is laughing at you
- Joined
- May 4, 2005
- Messages
- 21,181
Mod note:
I'm copy/pastaing these from a word document, so the wording may have changed and some abilities may have been slightly modified by the time the role PMs were sent out. Just FYI if you got one of these roles and you go "what?".
1. Delita- Independent One-shot Bulletproof Omnipotent Manipulating Survivor
Congratulations! You’ve acquired what can easily be the most difficult roles in mafia history and one of the only roles that can rival Kefka for my personal love.
(Passive) Bulletproof – One shot. You will survive all Night Kill attempts. The Nights you are attacked, you will not be able to use any abilities, active or passive, with the exception of Murder. Any used abilities other than Murder will fail. This is a one-shot ability, and will disappear after one successful Night Kill attempt affects you; multiple NKills in one Night will not kill you if this is still working.
Message – You may send one message to a player each Night. These messages have to obey the standard game rules. You may not send a link of your Selective Masonry quicktopic or any of the contents therein. You must paraphrase anything you say within it. Don't copy/paste anything, even your own text.
Selective Masonry – You may choose one player at the beginning of the game. They will be invited to a quicktopic that only you two can communicate in. Names are not given, nor do they have to be used in the quick topic; you may hide your name and role if you wish. The message the mason will get is "Someone wishes to speak with you. (link to quick topic)"
Murder – This ability is one time use only. Send this ability in at Night, and anyone who attempts to Night Kill you that Night will be Night Killed by your action. You will not lose your Bulletproof ability. This can kill multiple players if multiple Night Kills occur and are directed at you. Once this ability is successfully used once, you may no longer use it; success meaning you used the ability without being roleblocked, not killing someone.
Manipulate – This ability may only be used once a Night, regardless of the circumstances. Choose two living players (Player A and Player B) that does not include you. Player A will be given the option to force Player B to vote for someone of their choosing. You do not get a say in who Player A picks and will not be notified of any results of this action. Player A does not have to choose to force Player B to vote for someone.
Calculated Misinformation – One shot ability. Choose two players. These two players are now up for a second lynch in the same day, and are removed from the standard lynch. Each player will be able to make a permanent vote on one of the two players by stating “Execute: (name)”; they may not change their vote. Should one of them not receive a majority by the end of the standard lynch (hammer), both will die. You may choose yourself to be one of these players. Should one of the players you have chosen be killed during the Night you use this ability, this ability will fizzle and you will not be able to use it again; choose carefully. The attributes of this ability will be public information.
Omnipotent – You will be told every action that occurs as well as who visits who. These will not be in any discernable order and are listed separately (in the example below, OS isn’t the Watcher). Anyone using an ability on themselves or having an active passive ability will not show as visiting anyone due to that ability. Anyone using an ability that targets no one or the entire game will not show as visiting anyone. Anyone using the same ability more than once in a Night will only show it being used once. Anyone that visits the same player more than once in a Night will show only visiting once.
Hidden Moderator note: Several abilities will still show up as “visiting” even if they failed. This is a positive in terms of power but a huge negative in terms of attention. If someone jumps and shouldn’t be able to be visited but you somehow see them, this will draw attention.
Hypothetical Example:
Untrustworthy – You will appear as the opposite alignment when investigated (town when investigated by mafia, mafia when investigated by town) and any sort of direct positive action (such as protection, revival, etc.) will fail. Neutral actions such as redirects can be used on you and lead to positive effect. If there's any clarity needed on whether or not a move should be considered helpful or hurtful, know that I will lean more towards whatever hurts you most. No ability can be considered positive one night and negative the next; it will remain consistent.
Win Condition:
You win when you are the last player remaining, or nothing can prevent this. Should any tie situation occur, you win.
Independent/Townie/Mafia Hybrid
1. Gafgarion, Dark Knight- Traitorous Mercenary (may choose one Lv. 1 class)
Insult - Each Night, you may choose a player. Every player in the game including yourself will be forced to insult that player in red font. Any player that does not do so will be roleblocked and voteblocked for the following day/night phases. This has no other effect and does not count as you visiting a player.
Dark Sword – Each Night, you may choose a player to attack. When using this ability successfully, you cannot be Night Killed. A player who is successfully attacked will be voteblocked the following day phase. Should your attack be successful, your alignment will change to that of the player you attacked (i.e., if they are town, indie, or scum, you will be town, indie, or scum respectively). You will not be told if your ability is successful. Your alignment will change even if they cannot be voteblocked due to other abilities, as long as your attack goes through to the target. You cannot attack the same person two Nights in a row.
