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Final Fantasy IX Mafia | Game over! | Who won? :o

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Leopard Skin Taser

Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2011
Gordito head here, haven't gotten to talk to the July head because she's always so darn busy (July where are you?!?). Anyways still feeling solid in our Seikend read.

LST, can you go into more detail as to why Seik would be the best lynch?
Yes we can :D

Seikend's first post was legit and with the game just getting going he really seemed like he'd provide content. Here:

@ Kuz/Soup I'll be honest, I think I'll be able to read you guys the easiest, since I've played with you the most. If I have you as null I'll assume you're scum. Problem?

Current content is mostly garbage.

Tom's post looks artificial, but that might be his posting style. If his future posts look consistent I'll ignore it.

Other than that nothing else looks that scummy to me so far. Just a whole bunch of nulls.
He says that he'll prolly be able to read AM the easiest and that the current content is garbage, and that was a good sign and I liked where he was going with it. And all the questions could have provided some really good content and conversation.

Yet in his next post, his #105, he doesn't follow up on any of his questions he asked before. It's also disappointing because this:
Comfortable with J, LST, Panta, Acrostic and Inferno as town. Everyone else is null.
And a "big null" on Seph in response to J's question to him are the extent of the reads in that post.

#128 he puts his vote on Hilt, but also addresses his suspicions of Red Ryu. His #228 addresses some questions to his scum read Hilt, but ends with two very subtle statements about other players that can "go" too:

RR being lurky and opportunistic. Not scumhunting at all. He can go.

@RR Thought's on AM's introduction to the game? Do all of the active players read as town to you?

AM's intro is terabad, just pointing at things and saying gross. No justification at all to anything, they can go too.
I can agree on RR but his issues with AM are that they haven't justified anything, but I don't agree, they've been active and providing reads since they started posting. With RR it seems like he may have been setting himself up to hop on a budding RR wagon as well.

Finally #250 has no content and then just a sudden vote on RR, for what reason? He's feeling better about Hilt, but nothing new to add about RR since his last post.

Not happy with Red Ryu's play either. His #260 is a massive post devoted to defending himself for his push on Acrostic and for his focus on the inactives. There's some self-meta in there, but even worse there no new content.

I also found this post amusing:

J, why is it only me and Panta are scum picks?
Where RR infers that only having two scum picks is bad, which comes only a couple posts after this:

3. J
10. Acrostic
11. Sephiroths Masamune
12. Panta
13. Ignatius
14. Seikend

Throw Tom in there as well.
That's 7 people that RR apparently feels comfortable with dying...that's just extreme.

I don't think a Seikend and RR scum team is likely, because Seikend didn't hesitate to put his vote on RR after jumping off Hilt. Between the two I'm feeling Seikend scum is more likely than RR.

Vote: Seikend


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Apologies for not getting to this game today, I was getting caught up in another so I put this one on the backburner.

Now that I'm done with that one, I'll work on this tomorrow.

Leopard Skin Taser

Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2011
So glad that the incredibly smart and extraordinarily attractive part of this hydra, Gordito, got around to that Seikend reasoning before the lazy and sometimes smelly side of this hydra, me, July, did it. It's just more reason for me to find him so amazingly gorgeous and the reason that this hydra will win MVP because it'll singlehandedly destroy the scum team. Everybody should give a mighty huzzah to my dream man, Gordito!

Yea I'm bored at 3:30 AM sue me.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I have a lot of catching up to do. Will do a read through tomorrow morning as I'm heading to bed now.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007
Seikend that post...

Sorry that I haven't been posting as much as I'd like to, but I just hate having to go from account to account (especially when my hydra partner seems totally MIA x_x (Gosh darn Gordito!!!)). I'm not 100% sold on Ruy scum atm, and it might warrant a reread, but for now, I think our best option is still upon Seikend (that 250 seems like an attempt to slide into the building Ruy wagon), Seph (half for his inactiveness, and half for the fact that his "coming back" post was really a big post saying a lot of nothing). I can't get a read on Dad, so I'm going to trust J to help me out with em (J what's your read on Dad?). Everybody else that I didn't mention are either town and fine for me, or inactive and vigbait.
Wut. Pretty sure I was one of the first to talk about RR in my #228. but okay.

