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Final Fantasy IX Mafia | Game over! | Who won? :o

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Apr 17, 2011
Hilt's obv. Shows that he actually put thought into the post and what he thought about Acro.

Tom is null to me, he hasn't posted very much so I can't really pick up a read.

You unvoted me in this post, was there a reason?

RedRuy: He hasn't really said much other than "lets lynch an inactive." He's been mainly pushing me, but earlier in the game going for Hilt. I don't know if he just can't find a read yet or if he's just trying for a safe lynch.

Not sure what he was going for with his vote on 119.

Hilt: Love his 102 in response to Acro.
Not a fan of his 126, really safe from what I gathered.
His 153 carries over the same tone as 126.

^Acro being a douche.(this isn't a read btw)

@RedRuy and Hilt: At the time you guys were contemplating about lynching an inactive, you mentioned me. But at the time Aggressive Mediation was just as inactive. Why did you choose to single me out and not him? And while we're on the same note, why do you think Ignatius is undeserving of being listed either?
s=r+c (albeit, variable c has a negative value)


formulas for worth, zetta sons of digits.
Apr 17, 2011

I replaced into BIM4 for you and you were an inactive lynch in the recent Disco Room mafia. I trust AM to be more active than you.

Ignatius' first post was bleh, but I was more interested in people I have played with more.
If rr=scum, then the cop should definitely check Ignatius' proofs.
Apr 17, 2011
Dad is an odd one for me. Atm, null-leaning town. Need more from them personally but from what I did see I liked them but something is weird that makes me not wanna put them fully in the town category.
The math shows you're withholding a step or two in your formula. Care to show your process? The numbers don't lie.
Apr 17, 2011
AM, it has been asked by others, but I'll emphasize the want for a reply. Care to explain the reasoning for the vote on Seik? The scum reads on J? I don't find Seik necessarily scummy, and neither do I J. Would you join me in a Ryu lynch?
Our formulas are out there for our classmates to copy. I would definitely make RR's presence=0 but I don't want the professor teaching this class anymore.

Tom, you inactivity's beginning to bother me.

Ignatius, ****ing vote someone seriously. Or at least give an opinion on something. I'd rather you die than almost anyone in the game, atm.
Our solutions are looking similar.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J the post is right there with the reasoning do I need to quote and bold it? Prove I'm cryptic I have done no such thing.

Get to rest when I can quote off of work.

1.) Please do.
2.) I have?
3.) Aight I can wait.

AM, I cannot understand like anything you are getting at in your posts. Like anything at all. Can you at least translate some of them so I can understand what you are talking about? If so, yay. If not, then I'll ignore ya till I understand you. Good? Glad we came to an agreement.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I just don't answer stupid questions. If someone accused me of doing or saying something that I did not do or say, and I correct them, they are fully capable of asking me the correct question afterwards. But I did not single you out. I did not say that Ignatius was undeserving of being listed, and the fact that you would think that I said either of those things is beyond me.

I never said you slipped under my radar with regards to activity. I'm not an activity hound like some. I was talking about your overall content, activity or no. I was also asked for my opinion on you, and said that the person was right about their statement on seph. That this person slipped by and it was my mistake. Not that he was right and I was going to jump on the player because of it. Not that I found this player, yourself, to be any more suspicious than any other player than possibly panta, or a better lynch candidate than any other player than possibly panta, or a better vote candidate than any other player than possibly panta. Just that his statement about you and panta was correct. Putting someone on the spot because they... didn't put a specific player on the spot is all you have? Honestly?

Now tell me. What the **** is your reasoning for dragging this on? Do you find me scummy? Are you going to vote me? Push for my lynch? Or will you waste time repeating a conversation that has already been dropped by others? A conversation that is going nowhere and will most likely tell you nohting.

Do something useful.

As for if I have a question, why yes I do. But I will ask my questions to whomever I damn well please.

JTB, I would like to hear your opinion on Ryu, as he is the most likely lynch candidate. You are confirmed town, so your opinion on him will carry a tad bit more weight. It would be wonderful if you would read through all of his exchanges thoroughly to get the best opinion.

Seph, should I die tonight? Perhaps tomorrow? If so, why?

AM, it has been asked by others, but I'll emphasize the want for a reply. Care to explain the reasoning for the vote on Seik? The scum reads on J? I don't find Seik necessarily scummy, and neither do I J. Would you join me in a Ryu lynch?

Tom, you inactivity's beginning to bother me.

Acrostic, Dad, who should die tonight?

Ignatius, ****ing vote someone seriously. Or at least give an opinion on something. I'd rather you die than almost anyone in the game, atm.
I love this post.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
@J: Panta has not offered me much in the form of reads with players, he has been very brief with them and focuses on minor points that in turn lead to no where productive in terms of scum hunting. Speculation or over speculation leads me to believe someone is scum or Chibo.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I love this post.
Don't say things I agree to/like! >.<

@J: Panta has not offered me much in the form of reads with players, he has been very brief with them and focuses on minor points that in turn lead to no where productive in terms of scum hunting. Speculation or over speculation leads me to believe someone is scum or Chibo.
Huh? From his big post I actually got a few reads from him.

J/Dad seems TvT
Hilt is his second scum-read, LST his first

But that's off the top of my head, lemme re-check in a bit.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Yeah looking at Panta's post there is actual reads in it though the post in itself isn't good. ">.>

Doesn't like Iggy, Doesn't like RR, has Acro as newbTown, J/Daddy seems TvT, Hilt/LST = scum-reads, annoyed at AM.

So I don't know where you are getting he doesn't have that many reads, I also really don't think you are one to call someone out on not-scumhunting.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Dude, no. Get off the cpu, stop posting, and go have some drunken fun somewhere else. If you continue posting in a drunken slur, it is only going to be anti-town.

I don't even get your question lol.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
This is a weird question...you are basically asking me who I feel isn't good enough to handle their vote or who is the easiest to manipulate.

Uhm I'd guess Panta, Seph, and Yourself. LST, Soupa, JTB are up in the air simply because it is dependant on games. The rest of the player list imo I think would be a bit more stable with their votes.

Scummiest to least atm w.r.t. scum-reads? That's another hard one because I am finding myself doing more town-hunting then scum-hunting this game.

Panta(scummy but I really am finding it hard for him to be scum based on that paragraph I quoted)

And then that's about it atm. The rest are null or I have expressed like.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I just said I have more town reads then scum-reads atm. Plus to bring up that this game is inactive and still on D1, I never really have that many scum-reads D1.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Towny atm. His reads are matching mine and I have yet to see anything truly scummy from him. He is under one town-read atm but matches another.


Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2011
LST has posted barely anything. He has restated his reads about 3 or 4 times while saying that people should post more.... when he hasn't been posting.

It seems like he is trying to give the impression that he is contributing, but he just isn't.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
LST has posted barely anything. He has restated his reads about 3 or 4 times while saying that people should post more.... when he hasn't been posting.

It seems like he is trying to give the impression that he is contributing, but he just isn't.
I'll do a reread.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
J asked why your vote wasn't on Seph, you answered with why you wern't trying to lynch Panta. But I'll stop pushing it.

Fair enough.

That's an awfully specific type of player but fair enough. I can see where you're coming from.

Maybe. Depends on what reasoning AM provides for his reads. If they're solid, then yes.

What's your current opinion of AM? Couldn't make out a stance from your #241.

For now:

Vote: Red Ryu

Feeling better about Hilt. A bit abrasive, but I can understand his viewpoint.
This is why I dislike Seikend.

He states, maybe and then proceeds to vote. Doesn't make sense to me. Then he posts a lot of I agree with you while having little to provide for himself.
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