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Final Fantasy IX Mafia | Game over! | Who won? :o

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Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2011
Most of my Mafia experience has been in the BRoom, although I have also played in EE's Spiderman Mafia, and replaced in for someone terrible in Megaman mafia. My performance in the first game is the reason that activity/prod rules came to SWF.

As for people I know in this game, I thought I knew Infernomni who was in Megaman mafia, but turns out it's a different Inferno. And I wanted to say I know Tom, but come to think of it I don't think we've ever been in a game together. So I don't think I've actually played with anyone in this game.

I do have to say, I also have a pretty large disdain for anyone who hydras. To me it just feels like an admission that both players feel like they aren't good enough to do one persons job. So vote: Aggressive Mediation, why did you feel you needed to hydra in this game.
Your vote question makes no sense at all. What answer/information were you hoping to get out of a weird ***, non important, fluff question like that? You're lucky it was still in RVS at that time. O_O I know it is rehash, but I still don't like that post one bit.

I thought RR | J weren't on the same scum team given their dialogue early game regarding Hilt on meta. Red Ryu seemed to ask J an earnest question regarding my initial division between Tom | inferno, they touched on Hilt, and they discussed meta. These are three different discussion topics that I suppose scum could discuss with each other. However it didn't seem like forced dialogue between them. It is possible that they aren't really using outside communication at the moment, for example QT or aim|msn. However their interaction seems genuine.
You do realize that scum are not allowed to discuss the game outside of the thread while it is during the dayphase?

I don't know if this is a gambit or what, but this lack of knowledge about the mafia mechanic makes me think Acrostic is newbtown. ****. Really wanted to have vengeance.


Setting up relationships should be handled similarly to calling someone out as scum, defending a player as town, or placing a vote on someone. If you give a solid, blunt statement, attach a reason for making your statement. Whether or not it could change in the future, or you perhaps decide you were wrong in thinking what you thought in the past, making a statement as blunt and direct as you did and attempting to dodge having to give a reason like you did in posts #92/94 is shady.
Here is Hilt adding her own opinions, which were basically already given directly above this post. In addition, she publicly claims that she is the lurkey type and will wait to say something until an opportunity arises. Coincidence that her "meta" is inherently scummy, or at the very least, anti-town?

Leopard, who posted 103? Could you guys label your posts while in the hydra?

I don't like Red Ryu's voting Acrostic after I voted him. I feel like Acrostic gave viable reasons for his actions and RR seemed to cherrypick an iffy reason to vote him. Also, appeal to emotion is a pretty lame thing. Humans are emotional and if they are close to death or getting annoyed, how can you expect them to remain logical, despite alignment. You could also go as far as to say that Mafia won't be using AtE because it is so scummy. Using "scum tells" like that really don't work when they are out of context.

@LST/J: Funny you'd both ask me your opinions on each other, haha. I'm a bit confused at J asking me about LST, though. Seemed a bit more random. Did a recheck on both of their posts, though, as neither were players I was paying much attention to.

LST: Not a whole lot to say. Hasn't given off much of a town or scum read. Didn't like the last paragraph of his most recent post. Seemed like fancy filler, to keep his post just from being a reply to yourself. Said absolutely nothing in that post. Also, "don't want him in endgame but for now let's scumhunt"? For the situation we're in, atm, you have it backwards.

J: I'm fine with J, actually. Not because he defended me, but becaue he's putting forth work at a game that's barely moving along, instead of just letting it keep its slow pace. I agree with his stance on Panta, and it's definitely a wagon that I'll be joining at the end of this post. From my reread, I didn't notice anything from J that was particularly scummy, but it's only the first day in a slow moving game so I mean... yeah. We'll see.

As for Panta, we've gotten nothing of worth out of him yet. His posts, while not being incredibly few and have given little content, to put it nicely. Looking through his posts, I saw nothing of worth.

Vote: Panta
You present a pretty suspicious post when you talk about LST, but claim it is null and then go for the barely active lurker, who in a way, corresponds to your play style?

You've only posted when asked. You aren't actively seeking out scum.

Dad and J do not seem to be of the same mindset, and to take a page from Acrostic's book I am willing to bet both are town and a J|Dad scum team is impossible.

..did you not read my post? Of course it was based on J's reasoning. J pointing it out made me both realize panta's playstyle up until now and reread his posts. Me saying that it's a "wagon I'm willing to jump on" is obviously me saying that I'm agreeing with J and that his opinion on this player has influenced my own. What a stupid question.