Seik, can I get an update on your reads on some of the players that have posted now? I.e. Panta/AM/Seph

AM is null leaning scum for now.

Seph is town I think, but I don't like his response to his opinion on Hilt. Didn't really give a definitive answer to the question iirc.

Panta as a confident town read.

@J Why do you find Panta scummy?

This is why I dislike Seikend.

He states, maybe and then proceeds to vote. Doesn't make sense to me. Then he posts a lot of I agree with you while having little to provide for himself.
Why? I questioned Hilt, I found his answers good and so I stopped pushing him and looked elsewhere. I'm not going to keep arguing if I think I'm wrong.

Gordito head here, haven't gotten to talk to the July head because she's always so darn busy (July where are you?!?). Anyways still feeling solid in our Seikend read.

Yes we can :D

Seikend's first post was legit and with the game just getting going he really seemed like he'd provide content. Here:

He says that he'll prolly be able to read AM the easiest and that the current content is garbage, and that was a good sign and I liked where he was going with it. And all the questions could have provided some really good content and conversation.
Dad is the Kuz/Soup Hydra, but carry on.

Yet in his next post, his #105, he doesn't follow up on any of his questions he asked before. It's also disappointing because this:

And a "big null" on Seph in response to J's question to him are the extent of the reads in that post.

The only people who had responded to my questions at that point were Acrostic and Seph.

I thought Seph was lacking in content (as I say in my #105), and then proceed to question him on his stances on two players.

His response to my initial question was contentless, so I asked a different question to get content from him. Is that so difficult to understand?

#128 he puts his vote on Hilt, but also addresses his suspicions of Red Ryu. His #228 addresses some questions to his scum read Hilt, but ends with two very subtle statements about other players that can "go" too:
They weren't subtle. I straight up say that they're scummy and go. Do I need to write out my suspicions in a 10 line paragraph for you to notice it? Do I need to write them in big bold red text?

Why is it unacceptable to explain scumreads in one line if they're explainable in one line?

I can agree on RR but his issues with AM are that they haven't justified anything, but I don't agree, they've been active and providing reads since they started posting. With RR it seems like he may have been setting himself up to hop on a budding RR wagon as well.
They haven't justified anything.

Yes, they've been active, yes they've provided reads. THEY HAVENT JUSTIFIED THOSE READS. Ughhhh.

You're not even disagreeing with me here, what is thisssss.

Finally #250 has no content and then just a sudden vote on RR, for what reason? He's feeling better about Hilt, but nothing new to add about RR since his last post.


Look, LST. Your case on me is essentially that I'm not explaining every read I have or change with paragraphs of text. Why should I if it's explainable in 1?

But no matter, how about I do it now?

Seph lacked any content, and his response to my initial question was wishy washy. However, town can be unsure of what they think of someone too. It's null, at least for one read. And so I question him on more reads to establish a read on him.

I felt Hilt was deliberately attempting to intimidate me and had an unjustified vote on Panta, but on questioning I found that the abrasiveness was just Hilt's nature and the vote was fair enough.

@LST Do you disagree with me? Was I wrong to back down? Because you seem to agree with me here that Hilt is town. So why was I scummy to stop pushing Hilt and move on?

The entire case on RR is that he's not scumhunting. It doesn't need to be explained anymore than that.

I don't even get LST anymore. Like, he seems to literally agree with me on every read I have, but I'm somehow scummy because I didn't spoonfeed all the explanations.

Leopard Skin Taser

Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2011
I didn't read that post Seikend, I moreso read the bottom line. But going off of JUST that, that's not enough for a town read. For all we know, since the team of Gordito and July is that of such epic proportions, a member of scum can be emulating our flawless scum reads just to try and squeeze into our good side.

