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Final Fantasy IX Mafia | Game over! | Who won? :o

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DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
@Hilt: Did you believe that Panta was intentionally inactive?
What? No?
X+Y=Not scum team is an absolute stance. Stances=content.
This game is so zetta slow.
Stance+reason=necessary? Your equation's a little faulty! Do the math. There's nothing wrong with an undefined variable. You can always look back and add the value later. If the equation needs solving, you can always do so. In many equations, you're just doing proofs for scum. You'll see a lot of our math adding up in the same way.
Hahaha. I don't know who you are, but you're my new friend.

I disagree, though. To make a statement and, when asked to back it up, avoid giving your reasoning, it gives off the impression that you didn't have a reason or are improvising to get out of a hole you dug yourself into. It's better to not give off this impression unless, for some reason, you want to look scummy.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Or are you saying that others should figure it out for themselves? Perhaps. In some situations, you would be correct. But at the end of the day, this is a game for town to, as a whole, find scum. In the situation I was referring to, Acrostic gave off the impression that he didn't want to give the information that he may or may not have had that could help differentiate town and scum. This is not something that one should do. If he was unsure of it, to the point of where he felt the opinion could change, he should have kept it in his head, or taken notes for himself. But making a post regarding one's alignment should, in most situations, be backed up with reasoning to avoid yourself, a member of town or one trying to pass off as one, from receiving unnecessary suspicion. Unless, again, you want this suspicion for some reason. I can't think of many where someone has made a statement and another player didn't ask said person for a reason. And in almost every situation, the person has either given their reasoning (allowing others to get more of a read on this player, based on how their reasoning was given), or they avoided giving their reasoning, and thought of as scummy.

And there I go rambling again.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
I am really getting tired of you guys using meta as reason to vote or not to vote someone. You are voting me on the assumption that Tom is town and that if he gets active he will be a vital asset to the town.
Wrong. I am not voting Tom at this moment because I want to see what it takes for him to contribute. In most situations, players like to see reactions of others under pressure. In this situation, I want to see Tom's playstyle when not under pressure. Hate meta if you want, I am of a similar mind. But it's best to know when meta is clouding one's thoughts and opinions, and when it allows one to figure out the best way to read a player, as well as what environments said player should be put in.

Also, it is not nice to berate your other townies like that. All it does is create an unnecessary schism within the town that the mafia can exploit.
Wagoning... for no reason... I'd also rather not lynch an inactive say we accidentally hit a power role.

Besides, lynching an inactive, literally defeats the purpose of Daystart and potentially gives scum a 2-person lead on the town.
The early game is one of the best times to lynch an inactive. Mid game as well, since we've had time to see how the player's activity has been through more of the game, while not being in the endgame, where it's too late and you have to find scum right then. And if the player is a power role, he can say "hey, I'm a ****ing power role!". And then we figure out what to do from there. The fear of killing someone with a good ability is only going to hold you back. Chances need to be taken. And having a player that isn't going to contribute or scum hunt, and is just doing what he can to get by, isn't worth keeping around, in most situations, even if he has the chance of having a stronger ability.
And also, if you guys are going to hate on me for being inactive... well, I am not going to have a computer from Wednesday-Monday.

Hopefully the night phase will take up some of this time. That's quite awhile, haha.
OH please don't be using an annoying post setup. Please...
Hush, you! I'm enjoying it ^^;

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
You do realize that scum are not allowed to discuss the game outside of the thread while it is during the dayphase?

I don't know if this is a gambit or what, but this lack of knowledge about the mafia mechanic makes me think Acrostic is newbtown. ****. Really wanted to have vengeance.

I have never played in a mafia game where scum was not allowed to talk to each other during the day.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Tandora will replace Inferno after she's back from V/LA on the 7th August. The deadline is extended to the same day.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
You completely dodged the question when J asked you why your vote wasn't on Seph.
I did nothing of the such. He thought I said something that I did not, and I responded as such. Look at his response. He knows that I did not dodge his question.
Why is Panta more deserving of your vote than Seph?
Because I wanted to see Panta's reaction to my vote.

