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Final Fantasy IX Mafia | Game over! | Who won? :o

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#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Sangfroid said:
@Acro. At #11, why are you still holding onto the thought that JTB might still be scum. Do you still have that feeling? You say "I suppose this might still file under a possible scum allighned role..." I'm not sure I understand.
That's because I still had doubt & I know JTB is clear now. At the time I thought it could have been an indie|scum ability.

Disbelief <-> Doubt <-> Belief
[initial] <-> [middle] <-> [end]

Sangfroid said:
Then, at #14, you vote Seph. Is that just RVS?
Tried to get an immediate read on him because he doesn't usually post a lot.

Acrostic said:
Just an initial impression. When I played with you in Newbie 10, I didn't like you within your first ten posts... and you were scum.
Sangfroid said:
I can understand your #29 that you are flustered and annoyed, but you're arguing semantics on JTB's confirmation of town.
The whole thing was semantics. No one was confused by what I did, just some people didn't believe I was confused. So I clarified and stated that if people didn't believe me, they should just state it because I would prefer they bring it up with me directly rather than try to push on the issue passively.

Sangfroid said:
WRT #47, how can questions be taken as being defensive? Just a hint, don't dig too hard for reads. It messes you up.
Tone of voice. Seikend's dialogue overall in #31 seems relaxed. I used the term "defensive", but I suppose "forced|strained" would be a better replacement. I.E. "Why are you voting me when I haven't said anything?" Sounds somewhat strained to me.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
@J. This is where I got my "same reads = town" thing. I don't really see where I put words into your mouth...

Towny atm. His reads are matching mine and I have yet to see anything truly scummy from him. He is under one town-read atm but matches another.
I understand you also say that you haven't seen anything scummy from him, but it strikes me as odd. Don't worry. You're still safe as town in my eyes. I was just wonderring something.

Also, wrt my "ballsy claim," I only really feel that they are scummates because they are my only scum reads atm. Also, both of their cases against each other are pretty much the same: the other doesn't seem to be scumhunting.

@Acro. Thanks. That clears things up a bit for me. Regardless (I seem to be using that word a lot... another thing I have to stop), have you suddenly discovered the "power" of hidden messages, because you seem to be using them a whole lot lately.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
@J. Explain your #152 vote on Dad and everything after that WRT Dad. Are you assuming that people that have reads matching yours are automatically town? Dislike.
Those two sentences were supposed to be completely seperate entities from each other. Sorry for not clearing that up.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@J. This is where I got my "same reads = town" thing. I don't really see where I put words into your mouth...

I understand you also say that you haven't seen anything scummy from him, but it strikes me as odd.
That quote is with regards to my Seik read which I just said, his reads do play a part of the read of him...? What's odd about it? Also how you were putting words in my mouth I was talking about you implying that more then just one of my reads came from that.

Sang said:
Don't worry. You're still safe as town in my eyes. I was just wonderring something.
I really don't like this line Sang.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
What? Why? I was being cocky. You know? A joke...? Oh, well.

With that part, I was just wonderring why you had said what you had said. It had nothing to do with my read on you really. I just disliked that idea, I guess, that people that had the same reads as you were town as well. At least, that's what I got from it. And, no. It was only from that read because that's all you had said it on. Sorry for not clarifying.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Well I guess I didn't get the joke but it seemed like you were trying to satiate me.

So Sang, can you explain your town read on AM a bit more. I'm not seeing it. Especially since you mark them down flatly as town.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
I didn't know I needed to satiate you. Come on, you know me better.

WRT AM, I like their reads. Not because they are the same as mine, but because they are very open with them and don't wait for people to ask their opinions on things. Their posting style turned me off at first, and I still don't completely understand it, but you can find the intent behind it. But, me having no questions for them doesn't mean they are flatly town for me. You and Dad are about as much town to me as AM is, AM maybe even a little less. But, there's just nothing that has stuck out to me that is completely scummy or I need to inquire about. I will do a re-read of their posts later in the Day, though, to see if I may have missed something that needs to be taken care of. What are your thoughts on AM

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Null-leaning scum.

I don't like you this game Sang. There is something up that I can't place my finger on....it's bugging me really badly, but I will be back after I re-read your posts in a sec. Till then I'm leaving this here.

FoS: SangfroidWarrior

Let's make this like our IRL mafia games, tell me why I shouldn't want to lynch you. Do you think you know why I have a lingering suspicion of you atm?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
I truthfully don't have any idea. And... I was making this like IRL games. I thought...? If I'm playing differently than I usually play, please, explain it to me. Maybe because I've never replaced in before and am trying to get my bearings? IDK. I'm not gonna use the "I'm a noob, take it easy on me" excuse. You shouldn't want to lynch me because I feel I could really help town try to figure out who the mafia is and take them out. I'll just have to try harder to convince you of that. Is there anything that you would like me to clear up? Becuase you obviously felt wary of me from my earlier post.

I need to distance myself from you, honestly. I'm not sure how much of my trust of you comes from the fact that I've played IRL mafia with you so much, but I am beginning to realize I may be biased and will have to do a re-read of you to make sure that I'm not trusting you just because I think I know you. Argh. This is odd playing with you, just saying.