Hey don't blame me for this post it's 6:30 and I've gotten no sleep, I'll do something productive after some sleep.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
LST has posted barely anything. He has restated his reads about 3 or 4 times while saying that people should post more.... when he hasn't been posting.

It seems like he is trying to give the impression that he is contributing, but he just isn't.
Did a reread and read his newest post, I'm not seeing it.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Ignatius has requested replacment.


Voted | Voter(s) | Votes/Lynch
Acrostic | JTB, Red Ryu | 2 / 8
Dad | Sephiroth's Masamune | 1 / 8
Aggressive Mediation | Ignatius | 1 / 8
Leopard Skin Taser | Panta | 1 / 8
Seikend | Aggressive Mediation, Leopard Skin Taser | 2 / 8
Red Ryu | J, Seikend, Dad | 3 / 8


Not Voting: Acrostic, Tandora, Tom, Hilt;
Takes 8/14 to lynch

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
@J's #217 Commenting is Chronological Up To This Post:
J said:
Huh? I didn't think I was white-knighting but if so, aight. I do tend to defend my town reads. RR has landed on my watch list for watching inactives and for reasons previously stated. It seems RR is taking the cop-out route and not giving any scum-reads as of late and just focusing on easy targets.
I really don't know how you initially got a town read from LST at the time you wrote #217. LST had pushed on Ignatius and hadn't derived a response. I'm curious what you are basing your town read on from LST as I saw filler. I took RR focusing on easy targets to him just trying to go with a policy lynch as he said earlier in the day.

RR said:
Due to recent games I have had with people, I dislike lurkers more and more, I'm doing a Purple PL on him every game if he lurks like he did in recent games as scum. I'm doing this in every game now, if I see it too much, I'm lynching it.
I think he is horribly misguided and I don't like him, however I'm not sure he is scum. He isn't helping that much, but at the same time I don't find it particularly scummy with the content up to this post.

J said:
You are actually agreeing to what I am saying in this paragraph. You feel Dad should have kept his vote up, that's the major reason for my vote on Dad. I disliked the unvote because it came off so quickly when pressure came his way.
Dad should have kept his vote up, but I don't find it scummy as there was no incentive to keeping it up. If no one is going to join your wagon then there isn't much point in sticking your vote somewhere it isn't going to materialize. I don't believe it was a reactionary measure, I think Dad figured that for now he was at a lost cause.

J said:
Why aren't you also asking AM this?
AM's list differs from Seikend's list. AM indicated scum picks and on the surface I do agree that it is the type of list I could go with after doing a read through this thread. Seikend's list is just a giant town read with a null bomb underneath. It's really immaterial and doesn't help orient discussion at all. When I reconsidered, I really don't see how mentioning such reads is beneficial aside from aesthetic purposes.

J said:
Panta, I was actually shocked by your most recent post.
Panta's most recent post is typical Panta. The same with Panta's play up to the post, which is also Panta. I thought you would be aware of this.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
@Seikend's #228:
Seikend said:
Because I'm pri awesome. I'll explain a read if I need to. What reads do you disagree with? Why?
I really want you to elaborate on all your reads with regards to J, LST, Panta, and Inferno with the information you had at that point which was #105 IIRC.

@RR's #239:
RR said:
Have you been reading reading earlier or did I not post it? I pushed on Acro's earlier posts, recently I have been answering you because you have asked me questions.
I really don't see you as pushing on me. I disagree with the clear and doubt their ability to read, but I don't see how that makes me scummy. The clear is guaranteed for being the least biased source of information but that doesn't mean that it is the most accurate source of reads and picks. If JTB voted for someone else would you sheep it? Right now the consensus up to this post is that you are either sheeping or targeting inactives and at this point I am losing the desire to lynch someone else if this is all the input you have to give. I've asked you to tell me how my actions can be portrayed as scummy. Yes I have doubts on the clear's decision, because the clear is wrong about me. I don't have faith in someone who has voted on me based on two posts and is using dubious logic. I wasn't in Dissidia. I read the entire game to see how JTB was getting his scum read and it is not similar because there was no clear in that game and I'm not the target of a lynch trying to throw the vote off on someone else based on IIoA alone.

