being a perfectionist is only motivating.


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
Its time everyone here realized there's no arguing with Excellence :p


Smash Journeyman
Sep 12, 2008
i cant believe the tourny here is laready starting tomorrow and considering the length of round one. might give me some time cause of homework issues from school. its like it fits my scheduel perfectly


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters
Its time everyone here realized there's no arguing with Excellence :p
This is true because no one is going to tell me what I fell, think, or know. Unless you're within my already belabyrinth conscious then you really have nothing to stand on.

I suck. I suck so bad that the people I fight lose from being sidetracked by my suckiness. "Sucking" can be a good thing using the proper terminology.
Do you play Star Ocean Till The End of Time?


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Since when am I a sore loser? Claiming someone three stocked you in not one but two matches and then calling them a liar when they do tell the truth is being a sore loser... -_-; Come on, be realistic. Has anyone ever expected to win each match? You do apparently because you threw a fit too when you lost to Gigyas Knight in Electric Schuffle. No. Losing happens and I refuse to keep explaining myself as to my thoughts on losing. If people beat me, how would that drag them down? Because you talk as if you're the worst player in the world when you have even three stocked Zeonstar in the past, something I haven't done yet myself even using strong counterpick stages and characters. If you beat someone who sucks then there's a chance that you do not. As for those who consistantly lose to me, then you've probably got a lot of work ahead of you, because as I said I suck. It's not being emotional to realize you've got changes to make. If you didn't make it seem like you're a complete failure of human being everytime you lost a set then I'd believe this.

Being a perfectionist is only motivating.
Being a perfectionist is more discouraging then motivating because, once you get to a certain point, nothing is ever good enough anymore.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters
To cheer you up Excellence you can write that wall of criticism on me that you held back on.
I don't need cheering up. Anyway, I'm busy doing that for myself.

And how do I get in contact of your friend, Excellence?
He's staying over tonight, tomorrow, and the next day. If you'd like to play I'll play messenger boy and relay your message to him.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters
Let's digest this entire post so that I can alleviate you of any illusions or misinterpretations of my behaviors that you have.

"Claiming someone three stocked you in not one but two matches and then calling them a liar when they do tell the truth is being a sore loser... -_-;"

-I'm sorry, I didn't know you played these matches with us. Please refresh my memory as to who you were, Olimar or Snake? I told you he three stocked me both rounds and you have what proof that he did not? His word means absolutely nothing. He is trying to make me feel better and give me a softer landing back to the boards. If anything, this would only prove me to be a poor, if not strange, liar.

"You do apparently because you threw a fit too when you lost to Gigyas Knight in Electric Schuffle."

I through a fit? I said "This was such a waste of time," which it was because I lost and no longer had a shot at the prize. I play to win. That does not mean that I play thinking or believing that I will actually do so.

"Because you talk as if you're the worst player in the world when you have even three stocked Zeonstar in the past, something I haven't done yet myself even using strong counterpick stages and characters."

I don't talk like I'm the worst player in the world. However, I am just about the only player who can call himself "suck" without being postoptomistic and emotional about it. I said I suck because that's how I'm playing. If I were playing better, then I'd definately say so. ZenoStar three stocked me three times in all thirty something matches we've had during and after that tournament. He did this using Ganondorf which is a ****ing 80:20 match-up in my favor. If I had any sort of idea what I was doing, he shouldn't even be able to approach. That means I sucked. Even someone who doesn't main Olimar should be able to demolish Ganondorf in that match-up, reguardless of who the Ganondorf is.

If I was being such a poor sport, why did I improve my knowledge of Ganondorf to continue on and three stock ZenoStar twice and prevent him from winning on any stage other than Battlefield (in which case all matches were close and went in either direction).

"If you didn't make it seem like you're a complete failure of human being everytime you lost a set then I'd believe this."

What you believe is no longer an issue, the only things that matter are facts. And these are the facts.

"Being a perfectionist is more discouraging then motivating because, once you get to a certain point, nothing is ever good enough anymore."

For who? Are you telling me what I think, believe, or feel, again? I'll keep pushing toward perfection until there is nothing left, but perfection. In which case I'll keep pressing toward it, even in vain and naive attempts. That will never mean that nothing is ever good enough, because perfection is good enough.


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
lol I'm in a ffa with 2 other people right now. Omis? there's one spot left. Hurry!


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters
Absolutely not. I gave up at Super Blair. I never got to Lenneth, Gabriel Celesta, or Ethereal Queen. I couldnt keep up my level strength because I had no time. I plan on starting all over.
Good luck. Ask if you need assistance/advice. I'm going to tell you right now, you cannot consistantly kill Freya on 4D without MP Killing her, it's the only way that works.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
South Jersey
Yea Ive played Zeonstar a few times and I just can't play him in the lag. Whenever I lag I tend to start using Rolls and Fsmashes more. He predicts my rolls and SHDairs. And I SD a lot.

