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Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia: Game finally over! Raziek lynched, Town wins! Lego too!


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Mod note:

I'm copy/pastaing these from a word document, so the wording may have changed and some abilities may have been slightly modified by the time the role PMs were sent out. Just FYI if you got one of these roles and you go "what?".

1. Delita- Independent One-shot Bulletproof Omnipotent Manipulating Survivor

Congratulations! You’ve acquired what can easily be the most difficult roles in mafia history and one of the only roles that can rival Kefka for my personal love.

(Passive) Bulletproof – One shot. You will survive all Night Kill attempts. The Nights you are attacked, you will not be able to use any abilities, active or passive, with the exception of Murder. Any used abilities other than Murder will fail. This is a one-shot ability, and will disappear after one successful Night Kill attempt affects you; multiple NKills in one Night will not kill you if this is still working.

Message – You may send one message to a player each Night. These messages have to obey the standard game rules. You may not send a link of your Selective Masonry quicktopic or any of the contents therein. You must paraphrase anything you say within it. Don't copy/paste anything, even your own text.

Selective Masonry – You may choose one player at the beginning of the game. They will be invited to a quicktopic that only you two can communicate in. Names are not given, nor do they have to be used in the quick topic; you may hide your name and role if you wish. The message the mason will get is "Someone wishes to speak with you. (link to quick topic)"

Murder – This ability is one time use only. Send this ability in at Night, and anyone who attempts to Night Kill you that Night will be Night Killed by your action. You will not lose your Bulletproof ability. This can kill multiple players if multiple Night Kills occur and are directed at you. Once this ability is successfully used once, you may no longer use it; success meaning you used the ability without being roleblocked, not killing someone.

Manipulate – This ability may only be used once a Night, regardless of the circumstances. Choose two living players (Player A and Player B) that does not include you. Player A will be given the option to force Player B to vote for someone of their choosing. You do not get a say in who Player A picks and will not be notified of any results of this action. Player A does not have to choose to force Player B to vote for someone.

Calculated Misinformation – One shot ability. Choose two players. These two players are now up for a second lynch in the same day, and are removed from the standard lynch. Each player will be able to make a permanent vote on one of the two players by stating “Execute: (name)”; they may not change their vote. Should one of them not receive a majority by the end of the standard lynch (hammer), both will die. You may choose yourself to be one of these players. Should one of the players you have chosen be killed during the Night you use this ability, this ability will fizzle and you will not be able to use it again; choose carefully. The attributes of this ability will be public information.

Omnipotent – You will be told every action that occurs as well as who visits who. These will not be in any discernable order and are listed separately (in the example below, OS isn’t the Watcher). Anyone using an ability on themselves or having an active passive ability will not show as visiting anyone due to that ability. Anyone using an ability that targets no one or the entire game will not show as visiting anyone. Anyone using the same ability more than once in a Night will only show it being used once. Anyone that visits the same player more than once in a Night will show only visiting once.

Hidden Moderator note: Several abilities will still show up as “visiting” even if they failed. This is a positive in terms of power but a huge negative in terms of attention. If someone jumps and shouldn’t be able to be visited but you somehow see them, this will draw attention.

Hypothetical Example:
The “watcher” ability was used. The “Night Kill” ability was used. The “investigate” ability was used.
OS visited Xivii. Marshy visited Xivii.
You'll have to use your brain to mix and match which abilities went to which players.

Untrustworthy – You will appear as the opposite alignment when investigated (town when investigated by mafia, mafia when investigated by town) and any sort of direct positive action (such as protection, revival, etc.) will fail. Neutral actions such as redirects can be used on you and lead to positive effect. If there's any clarity needed on whether or not a move should be considered helpful or hurtful, know that I will lean more towards whatever hurts you most. No ability can be considered positive one night and negative the next; it will remain consistent.

Win Condition:
You win when you are the last player remaining, or nothing can prevent this. Should any tie situation occur, you win.

Independent/Townie/Mafia Hybrid

1. Gafgarion, Dark Knight- Traitorous Mercenary (may choose one Lv. 1 class)

Insult - Each Night, you may choose a player. Every player in the game including yourself will be forced to insult that player in red font. Any player that does not do so will be roleblocked and voteblocked for the following day/night phases. This has no other effect and does not count as you visiting a player.

