I did another re-read but, this time, I looked for things that not only struck me as odd but never really got explained. I want to ask people some questions, if that's alright. Even if it's not, I'm going to anyways.
@Everyone. What is up with the policy lynching?
I wanted to ask Ingnatius about how many times he would post because he gave forewarning that he was not going to post often and I wanted to know how I could prioritize questioning him in the future.
I hope you feel free to ask me as many questions as you want, however often you want.
Leopard, who posted 103? Could you guys label your posts while in the hydra?
Sorry to break it to you, but most hydra's aren't gonna tell you who's actually posting.
I trust you all to be able to sense sarcasm and irritability whenever it's present.
Eh. I'm horrible at that, so expect me to mistake your real pushes for jokes. Apologies in advance.
@Acro. At #11, why are you still holding onto the thought that JTB might still be scum. Do you still have that feeling? You say "I suppose this might still file under a possible scum allighned role..." I'm not sure I understand. Then, at #14, you vote Seph. Is that just RVS? I can understand your #29 that you are flustered and annoyed, but you're arguing semantics on JTB's confirmation of town. WRT #47, how can questions be taken as being defensive? Just a hint, don't dig
too hard for reads. It messes you up.
@Seikend. With your #31 in mind, could you go back to before that and see if you get anything now that it is later in the game? Why is "Acrostic Town" blacked out on #105? You never really did explain why you disliked Hilt's vote on Panta. Why? If I missed it, please, point it out to me. Why do most of your posts contain questions and nothing really else? Reasons for voting RR in #250?
@RR. #74, what do you think of Seikend lurking early on? I don't like how you keep pushing that Acro isn't posting content at #119 when he had by that point. Not including inactives, who are your scum picks? I don't like your #260 because you defend hunting inactives but say nothing really else; instead, you attack Acro. Also, reasons for #291?
@LST. WRT #83, if you feel that I am faking content like you feel with my predecessor, please point it out to me and I will work on it.
@Hilt. I will try to keep your #81 in mind. WIFOM in #242. Would you mind explaining what you were trying to say? Also, while re-reading, I found I liked your string of posts.
@Panta. I don't like the end of #110. Presenting a good case doesn't always mean that person is correct. That just means you are easily persuaded and will therefore become a target for the town to buddy. In your #227, where do you find that LST has wagoned?
@Dad. In #138, why vote for LST? You kind of write him off as kind of being null and then you up and vote for him. You say you explained but I don't see a solid explanation. Reasons for voting RR in #256?
@J. Explain your #152 vote on Dad and everything after that WRT Dad. Are you assuming that people that have reads matching yours are automatically town? Dislike.
@AM. I would have questions for you but nothing has really shown of consequence that I need to ask about. Sorry to disappoint you
I think that's it for now. Will address everything else as it pops up. Also, I'm moving Acro to null. Although I don't like his initial defensiveness, he has gotten better. I still don't trust him, but he's null atm. Also, I'm moving Hilt to null leaning town because he has been working harder and my initial read of him was slightly off due to him needing people to ask him questions to start working. I'm not excusing him because of it, but he seems a lot more town lately. That leaves RR as my scum read and Seikend as my null leaning scum.