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FL Social Thread:You Mad, You Lose.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
i agree with the idea of no more honorables. it doesnt mean much, or at least its not worth the arguments, meanwhile b_rawl, ur right, this IS the PR discussion... not the HONORABLE MENTION discussion, when people put out PRs, they generally talk about the PRs, if u have no issues with the PRs themselves, then stop complaining. the HM's are just an idea of who we thought has the potential to make it on given current statistics, thats all.

The mm thing counting for PRs can go either way. on the one hand, someone does directly take money from someone else. on the other, most mm's are just used to feel out opponents on the hopes to be able to better read them should they meet in tourny.


Smash Hero
Mar 9, 2008
Kissimmee, FL (Poinciana)
Well how about instead of honorable mentions, we have a 15 person PR. I mean the honoroable mentions are basically 11-15 in the PR. right? am i right about that?
I don't think this is a good idea. If you increase the PR to 15, it really diminishes the importance of being on the PR to begin with. We should do away with the honorable mentions as well. I can't comprehend why so many people are complaining because someone is/is not an honorable mention. I thought we were trying to get onto the PR.

Just keep the PR at 10, no more honorable mentions, and if you're not on the list (even if you have a legit case why you should be), just prove people wrong and do work at tournies.

that is all.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2008
Gainesville, Florida, USA, North America, Mars.
I don't think this is a good idea. If you increase the PR to 15, it really diminishes the importance of being on the PR to begin with. We should do away with the honorable mentions as well. I can't comprehend why so many people are complaining because someone is/is not an honorable mention. I thought we were trying to get onto the PR.

Just keep the PR at 10, no more honorable mentions, and if you're not on the list (even if you have a legit case why you should be), just prove people wrong and do work at tournies.

tru. Im just saying since ppl seem a lot happier when they see a number next to their name.
Maybe someone from north florida should be added to the ppl in charged of making the PR. I dunno, just random suggestions.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
I say either no honorable mentions, or a top 15. All or nothing, because anything in between will annoy people.


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Yeah, nobdody will be happy regardless of how the list is, because there will always be the people who "don't deserve it" or "should be on there"


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Yeah, nobdody will be happy regardless of how the list is, because there will always be the people who "don't deserve it" or "should be on there"

So mabye someone in tampa should hold a ****ing tourney.

That'd be cool.....


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2008
Ocala, Fl
you can take me off and put someone else on there, cause i honestly don't really care, you shouldn't need a list to show how good you are or where you need to place. Didn't know it'd be this much of a big deal lol.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
If by on a consistent basis you mean beating them repeatedly in sets more than they can beat me, then not really. I've attended too few tournies to answer this clearly really because as far as the current top 10 go, I've only played and beaten Nick once, played and lost to Chops once, lost to Afro once, and sort of if not tied with Seibrik. Player skill can fluctuate wildly so who knows how my sets vs anyone on the PR will turn out next time?

I'm sorry for breaking your "yes or no" rule but I've attended too few tournaments to answer it clearly as of now.
Once again I jus t want to remind U that I DO BELIEVE THAT U BELONG ON THAT LIST. Hell, I've seen ur vids and kno Ur great. It's just that the honorable mentions list shud have included a few more people. As far as Galuuda is concerned. I believe that he has won a few tourneys so he def belongs there. Idk about Fearless(creepy *** name sheesh) and Chaz but I kno they were good since the last PR's. BTW, Who is petey???

i agree with the idea of no more honorables. it doesnt mean much, or at least its not worth the arguments, meanwhile b_rawl, ur right, this IS the PR discussion... not the HONORABLE MENTION discussion, when people put out PRs, they generally talk about the PRs, if u have no issues with the PRs themselves, then stop complaining. the HM's are just an idea of who we thought has the potential to make it on given current statistics, thats all.

The mm thing counting for PRs can go either way. on the one hand, someone does directly take money from someone else. on the other, most mm's are just used to feel out opponents on the hopes to be able to better read them should they meet in tourny.
Tru tru tru, VERY GOOD POINT. But at teh same time, when U look @ who came CLOSE to getting on the PR's (HM's) if those people are unfairly put in HM then it just means that people could just as easily b put into the PR's. But, in the end. U are right Seibrik. This is a PR arguement NOT an HM arguement. I don't mean to cause a stir or anything, I'm just curious as 2 how things are fairly being considered.

2 sum up this entire point, the reason there is a discussion is cause I'm questioning what U guys are looking at when U guys make the TOP 10 list. If some1 is considered to be 1 of the top 10 in FL their credentials have to b hella good to knock off our top 10 players. I mean if

Once again, I don't have a problem with any1 on the PR's and like I admitted in the 1st post I put up about this subject, I need to travel more, hell, more people need to travel more, hell, I need to stop using so many comma's. It's whateva. Every1 B E Z have fun and ==


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
How about this, if people don't get why this is important then bump it.

Like I said beforehand, It don't matter to me anymore if most people are missing the point. I guess we will see what happens in 3 months...

Sorry 4 the double post

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
lemme just clerify something. while we do pay attention to who we put in the hm's and wat they've done, we pay WAY more attention to the PR's themselves.

thats why u see the PR's being spotless and barely anyone arguing over them. meanwhile, while we pay attention the the hm's, its hard to keep track of ALL their records since its not as easy as always looking at the top 5 of tournies, and there are ALOt of players that get swung around that mix so overlooking someone, like xyz in this case, is possible.

its for this reason i would just rather not put that effort in at all, since making the hm's can almost be more complicated than the pr's themselves.

something alot of people dont know about the pr's is that the top 5ish are generally really simple to come up with, and even order, the second half isn't hard to comeup with, but nearly impossible to order accurately and thats where 70% of the discussions between the panalists go into, so if u consider that, imagine how much work it would take to make the hm's just as perfectly accurate.

once again, i just want to appoligize to those that feel they were gipped out of their rightious rewards, but know in the future hm's wont exist, so everyone is going to have to try alot harder if they want to be recognized as the TOP TEN of florida, there will be no further discussing the format of the PRs. They are that number, for this long, for a reason. increasing the number of pr's just make it too easy and the goal less desirable, and once acheived less fulfilling, meanwhile lowering it to top 5 makes the goal seem impossibly hard to acheive and almost not worth the effort.

If your not happy with the current top 10/hm's then go to tournies and do something about it. and in 3 months, when we update the PR's (giving everyone plenty of time to get noticed) perhaps you can be on it, or on top of it.

its from this point on that i will wish all of you luck in acheiveing whatever goal it is you wish to acheive, weather it be making it on the pr's, on top of the pr's, being the best with your character, the best teams partner, or the best all brawl player.

That's all im going to say on the topic for now, and wish you all a good night. Whenever the date is that you read this post, I can't wait to meet you and play you, and I'll see you all at the next competition!


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central

LambChops doesnt play aggro....

ElaM!!! does...

When Chopz goes "ELAM" thats his hulk mode...

works great on Captain falcons in melee....
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