You will not be told what that wincon is, and must use your best judgment. Your wincon will
determine your official alignment for all intents and purposes.
Hated – it takes exactly one less votes for you to be lynched. This is not indicated on the votecounts.
(uninformed) miller – Any investigative abilities used on you will show you as mafia, regardless of sanity.
1. Ramza – Choose a Lv. 2
Lv 1. Investigate – You may choose one player to investigate. You will receive a result of “mafia” or “not mafia”. You may only use this ability once, whether it succeeds or fails when you use it.
Lv. 1 Throw Stone – Choose target player. Their first active ability in the NAR will redirect to you instead. This includes factional Night Kills.
2. Alma – (chooses a lv 2)
Lv. 1 Wish – Day ability, one use only. Choose target player. If that person is lynched or Night Killed, you will die in their stead. You must send the PM asking to use this ability before the hammer and lynch scene is posted, and if you replace a lynch it will end the day. This target is permanent. This ability only takes effect if the death of the Wished player would normally go through. Meaning, if the target would be protected by a doctor, it wouldn’t kill you because the kill never really “got to them”.
3. Meliadoul, Divine Knight – You may only use one ability per Night. (does not get second class)
Lv. 1 Hellcry Punch – At Night, choose a target player. That player loses the first active ability they used that Night and the action will not go through. Factional Night Kills are not affected or observed. This ability may only be used twice and is considered a Night Kill for all intents and purposes, despite not killing the player.
Hidden Mod note: While the ability is considered a Night Kill, it still has roleblocking properties. In the case of the chemist, you simply cannot be roleblocked period. This can however destroy the ability; the original ability will still go through if the action in the NAR was prior to the ability was destroyed. Example being someone shooting a gun then you destroy the gun; if he fires first, the bullet is still in the air.
Lv. 2 Shellbust Stab – At Night, choose a target player. That player loses the first passive ability they have listed in their role PM. This ability may only be used once, and is considered a Night Kill for all intents and purposes, despite not killing the player. This does not prevent the direct removal of bulletproof status.
Miller – Should you be investigated, you will show up as mafia.
(HIDDEN): Skulking- Both Hellcry Punch and Shellbust Stab will not notify the players they hit; upon using an ability that isn’t there, they will receive a message stating they could not remember how to do the ability. These abilities cannot be tracked, watched, or observed by Omnipotent players.
(HIDDEN): Good Bad Guy – Should you be investigated, you will show up as town. You only think you are a miller.
Mafia Roles
1. Queklain, the Tainted King – Chooses two Lv. 1 classes
Blind – Target player no longer receives results for their Night Actions, passive or active, for this Night phase. They will be notified that they have been blinded. You may not use this and Silence in the same phase.
Silence – Choose a player each Night. Target player cannot use any active abilities that Night. You may not use this and Blind in the same phase.
2. Velius – Chooses one Lv. 1 class
Debilitate - Choose target player. They will gain the restriction of your choosing:
A) Being unable to vote except for hammer (MOD vote if they do not, next day phase only)
B) Take one vote less to lynch (next day phase only)
C) For the next Night phase, only being able to use their abilities on someone who was on a lynch the previous Day phase
D) Not receive the results of their actions (that night phase only)
You can only give each restriction once and cannot give more than one restriction to a player. No announcement will be made to anyone but that player.
Confusion – Choose a player each Night. Target player’s ability will be redirected to a player as determined by hidden criteria. (Mod knows, you do not, but it is a system and not random. Can hit all alignments, including your own.)
Bulletproof – You may not be Night Killed
Fowlheart – One shot ability. Choose target player. They cannot vote the following Day.
Graviga - One shot ability. Choose target player. It will be publicly noted that player will only take three votes to lynch. This will not be lowered or increased by other abilities, but is a static number. This ability must be used on Night 3 at the latest.
Restrictions – You may not vote for someone unless they’re already voting you. If they unvote you, your vote can remain.