Seph, I agree, would likely be a better pick than Panta. You're right in that. Seph hasn't made a post outside of the first page (40ppp) of the game. Do you think he should be the play? Or rather, if your vote wasn't on me, who would it be on? I know you don't plan to push town towards my lynch with only that reasoning, haha. But yeah, Seph slipped under my radar.

Inferno and Tom's posts have had very little content, less than Panta's. The reason I would choose my vote to be on Panta than Tom, is that I've never, ever played with Panta. I know nothing of his playstyle, and want to see his reactions. I've played a good amount of mafia with Tom, and know that if he pushes himself to be more active, he'll be one of the stronger players, and a much better slot for the lategame. I'm wanting to see if he'll do that of his own will, or if it will take pressure from other players to make that happen.

Regardless, you're taking votes more seriously than you should. They aren't merely a tool for killing. You're rather annoying.
I am really getting tired of you guys using meta as reason to vote or not to vote someone. You are voting me on the assumption that Tom is town and that if he gets active he will be a vital asset to the town.

Also, it is not nice to berate your other townies like that. All it does is create an unnecessary schism within the town that the mafia can exploit.

@J: "Likely" be a better pick for lynch. Not a pick for my vote. My vote is not going to lynch someone. It is not powerful enough to kill scum.

Makes me doubt that Hilt is scum, which I was really thinking. Her actions are too intelligent for my onetrack mind. :|

Man Dad's acting like he usually does when football's online: like a jerk :c.

I'll read more in depth later, but we DO have 4 days left which is ridiculous. I say if we should lynch one person (since an Iggy lynch won't go down cuz he won't post and be scummy) I'd have to go Panta, and I'll read what you guys say to go Seph.
Wagoning... for no reason... I'd also rather not lynch an inactive say we accidentally hit a power role.

Besides, lynching an inactive, literally defeats the purpose of Daystart and potentially gives scum a 2-person lead on the town.

vote: LST

And also, if you guys are going to hate on me for being inactive... well, I am not going to have a computer from Wednesday-Monday.


Take notes, factoring hectopascals. This earnest integer has solid equations. You should all emulate his positive value.
OH please don't be using an annoying post setup. Please...

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
"I bring orders from the queen! Get dressed and go find Princess Garnet!"


Voted | Voter(s) | Votes/Lynch
Acrostic | JTB, Red Ryu | 2 / 8
Soup/Kuz | Sephiroth's Masamune | 1 / 8
Ignatius | Leopard Skin Taser | 1 / 8
Aggressive Mediation | Ignatius | 1 / 8
Panta | Hilt | 1 / 8
Hilt | Seikend |1 / 8
Dad | J | 1 / 8
Leopard Skin Taser | Acrostic, Panta | 2 / 8


Not Voting: Inferno, Tom, AggressiveMediation, Dad;
Takes 8/14 to lynch
Apr 17, 2011
Vote was due to his pushing on JTB, even ignoring his first posts he has been placing discontent on JTB. JTB has not done anything from what I can see to be shoved aside. He is cleared town so he has town movtives alone. Acro ignoring him concerns me.


(Click the picture for 10facepalms^10!)

Clear+not credible=JTB. Putting an irrational number in a simple equation does not make the equation less annoying to deal with! You still have to do all the steps you factoring hectopascal!
Apr 17, 2011
Well, now there is. I'll explain when I get to them. Tom as Null.

I skimmed over the recent posts and iirc someone said something about him having no interest in creating a self image. Which is pri much what I was thinking in regards to both Panta and Inferno. They're definetely weaker town reads than others, but town nonetheless.

@Soup Where you at? Get in hereeee.

Red Ryu confuses me, I don't understand the reasoning behind a lot of his posts.

@Red Ryu http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=13106637&postcount=125

Unless I'm misunderstaning, your vote is on Acrostic for pushing JTB, but also for ignoring him? If he kept pushing JTB would your read on Acrostic be townier? What would have been the town course of action in your eyes?

#117 is weird too, I didn't see anything about a "playstyle" bugging Acrostic.

@Hilt You never mentioned Panta before. Is your vote on him now due to J's #121 or was it an independent decision?

What's your opinion of Inferno, Tom, Seph? Why does it differ from Panta?

How does this "As for Panta, we've gotten nothing of worth out of him yet. His posts, while not being incredibly few and have given little content, to put it nicely. Looking through his posts, I saw nothing of worth." not apply to yourself, until your #126? Everything else looks contentless.

I don't like your Panta vote at all.

The matrix set up here is not functioning properly. This post's formula is bad! The factoring hectopascal who made it must be scum?
Apr 17, 2011
Back from V/LA so I'll get to doing some real posting. Happy to have some things to respond to! ^^ I'm just gonna go in line by posts.