RR if you're town then hunt me bro if you do think I'm scum. If you're scum then continue to get chase your tail in circles.

@Hilt's #241:
Hilt said:
Keep in mind. I don't want Panta to die because of that reason, I want him to see him react because of that reason. And yeah. I plan to keep an eye on him.
Acrostic said:
@Hilt: Did you believe that Panta was intentionally inactive?
Hilt said:
What? No?
I was trying to find a reason for the pressure vote. I kind of phrased this poorly. Ignore it. I already think I know how you'll respond to the follow-up question I had to this so asking it is kind of mundane and asking it at this point is pointless. I have a read based on your response.

@J's #255:
J said:
Panta/Acro, thoughts on RR and thoughts on Daddy.
Daddy hasn't posted anything new so my stance is still that he is null town. I have a gut feeling that RR is town, but I'm not really sure why he sees me as scum and why he isn't putting analysis to how I type, my tone, or my shift in positions. If he thinks I'm scum, he's not scum hunting me. He's not really attacking me and I don't know what he's trying to get out of his vote on me. I've responded to all his dialogue but he refuses to really comment on mine. I want to say that he is just a horribad townie and an easy push for scum.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
@RR's 260:
Note these posts do not add much in terms of scum hunting and nor did they affirm anything good with town. He assumes J:Ryu aren't a scum team, his reasons aren't strong bit it is an easy connection to make. This did not come out of my ***.
Not all my posts are going to be me scum hunting. I will answer questions, defend myself, and also try to draw connections. Attempting to take someone's posts and say, these aren't about scum hunting is cherry picking because no one dedicates all their posts to hunting scum. Also I don't see how I did something bad with town. Other than that you offered your own paraphrase of my paragraphs. I don't really know what to say other than your paraphrase is interesting.

RR said:
He admits his reason to ignore JTB was bull. And how he wanted to forgo rebuttals to him.
I will admit that I shouldn't have ignored JTB. But I did, because I would have just insulted him and it would have gotten ugly. My reason to ignore JTB wasn't bull. I ignored him because I seriously saw me talking to him at that time to be anti-town in the aspect that I would have detracted by fighting with the clear. I didn't immediately answer the questions he asked, but I did do them when it seemed like ignoring him wasn't a viable solution.

RR said:
Which adds nothing.
Actually it pretty much pointed to the fact that I read Dissidia and found out that JTB's case was b.s. The only reason that I finished was because of Radical Fiction and I thought that comic response would illustrate my point in an efficient manner.

RR said:
Lists almost every option, and doesn't really do much with it. Let's us try and figure it out.
The purpose of bullet points isn't to list options bro. It's to organize my thoughts instead of barraging you with a giant paragraph. Let's touch base:

RR said:
Wither JTB was competent or not did not concern me. It was the sole fact he was trying to make JTB look incompetent as mod confirmed town concerned me, only scum would want to do something like that. Which is exactly what I meant with this post here.
JTB is incompetent because I know that I'm town and I'm sure that his reason is pretty b.s. You have actually never touched or expanded on JTB's initial arguments on me. That's because they are immaterial and based on Dissidia. A scum tactic where someone tries to vote the clear is stupid. A scum tactic where someone gets pissy with the clear is stupid. I'm not playing dumb or scum. I'm not trying to get buddy buddy with the clear. I get no benefit from doing what I did as scum. If you're going to make the case then elaborate.