Safe Claim – Beowulf. You are a Knight Templar and you are able to investigate a player each Night to see if they are Reis, your fiancée. (Wiki this stuff)
4. Zalera- Cannot choose a class
Nightmare – One shot ability. During the Day phase and before a lynch is sealed with a hammer vote, choose player A and player B. Player A will be given the option to kill player B and for Player A to receive protection for that Day phase from a lynch. The day will not end on the potential daykill, and the killer will be anonymous. There is no deadline on them accepting the offer, and if they do not accept by the time the lynch scene is posted this ability will fizzle (so don't wait until the last minute!). Mafia members may not be selected for this ability. If the ability does not result in Player A choosing to kill Player B and instead fizzles, you will be roleblocked for the next Night phase. The kill counts as a Night kill for all intents and purposes. You will not be roleblocked if this kill fails due to any other abilities.
Doom – One shot ability. This player will be notified that if they are alive on Night 4, they will die. This ability can only be used on Night 1. Come Night 4, they will die at the END of the NAR, meaning their abilities can go through. (In the unlikely event that there would be three players left and all dying, the doomed player would end up winning the game as the other deaths would occur prior to the doomed player's) You cannot use this and Chaos in the same Night phase.
Chaos - One shot ability. Every player's vote for the following Day phase will count as two votes. Any abilities that change what a vote is worth will be negated; their vote will count as two votes if they are able to vote. You cannot use this and Doom in the same Night phase.
Hint of Kefka - Prior to the start of the game, you may choose target player. They will receive Kefka's posting restriction from FF6 Mafia:
" You have to type "hahahaha" or "lol" exactly as posted here (four "ha") in every post you make in which you vote for someone."
Should they break it, they will be roleblocked that Night. It will not be noted that they broke a posting restriction.
Hated– You take two less votes to lynch. This is not indicated in the votecounts.
Safe Claim – Agrias, ability “Split Punch” causes Death Sentence.
5. Hashmalum –Chooses two classes
Day Janitor – On Night one, choose target player. They will flip as ??? , ??? after being lynched only.
Accelerate – This ability may only be used if you had no votes on you the previous Day phase. One shot ability. The deadline for the lynch will be shortened to three days.
Safe claim – Ovelia, ability Wish “Day ability, one use only. If that person is lynched or Night Killed, you will die in their stead. You must send the PM asking to use this ability before the lynch scene is posted, and if you replace a lynch it will end the day. This target is permanent, regardless of ability.
I'm copy/pastaing these from a word document, so the wording may have changed and some abilities may have been slightly modified by the time the role PMs were sent out. Just FYI if you got one of these roles and you go "what?".
1. Delita- Independent One-shot Bulletproof Omnipotent Manipulating Survivor
Congratulations! You’ve acquired what can easily be the most difficult roles in mafia history and one of the only roles that can rival Kefka for my personal love.
(Passive) Bulletproof – One shot. You will survive all Night Kill attempts. The Nights you are attacked, you will not be able to use any abilities, active or passive, with the exception of Murder. Any used abilities other than Murder will fail. This is a one-shot ability, and will disappear after one successful Night Kill attempt affects you; multiple NKills in one Night will not kill you if this is still working.
Message – You may send one message to a player each Night. These messages have to obey the standard game rules. You may not send a link of your Selective Masonry quicktopic or any of the contents therein. You must paraphrase anything you say within it. Don't copy/paste anything, even your own text.
Selective Masonry – You may choose one player at the beginning of the game. They will be invited to a quicktopic that only you two can communicate in. Names are not given, nor do they have to be used in the quick topic; you may hide your name and role if you wish. The message the mason will get is "Someone wishes to speak with you. (link to quick topic)"
Murder – This ability is one time use only. Send this ability in at Night, and anyone who attempts to Night Kill you that Night will be Night Killed by your action. You will not lose your Bulletproof ability. This can kill multiple players if multiple Night Kills occur and are directed at you. Once this ability is successfully used once, you may no longer use it; success meaning you used the ability without being roleblocked, not killing someone.
Manipulate – This ability may only be used once a Night, regardless of the circumstances. Choose two living players (Player A and Player B) that does not include you. Player A will be given the option to force Player B to vote for someone of their choosing. You do not get a say in who Player A picks and will not be notified of any results of this action. Player A does not have to choose to force Player B to vote for someone.
Calculated Misinformation – One shot ability. Choose two players. These two players are now up for a second lynch in the same day, and are removed from the standard lynch. Each player will be able to make a permanent vote on one of the two players by stating “Execute: (name)”; they may not change their vote. Should one of them not receive a majority by the end of the standard lynch (hammer), both will die. You may choose yourself to be one of these players. Should one of the players you have chosen be killed during the Night you use this ability, this ability will fizzle and you will not be able to use it again; choose carefully. The attributes of this ability will be public information.
