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Fire Emblem: The Discussion Thread (keep FE Fates story under spoilertags)


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Dude, Crossbows are SO lame, not gonna lie. 60%+ hitquotes and 60%+ damage against flying units is seriously dumb. Like, NPC Tibarn in 3-11 often gets killed by the boss if he doesn't have good biorythm. That's how dumb crossbows are!

Edit: I saved my epilogue file in case pics are requested.
I will also do a LTC run on HM but without a draft to see what the limits are.

Crossbows are the only reason fliers are required to have the skill nullify. I've dodged dem before when they had an 80% hit rate more than once though... Game loves me.

At the same time i think crossbows were implemented because no one would use archers.. They would use warriors to use bows if anything as they had more strength and could use axes.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
Beat 17 and 19 in 2 turns, and 20 in 3 turns.

Dancers are cool.

Just have to get past all the BS in the Final and I'll be done.

P.S. - LOL at anybody who thought Seth would be bad for the endgame. :awesome:



Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Seriously, because what was in their mind giving weapons 28+ might with the ability to get a weapon bonus.. Triple that amount means no fliers will live.. And the damage is laughable to any other unit

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Maybe you guys should just man up and admit that the game designers figured "Oh, I don't want their fliers over here."


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Crossbows didn't stop me from abusing fliers. I stick nullify and Marisa still could send her anywhere

And Haar. The designers completely missed him then
Aug 6, 2008
Crossbows are weird. The high MT makes sense since strength does not get added onto the weapon's damage. But, by the time they come around, they are practically useless against anything except a Pegasus knight.

But I like having them there simply because they will prevent you from sending a non-lizard flying thing over in that direction. I have no idea why Lizards shouldn't get a bonus when the rest of the series does, but I guess the scales protect them?

And I'm going to start a run on FE12 hard 2 mode. That'll be fun...


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
Prologue - 5
1 - 7
2 - 6
3 - 9
4 - 8
5 - 11
5x - 11
6 - 3
7 - 10
8 - 15
9 - 19
10 - 16
11 - 14
12 - 15
13 - 9
14 - 25
15 - 17
16 - 11
17 - 2
18 - 10
19 - 2
20 - 3
F1 - 7
F2 - 1
Total: 236

I pretty much **** the bed midgame. Once I got everybody up to speed, I got some really nice turn counts in the last few chapters. But I simply didn't play efficiently enough in the midgame chapters. My biggest mistake was definitely in 14; I decided to have Rennac run back to collect all the treasure instead of just charging the throne room and seizing ASAP, so I lost a ton of turns to Xeylode there. ._. Having only Seth for Ch. 9 made that one take longer as well, since having only 2 units (Tana doesnt count) for a Rout chapter kinda sucks. Still could've played it better though. I also forgot that you didn't have to manually recruit Tethys, so I definitely could've shaved a bunch of turns off (had to send Eirika down South away from the Seize point to get them). I still think I had the best team; I'm just bad enough that I wasn't able to win with it. >.>

Aug 6, 2008
We both made mistakes. I should have 2 turned chapter 13 (wasted a turn trying to get Amelia). And should have finished chapter 9 (gotten amelia the first time) in like 11 turns. 5x I knew I could have finished 2 turns sooner, but I thought I might need the level from the boss on Ephraim in chapter 8. Not really needed. Final 1, I probably could have gone more quickly on as well. I figured out a strategy for a 3 or 4 turn clear, but it resulted in Tana's death and I would had to have rigged two crits in a row on lyon with under like 5 crit rate... Not gonna happen. And I didn't want to have to deal with shadow shot/stone evasion to make it work faster. Then there was chapter 10 which I failed to realize I could have simply ended the chapter to get Innes. All in all, I bet we both could have gotten under 200 turns.

@Pink Reaper: To one turn Final 1, I think only Firefly could have matched you in a two turn clear. If I had all characters, I might try a bishop purge on the skeleton in front of Lyon, then warp some unit (probably with saleh) such as seth or franz to ORKO lyon. A feat which I think is only possible with rigging double criticals. Well, I guess a pierce skill with critical could have done the trick.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
You can ORKO Lyon with Garcia or Ross. Lyon drops to like, 4 speed because of Naglfar and Garcia and Ross both get a guaranteed 4 hits with a Brave axe. It will require one crit which makes Ross superior but because of Lyon's like, 9(i think it's 9) luck you'll generally have a pretty good crit chance with Garcia as well. Ross is almost guaranteed. Last time i did it I did do it with Garcia but my original 2 turn victory was with Ross.

Those two seem to be the best choice in attempting a 1 round clear for Final 1 since it doesnt require giving Lyon a turn. Every other character either fails to KO even on Lyons turn or runs an extremely high risk of death if hit by Naglfar since even units like Eirika with her huge Res will take huge damage from it(not that she can damage Lyon anyways)

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Completed Hard Mode in RD. My Endgame team consisted of Haar, Soren, Shinon, Nephenee, Gatrie, Laura, Mia, Ilyana, Rafiel, and Caineghis and Tibarn to be used as safety nets because Hard Mode.