Either way, could you explain your read on AM, rather than just state it?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
This is odd playing with you, just saying.
Agreed and I think this is where some of my dislike may stem from. You are playing differently then what I would expect of you, and also knowing your train of thought based on your newbie game (congratz on your MVP just btw. :p). You are definitely a slot that is gonna perplex me more then I had originally thought.

Sang said:
Either way, could you explain your read on AM, rather than just state it?
I don't like his reads for one, I don't feel he has explained his reads but merely just stated them (out of nowhere and pretty bold), and I don't agree to his push on Seik. Plus the way he dips in and out of inactivity only to pop in and comment on things, but never fully explain himself bugs me.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
Agreed and I think this is where some of my dislike may stem from. You are playing differently then what I would expect of you, and also knowing your train of thought based on your newbie game (congratz on your MVP just btw. :p). You are definitely a slot that is gonna perplex me more then I had originally thought.
Thanks ^_^ But, the same goes for you. You play differently IRL mafia sometimes, and reading games with you, or anyone else here in this game, in them is nothing like actually playing with you.

I don't like his reads for one, I don't feel he has explained his reads but merely just stated them (out of nowhere and pretty bold), and I don't agree to his push on Seik. Plus the way he dips in and out of inactivity only to pop in and comment on things, but never fully explain himself bugs me.
Okay, I will keep that in mind when I look at it again. Why not just ask him about it rather than just letting it slide, if you feel that strongly about it? Or have you and I have just missed it?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I have asked him before and have yet to receive a response from them.

We should drop the IRL chat, but one last thing. Soooooooo weird I actually know someone I take classes with/hang out with.

Tell me, if JTB had asked you the question he asked me, what would you have told him to focus on? I.E. what do you deem important to learn from this Day phase?


Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2011
@Panta. I don't like the end of #110. Presenting a good case doesn't always mean that person is correct. That just means you are easily persuaded and will therefore become a target for the town to buddy. In your #227, where do you find that LST has wagoned?
What do you mean that I am easily persuaded and therefore become a target for the town to buddy?

Town would use that against me? Or town would look to me in order to get more power for their vote?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Panta, while you are here, can you update us on your scum-reads and do you still agree to where your vote is?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
@Panta. AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Stupid not reading things correctly. Let me fix that.

"...and will therefore become a target for the mafia to buddy."

This isn't directed completely at you, it is just a general statement that I am warning you from doing. If somebody presents a really good case and you immediately follow them for it, the mafia might decide to use that against you. I read a bit of Pulp Fiction (sorry J, not trying to dig into wounds) and mafia won because the town member was persuaded by the mafia's "amazing" arguments. Basically, it's like the thing with J. I'm not saying you are really doing it, I'm just inquiring about it, and telling you to be wary of following somebody for a good argument without putting your own thoughts into it.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Haha why would that dig salt into my wounds? It sounds like the other player would feel more wounded by that statement.

*sigh* That game, but I digress.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
I have asked him before and have yet to receive a response from them.
Ah. Hmm...

Soooooooo weird I actually know someone I take classes with/hang out with.
Lol agreed. And, now it is dropped.

Tell me, if JTB had asked you the question he asked me, what would you have told him to focus on? I.E. what do you deem important to learn from this Day phase?
I would have told him to look at RR's activity outside of attacking/looking to lynch inactives. Pay attention to AM's posts, especially since you kind of have to decipher them to get any info. Look at Acro's reasonings for posting things, and try to assess if he's fumbling scum or confused/annoyed townie. Any posts that seem to have information in them but possibly might not, like Seikend's posts.


Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2011
Panta, while you are here, can you update us on your scum-reads and do you still agree to where your vote is?
I like my vote on LST, but apparently everyone else thinks it is dumb or wrongheaded. :\

Right now I don't get this scum vs scum thing that you are saying J. RR's play is different from the other game that I am in him with, but I don't like using meta as an argument to make someone scummy.

Is there a way to only read Seikend's post or Ryu's post in this thread?

Also, I lived past day 1 in a mafia game!! WOO!! :D :awesome:


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
If that was directed at me, Panta, I wasn't calling you dumb. Not by a long shot. Just trying to help you out here.

Can you refresh my memory? Why is your vote on LST?

And, you kind of can. Go into advanced search and search whatever name you are looking for. It's top right of the thread.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I like my vote on LST, but apparently everyone else thinks it is dumb or wrongheaded. :\
Do you still feel the same way about Hilt?

Panta said:
Right now I don't get this scum vs scum thing that you are saying J. RR's play is different from the other game that I am in him with, but I don't like using meta as an argument to make someone scummy.
That was Sang who said the Scum versus Scum (SvS) thing.

Panta said:
Is there a way to only read Seikend's post or Ryu's post in this thread?
Yes, go up to the search bar, click the advanced search button, type the name into the username box and there ya go.

You didn't really give me an update on your scum-reads.....">_> Can I please get that?

Leopard Skin Taser

Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2011
Told y'all that slot was scum.