Omnipotent – You will be told every action that occurs as well as who visits who. These will not be in any discernable order and are listed separately (in the example below, OS isn’t the Watcher). Anyone using an ability on themselves or having an active passive ability will not show as visiting anyone due to that ability. Anyone using an ability that targets no one or the entire game will not show as visiting anyone. Anyone using the same ability more than once in a Night will only show it being used once. Anyone that visits the same player more than once in a Night will show only visiting once.
Hidden Moderator note: Several abilities will still show up as “visiting” even if they failed. This is a positive in terms of power but a huge negative in terms of attention. If someone jumps and shouldn’t be able to be visited but you somehow see them, this will draw attention.
Hypothetical Example:
You'll have to use your brain to mix and match which abilities went to which players.The “watcher” ability was used. The “Night Kill” ability was used. The “investigate” ability was used.
OS visited Xivii. Marshy visited Xivii.
Untrustworthy – You will appear as the opposite alignment when investigated (town when investigated by mafia, mafia when investigated by town) and any sort of direct positive action (such as protection, revival, etc.) will fail. Neutral actions such as redirects can be used on you and lead to positive effect. If there's any clarity needed on whether or not a move should be considered helpful or hurtful, know that I will lean more towards whatever hurts you most. No ability can be considered positive one night and negative the next; it will remain consistent.
Win Condition:
You win when you are the last player remaining, or nothing can prevent this. Should any tie situation occur, you win.
Independent/Townie/Mafia Hybrid
1. Gafgarion, Dark Knight- Traitorous Mercenary (may choose one Lv. 1 class)
Insult - Each Night, you may choose a player. Every player in the game including yourself will be forced to insult that player in red font. Any player that does not do so will be roleblocked and voteblocked for the following day/night phases. This has no other effect and does not count as you visiting a player.
Dark Sword – Each Night, you may choose a player to attack. When using this ability successfully, you cannot be Night Killed. A player who is successfully attacked will be voteblocked the following day phase. Should your attack be successful, your alignment will change to that of the player you attacked (i.e., if they are town, indie, or scum, you will be town, indie, or scum respectively). You will not be told if your ability is successful. Your alignment will change even if they cannot be voteblocked due to other abilities, as long as your attack goes through to the target. You cannot attack the same person two Nights in a row.
You will not be told what that wincon is, and must use your best judgment. Your wincon will
determine your official alignment for all intents and purposes.
Hated – it takes exactly one less votes for you to be lynched. This is not indicated on the votecounts.
(uninformed) miller – Any investigative abilities used on you will show you as mafia, regardless of sanity.
1. Ramza – Choose a Lv. 2
Lv 1. Investigate – You may choose one player to investigate. You will receive a result of “mafia” or “not mafia”. You may only use this ability once, whether it succeeds or fails when you use it.
Lv. 1 Throw Stone – Choose target player. Their first active ability in the NAR will redirect to you instead. This includes factional Night Kills.
2. Alma – (chooses a lv 2)
Lv. 1 Wish – Day ability, one use only. Choose target player. If that person is lynched or Night Killed, you will die in their stead. You must send the PM asking to use this ability before the hammer and lynch scene is posted, and if you replace a lynch it will end the day. This target is permanent. This ability only takes effect if the death of the Wished player would normally go through. Meaning, if the target would be protected by a doctor, it wouldn’t kill you because the kill never really “got to them”.
3. Meliadoul, Divine Knight – You may only use one ability per Night. (does not get second class)
Lv. 1 Hellcry Punch – At Night, choose a target player. That player loses the first active ability they used that Night and the action will not go through. Factional Night Kills are not affected or observed. This ability may only be used twice and is considered a Night Kill for all intents and purposes, despite not killing the player.
Hidden Mod note: While the ability is considered a Night Kill, it still has roleblocking properties. In the case of the chemist, you simply cannot be roleblocked period. This can however destroy the ability; the original ability will still go through if the action in the NAR was prior to the ability was destroyed. Example being someone shooting a gun then you destroy the gun; if he fires first, the bullet is still in the air.
Lv. 2 Shellbust Stab – At Night, choose a target player. That player loses the first passive ability they have listed in their role PM. This ability may only be used once, and is considered a Night Kill for all intents and purposes, despite not killing the player. This does not prevent the direct removal of bulletproof status.
Miller – Should you be investigated, you will show up as mafia.