You also ignore Seph in your response to me. Have you played with Seph before?
Oh? I posted about Seph. Are you sure "ignore" is the right word? And no, I can't remember ever playing with Seph before. But I could be wrong, I've played quite a bit of mafia.

Why am I annoying? Explain it to me.
Because you are my least favorite type of player. The player that tries to interfere with one's ways of putting others in a situation where a specific reactions can be gathered. The player that looks at a vote and immediately tries to protect that player by throwing others that have similar faults into the pot, regardless of the fact that the "accuser" isn't trying to lynch the voted player, but merely fishing for reactions. I don't know whether you are one of the many that believe that votes' purposes are merely to lynch players, or if you want to be a hero, or whatever the reason may be. But you annoy me. There's possibly more to it than that, but I'm not entirely sure myself. This is just what I'm able to put to words.
@RedRuy and Hilt: At the time you guys were contemplating about lynching an inactive, you mentioned me. But at the time Aggressive Mediation was just as inactive. Why did you choose to single me out and not him? And while we're on the same note, why do you think Ignatius is undeserving of being listed either?
This is the same type of annoying post. I will respond to it in a moment.
RR being lurky and opportunistic. Not scumhunting at all. He can go.
Same opinion here. Starting to think him to be the best lynch option for the day. Do you agree?

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Do you think he should be the play? Or rather, if your vote wasn't on me, who would it be on? I know you don't plan to push town towards my lynch with only that reasoning, haha. But yeah, Seph slipped under my radar.
Seik, please respond to this.
@RedRuy and Hilt: At the time you guys were contemplating about lynching an inactive, you mentioned me. But at the time Aggressive Mediation was just as inactive. Why did you choose to single me out and not him? And while we're on the same note, why do you think Ignatius is undeserving of being listed either?
I don't remember this. Are you referring to Seik asking me what I thought of you? I never singled you out. I never said that Ignatius was undeserving of being listed, and don't know why you would say that I think that.

Here's me playing the same kind of game! Hey Seph! When you just now mentioned me "singling you out", there was something that came to mind that bothered me. You see, Seik compared my statement of Panta with your activity. But why didn't he compare it to AM's nonexistent playstyle? Why would you ask me the question you asked, but not ask Seikend why he didn't mention AM instead of yourself. Or instead of Tom. Or instead of Inferno. That's not fair! You're completely ignoring what Seik did, while putting me on the spot, even though we both apparently made similar statements.

I trust you all to be able to sense sarcasm and irritability whenever it's present.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007
I did nothing of the such. He thought I said something that I did not, and I responded as such. Look at his response. He knows that I did not dodge his question. Because I wanted to see Panta's reaction to my vote.
J asked why your vote wasn't on Seph, you answered with why you wern't trying to lynch Panta. But I'll stop pushing it.

Oh? I posted about Seph. Are you sure "ignore" is the right word? And no, I can't remember ever playing with Seph before. But I could be wrong, I've played quite a bit of mafia.
Fair enough.

Because you are my least favorite type of player. The player that tries to interfere with one's ways of putting others in a situation where a specific reactions can be gathered. The player that looks at a vote and immediately tries to protect that player by throwing others that have similar faults into the pot, regardless of the fact that the "accuser" isn't trying to lynch the voted player, but merely fishing for reactions. I don't know whether you are one of the many that believe that votes' purposes are merely to lynch players, or if you want to be a hero, or whatever the reason may be. But you annoy me. There's possibly more to it than that, but I'm not entirely sure myself. This is just what I'm able to put to words.This is the same type of annoying post.
That's an awfully specific type of player but fair enough. I can see where you're coming from.

Same opinion here. Starting to think him to be the best lynch option for the day. Do you agree?
Maybe. Depends on what reasoning AM provides for his reads. If they're solid, then yes.

What's your current opinion of AM? Couldn't make out a stance from your #241.

For now:

Vote: Red Ryu

Feeling better about Hilt. A bit abrasive, but I can understand his viewpoint.