I'll post for real later if I finish watching Glee season 2 tonight or when I talk to my hydra mate who never seems to be online/hitting me up on AIM (darn you Gordito!!!). But in the meantime I like where (unvote Vote Sangfroid Warrior) my vote is.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Dude, your 422 looks like you are merely hopping onto my FoS on her. I'm looking forward to your explanation.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
Can you tell me what this does for your read since it seems to have stumped you a bit?
I'm not sure if it changes my read on him or not. Like, if he's just not responding because he hasn't seen it or what. I'm gonna have to watch and see how it plays out, especially if he never answers.


Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2011
Do you still feel the same way about Hilt?

No. I kinda like Hilt now. I thought he was just trying to jump onto a wagon without giving any reasons, but then when he explained himself I saw the town motivation by his post. I don't find Hilt scummy anymore.

That was Sang who said the Scum versus Scum (SvS) thing.

My bad. I don't think scum would buss on day one unless one was absolutely going to die and it would look scummy to not be on their wagon, or the other one has a really good role that needs to be preserved for the mafia's sake.

Yes, go up to the search bar, click the advanced search button, type the name into the username box and there ya go.

Thanks. I will get back to you on the scum reads. I will say that SW seems to be playing differently from our newbie game. And you of all people should be able to read her the most effectively so I may end up sheeping you in the future on your opinion of her. :p

You didn't really give me an update on your scum-reads.....">_> Can I please get that?

After I reread the game I will. I have a bit of time on my hands right now so I should be able to give you some info tonight.
Hope that is okay with you.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Alright, seems I will be waiting on LST and Panta tonight.

However it seems we only have about 72 hours left to secure a lynch in a very inactive game.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2011
I agree with your last statement. But, I will be waiting for everyone to reply to my post that hasn't, not just LST and Panta.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Looking realistically, there is like no way for us to wagon snap to another lynch that isn't RR or Seikend due to the way the votes are set up.

Unless someone comes out the window with a damn good case and brings everyone back from inactivity then the first sentence is fact.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Apologies for not getting to this game today, I was getting caught up in another so I put this one on the backburner.

Now that I'm done with that one, I'll work on this tomorrow.
forgive my absence, let me read up

Will read when I get the chance.

guess i'm here, i'll do some things.
Alright, time to catch up.
Told y'all that slot was scum.

I'll post for real later if I finish watching Glee season 2 tonight or when I talk to my hydra mate who never seems to be online/hitting me up on AIM (darn you Gordito!!!). But in the meantime I like where (unvote Vote Sangfroid Warrior) my vote is.
I should get to it tonight.


Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2011
Looking into Seikend's posts.

I've read Ryu's posts and... I see the case against him.

He had a complete hard on for an Acro vote and then he decides to just let that go and vote Seikend after he starts getting pressure from Dad and LST.

Ryu wanted to lynch Seph, Acro, and myself for a while for our scumminess/inactivity. Town gains nothing from lynching an inactive in the way of connections, reads, etc, yet Ryu was heavily intent on getting them to post.

I don't know if Ryu is just trying to pressure the other players into playing by stating he would be gunning for their lynch if they wouldn't be active (read: Hilt, Seph, Tom).

He takes that one step further and analyzes all of Acro's posts coming to the conclusion that they are bs and scummy. He hasn't pursued Acro's lynch as much as I thought he would given his huge post about Acro and I find that odd. He then gives the reason that he was pressuring him into playing more/he isn't following him as much because he isn't posting.

Other than Seph's first few posts and his general inactivity, there is nothing to say about him, yet Ryu wants his lynch a lot.

One thing that I have seen on the other gaming site that I visit is that if a mafia member is not pulling their weight, they get bussed by their partner. I don't see why Ryu wouldn't just seek Seikend's attention in the QT or some other form of external communication to get him back into the game especially when they have daytalk. It seems unnecessary to push his buddy this much unless he is gunning for the major town cred gambit.

When he votes Seikend, he doesn't really offer much content other than quoting a post and saying that it destroyed his town read on him when he literally did not indicate any read on Seikend before..

Bah. At this point I do think that Ryu is pretty scummy for his action.

Reading into Seikend now.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I agree. There's so much inactivity it's not even funny.
It's even worse when I have just about double the amount of the next highest poster, and I feel like I haven't been doing much of anything at all besides trying to keep this game alive. In fact, let's look at the player list in more detail.

1. Tandora - V/LA till deadline
2. Tom - non-existant
3. J - lol duh
4. Leopard Skin Taser (Gordito/July) - Somewhat here, Somewhat not
5. AggressiveMediation (Ryker/Laundry) - Somewhat here, Somewhat not
6. JTB - Not really here
7. Kuz/Soup - Somewhat here, Somewhat not
8. Hilt - Not really here anymore
9. Red Ryu - Somewhat here, somewhat not
10. Acrostic - Active
11. Sephiroths Masamune - non-existant
12. Panta - Getting here
13. SangfroidWarrior - Getting here
14. Seikend - Active

I mean this is seriously ridiculous.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
im here, sorry

theres been a lot of turmoil at my house today, so concentrating hasnt been that great
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