And WTF a FALCO FIRST ROUND. Gosh, I better not lose first round again.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
Northern Virginia
I'm getting sleepy... *waits for something to happen*.
Hopefully either my opponent shows up soon, or we can continue tomorrow.
Otherwise I might forfeit....

the practice tournament.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Let's digest this entire post so that I can alleviate you of any illusions or misinterpretations of my behaviors that you have.

"Claiming someone three stocked you in not one but two matches and then calling them a liar when they do tell the truth is being a sore loser... -_-;"

-I'm sorry, I didn't know you played these matches with us. Please refresh my memory as to who you were, Olimar or Snake? I told you he three stocked me both rounds and you have what proof that he did not? His word means absolutely nothing. He is trying to make me feel better and give me a softer landing back to the boards. If anything, this would only prove me to be a poor, if not strange, liar.

"You do apparently because you threw a fit too when you lost to Gigyas Knight in Electric Schuffle."

I through a fit? I said "This was such a waste of time," which it was because I lost and no longer had a shot at the prize. I play to win. That does not mean that I play thinking or believing that I will actually do so.

"Because you talk as if you're the worst player in the world when you have even three stocked Zeonstar in the past, something I haven't done yet myself even using strong counterpick stages and characters."

I don't talk like I'm the worst player in the world. However, I am just about the only player who can call himself "suck" without being postoptomistic and emotional about it. I said I suck because that's how I'm playing. If I were playing better, then I'd definately say so. ZenoStar three stocked me three times in all thirty something matches we've had during and after that tournament. He did this using Ganondorf which is a ****ing 80:20 match-up in my favor. If I had any sort of idea what I was doing, he shouldn't even be able to approach. That means I sucked. Even someone who doesn't main Olimar should be able to demolish Ganondorf in that match-up, reguardless of who the Ganondorf is.

If I was being such a poor sport, why did I improve my knowledge of Ganondorf to continue on and three stock ZenoStar twice and prevent him from winning on any stage other than Battlefield (in which case all matches were close and went in either direction).

"If you didn't make it seem like you're a complete failure of human being everytime you lost a set then I'd believe this."

What you believe is no longer an issue, the only things that matter are facts. And these are the facts.

"Being a perfectionist is more discouraging then motivating because, once you get to a certain point, nothing is ever good enough anymore."

For who? Are you telling me what I think, believe, or feel, again? I'll keep pushing toward perfection until there is nothing left, but perfection. In which case I'll keep pressing toward it, even in vain and naive attempts. That will never mean that nothing is ever good enough, because perfection is good enough.
1. Softer landing? For what reason? IT'S A PRACTICE TOURNAMENT FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! There was only 16 people, 25% of the people didn't even show up, and there's not even a prize at stake. Also, the fact that his word "means nothing" shows how much an inflated ego you have. I take his word over yours; you know why? Because you always act like this when you lose. Also, here's a better question: why would he care about giving you a "softer landing." Isn't this the first time you guys have ever fought? Why should he really care that much about your well being?

2. You then went on about the lag and went on about how much you and your Olimar suck...

3. You also have to have to consider the players' skill levels. It can go either way; they could just be really good. Losing doesn't always mean you suck. Also, regarding matchups, those act as bases and are mostly theory. Matchups theorize that, if you have two players of the same skill level, player A will have an advantage/disadvantage over player B. What isn't added into the equation is how skilled the people are or how experienced they are with the match up. For example, I played one of my longest standing rivals today, fallcrowe, and his Metaknight and I won with characters like Wolf and Zelda (both being 70-30 in MK's favor)and beat his Snake, who has beaten people like Ally, one of the top ranked online players, using people like Kirby, Pit, and Ness. It used to be that it was pretty much an automatic loss if he even brought those characters out but I've come a long way. I didn't suck because, even as far back as April, I'd 2/3 stock most people I played against on a regular basis; he was just really good and still is. You can't be the only person who's part of the equation, you have to consider the other person too.

4. Your initial reaction still makes you a poor sport. When you lose you either A. claim that you suck B. blame the lag or C. say something like you weren't feeling good. Congrats, you took your lumps and built off of it but the whole ceremony you go through each time it happens isn't really nessecary. It's kind of like slamming your finger in a door; it can hurt like crazy but yelling "F***" and then kicking your dog in the face doesn't do anything to help it.

5. More or less, we're throwing each others opinions at each other like hand grenades so no one is 100% right or wrong here therefor we are NOT dealing entirely with facts.

6. Just trying to save you some grief when you're in a retirement home moping about never being President or finding a solution to world hunder/cancer/AIDS. :psycho:
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