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Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia: Game finally over! Raziek lynched, Town wins! Lego too!


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
They were up for execution and I asked a simple question of "when are they going to claim?" It's like if you have two people as the lynch targets at L-1 and you're ready to decide which one's getting lynched. You get them to claim.

I didn't even fish for it. I flat-out asked everyone else WHEN they were going to claim. They had no obligation in the slightest to do so. This didn't bother you before as claim fishing and all of a sudden when it helps your case you tack it on there....


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I'm sorry. I don't want to get so angry.

Here's my proposal: You and Rajam can tag-team track me toNight if you want to if it makes you feel better. In addition, if Inferno and Glyph are lynched and the game is not over, I give anyone left permission to insta-lynch me in LyLo.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Like, what the hell puts him above Glyph/Inferno? He is almost certainly the safety net third lynch, but not priority one. At worst, he's a solo indy.

Inferno I'm almost certain is dumb Town at this point. He has no logical reason whatsoever to go back on his claim of protective as scum. While he MIGHT be third mafia, I'm going to trust gut on this one.

Glyph has no reason to try to run you down as scum. He'd be playing for survival, which would make much more sense to push Inferno or even Kantrip. I believe his suspicion on you is genuine, but wrong.

Kantrip on the other hand has dropped Indy tells EVERYWHERE and nothing lines up with his actions. Two scum roles have flipped with no form of redirection present whatsoever, making that claim flimsy at best.

Addressing Kantrip's rebuttal.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Inferno could easily have been afraid of track results that never were.

Glyph has been LIVING on that WIFOM and you will apologize for even trying to serve me that garbage. Tell me what Glyph has done, from memory, aside from the Nich Dayvig thing. Now tell ne what he accomplished from the Nich Dayvig thing. Now go reread the game and tell me he isn't scum so I can go to Nova Scotia and slap the teeth out of your mouth.


#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
His reasoning for trying to run me down is to explain why he targeted me after I, the claimed tracker, came out and started hounding him as first in the claim order.



Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
So you propose that I attempted to Night Kill the one that I was Executing? This doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense that you saw me going to Legolas, but there's also no explanation for what I could have been doing visiting those people. Why would I be NKing Ryker if I was executing him? Or if instead I was NKing Legolas, what was I doing to Ryker? It's also confirmed that I was redirected to Sang, as it's pretty clear I targeted Rajam (unless you think I'd have a reason to lie about that) and yet you and Sang both confirm I was at Sang instead. Who redirected me, then?
Hmmm.... actually, I think you're right. Executing Ryker and killing him at the same time DOESN'T make sense. Which means you tried to NK Legolas. This lines up, he claimed BP, did he not?

Investigating Ryker would be a safe choice if you thought he would be the one to survive over Gheb, which doesn't seem a stretch to me.

Of course you have reason to lie about being redirected! I already went over this. If you claim a redirection, that adds credibility to the concept of Split Punch being a "vig shot", and thus Town. After all, why would Town claim a DIRECT shot on someone?

I don't believe you were redirected.

Only explanation I can even think of is that it has something to do with Legolasindy. I also don't know what you're saying I'd have for abilities anymore.... A delayed kill, an execution lynch, a regular NK, an investigation, a one-shot neighbourizer... and more?
Powerful abilities for a scum that isn't BP isn't out of the question, I would think. Especially if they're limited in some way. One-shot Neighborizer is fluff, and it's also possible mafia may not have had a night kill, given that they had multiple ways to avoid their own deaths.

Given that we've had three nights with no deaths I find it vastly unlikely that there are two factions with kills. That either means a 2-man mafia with a kill, or you have a kill.