RR is fosing the person who fosed the clear, only scum would do something liek that. <-- This is me being you with regards to you. You would agree that this is not an argument. This is not scum hunting. This is just pointing your finger and hoping that people follow it. Honestly if you think I'm scum then come at me. You are cherry picking, paraphrasing, and implying that I'm scum with no analysis.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007

Panta and Inferno explained here:


I dunno, I feel with J that when we're both town, we seem to reach similar conclusions. Liked his questioning of you early on, thought he was spot on in regards to JTB pressuring you. Unless one of J's reads or pushes seems seriously wack to me I'm very comfortable with J town.

LST was gut. Opinion maaay change based on how he continues from now.

... Just looked back and saw some questions I asked RR that I don't think he responded to. Has he responded to any of my questioning of him so far? I don't remember.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Panta, do something that isn't fluffy and something that is helpful.

Vote: Panta

Overall out of all the people who have posted seriously as of yet I have the most disdain for Panta. He hasn't done anything besides ask little questions that don't add much nor has he done anything by himself and his overall tone towards Acro's question is bad simply being it's a tad defensive/acusatory at Acro. (110)
J said:
Panta, I was actually shocked by your most recent post. You said scum can't talk during the DayPhase when they can, does this affect your read on Acro? Plus you were talking about Hilt and how you didn't like him that much and I was seeing where you were coming from then you didn't vote for him. o_o You end up voting LST for "bandwagoning" you when he never voted for you. Plus you sound as if you are placing the suspicion of going for inactives on LST's slot when he hasn't been barking up that tree *looks at RR*. Your LST vote looks like the actual bandwagon vote considering it seems your strongest scum-read is Hilt.

I really dislike your post but there is just one sentence in there that makes me falter in voting you.

Panta said:
You do realize that scum are not allowed to discuss the game outside of the thread while it is during the dayphase?

I don't know if this is a gambit or what, but this lack of knowledge about the mafia mechanic makes me think Acrostic is newbtown. ****. Really wanted to have vengeance.

WIFOM and the like but this sounds like a really obv newbTown tell. I'm gonna think on this more.

Those are the reasons for Panta scummy but I really am finding it hard to believe he is scum. Just atm based on players and posting, he is the second scummiest.

Also we I honestly didn't know that(w.r.t. our reads) because I don't think we have ever been on the same side before. ^^"


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007

Those are the reasons for Panta scummy but I really am finding it hard to believe he is scum. Just atm based on players and posting, he is the second scummiest.

Also we I honestly didn't know that(w.r.t. our reads) because I don't think we have ever been on the same side before. ^^"
Melee Maf.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Oh! That's right you were apart of Lil Jon. Forgot since that slot got modkilled.

Well aight then. *back to responding to other things*

Can you tell me Seik your second scum-pick? If you say one name I'm giving you a cookie jsyk.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007
Oh! That's right you were apart of Lil Jon. Forgot since that slot got modkilled.

Well aight then. *back to responding to other things*

Can you tell me Seik your second scum-pick? If you say one name I'm giving you a cookie jsyk.
Currently it's AM until they respond.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
*throws Seik a cookie*

Acrostic, Me and LST are buddies remember? However on a serious not, from the beginning I have yet to see a problem with LST at all. I think people accusing him of posting filler/fluff isn't true, his pushes have been justified imo (besides this weird Seik push). I believe I explained this earlier but there ya go again.

W.r.t. Panta, meta meet garbage can, garbage can meet meta.

Also I have a question based on your 333 it seems your view on RR is that you really dislike him. Is he a scum-pick of yours? Another thing, based on your unvote you seem to dislike Seikend, can you explain that as well?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Doesn't look like there's a whole lot going on but I'll try to catch up as soon as possible. Thanks, all!
Awwww yeah this is gonna be such much fun for me now, js.

Sang when you get caught up here are some questions I'd like answered.

What do you think of RR/Seik and the wagons forming on them?
What is your opinion of AM/LST?
Who are you personally looking at?