Leopard Skin Taser

Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2011
Seikend that post...

Sorry that I haven't been posting as much as I'd like to, but I just hate having to go from account to account (especially when my hydra partner seems totally MIA x_x (Gosh darn Gordito!!!)). I'm not 100% sold on Ruy scum atm, and it might warrant a reread, but for now, I think our best option is still upon Seikend (that 250 seems like an attempt to slide into the building Ruy wagon), Seph (half for his inactiveness, and half for the fact that his "coming back" post was really a big post saying a lot of nothing). I can't get a read on Dad, so I'm going to trust J to help me out with em (J what's your read on Dad?). Everybody else that I didn't mention are either town and fine for me, or inactive and vigbait.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Dad is an odd one for me. Atm, null-leaning town. Need more from them personally but from what I did see I liked them but something is weird that makes me not wanna put them fully in the town category.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Have you been reading reading earlier or did I not post it? I pushed on Acro's earlier posts, recently I have been answering you because you have asked me questions.

Tell me, why are you miss points and events more than usual? This is not like you.
There are absolutely no posts that suggest that you were pushing Acro. That's also a thing RR, you haven't been doing much at all by yourself. All you have been doing is sitting there and answering people's questions but not scum-hunting on your own. You are being opportunistic and lurky while doing no scum-hunting at all, as Seik/Hilt put it and I agree to that notion. There is also the only thing that is noticeable from you is that you are policing inactives.

What are you talking about in the last line?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@Mod: Request another Prod on Tom/Ignatius/JTB. It's been 5 days since Tom/Iggy posted and 4 days since JTB last posted.

This is getting ridiculous. ~.~ We have 5 days to secure a lynch.


Hilt, it sounds by the way you adresse AM you like him. Do you agree with what he is saying? What is your read on him?

Seik, can I get an update on your reads on some of the players that have posted now? I.e. Panta/AM/Seph

RR, tell me why I should move my vote elsewhere and to whom.

Daddy, your opinion on Seik and Hilt please.

LST, can you go into more detail as to why Seik would be the best lynch?

Panta/Acro, thoughts on RR and thoughts on Daddy.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
dont worry J, I'm here

ill catch up today

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
There are absolutely no posts that suggest that you were pushing Acro. That's also a thing RR, you haven't been doing much at all by yourself. All you have been doing is sitting there and answering people's questions but not scum-hunting on your own. You are being opportunistic and lurky while doing no scum-hunting at all, as Seik/Hilt put it and I agree to that notion. There is also the only thing that is noticeable from you is that you are policing inactives.

What are you talking about in the last line?
This has to be a troll.

Let's review shall we?

Hope you don't go inactive on me Hilt, I'll push a policy lynch if you do.
Note my initial dislike of lurking, which is nothing new to me at all. I have in plenty of other games, many which you have been in, that I hate inactives. Yet you ignored this.

First off, Hilt's V/LA. And da hell at dropping a PL threat already?

Yeah. I agree this game is moving slowly so the urgency level of it is zzzzzzzzzzzz indeed.

Didn't see that.

My experience with him in past Legion of Doom and BBR games where he stayed in the background as scum. And other players seemed to be noted of that in those game.

Due to recent games I have had with people, I dislike lurkers more and more, I'm doing a Purple PL on him every game if he lurks like he did in recent games as scum. I'm doing this in every game now, if I see it too much, I'm lynching it.
Me fully admitting this before. And you ignore this.

Oh you've played with Hilt before? Huh, okay. Well the games I have seen him is is that he does stay in the background a bit more then others. (MK mafia and Mafia Road Trip where we actually played) Both games he was town. Meta's a funny game to play RR. =P

Is there any other person on the player list you think would be a lurker this game to look out for? Also tell me what you think of Acrostic's statement in 63.
"I got better meta" fair enough.

Sephiroths Masamune is the only one I would say for that.

I think his statement makes sense, I don't think something like that would be a gambit off hand. So if one flipped scum it would lean more for me to not look at the other.
Note I said this far earlier than before so the inactive pushes did not come out of nowhere and not without reason.