It makes sense that you could be the target, sure. It could have also been Gova. Mime can't mimic kills iirc. I don't know what you're trying to say here, though. There's no reason to believe that the NK was on you, considering it doesn't make sense that you're still alive. Literally the ONLY explanation is if Rajam is lying about being a mime and he attempted to kill you but got stopped by my protect. If you can think of any other reason you're alive right now, go for it. Unless you're claiming indy with a bulletproof you haven't been telling us about....
Gova doesn't make sense. He wasn't a safe shot. Night 2 Rajam and Gova protected each other, did they not?

Gova's ability is missing. How this is explained is unknown. Maybe you have it. Maybe that's how I'm not dead.

If you targeted yourself with a stolen protect, and Rajam mimicked you and targeted me with it, I'd survive your shot.
This isn't even a point. You don't say anything about why the **** I would randomly say I'm an in unconfirmed anonymous quick topic. There's no way for me to confirm this, and I'm CERTAIN that it's a scummy ability (hence the anonymous part), but hey, here's a good way to prove it: HOW COME NO ONE ELSE IS CLAIMING THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MASONRY? It either doesn't exist altogether, or the other side is the scum side. How you're suggesting that I'm the scum side and yet I'm the one that outed is ridiculous.
Same reason you claimed a redirected vig shot. It makes you look like the Town side of the action. It's WIFOM, yes, but it's obvious the second party isn't going to claim it at this point. With you claiming the "town" side of it, they'd probably be mislynched.
That's not a final kicker.... The only way to ****ing prove this ability is to get me to L-2 and WATCH ME GET LYNCHED.

You can track me toNight. You can get Rajam to mimic you and do likewise for all I care. Or you can WIFOM between which one of you is going to track me while the two of you proceed to watch all possible targets for a NK. I'd rather be cleared through your investigations than through being brought to L-2 for a lynch.
This is entirely survivalistic play. Claiming hated keeps wagons from forming on you. Hell, Legolas claimed hated! He flipped Indy too!
You're a ****ing idiot. I got notified that I would take two less votes to lynch, meaning I had failed to visit Ryker. Considering he was claiming Auto Potion, I didn't even consider that he could have jumped so I ASSUMED I HAD BEEN ROLEBLOCKED.

How can you even construe this as a scumslip when my CLAIMED ABILITY matches up with that post?
Because I don't believe your claimed ability exists. Did you crumb Lionsguard ANYWHERE?
I didn't know Split Punch went through at the time. All I knew is that I had tried to Split Punch Rajam and I had tried to protect Ryker. My protect failed. So I ASKED RAJAM IN THREAD IF THE SPLIT PUNCH HAD HIT HIM. HE SAID NO.

I need to check on this in a moment.
They were up for execution and I asked a simple question of "when are they going to claim?" It's like if you have two people as the lynch targets at L-1 and you're ready to decide which one's getting lynched. You get them to claim.

I didn't even fish for it. I flat-out asked everyone else WHEN they were going to claim. They had no obligation in the slightest to do so. This didn't bother you before as claim fishing and all of a sudden when it helps your case you tack it on there....
I'm almost certain Ryker even called you out for fishing at the time. Will check.
I'm sorry. I don't want to get so angry.

Here's my proposal: You and Rajam can tag-team track me toNight if you want to if it makes you feel better. In addition, if Inferno and Glyph are lynched and the game is not over, I give anyone left permission to insta-lynch me in LyLo.
This is entirely a bargaining attempt to survive today. Not buying it.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I think I just saw you say in that wall that you think I stole Gova's ability and protected you with it.

I'm not responding to your garbage anymore. Besides it's clearly defined that Glyph removed Gova's ability.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Kantrip, in case you haven't realized it yet most claims have not been very helpful - the few ones that are confirmed to be likely true have not done anything to give us a better idea about that player's alignment. At the moment I'm a bit concerned about people making an uneducated decision on whether Ryker or I should die because they might be misled by a strong ability claim.

I think this decision should come down only to how us two have played this game - unless most people feel that they need a claim in order to make up your mind.

@Ryker: Do you agree with this? I think the time's coming where people need to come to a decision.