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I don't know what RR is doing at all. I feel that he is just not reading into anyone and is looking at surface conflicts. I don't feel that this is scummy because he's not really attempting to slander or push on anyone which really makes his intent difficult to read. He seems to have reached a stopping point relatively early on that he found me scummy based on the first two pages of play and has decided to take root without bothering to consider other reads from recent material.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
To be completely honest with you J, I'm having the hardest time separating FF9 Seikend from Newbie Mafia Seikend. The discrepancy between how he is playing as town in this game and as scum in the other game seems pretty distinct to me. He seems much more relaxed in how he construes his points without having the non-committed feel I got from him in Newbie mafia. He feels like town to me. However this is considering that I have meta-bias or meta-blinds when I do a skim through of what he is saying. That leaves me back to my impression of LST who hasn't really materialized in this discussion. I just feel that they aren't striking any embers for me.

There are other things that bother me aside from LST, however I need more time to see how these reads develop and feel that they won't be lynch material anyway for D1.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
J, I would like feedback on my RR read. He is your scum pick and I am curious how you construe his behavior as scummy.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
At this point, AM|Dad have put up the biggest barriers to being understood for their intents|motives. Looking at the play of AM it seems that his initial list was made according to having similar foses and reads. When J deviated outside from his initial expectations he put J as a null-scum read and put Seikend as scum when quoting what he had to state. AM's play in general is conceited. He has asked Dad and J to elaborate further on reads without elaborating on his own. Instead most of his posts consists of the level of similarity in foses: #207, #208, #278 and #286:

AND IT HAPPENED BEFORE THIS ON #163, #166, and finally the truth was told on #220:
Dad said:
I really don't see how you can't understand what i'm saying, and i have to re-word it, it's clear as day. >_> Or maybe because people aren't understanding where i'm coming from because of 'bad wording' or whatever reason, so it's not worth arguing about it if people are going to generally disagree with it.
Dad said:
this is my goddamn answer, my read stays the same but there is not enough fire to get something going, it's best to drop it and look somewhere else if people are going to disagree to it.
Soupa said:
In a word, i talked to my other head and we had a bickering of sort. hydra logs aren't able to be posted, so i'll keep it short. Kuz tentatively disagreed with my suspicion of LST, and thought that his Iggy vote was justified and felt that i was being a tad exaggerating wrt my point. i tried arguing my stance against LST but Kuz just didn't see it as that way, we dragged this on for a good hour or so, and have formed a new place to look, once Kuz pops his head up again will we hopefully present something again. Panta's points aren't anything special, and shouldn't be seen as that, there's a lot of speculation, but i'll need to talk to kuz about it. RR is Null.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Why did it take Dad 12 hours in order to clarify that there was a disagreement within the hydra in order to clarify information? Assuming that it was Soupa, Soupa basically came up with a fake reason: no one was joining the wagon when J applied pressure instead of simply admitting that there was a disagreement within the hydra itself. Perhaps Soupa felt self-conscious about having a breakdown within the hydra and wanted to cover it up? If that were the case then why is it so easy for Dad to just go, "lol Kuzi came up with that" as solo justification for WHY they are putting a vote down on RR?

Unvote, Vote: Dad

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J, I would like feedback on my RR read. He is your scum pick and I am curious how you construe his behavior as scummy.
I've done this but I'll go again haha. I am calling RR scum because I dislike what he has done this game thus far. He hasn't scum-hunted really at all besides his tiny little push on you in the beginning but even then, it didn't hold much weight/didn't make sense. Lately the most he can be seen doing is policing inactives and that's it. When asked to give reads he cops out with saying, "The inactives are my scum-reads." which doesn't really help anything at the current time considering the entire game has a lot of inactives.

Bottom line, he doesn't do much, he's a bit lurky, and he only focuses on inactives. The last point is the strongest point because that's all he has done.

My turn, what are you getting at in your last post? Are you calling AM/Daddy scummy?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
EBWOP: And now I look like an idiot.