The fight against Ashera was not as hard as I imagined it would be; maybe the lack of many reinforcements is what helped. Still, it was worthwhile training Laura that much: getting an S rank in staves let her use the Fortify Staff to heal everyone every time someone got hurt by Ashera/Aurora ability so that the next attack wouldn't end it. All in all, a crazy a meticulous runthrough;I rammed the 100 hour game clock just before the Endgame.

Considering doing an Easy Mode runthrough now, with nothing but Laguz units. Muarim, Vika, Lyre, Kyza, Lethe, Mordecai, Volug, Janaff, Ulki, all of them. I'd love to see how that turns out.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Man, don't make me want to make Moulder not a Sage.
I'd have made him a Bishop anyways. His MAG growth isnt good enough to require being made a sage and he could really use the extra +1 on promotion. And if you're doing the ruins Anima is super useless since you'll find dark magic everywhere.

Edit: Real talk, i 20/20'd Knoll and he was super good except for that 7 luck. And 9 Def. ****ing Knoll
Aug 6, 2008
A low turn count of the ruins would seem horrible at first.
Lvl 4 Cyclops: 63-67 HP, 15-16 Str, 14 Skl, 12-13 Spd, 2-3 Lck, 18-20 Def, 6-7 Res
Steel Axe: 26-27 Atk, 94 Hit, 26-29 Avoid, 7 Crit
Halberd: 25-26 Atk, 89 Hit, 26-29 Avoid, 7 Crit (45-46 Effective Might)
This was a Cyclops on chapter 20. Trying to kill this thing is a 4-5 hit KO even with my best unit.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
A low turn count of the ruins would seem horrible at first.
Lvl 4 Cyclops: 63-67 HP, 15-16 Str, 14 Skl, 12-13 Spd, 2-3 Lck, 18-20 Def, 6-7 Res
Steel Axe: 26-27 Atk, 94 Hit, 26-29 Avoid, 7 Crit
Halberd: 25-26 Atk, 89 Hit, 26-29 Avoid, 7 Crit (45-46 Effective Might)
This was a Cyclops on chapter 20. Trying to kill this thing is a 4-5 hit KO even with my best unit.
Psh, I could one turn that thing with a Chapter 13 unit. Sounds to me like you drafted wrong.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Gonna try and finish the game in the next two days, but Chapter 13 is giving me a headache. Ewan is a pain in the ***. Amelia is already solid.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
A low turn count of the ruins would seem horrible at first.
Lvl 4 Cyclops: 63-67 HP, 15-16 Str, 14 Skl, 12-13 Spd, 2-3 Lck, 18-20 Def, 6-7 Res
Steel Axe: 26-27 Atk, 94 Hit, 26-29 Avoid, 7 Crit
Halberd: 25-26 Atk, 89 Hit, 26-29 Avoid, 7 Crit (45-46 Effective Might)
This was a Cyclops on chapter 20. Trying to kill this thing is a 4-5 hit KO even with my best unit.
In the ruins they have 80 health, 20-24 def and 12-14 res
Aug 6, 2008
Edit: ^ Oh, woopie. Even more fun. I guess I get to try to kill them with all the weapons I have now. Axe, sword, sword, lance, bow :D Bishop.
If I had known about this idea, I would have gotten the silver card to get those stat boosters for my dog dozla. I've never actually played Lagdou Ruins to completion. I found the chapters sort of boring to play.

Someone draw up some rules for it.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2011
Mt. Pleasant/Highland, MI
Edit: Real talk, i 20/20'd Knoll and he was super good except for that 7 luck. And 9 Def. ****ing Knoll
Yea, but trying to go fast with only 5 other units and he can't even get enough level ups to make him decent before dying lol. Maybe I'll just pump him with stat boosters and have him go but I really want those speedwings for Duessel lol.
Aug 6, 2008
I do not think I even have enough money left over for stat boosters since I ignored pretty much all treasures after a certain point. I'd have to use the money on decent weapons to kill stuff in a timely fashion.

I summons. They dodge attacks, then go and steal a kill with a killer axe taking the loot with them and refuse to trade with you....

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Warp staff abuse might just be the best thing ever.

Hey Orson, I got you a Garmcia!
Hey Lyon, I got you an Assassin with Adhulma!
Hey Gorgon level, **** you. Seriously. I hope it hurts.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Screwed around in RD Easy Mode and raised Tormod as far as I could in Part 1 before I got bored.

He's now an Arch Sage in Chapter 1-8. Lovely. Easy Mode too fun.



Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2008
Southfield, MI
can i take this moment to say how awesome Haar is? on part 3 chap 2 I sent him to the top right by himself and he destroyed all the enemies up there with only a hand axe and 1 vulnerary. hes the best dragon knight IMO. just needs more speed
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