(HIDDEN): Skulking- Both Hellcry Punch and Shellbust Stab will not notify the players they hit; upon using an ability that isn’t there, they will receive a message stating they could not remember how to do the ability. These abilities cannot be tracked, watched, or observed by Omnipotent players.
(HIDDEN): Good Bad Guy – Should you be investigated, you will show up as town. You only think you are a miller.
Mafia Roles
1. Queklain, the Tainted King – Chooses two Lv. 1 classes
Blind – Target player no longer receives results for their Night Actions, passive or active, for this Night phase. They will be notified that they have been blinded. You may not use this and Silence in the same phase.
Silence – Choose a player each Night. Target player cannot use any active abilities that Night. You may not use this and Blind in the same phase.
2. Velius – Chooses one Lv. 1 class
Debilitate - Choose target player. They will gain the restriction of your choosing:
A) Being unable to vote except for hammer (MOD vote if they do not, next day phase only)
B) Take one vote less to lynch (next day phase only)
C) For the next Night phase, only being able to use their abilities on someone who was on a lynch the previous Day phase
D) Not receive the results of their actions (that night phase only)
You can only give each restriction once and cannot give more than one restriction to a player. No announcement will be made to anyone but that player.
Confusion – Choose a player each Night. Target player’s ability will be redirected to a player as determined by hidden criteria. (Mod knows, you do not, but it is a system and not random. Can hit all alignments, including your own.)
3. Adramelk- Chooses one Lv. 2 classSystem for confusion is that player hits the highest odd numbered post count player currently alive in the game when it is an odd numbered Night (N1, N3, N5) or hits the lowest even numbered post count player currently alive in the game when it is an even numbered night (N2, N4, N6, etc.)
Bulletproof – You may not be Night Killed
Fowlheart – One shot ability. Choose target player. They cannot vote the following Day.
Graviga - One shot ability. Choose target player. It will be publicly noted that player will only take three votes to lynch. This will not be lowered or increased by other abilities, but is a static number. This ability must be used on Night 3 at the latest.
Restrictions – You may not vote for someone unless they’re already voting you. If they unvote you, your vote can remain.
Safe Claim – Beowulf. You are a Knight Templar and you are able to investigate a player each Night to see if they are Reis, your fiancée. (Wiki this stuff)
4. Zalera- Cannot choose a class
Nightmare – One shot ability. During the Day phase and before a lynch is sealed with a hammer vote, choose player A and player B. Player A will be given the option to kill player B and for Player A to receive protection for that Day phase from a lynch. The day will not end on the potential daykill, and the killer will be anonymous. There is no deadline on them accepting the offer, and if they do not accept by the time the lynch scene is posted this ability will fizzle (so don't wait until the last minute!). Mafia members may not be selected for this ability. If the ability does not result in Player A choosing to kill Player B and instead fizzles, you will be roleblocked for the next Night phase. The kill counts as a Night kill for all intents and purposes. You will not be roleblocked if this kill fails due to any other abilities.
Doom – One shot ability. This player will be notified that if they are alive on Night 4, they will die. This ability can only be used on Night 1. Come Night 4, they will die at the END of the NAR, meaning their abilities can go through. (In the unlikely event that there would be three players left and all dying, the doomed player would end up winning the game as the other deaths would occur prior to the doomed player's) You cannot use this and Chaos in the same Night phase.
Chaos - One shot ability. Every player's vote for the following Day phase will count as two votes. Any abilities that change what a vote is worth will be negated; their vote will count as two votes if they are able to vote. You cannot use this and Doom in the same Night phase.
Hint of Kefka - Prior to the start of the game, you may choose target player. They will receive Kefka's posting restriction from FF6 Mafia:
" You have to type "hahahaha" or "lol" exactly as posted here (four "ha") in every post you make in which you vote for someone."
Should they break it, they will be roleblocked that Night. It will not be noted that they broke a posting restriction.
Hated– You take two less votes to lynch. This is not indicated in the votecounts.
Safe Claim – Agrias, ability “Split Punch” causes Death Sentence.
5. Hashmalum –Chooses two classes
Day Janitor – On Night one, choose target player. They will flip as ??? , ??? after being lynched only.
Accelerate – This ability may only be used if you had no votes on you the previous Day phase. One shot ability. The deadline for the lynch will be shortened to three days.
Safe claim – Ovelia, ability Wish “Day ability, one use only. If that person is lynched or Night Killed, you will die in their stead. You must send the PM asking to use this ability before the lynch scene is posted, and if you replace a lynch it will end the day. This target is permanent, regardless of ability.