So lemme rephrase that, do you think AM is scummy as well? And tbh I'm not sold on DadScum because I am getting more town vibes from their posts.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
To be completely honest with you J, I'm having the hardest time separating FF9 Seikend from Newbie Mafia Seikend. The discrepancy between how he is playing as town in this game and as scum in the other game seems pretty distinct to me. He seems much more relaxed in how he construes his points without having the non-committed feel I got from him in Newbie mafia. He feels like town to me. However this is considering that I have meta-bias or meta-blinds when I do a skim through of what he is saying. That leaves me back to my impression of LST who hasn't really materialized in this discussion. I just feel that they aren't striking any embers for me.
This means you have him resting as a null, correct?

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
AM has avoided answering questions of intent and most people have glossed over AM due to the fact that he appears to not willingly answer them. This results in him being a hard read, however the fact that he is interesting and pushes people to explain their reads despite it being one-sided makes me inclined to think that he is null leaning town. Dad's hydra shenanigans on the other hand have me thrown for a loop as his justification in and of itself at times is that they are a hydra. Oh that fos was from Kooz implies that we should expect something from Kooz hopefully in a couple of minutes, hours? But literally nothing. Therefore I'm inclined to find that Dad is null leaning scum. Especially given the fact that Soupa blatantly lied and didn't really bother explaining why he did lie in the first place.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
This means you have him resting as a null, correct?
Seikend is null town. I just finished making my list and realized that RR does sit on the bottom of my reads along with Dad. I really want to see more from both of them. To be honest I am not okay with a Panta lynch as an alternative given that I believe his dumb tell.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
BTW to anyone who is curious, I changed my read on Seikend after reading his #128 and getting the response I wanted regarding his huge early town list. Tbh I thought Seikend was using the town list to pretend that he was being engaged without actually being forced to do work my listing scum picks and hunting them. I still need to re-read a couple of times to go over final read and my decision on the vote. I really think we should get ready to hammer someone by August 6th.


Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2011
I am always accused of being dumb. Also, I after looking at Acro's post about that schizophrenic Kuz/Soup hydra it looks weird that when they were asked for a reason they dug themselves into a bigger hole and then finally presented a legitimate answer.

I don't like AM's annoying posting style and wish he would just stop because it is distracting me from reading him.

Also, to be final, do the scum have the ability to daytalk? Yes or no. Put the answer in like bright colors because I keep missing it whenever I ask. >_>

And YAY SW. :)

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Also, to be final, do the scum have the ability to daytalk? Yes or no. Put the answer in like bright colors because I keep missing it whenever I ask. >_>

Now Panta, can you tell me what you think of the Seik/RR wagons?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
To be completely honest with you J, I'm having the hardest time separating FF9 Seikend from Newbie Mafia Seikend. The discrepancy between how he is playing as town in this game and as scum in the other game seems pretty distinct to me. He seems much more relaxed in how he construes his points without having the non-committed feel I got from him in Newbie mafia.
I have finished reading and I'm making my post now but... I can't tell any difference between this seikend and newbie-game seikend because seikend wasn't even really there in most of that game. He just seemed to be stepping into Pheonix's absent shoes.

Alright. Back to my post.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
Inferno/Tandora: He really just forgot about the game and said he had better things to do. Inferno just seemed to be agreeing to people, like he doesn't have a mind of his own. There’s nothing else to go off of for Tandora except that everyone is avoiding him, for good reason though (V/LA). Null.

Tom: I agree with him that Acro seemed null at the beginning because of his mistakes. But he’s been so nonexistent I don’t know what to think. Null.

J: He also comes in simply asking questions, but I think that's just how he normally plays when nothing really is going on. He's being very hardheaded wrt Dad's posts. He doesn't seem to get his logic. Not a scum tell, but interesting. His votes have pretty good logic behind them. I don’t know if I completely agree, but, at the moment, he’s not just looking for silly reasons. I dislike, though, that he assumes that, since people have the same reads as him, they have to be town. Town.