Red Ryu | J probably aren't a scum team either.
@ Ignatius: Out of curiosity, how many times can we expect you to post per day? Also reasons for voting AggressiveMeditation over Leopard Skin Taser?

@ Hilt: How did J know that you were V/LA?

@ Red Ryu: Hi!!
When I set up relationships, please don't take it as the gospel truth. At times I like to note things at the top of my head and these are just one of those things. Scum teams and reads could change easily in my mind depending on how such relationships develop.
When I AM serious about committing to a final read I will designate it with an asterisk (*)

I thought RR | J weren't on the same scum team given their dialogue early game regarding Hilt on meta. Red Ryu seemed to ask J an earnest question regarding my initial division between Tom | inferno, they touched on Hilt, and they discussed meta. These are three different discussion topics that I suppose scum could discuss with each other. However it didn't seem like forced dialogue between them. It is possible that they aren't really using outside communication at the moment, for example QT or aim|msn. However their interaction seems genuine.
As far what is prompting me to say things... well people aren't really saying anything at the moment so I guess I feel like stating my reads on what is going on thus far. The impetus behind the RR | J relationship is the same behind the Tom | inferno relationship. If I see an association that I think is valid, then I'm going to call it. The same rationale works behind your persistent fos on me which I am ignoring since I find it baseless and originating from a misunderstanding that you can't let go. If you think that I am posting fluff and fake content, then why do you agree with my statement regarding Tom | inferno? You're stating that I'm typing nothing of value, but to be honest no one has really put anything on the table, especially you. Honestly you're clear and all, but jesus christ it's getting ****ing annoying having you riding up my ***.
The main rationale behind you fossing me is that you did something similar as scum in another game. You're literally trying to meta me off a game that I wasn't in as the sole basis for this fos. As I stated before you can go ahead and interpret my behavior how you want, but your reason sucks ***.
Note these posts do not add much in terms of scum hunting and nor did they affirm anything good with town. He assumes J:Ryu aren't a scum team, his reasons aren't strong bit it is an easy connection to make. This did not come out of my ***.

I don't get how he is clearing us based on it and it's not necessarily guaranteed we're both not scum or even not a scum team at the very least. While it may suggest it it's not enough or definite proof of anything.

AtE is what his 97 is imo.

This post doesn't sit right with me. Feels like more AtE but in a more excuse grabbing way.
@:Mod can we have the deadline in every vote post?

@Acrostic: You seem to be annoyed with JTB, do you think you need to ignore him based on playstyle?
Vote: Acrostic

Don't stop the content people.
My follow ups to this and questions, on which I placed my vote on a scum pick. Yet you called me out later for not placing a vote.

1/4 of the people in this game are getting reminders|prods. The people that are active are aligning scum tells to text that I've typed because they have no other leads and they still want to stick up with the charade that this is a legitimate game by pushing a lynch for today.

I am getting trolled so hard this game.

I haven't noticed anything resembling a "play style" from him. I ignored him because I was being immature and was trying to deal with it passively, rather than actively telling him that I thought his reasons were bogus. I decided to address his questions|arguments regardless of how asinine I feel they are because that's what I obligated myself to doing when I signed up to play a game of mafia. If you want to know how I feel about it, then I would compare myself to Rockin in Touhou mafia or X-12 in Gurren Lagann. I was able to catch up on completed games in case I have to do meta assessments on the player present because the content in the thread is not even passable for anything.
He admits his reason to ignore JTB was bull. And how he wanted to forgo rebuttals to him.

Vote was due to his pushing on JTB, even ignoring his first posts he has been placing discontent on JTB. JTB has not done anything from what I can see to be shoved aside. He is cleared town so he has town movtives alone. Acro ignoring him concerns me.

Wither JTB was competent or not did not concern me. It was the sole fact he was trying to make JTB look incompetent as mod confirmed town concerned me, only scum would want to do something like that. Which is exactly what I meant with this post here.

Which adds nothing.