Acrostic, I really wasn't in Dissidia because I was doing Seph a favour with standing in for an inactive slot. So i really don't know anything about that game. Also I really dislike the tone you have been taking as of late because it just screams off over-defensiveness and that you are trying to scrounge up as much as you can to talk about. Slim it down a bit duder.

LST, lies. July doesn't talk in third person. I am however a bit confused because in that post you say, "This person is useless but let's do some scum-hunting!" Which is followed by a paragraph of you saying you don't have scum picks atm nor can you do anything till tomorrow which is just funny to me.

RR, FoS still stands. I really don't care for your reasoning and it doesn't make much sense at all. Who else are you looking at besides Acro?

Hilt, Aight so you are leaning null on LST because you don't think there is much info to go off of yet? What do you think of Dad's vote on LST then? Your reasoning for your Panta vote is somewhat what I was getting at. I don't like that he is adding stuff at all and is overall worthless but Seikend is right that voting purely based off that is holding a double standard. My vote was that reason + I felt his response to Acro was a little excessive.

Seikend, what is your opinion of Dad now that he has posted? I also feel your reasoning for Panta/Inferno is a WIFOMy reason. ">.> However I really like your last post otherwise.

Dad, I don't really like your LST vote nor can I say I fully understand your reasoning behind that vote. Can you go more into why you seem to like Panta? If you like him, what do you think of Hilt's vote?

Inferno, what? Are you saying that you have no reads whatsoever? How do you plan to fix this problem?

My previous solution may have been wrong. Where did I blunder in the equation? While I appreciate the effort, you should get someone else to check your homework. These answers are all wrong.
Apr 17, 2011
You do realize that scum are not allowed to discuss the game outside of the thread while it is during the dayphase?

I don't know if this is a gambit or what, but this lack of knowledge about the mafia mechanic makes me think Acrostic is newbtown. ****. Really wanted to have vengeance.

Check your formulas, we abide by different laws here. Can I take your integer as positive because of this?
Apr 17, 2011
NFACTORIAL! You zetta lucky sons of digits get our sexy readslist already!



Everyone else



vote: Seikend

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Check your formulas, we abide by different laws here. Can I take your integer as positive because of this?
I'm not sure. He said something similar in another game asking about how mafia communicate. In the game it was never discussed when mafia is allowed to communicate or not so this could be a legitimate tell. I had some reservations regarding this because I blatantly pointed it out in a previous game that this could be a town tell. Seeing it used as a response to my post is unnerving. But I'm treating it as genuine at the moment.

How about you+Ryker?
Laughing my damn *** off already. Radical Fiction made me enjoy going through Dissidia when I was checking digging JTB's comment. I can already tell that I'm going to have a hard time keeping a poker face with this clever account. *swoon*
Apr 17, 2011

(click that you factoring hectopascals!)

So Dad equals X, for this equation
Our read on you is a mathematics sensation.
How we converse will be rap relation
Can you keep up with our multiplication?

Alright, you dad of a digit, now listen real well
How you entered this game was a certain town tell
To defend Acrostic, goddamn that was swell
Other reads are not equal, for that go to hell.
All in all, you lean town though, but there you can't dwell.

Some of your scum reads have yet to factor.
LST is a null, if his lynch you were after.
Your math is wrong and a major read detractor.
From town tell to leaning, which certainly matters.

But J's matrix is empty, and not a solution
J plus Dad scum is not a reasonable conclusion.
If one must go, it's J's I'd call an illusion
So Dad must be town, despite his confusion.
Now look over our math and check our resolution.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Dad's initial pushes were in the right direction (i.e. not Panta). He is not on my lynch list for today. His frustration with J parallels mine earlier this game. I want to see a LST response and I don't know why J is white knighting. Red Ryu just seems to be staring at the inactives, not sure how he ended up on J's fos list. Am more curious how J already had a FoS and a Vote which means he's already double dipping with scum tells. Again I don't see how choosing to unvote when active players remaining will not be convinced is a scum tell. Still feel that Dad should have kept his vote up. Dad is a null-town for me atm.

@Seikend: "Comfortable with J, LST, Panta, Acrostic and Inferno as town. Everyone else is null."
Sorry this is the second time I'm quoting this. But how did you get reads on these players so quickly and why did you just list them?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

My previous solution may have been wrong. Where did I blunder in the equation? While I appreciate the effort, you should get someone else to check your homework. These answers are all wrong.
You are going to have to explain how my answers were "wrong" duder.

ugh, so zetta gross.