Dark Sword – Each Night, you may choose a player to attack. When using this ability successfully, you cannot be Night Killed. A player who is successfully attacked will be voteblocked the following day phase. Should your attack be successful, your alignment will change to that of the player you attacked (i.e., if they are town, indie, or scum, you will be town, indie, or scum respectively). You will not be told if your ability is successful. Your alignment will change even if they cannot be voteblocked due to other abilities, as long as your attack goes through to the target. You cannot attack the same person two Nights in a row.

You will not be told what that wincon is, and must use your best judgment. Your wincon will
determine your official alignment for all intents and purposes.

Hated – it takes exactly one less votes for you to be lynched. This is not indicated on the votecounts.

(uninformed) miller – Any investigative abilities used on you will show you as mafia, regardless of sanity.


1. Ramza – Choose a Lv. 2
Lv 1. Investigate – You may choose one player to investigate. You will receive a result of “mafia” or “not mafia”. You may only use this ability once, whether it succeeds or fails when you use it.
Lv. 1 Throw Stone – Choose target player. Their first active ability in the NAR will redirect to you instead. This includes factional Night Kills.

2. Alma – (chooses a lv 2)
Lv. 1 Wish – Day ability, one use only. Choose target player. If that person is lynched or Night Killed, you will die in their stead. You must send the PM asking to use this ability before the hammer and lynch scene is posted, and if you replace a lynch it will end the day. This target is permanent. This ability only takes effect if the death of the Wished player would normally go through. Meaning, if the target would be protected by a doctor, it wouldn’t kill you because the kill never really “got to them”.

3. Meliadoul, Divine Knight – You may only use one ability per Night. (does not get second class)

Lv. 1 Hellcry Punch – At Night, choose a target player. That player loses the first active ability they used that Night and the action will not go through. Factional Night Kills are not affected or observed. This ability may only be used twice and is considered a Night Kill for all intents and purposes, despite not killing the player.

Hidden Mod note: While the ability is considered a Night Kill, it still has roleblocking properties. In the case of the chemist, you simply cannot be roleblocked period. This can however destroy the ability; the original ability will still go through if the action in the NAR was prior to the ability was destroyed. Example being someone shooting a gun then you destroy the gun; if he fires first, the bullet is still in the air.

Lv. 2 Shellbust Stab – At Night, choose a target player. That player loses the first passive ability they have listed in their role PM. This ability may only be used once, and is considered a Night Kill for all intents and purposes, despite not killing the player. This does not prevent the direct removal of bulletproof status.

Miller – Should you be investigated, you will show up as mafia.

(HIDDEN): Skulking- Both Hellcry Punch and Shellbust Stab will not notify the players they hit; upon using an ability that isn’t there, they will receive a message stating they could not remember how to do the ability. These abilities cannot be tracked, watched, or observed by Omnipotent players.

(HIDDEN): Good Bad Guy – Should you be investigated, you will show up as town. You only think you are a miller.

Mafia Roles

1. Queklain, the Tainted King – Chooses two Lv. 1 classes
Blind – Target player no longer receives results for their Night Actions, passive or active, for this Night phase. They will be notified that they have been blinded. You may not use this and Silence in the same phase.
Silence – Choose a player each Night. Target player cannot use any active abilities that Night. You may not use this and Blind in the same phase.

2. Velius – Chooses one Lv. 1 class

Debilitate - Choose target player. They will gain the restriction of your choosing:
A) Being unable to vote except for hammer (MOD vote if they do not, next day phase only)
B) Take one vote less to lynch (next day phase only)
C) For the next Night phase, only being able to use their abilities on someone who was on a lynch the previous Day phase
D) Not receive the results of their actions (that night phase only)
You can only give each restriction once and cannot give more than one restriction to a player. No announcement will be made to anyone but that player.

Confusion – Choose a player each Night. Target player’s ability will be redirected to a player as determined by hidden criteria. (Mod knows, you do not, but it is a system and not random. Can hit all alignments, including your own.)
System for confusion is that player hits the highest odd numbered post count player currently alive in the game when it is an odd numbered Night (N1, N3, N5) or hits the lowest even numbered post count player currently alive in the game when it is an even numbered night (N2, N4, N6, etc.)
3. Adramelk- Chooses one Lv. 2 class

Bulletproof – You may not be Night Killed

Fowlheart – One shot ability. Choose target player. They cannot vote the following Day.