- Pushing on JTB was to initially test alignment b/c I didn't know it was mod-confirmed.
* Reference ten minute time gap:
-*Re-read flavor for clues
-*Looked up innocent child role on mafiascum
-*Posted that it's mod-confirmed and was a mistake

* How is this a scum gambit?
-* Try to make town lynch a cleared role? (unlikely)
-* Try to play the dumb side of the dumb|scum card? (aside from content confusion? i'm not that dumb)
-* Insult the clear for being stupid to win public opinion? (deserves another bullet point but deal with it)

- Placing discontent on JTB
* He's basing a vote around my first two posts:
-* Probably thinks he's Ryker (lmao)
-* Possibly reaction testing me and is just pissing me off (mission accomplished)
-* Will probably hammer me in lylo so I might as well call him an idiot now (lost Touhou|Dissidia|Fumoffu!)

- JTB has not done anything to be shoved aside
* Addressed all his points up to this post (MANY MANY times)
* I re-read Dissidia (while you and J were snacking on popcorn and laughing your ***** off)
-* This has around 0-1% correlation (i'm being generous with the 1%)
* JTB has not done anything to be shoved aside (like what)

- He is cleared town and has town motives alone
* A car salesman has the motive to sell cars alone (when he's not being miserable about his occupation)
-* Doesn't deny the chance the fact that he could be bad at selling cars
-* Doesn't deny the fact that he's bad at reading his customers
-* Doesn't deny that he's really bad at catching mafia (sorry analogy slip)

- Acro ignoring his concerns bothers me
* Get a room
-* The fact that you're either trolling me hardcore or being extremely stupid bothers me
-* The fact that you voted me after posting something regarding content bothers me
-* The fact that you can't distinguish between AtE and being bothered bothers me
-* The fact that you didn't bother to notice the lack of correlation between Dissidia and this bothers me
Lists almost every option, and doesn't really do much with it. Let's us try and figure it out.

I barely remember Dissidia at points but were you in the hydra that got the one shot watcher? JTB was scum in that game, and got caught by the watcher. More or less in this game it's you for what looks like placing doubt on JTB's scum hunting from what it looks like, I'll redread Dissidia later but for the most part your placing distrust on JTB, which to me seems to be what scum wants to do to town.
I may have confused my previous post, I ment your frustration led to you ignoring him later. Poor wording on my part.

@J: sorry missed you question on my phone, Seikend is nullish town, he is putting some good effort in learning others.

Me already acknowledging this before.

Back from V/LA so I'll get to doing some real posting. Happy to have some things to respond to! ^^ I'm just gonna go in line by posts.

Acrostic, I really wasn't in Dissidia because I was doing Seph a favour with standing in for an inactive slot. So i really don't know anything about that game. Also I really dislike the tone you have been taking as of late because it just screams off over-defensiveness and that you are trying to scrounge up as much as you can to talk about. Slim it down a bit duder.

LST, lies. July doesn't talk in third person. I am however a bit confused because in that post you say, "This person is useless but let's do some scum-hunting!" Which is followed by a paragraph of you saying you don't have scum picks atm nor can you do anything till tomorrow which is just funny to me.

RR, FoS still stands. I really don't care for your reasoning and it doesn't make much sense at all. Who else are you looking at besides Acro?

Hilt, Aight so you are leaning null on LST because you don't think there is much info to go off of yet? What do you think of Dad's vote on LST then? Your reasoning for your Panta vote is somewhat what I was getting at. I don't like that he is adding stuff at all and is overall worthless but Seikend is right that voting purely based off that is holding a double standard. My vote was that reason + I felt his response to Acro was a little excessive.

Seikend, what is your opinion of Dad now that he has posted? I also feel your reasoning for Panta/Inferno is a WIFOMy reason. ">.> However I really like your last post otherwise.

Dad, I don't really like your LST vote nor can I say I fully understand your reasoning behind that vote. Can you go more into why you seem to like Panta? If you like him, what do you think of Hilt's vote?