NFACTORIAL! You zetta lucky sons of digits get our sexy readslist already!



Everyone else



vote: Seikend
ugh, so zetta gross.
Agreed. Seikend vote came out of nowhere and already giving a reads lists, gross.

Dad's initial pushes were in the right direction (i.e. not Panta). He is not on my lynch list for today. His frustration with J parallels mine earlier this game. I want to see a LST response and I don't know why J is white knighting. Red Ryu just seems to be staring at the inactives, not sure how he ended up on J's fos list. Am more curious how J already had a FoS and a Vote which means he's already double dipping with scum tells.
Huh? I didn't think I was white-knighting but if so, aight. I do tend to defend my town reads. RR has landed on my watch list for watching inactives and for reasons previously stated. It seems RR is taking the cop-out route and not giving any scum-reads as of late and just focusing on easy targets.

Double dipping with scum-tells is an interesting way to call it but yes I am focusing my attention in two different areas atm. Also you say something that's what I'm getting at.

Acro said:
Again I don't see how choosing to unvote when active players remaining will not be convinced is a scum tell. Still feel that Dad should have kept his vote up. Dad is a null-town for me atm.
You are actually agreeing to what I am saying in this paragraph. You feel Dad should have kept his vote up, that's the major reason for my vote on Dad. I disliked the unvote because it came off so quickly when pressure came his way.

Acro said:
@Seikend: "Comfortable with J, LST, Panta, Acrostic and Inferno as town. Everyone else is null."
Sorry this is the second time I'm quoting this. But how did you get reads on these players so quickly and why did you just list them?
Why aren't you also asking AM this?


Panta, I was actually shocked by your most recent post. You said scum can't talk during the DayPhase when they can, does this affect your read on Acro? Plus you were talking about Hilt and how you didn't like him that much and I was seeing where you were coming from then you didn't vote for him. o_o You end up voting LST for "bandwagoning" you when he never voted for you. Plus you sound as if you are placing the suspicion of going for inactives on LST's slot when he hasn't been barking up that tree *looks at RR*. Your LST vote looks like the actual bandwagon vote considering it seems your strongest scum-read is Hilt.

I really dislike your post but there is just one sentence in there that makes me falter in voting you.

Panta said:
You do realize that scum are not allowed to discuss the game outside of the thread while it is during the dayphase?

I don't know if this is a gambit or what, but this lack of knowledge about the mafia mechanic makes me think Acrostic is newbtown. ****. Really wanted to have vengeance.

WIFOM and the like but this sounds like a really obv newbTown tell. I'm gonna think on this more.

Daddy, can I unvote you and get an opinion on AM's entrance, Panta's last post, and will you be voting LST with the current wagon that is forming on him?


Jul 31, 2011
You winning son?
J said:
Daddy, can I unvote you and get an opinion on AM's entrance, Panta's last post, and will you be voting LST with the current wagon that is forming on him?
AM's entrance is pretty hip for the kiddos, using a somewhat restriction (note: not a real one, just on purpose) and his vote on seikend is a sort of alarming but i'll look into it.

Panta is still town, he speaks alot of nonsense, but still town.

No, i have my eyes on another prize now.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Would you mind divulging your prize? What do you think of Panta's points on Hilt? How's RR looking to ya?

I would like to ask why not LST because you said you had only unvoted him because people were not voting him/agreeing but now that he is being voted for you have another read change? :confused:

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
In a word, i talked to my other head and we had a bickering of sort.

hydra logs aren't able to be posted, so i'll keep it short.

Kuz tentatively disagreed with my suspicion of LST, and thought that his Iggy vote was justified and felt that i was being a tad exaggerating wrt my point. i tried arguing my stance against LST but Kuz just didn't see it as that way, we dragged this on for a good hour or so, and have formed a new place to look, once Kuz pops his head up again will we hopefully present something again.

Panta's points aren't anything special, and shouldn't be seen as that, there's a lot of speculation, but i'll need to talk to kuz about it.

RR is Null.


Jul 31, 2011
You winning son?
In a word, i talked to my other head and we had a bickering of sort.

hydra logs aren't able to be posted, so i'll keep it short.

Kuz tentatively disagreed with my suspicion of LST, and thought that his Iggy vote was justified and felt that i was being a tad exaggerating wrt my point. i tried arguing my stance against LST but Kuz just didn't see it as that way, we dragged this on for a good hour or so, and have formed a new place to look, once Kuz pops his head up again will we hopefully present something again.

Panta's points aren't anything special, and shouldn't be seen as that, there's a lot of speculation, but i'll need to talk to kuz about it.