Graviga - One shot ability. Choose target player. It will be publicly noted that player will only take three votes to lynch. This will not be lowered or increased by other abilities, but is a static number. This ability must be used on Night 3 at the latest.

Restrictions – You may not vote for someone unless they’re already voting you. If they unvote you, your vote can remain.
Safe Claim – Beowulf. You are a Knight Templar and you are able to investigate a player each Night to see if they are Reis, your fiancée. (Wiki this stuff)

4. Zalera- Cannot choose a class

Nightmare – One shot ability. During the Day phase and before a lynch is sealed with a hammer vote, choose player A and player B. Player A will be given the option to kill player B and for Player A to receive protection for that Day phase from a lynch. The day will not end on the potential daykill, and the killer will be anonymous. There is no deadline on them accepting the offer, and if they do not accept by the time the lynch scene is posted this ability will fizzle (so don't wait until the last minute!). Mafia members may not be selected for this ability. If the ability does not result in Player A choosing to kill Player B and instead fizzles, you will be roleblocked for the next Night phase. The kill counts as a Night kill for all intents and purposes. You will not be roleblocked if this kill fails due to any other abilities.
Doom – One shot ability. This player will be notified that if they are alive on Night 4, they will die. This ability can only be used on Night 1. Come Night 4, they will die at the END of the NAR, meaning their abilities can go through. (In the unlikely event that there would be three players left and all dying, the doomed player would end up winning the game as the other deaths would occur prior to the doomed player's) You cannot use this and Chaos in the same Night phase.

Chaos - One shot ability. Every player's vote for the following Day phase will count as two votes. Any abilities that change what a vote is worth will be negated; their vote will count as two votes if they are able to vote. You cannot use this and Doom in the same Night phase.

Hint of Kefka - Prior to the start of the game, you may choose target player. They will receive Kefka's posting restriction from FF6 Mafia:
" You have to type "hahahaha" or "lol" exactly as posted here (four "ha") in every post you make in which you vote for someone."
Should they break it, they will be roleblocked that Night. It will not be noted that they broke a posting restriction.

Hated– You take two less votes to lynch. This is not indicated in the votecounts.

Safe Claim – Agrias, ability “Split Punch” causes Death Sentence.

5. Hashmalum –Chooses two classes

Day Janitor – On Night one, choose target player. They will flip as ??? , ??? after being lynched only.

Accelerate – This ability may only be used if you had no votes on you the previous Day phase. One shot ability. The deadline for the lynch will be shortened to three days.

Safe claim – Ovelia, ability Wish “Day ability, one use only. If that person is lynched or Night Killed, you will die in their stead. You must send the PM asking to use this ability before the lynch scene is posted, and if you replace a lynch it will end the day. This target is permanent, regardless of ability.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
As you can see, that doesn't even go into the roles that were listed in the opening post.


I made more MOD errors in this game than all of my other games combined. I'm probably missing MOD errors I didn't catch. I don't even care, the game ended and went well overall. But MAN if a game ever needed a co-mod, this was it.

Do you guys know how many unique roles there were in this game? Do you?

TWENTY EIGHT main roles, that can be mixed and matched. I'm not going to even count how many possibilities that is.

I'm kind of glad I ran this as a small. It was originally supposed to be a large with more mafia players and several roles I cannibalized and distributed amongst other roles. T.G.Cid was going to be in the game as a Lv. 1 choose Lv. 2 fixed, his L2 was "Hero" liek Frog from CT. Cannot be affected by any abilities, period. Agrias was going to be in the game and was going to have the Split Punch ability (same as Doom), except she could use it every Night. Gafgarion's Night Sword was originally going to kill, but he had to use it every Night. I thought about having two Assassins with Shadow Stitch as an indie team; they could remove any two people from the game (including themselves) for one Night/Day phase, and they'd appear at the next Night.


Comments on roles soon.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
I was tempted to use the stone to see if I would turn into a Lucavi or get my protect back or revive someone like in the game.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
We won the game if we guessed three stones right.

