Amazing :')
Minty -
ChaosMarth - Good job : ) I sense you GROWING =) Nice talking with you ^_^
Nasty - Get that Lucas out of here ;O We all know Ness should be higher
DM - Your attuide towards happiness CHANGEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD so nice joking and talking with you xD
Moo2Kang - =(
Allied - Funneh mang is funneh xDDD
Icon - Play mii in friendly and not MM
Bleachigo - Oawwwww YAAAAA Nice job getting top 10 (was it?) really nice talking to you =)
Wes - Sawnic sewz
R3MIX, Kingz, BIG m - you guises are ghey except kingz and remix [lol]
Alex - WTF MANG? said there was a Mario Party tourny there!
Atomsk/Fatal - ILY both. If i get the badge, I'll replace my jesus figure with a picture of both of you
J G - Do you paints contrllers for coast? : O Yours was really nicely colored
Ally - Nice talking to you for little while : [ You looked sad

hope everything goes well for you! =)