Inferno, what? Are you saying that you have no reads whatsoever? How do you plan to fix this problem?
My reasoning was in plain sight, right there.


You pulled this same crap with Dad who had the exact same thing. This is why I dislike you purposely lying and misconstruing posts and events and why you jumped immediately to a scum pick for me.

Your lying and ignoring posts, even when the reasoning is in clear sight.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
This is a stupid reason. So you really can only work off of meta.


When I have meta on an inactive I have a lot more experience with and know I distrust his ability to get active, then yes I will focus on him more than others.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
What's your current opinion of AM? Couldn't make out a stance from your #241.
He's entertaining. Null other than that. Mostly due to me not understanding his statements about yourself and J.
Hilt, it sounds by the way you adresse AM you like him. Do you agree with what he is saying?
What is there to agree with, really? A good bit of it is just his unexplained opinion. I don't particularly find Seikend or you scummy, as of this moment. He's left a lot of holes that have been questioned. I'm waiting for him to fill these holes before I decide on if I agree with what he's saying or not. That said, for the same reason, I don't have much of a read on him. Null at the moment, as I stated above.
Oh? I posted about Seph. Are you sure "ignore" is the right word? And no, I can't remember ever playing with Seph before. But I could be wrong, I've played quite a bit of mafia.
Ugh. This came out the completely wrong. I sound like a snob, lol.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Note my initial dislike of lurking, which is nothing new to me at all. I have in plenty of other games, many which you have been in, that I hate inactives. Yet you ignored this.

Put it on Acro, Seph, or Panta.
No, possibly, and not seeing it.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I just pointed out where you lied about what I said and misconstrued my posts.

Me being cryptic? Quote me. Quote me.

Why I haven't pushed Acro, maybe because he stopped posting and other people asked me questions.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The tone of this suggests you don't like Seikend, what makes you think that?

You never explained why btw so can you do that too? Acro you have a bit, Seph you say he's inactive, never explained Panta though.
He's losing what I liked before. He's not explaining himself more.

I did explain this, dig it up yourself where I said this before.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
...I didn't get the impression I was just proven that I lied or misconstrued anything w.r.t. your posts.

You quoted yourself for me RR. Your posts show you asking either one tiny question, a tiny jab, or responding to Acro is some way. It's cryptic being you aren't pushing him like at all yet you say he's your strongest scum-read.

Also just because people ask you questions doesn't mean you stop doing everything else.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
He's losing what I liked before. He's not explaining himself more.

I did explain this, dig it up yourself where I said this before.
Kind of brusque but meh. Anyways here ya go.

@J: Panta and in-actives when they post.
@J: Panta has caught my attention for a scum pick.
Can you elaborate as to why? If so, why does your vote not reside upon him?

These are all the posts you even mention Panta's name, I even asked you before to explain your PantaScum read yet you never did. So I'll ask again, can you tell me why you think Panta is scum?

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
I don't remember this. Are you referring to Seik asking me what I thought of you? I never singled you out. I never said that Ignatius was undeserving of being listed, and don't know why you would say that I think that.
It seems like you need "special attention". Since unless the question is custom fit specifically for you, you don't have to answer it.

Alright, let me give my reasoning as to why I gave such a question. In your post addressing me to Seik you said

But yeah, Seph slipped under my radar.
Now that's an interesting choice of words. When I think of a person slipping under my radar activity wise, logically, I continue that thought process and think. "Who else has slipped under my radar?" Now with that said, I was confused as to why you chose not to mention the other players as well.

Do you have any questions? But don't ask more than one person with that question.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
It seems like you need "special attention". Since unless the question is custom fit specifically for you, you don't have to answer it.
I just don't answer stupid questions. If someone accused me of doing or saying something that I did not do or say, and I correct them, they are fully capable of asking me the correct question afterwards. But I did not single you out. I did not say that Ignatius was undeserving of being listed, and the fact that you would think that I said either of those things is beyond me.