We won anyway. We were town in the end. Huzzah.

Our play was kinda doomed after the mod error with insult etc. But oh well, it was fun.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Is this your way of trying to get me to stay?
Or is this your way of getting me to go?

Are you truly oblivious to the fact that your comments bother me not?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
This game was so interesting to follow. 'Cept I got really confused around the roles so I was glad I didn't sign up for that fact and it was funny seeing Sang just get dragged along till she died at the end. xD

I LOVED that moment when two mafia members flipped at the same time on D2. It was just amazing. Especially when D1 was so terrible.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
He was sooooo town and lynching him was dumb, especially after his claim. Though that's just my thoughts from the sidelines watching in.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005


Delita is one of the two main reasons I made this game, the other being "I wonder what an open/closed setup would play like?". I was thinking about unique roles and I wondered how to work in a role that knew everything that was going on at all times, but had actually no control over what or when things happened.

Delita's role is ridiculously weak. A fake message? You can basically only use that as gambles or against noobs. You can double blind it and use it to protect people or yourself by sending a message saying "lynch this person" because no one would listen to you, but even still, blech.

Your bulletproof is a one shot, and you lose your omnipotence the night you are shot, so you are suddenly blind. Your plans are thrown to hell.

A selective masonry, but again, hard to use well.

Murder? Great! You get one shot, and one shot only. Good luck on that one. Great to save for lylo with a mafia to help you win, but you have to plan big.

Manipulate? Cool if it works, but you can't erally control it. It can be used agaisnt you even.

Calculated Misinformation? Very powerful. Unfortunately, it's also your "get out of hell" card. If you go into a 4 or 3 man end game without this ability, you have better made a good plan for it. If you have this ability you can take a 4 or 3 man down much easier.

Omnipotent? Makes the role. In a game with all these night actions, many of which can blind your omnipotence, you have to control the game without drawing attention to yourself. Probably the most difficult role to win with I've seen.

It's easy to just coast and suddenyl claim watcher or tracker and then ride that until lylo, but there are many land mines with this as well, as Raziek discovered.

All in all a pretty decent role, but I think it could have been refined to work better. A good experiment, I guess. I really dislike how much control he has over mafia; while it means he can't win if he gets all the mafia killed, it also really really sucks to be mafia and be squirming under that thumb unknowingly. I really wanted to see how it'd turn out and it wasn't too bad, but I still seriously disagree with that basic premise.


This guy's secondary win condition was the stones. He got to guess one every Night, and if he got three right he just left the game a winner. Other than that, all Night Sword.

The role was pretty fun, but at the same time it was kind of "filler" in a way. It also hurt mafia's chances since it was yet another role that can absorb a NKill. I enjoy the role, but disagree with its implementation in this game. One of the roles that was designed better initially before this was changed to a small.



Ramza was meant to push teh game one direction or another in the early stages and give town some direction other than "night actions say what?". Unfortunately he was lynched D1 before his one shot cop was used. XD

I hate cops, but don't mind one shot cops.

Ramza had a few minefields out there.


Wish is the most pro-town ability that I know of, but it still has to be used very intelligently. Saving Ryker with Wish probably won town this game, in all honesty.

The role was designed to give someone a clear path to choosing those "Woudl this get me killed?" abilities like Dancer and whatnot, since Wish would inevitably get them killed anyway.


The ******* mod role! This role was anti-town in just about every way. Losing the first active ability? Losing their PASSIVE? Huge swings in game play here; enough NAs around to not hurt stuff too much, but still a huge swing for that player. A DOUBLE miller? Awesomeeeee.

Nothing can make me happier than a miller being investigated as town, proclaiming "no I should show up as mafia", and then hijinx ensuing.

Plus, the way Meliadoul's abilities work means no one, not even her, knows WTF is going on.


The biggest damage dealer in the game. Perfect, but obvious, for mafia. Incredibly useful for town if used well. I'm surprised no one picked it.

You get to pick something like, say, Silence, and see exactly who you are roleblocking. That's huge. Someone using an annoying ability every Night? You can narrow it down instantly.

Blind is a huge pro-town boon in most cases. How many town roles received results anyway?

Slow and Haste can give you some awesome process of elimination things.

Poison shows you anyone and everyone that used an active ability the previous night.