Leopard Skin Taser: He seems to be actively working. Called Ignatius out on his vote on the hydra. Not much else of consequence to really post on. I don’t see the hate people have for him. I just want to see a little more. Null leaning town.

AggressiveMeditation: He comes in saying that he's been putting this game onto the backburner because of Time Travelers. Doesn't give any information. Then, coming back near 194, his posts are confusing, and yet they kind of make sense. Am I the only one confused by his posting habits? Either way, he seems pretty town to me. I like some of his stances on certain people, but there's not much to go on today. Also, he seems very open with his stances, not really waiting for people and taking initiative in saying who he wants dead. I'm not sure if that's a town tell or not... Town, regardless.

JTB: He voted for Acrostic just because of his newbieness. I guess this is where the training wheels come off. But, he also blamed it on the fact that he "explained an RVS that didn't need to be explained” when Acro’s vote wasn’t really an RVS to begin with. Not much else from him, really. So nonexistent… but some of his posts are kind of off. Null leaning scum.

Kuz/Soup: He's just walking around in circles and I think that's just the hydra in general. But, he seems pretty town to me. But, he's attacking LST because he seems scummy, mostly because of one post where he pretty much just talks. To use Dad's words "all huff and puff and no action." He seems to be working, albeit in a slightly confusing manner. Town.

Hilt: Hilt seems to be very pushy and confused. Post #157 seems... off to me though. Not sure why. But, he doesn't seem very pro-active in the game. I would be hard-pressed to find a post in which he did something for his own reasons, not because somebody asked him something. That is, up until around #241. But, still, it doesn't really seem to be taking any incentive. His long list makes me think he might possibly be town, but I'm not sure. His #275 makes me feel even better. Null leaning scum because of his previous inactivity and requiring people attacking him to really start working.

Red Ryu: Attacking inactives seems to have been all he has done, and it's weird. His back and forth with J (around like 270) makes me feel only marginally better about him, but I'm still nervous around anyone that wants to lynch inactives just because they're inactive. His posts are so short and mostly all have only like, at most, 2 lines of content in them. It's mostly all quotes. Faking content? He doesn’t give much information on his thoughts and yet expects a lot from others. Scum.

Acrostic: He makes a mistake calling the mod-confirmed a mafia, and he gets attacked for it, but it seems just like a newbie mistake being as he's a newbie. His vote on Seph seems RVS to me. He's being overdefensive for reasons he doesn't need to be (97/98), and I don’t understand it. I kind of like his 107 though. His #190 just makes him seem like a major wagon-jumper. I don't like it. His long posts are weird and contain mostly fluff. And by “fluff” I mean the stuff you put in an essay to make it seem like you’re actually doing work. It's... hard to read sometimes. I don't understand his #349 against Dad though. It was based on time restraints and we all get busy sometime. It's not a legitimate reason to me. Digging? Maybe. Null leaning scum.

Sephiroths Masamune: He comes in attacking Acro as well about his mistakes. Lame. Some of his stuff is odd, but he’s only made a total of 7 posts and there’s not much to go off of. Null.

Panta: Has a large post with 202, finally. He's either legitimately I don’t even know how to explain it, or he's faking it to make people think he is town. He's been pretty much nonexistent. Null.

Ignatius/Me: I disagree with him voting for the hydra just because it's a hydra.

Seikend: He comes in with a large post that doesn't really contain much either than a bunch of questions. But, it did start up a conversation between people. His wagon hopping is very opportunistic and I don't like it. Even if he's not, it just seems that way to me. Plus, he doesn't really seem to make firm stances. His 327… I don’t even know. Both him and RR don’t seem to be scumhunting, and that’s their case on each other. I don’t understand it. Null leaning scum.

Sorry for the long post. This is with regards to everything, not just recently.

@Acro. Where did soupa blatantly lie?

@J. I believe that answers most of your questions.

Vote: Red Ryu
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