I never said you slipped under my radar with regards to activity. I'm not an activity hound like some. I was talking about your overall content, activity or no. I was also asked for my opinion on you, and said that the person was right about their statement on seph. That this person slipped by and it was my mistake. Not that he was right and I was going to jump on the player because of it. Not that I found this player, yourself, to be any more suspicious than any other player than possibly panta, or a better lynch candidate than any other player than possibly panta, or a better vote candidate than any other player than possibly panta. Just that his statement about you and panta was correct. Putting someone on the spot because they... didn't put a specific player on the spot is all you have? Honestly?

Now tell me. What the **** is your reasoning for dragging this on? Do you find me scummy? Are you going to vote me? Push for my lynch? Or will you waste time repeating a conversation that has already been dropped by others? A conversation that is going nowhere and will most likely tell you nohting.

Do something useful.

As for if I have a question, why yes I do. But I will ask my questions to whomever I damn well please.

JTB, I would like to hear your opinion on Ryu, as he is the most likely lynch candidate. You are confirmed town, so your opinion on him will carry a tad bit more weight. It would be wonderful if you would read through all of his exchanges thoroughly to get the best opinion.

Seph, should I die tonight? Perhaps tomorrow? If so, why?

AM, it has been asked by others, but I'll emphasize the want for a reply. Care to explain the reasoning for the vote on Seik? The scum reads on J? I don't find Seik necessarily scummy, and neither do I J. Would you join me in a Ryu lynch?

Tom, you inactivity's beginning to bother me.

Acrostic, Dad, who should die tonight?

Ignatius, ****ing vote someone seriously. Or at least give an opinion on something. I'd rather you die than almost anyone in the game, atm.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
J the post is right there with the reasoning do I need to quote and bold it? Prove I'm cryptic I have done no such thing.

Get to rest when I can quote off of work.

Apr 17, 2011

(click that you factoring hectopascals!)

So Dad equals X, for this equation
Our read on you is a mathematics sensation.
How we converse will be rap relation
Can you keep up with our multiplication?

Alright, you dad of a digit, now listen real well
How you entered this game was a certain town tell
To defend Acrostic, goddamn that was swell
Other reads are not equal, for that go to hell.
All in all, you lean town though, but there you can't dwell.

Some of your scum reads have yet to factor.
LST is a null, if his lynch you were after.
Your math is wrong and a major read detractor.
From town tell to leaning, which certainly matters.

But J's matrix is empty, and not a solution
J plus Dad scum is not a reasonable conclusion.
If one must go, it's J's I'd call an illusion
So Dad must be town, despite his confusion.
Now look over our math and check our resolution.
1+1=2 times reposted, Dad. You stupid 000s aren't getting away from my zetta sexy rhymes without some fatherly rhythms of your own. Add to the iterations!
Apr 17, 2011
You are going to have to explain how my answers were "wrong" duder.
You're claiming to solve variables for players but the solutions are not the same as ours.

This is like pulling teeth when I am this tired.

However, I agree with LST that the reasoning for his hydra vote was pretty bad and just not correct. I don't even get the stretching vibe like at all. Also your read on Acro came acrossed to me as you saying he was just null, but at the same time you just posted that you wouldn't mind being on the Acro wagon. I'm asking you to clarify these things.

Usually people like to use their words to clarify bad wording w.r.t. your Panta thing. :urg:
**** this town? IMO then we should start by gang-banging Daddy dearest. Incest is ick though.

Vote: Dad

Panta needs to be looked at however, I trust Hilt to that. Can you continue this please, Hilt?
FOIL! First, Outer, Inner, Last! Or did you forget the formula so fast? Is this why your equation changed at that pace? Do the math, radian, it's not that complicated.
Apr 17, 2011
Agreed. Seikend vote came out of nowhere and already giving a reads lists, gross.

Any sound can shake the air, but my voice shakes the heart. This game's equation is taking too long to solve. So I decided to simplify the equation by making us first in the order of operations. We're confident enough in our math to post it. The professor's talented but I don't like his style. He's too quick and I can't follow his process. A couple of his solutions have been wrong as well, so I can't even trust him as a teacher.
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