Mafia's uses are obvious.


Didn't expect this one to be so popular! Meant to protect town, Jump is a huge boon... unless the mafia is hasted, in which case you wasted your level 2 ability completely.

Why mafia didn't choose a role with haste to completely negate this I do not know. Haste is soooo broken for mafia.

Some abilities could still go through if the player jumps if they were actually global abilities.


Probably the best town role in the game, but no one figured that out.

Abandon allows you to choose a target player and make their ability not affect you. A town full of ninjas would be ridiculousssssss. Sunken state means that any ******* NA that hit you one night won't hit you the next.

Very strong when used properly, more strong en masse. The restriction is what kept them from being an obvious "everyone get this" role.


Reflect and protect are pretty straight forward. Some restrictions to keep it from being spammed.

Time Mage

Time Mage was meant to be a very controlling aspect of the game. Every time a time mage uses his ability, he should be having a huge effect on the game. Probably the most game changing role here.


Can't choose a role? Pick thief! Steal is great for mafia and town alike, and helps clarify some things.

Steal heart is kind of a standard ability, but really, really, really good in the hands of mafia.

Have you noticed a trend towards mafia controlling the day phase rather than the night phase? Because that was my intent.


The lvl 1 was kind of meh, but being a straight up double voter that coudl basically only vote every other day is an awesome role. I might use this one again. Maybe town, maybe mafia. Who knows.


Honestly, don't like this role. I don't feel it adds anything to the game and can really only stall. I had this role having killing abilities in the large with Cyclops and also gave it Lich, which gave everyone a MOD vote after they voted, making the following Day phase ridiculous. Made the summoner really tame for the small, felt stale.


In retrospect, should have made her powers passives. Cool role, but whatever.


Booooooringgggggg. Dislike. Needed,b ut dislike.


Another castrated role. Meatbone slash was originally a passive and simply killed whoever targetted you with a NA first, and killed you as well. Couldn't work in a small. Role became lame. Murasame is pretty cool, but not specific enough to work in town's favor overall.


Kudos to Rajam for picking this role! This role is awesome, but it could have been spiced up more I think.


Chemist is kind of boring, but just one of those solid roles you can't really neglect.


Speed Save is a great ability, but ultimately the archer is kinda meh. Charge is neat in theory but doesn't work in this game. Works better for mafia who want to use all their NKills all at once, I guess.


Meh role. Don't like it much. Cant' remember what it used to be. I think Hamedo permanently used to take away their vote. One of the reasons Meliadoul's ability counted as a NKill. Agrias' did too.


Solid but boring role.

Worker 7

Headache for a mod role. -_-;; Good protective role though, but dunno why anyone would pick it over others.


Really wanted to see this role in action, especially from a player that likes to push town around. XD



Standard mafia role. Just all aroudn solid. With the additional two level 1 classes, Queklain could be a Time mage to get two more abilities and then a whatever to get another one. Lots of irritating options.


Originally his restrictions didn't have the (parenthesis notes) next to them and was a much cooler role. Being in a small hindered him a lot. Confusion was an awesome ability, but understandbly not that sexy for mafia in a small. Getting the level 1 class is just a cherry on top.


Another solid role with Graviga and choosing a level 2 making him have some real sway in the game. While the BP doesn't really help now that there aren't other killing role due to it being a small instead of a large, it prevents meliadoul shenanigans.

Graviga was originally usable every Night phase for the large. Realized that'd mean mafia could alpha over and over and over again. Made it one shot and restricted it to usable only prior to N3.


FF Tactics mafia king. An ability for every situation, but they have to be used perfectly. Without support. Zalera is worthless. With support. Zalera is the most dangerous role in the game.


Accelerate is an awesome ability I'd like to see more of in the future. This role was kind of boring though.

I think that's it.

Glad this game is over. more comments later.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I REALLY wanted to pick Mediator. I ended up wanting the informational advantage that the role I chose would give me.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I was SO CLOSE. There is so much salt in how close I was.

If I had killed Raziek, you know how easy it would have been to get an Inferno lynch? Then there would be nothing stopping me from quicklynching in 3-way with my Chaos ability.