Don't see why I should answer this.

FoS Kantrip

What THE HELL is risky about that? Nich's fate was sealed and all that was left was to collect the townie points for defending the dead townie. Very common play by bad scum.

Fishing so hard.
Both Gheb and Ryker called you out for fishing on the claim request, as I said.

Ryker, you had Kantrip scum D2. Legolas put himself on the plate D3.

We can afford to give Glyph a day. Inferno's one ability is already confirmed, and I find it heavily unlikely that mafia has Haste. It's too powerful on a scum role.

Vote Kantrip with me, I promise you will not regret it.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Wow, Kantrip is TRYING to get lynched with that response. Working on moving to number two.

Raz's response to me, however, is simply further prove that Glyph needs to go first.



Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Seriously, Rajam and you can BOTH track me and I'll do nothing toNight. With no one protecting anyone, there SHOULD be a kill that will evidently be not mine.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Seriously, Rajam and you can BOTH track me and I'll do nothing toNight. With no one protecting anyone, there SHOULD be a kill that will evidently be not mine.
That would prove zero to me. Now you sound like Nich. How about, instead, Inferno stops you, you try protecting Gova and Raz tracks Rajam while Rajam tracks Inferno.



Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Seriously, Rajam and you can BOTH track me and I'll do nothing toNight. With no one protecting anyone, there SHOULD be a kill that will evidently be not mine.
Stop trying to bargain, I'm not touching it.
NOTHING about Inferno is confirmed aside from him having a visiting role. Are you MENTAL?

I don't think I even care at this point. Kantrip defended Nich for free points at the end of D1. Kantrip has several unexplained targets, N1 in particular suggesting responsibility for a night kill.

Kantrip claimed a KILLING ABILITY in a game where there have been no deaths so far at night. Likelihood it's Town? VERY LOW.

I'm not moving my vote. Inferno is a non-factor right now, and can be PoE lynched along with Glyph. I'm CERTAIN Kantrip is scum.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
That would prove zero to me. Now you sound like Nich. How about, instead, Inferno stops you, you try protecting Gova and Raz tracks Rajam while Rajam tracks Inferno.

Not acceptable. You just said we can't trust Inferno, and I'll be killed if Kantrip is scum, which he is.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
So you're claiming that I'm an indy with multiple killing abilities when we haven't even seen a glimpse of a mafia factional NK? I'm certain we're still looking for a mafia member and then probably an indy on top of that.

@Your 2454: Are you worried about something? You can't possibly think BOTH me AND Inferno are scum, can you? Pretend for a moment that there is a scum between me and Inferno. If it's me, Inferno uses Stop on me and you can't be killed. If it's Inferno, Rajam tracks him visiting wherever he visits so there's no still no danger. So what are you worried about?

@Ryker: I am fine with that btw.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Raziek, my ability is gone because of Glyph if you missed that entire revelation. Also, the only way I can see Kantrip as scum is if he has the execution thing as it would connect a lot of dots; for me anyways.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Inferno, are you certain that stop will block a Night Kill?

I don't want to bank on roleblocking stopping a night kill unless we're certain.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Actually, why would we not lynch Kantrip and stop Glyph? Would that not accomplish essentially the same result?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Not acceptable. You just said we can't trust Inferno, and I'll be killed if Kantrip is scum, which he is.
That's why the plan is so full of back-ups. You dying would be ****ing magical because it would mean that scum didn't try to shoot me to test who has priority on roleblocking, me or Glyph.

Kantrip could claim scum and I'd sooner kill Glyph. If it bothers you so much, I'll hammer Glyph and target Kantrip with Inferno slowing him. I'm perfectly okay with him going tomorrow and he's never left my group of players who we are guaranteed to be able to lynch given our playercount.

I am not leaving Glyph alive in a game of gullibles and I wish you'd give me more credit on being able to lynch Kantrip with or without you.



Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
If it bothers you so much, I'll hammer Glyph and target Kantrip with Inferno slowing him. I'm perfectly okay with him going tomorrow and he's never left my group of players who we are guaranteed to be able to lynch given our playercount.
Ugh... If we must, I will accept Glyph today and blocking Kantrip with everything. I would much rather have Kantrip, though.

I'm just damn certain he's scum and I'm NOT certain about Glyph.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
REGARDLESS of any planning we accomplish, we do not move forward until I have laid out everything I can possibly glean from this game. With a deadline extension, that can wait for tomorrow and I can wait until I have internet instead of walking to a coffee shop.


#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Kantrip can simply be really bad. That's not to say he isn't dying and soon, but he's less likely than Glyph and less of a threat in either case.

If you aren't sold on Glyph, you can explain why and I'll give you the cliff notes answer or you can wait for tomorrow.



Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Give me the full version when you have internet.

I've got an essay to do. Out of the thread for tonight.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Seriously, Rajam and you can BOTH track me and I'll do nothing toNight. With no one protecting anyone, there SHOULD be a kill that will evidently be not mine.
The only part I don't like about this is why you would ask both of them to track you. Why's that?

That would prove zero to me. Now you sound like Nich. How about, instead, Inferno stops you, you try protecting Gova and Raz tracks Rajam while Rajam tracks Inferno.

I am fine with this.

Inferno, are you certain that stop will block a Night Kill?

I don't want to bank on roleblocking stopping a night kill unless we're certain.
I wanna say it won't. It says it will block them during the next night phase so his action might go through. On the plus side (mainly for myself) he will be notified proving my role exists. Want me to verify with OS? Chances are he will say something along the lines that he can't give me a straight yes or no but it's worth a shot.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Someone remind me why I should be lynched before Kantrip when even if I AM scum, there's another dude out there roleblocking people. Meaning even if you do push the ML through on me, it gets you no where.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Someone remind me why I should be lynched before Kantrip when even if I AM scum, there's another dude out there roleblocking people. Meaning even if you do push the ML through on me, it gets you no where.
inb4 your abilities don't target? It would explain why you were so willing to not insult.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
God I want to vote you so bad right now, but I'd pretty much just be voting for myself


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
That would prove zero to me. Now you sound like Nich. How about, instead, Inferno stops you, you try protecting Gova and Raz tracks Rajam while Rajam tracks Inferno.

Thought about it some more. This won't work.

Chances of stop working with stopping a night kill are slim to none.

Rajam's mimic doesn't notify him what ability he's using. Presumably he also doesn't obtain any results from it?

At worst, we know that Glyph being roleblocked last night stopped him from killing, in the event that Kantrip is NOT scum.

If that is the case, we can lynch Kantrip, Stop Glyph and we should be fine.

Ryker, I'm certain Kantrip has a night kill. If I'm wrong, I'll be your League slave for a month, I'll play as often as you want.


#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
God no, then I'd be playing with you.

There was no kill and there was very little OTHER than KANTRIP HIMSELF that could stop a kill going on last night. No one is killing death timer Sang.

That means the kill wasn't present or is already eliminated. Yet another reason I want to hammer in Glyph's coffin followed by Inferno if he doesn't flip what we presume is the missing kill.

Kantrip we can sit on. I sincerely doubt he has a kill.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Someone remind me why I should be lynched before Kantrip when even if I AM scum, there's another dude out there roleblocking people. Meaning even if you do push the ML through on me, it gets you no where.
You are dead.

Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Man OS is going to be PISSED at me for posting in the thread after dying then

I hope he doesn't blacklist me

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, 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dead, dead, dead, dead.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Time Mage said:
Lv. 1 Stop - One shot ability. Choose target player during the Night phase. They will be roleblocked and voteblocked for the NEXT night/day phase. They will be notified.
Emphasis mine. The roleblock won't kick in until the next Night phase.
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