My reasoning for not killing Raziek (since he wondered why in our private masonry) is that I was still worried he could be town, because his investigations were true to some extent and town was lacking in investigation power. I was banking on Inferno Stopping him which I regret, as killing him would have had it.

This was a pretty great set-up I must say. :)


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
so much cluster****ing headache with keeping track of NA's. kudos to ryker for digging through it all like ten bajillion times


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
It's what makes the outcome of this game so sad for me. Knowing that it was a mistake that, if not made, would have pretty much secured me the game.

I still feel really happy with how I played. Replacing into the scummiest slot other than the lynch target on D1, getting "bingo'd" N1, losing both scumbuddies D2 (we had some pretty great distancing), somehow missing all my kills until my last Night (:salt:), and still making it to a position in which I could have won the game.

But man, that Raziek.... He really had it out for me when we COULD have been working together. He had the last mafia in a private quick topic and knew full well that I was the mafia, and rather than talking with me (his win con suggests he'd win in a tying position, which I wouldn't know), he chose instead to be intimidated by me and try his best to get me lynched.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
But man, that Raziek.... He really had it out for me when we COULD have been working together. He had the last mafia in a private quick topic and knew full well that I was the mafia, and rather than talking with me (his win con suggests he'd win in a tying position, which I wouldn't know), he chose instead to be intimidated by me and try his best to get me lynched.
You would've figured THAT out if he somehow decided to cooperate with you.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
03:10 AM ET (US) Yeah I guess you're dead if you're not even gonna react to THAT.

04:07 PM ET (US) I'm scum.

08:50 PM ET (US) If you're still alive you're a ****.

Regardless, you should talk to me....

LOL (read upwards)


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
also I dunno of anyone who does this other than Rajam, but if anyone ever wants to use / edit this setup for their own use, feel free.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
also I dunno of anyone who does this other than Rajam, but if anyone ever wants to use / edit this setup for their own use, feel free.
haha, I was gonna ask you this actually, but yeah I want to translate the setup to spanish and run it somewhere else (I'll send you the link once the game starts :B), so thanks!

This setup was simply awesome, and it's incredible how you balanced all of these roles; at first I wanted to pick calculator for lulz but I didn't like much the hated restriction so I went with the mime. Dancer was super-tempting too but it was just too scummy and easily-detectable so I left it aside

Will do some shout-outs later. OS, do you think you would do some changes to the setup? As a personal oppinion, I felt the dragoon was slightly overpowered without any restriction to jump other than being unable to do something else, and I also felt the mediator is kinda un-tempting given the tradeoff abilities / restrictions (surprised actually Ryker was considering that role)

Anyways, loved the idea of picking your role and the whole dynamic associated, along with all the chaos :B As per usual I'll probably be joining more of your games in the future!


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
The dragoon itself wasn't that powerful; with everyone picking dragoon, the game still ended with 3 townies alive and that's after two mafia died early on and mafai got 0 NKills for the longest time. It's just irritating.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
I'd like to go ahead and apologize apologize to everyone in the game (yes, even Ryker) for my performance in this game. My play was indeed bad for the most part, as I made a few mistakes in the early game, and then got distracted via tunneling, and unlike my past couple games, this time I didn't really have any ground to stand on when I started trading walls.

Anyway, more importantly, I'd also like to apologize for my attitude late D1. I know I was being provoked, but there was no call for me to be trash talking town like that, and I just got too caught up in the game and really needed to take a step back and reevaluate. I'll try to be a bit more detached and wait before rushing in in future games. Although I feel like I've played well in most of my recent games, this definitely showed the flaws in my play style and what I need to work on.

By the way, one last note to everyone, if you're trying to persuade me to your position, please focus on the arguments and minimize the insults. Calling me an idiot/moron/etc does not dissuade me in the slightest, and in fact makes me even more stubborn.

Interesting setup. Unfortunately, I never really interacted with the roles this time around, but I suppose that's my fault.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I wasn't trying to sway you, fyi, I was trying to lynch you. It had reached a point where I believed you were scum, but even if I was wrong, then leaving you alive would just create a situation in which there was someone who was ALWAYS going to be on my case in a town that otherwise thought I was pure gold. It was EXTREMELY important that I be trusted given the role I was playing and the strategy I was committed to.

In the end, no worries, a win is a win. Take it and smile.
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