RR is Null.
herpa derpa

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Tell Kuzi I like his train of thought and want more of it. And cool I can wait. Till then I have some things I need to look into myself.

I can do a quick re-read since it's pretty chill today. ^^

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Well that was a lot quicker then I thought. Also saw Tanny is going to be the replacement so yay <3. Panta, Hilt's a duder.

Found who I wanna go after, but need some things answered first by other players before I head into that.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
I have either been at work or been busy with some thing or another for the past few days, kinda silly that I got prodded. I'm posting this right before I go to work so I don't have time to do anything atm. but when I get back I'll be able to answer questions and so on.


Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2011
J, at first I was definitely going to vote Hilt, but then I realized he is one of those people that sets things in motion. I thought he was wagoning me using your reasons for his own vote. However, he publicly said he was doing that and them added the fact that he says votes are good on me, but a lynch may not be. Unless he is pulling a gambit, I am pretty sure he just wanted to see my play style and judge whether or not his vote should evolve into a lynch.

Lst on the other straight up wagons, and seems content with posting fluff.



Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007
..did you not read my post? Of course it was based on J's reasoning. J pointing it out made me both realize panta's playstyle up until now and reread his posts. Me saying that it's a "wagon I'm willing to jump on" is obviously me saying that I'm agreeing with J and that his opinion on this player has influenced my own. What a stupid question.

Seph, I agree, would likely be a better pick than Panta. You're right in that. Seph hasn't made a post outside of the first page (40ppp) of the game. Do you think he should be the play? Or rather, if your vote wasn't on me, who would it be on? I know you don't plan to push town towards my lynch with only that reasoning, haha. But yeah, Seph slipped under my radar.

Inferno and Tom's posts have had very little content, less than Panta's. The reason I would choose my vote to be on Panta than Tom, is that I've never, ever played with Panta. I know nothing of his playstyle, and want to see his reactions. I've played a good amount of mafia with Tom, and know that if he pushes himself to be more active, he'll be one of the stronger players, and a much better slot for the lategame. I'm wanting to see if he'll do that of his own will, or if it will take pressure from other players to make that happen.

Regardless, you're taking votes more seriously than you should. They aren't merely a tool for killing. You're rather annoying.
You completely dodged the question when J asked you why your vote wasn't on Seph. Why is Panta more deserving of your vote than Seph?

You also ignore Seph in your response to me. Have you played with Seph before?

Why am I annoying? Explain it to me.

Seikend, what is your opinion of Dad now that he has posted? I also feel your reasoning for Panta/Inferno is a WIFOMy reason. ">.> However I really like your last post otherwise.
I'm thinking town.

Thought the LST vote was weird. I didn't like LST's vote much either, but that's just one post. I feel the rest of their posts have been really solid.

Other than that though, I've liked their posts. I know from experience that Soup and I tend to reach reads in different ways, but we usually get similar reads on players in the end.

The matrix set up here is not functioning properly. This post's formula is bad! The factoring hectopascal who made it must be scum?

@Seikend: "Comfortable with J, LST, Panta, Acrostic and Inferno as town. Everyone else is null."
Sorry this is the second time I'm quoting this. But how did you get reads on these players so quickly and why did you just list them?
Because I'm pri awesome. I'll explain a read if I need to.

What reads do you disagree with? Why?

Agree with J's analysis on Panta's #202. That vote is really weird and out of place.

RR being lurky and opportunistic. Not scumhunting at all. He can go.

@RR Thought's on AM's introduction to the game? Do all of the active players read as town to you?

AM's intro is terabad, just pointing at things and saying gross. No justification at all to anything, they can go too.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I love you Seikend. Like everything matches up so well.

Vote: Red Ryu

During my re-read I began to notice a commonality with RR. Pretty much a majority of his posts are surrounding the inactives and policing inactives. That is pretty much all he has done. He talks about we are needing to move this game forward but doesn't do anything besides saying we should lynch inactives (at the current time Seph). Yet when asked for scum-reads, he just cops-out and answers "inactives." To be fair, he gave Panta but for like no reasoning. His vote also hasn't been doing anything to help him force this inactive thing nor has he voted Panta. He hasn't even made mention of his Acro vote yet.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I love you Seikend. Like everything matches up so well.

Vote: Red Ryu

During my re-read I began to notice a commonality with RR. Pretty much a majority of his posts are surrounding the inactives and policing inactives. That is pretty much all he has done. He talks about we are needing to move this game forward but doesn't do anything besides saying we should lynch inactives (at the current time Seph). Yet when asked for scum-reads, he just cops-out and answers "inactives." To be fair, he gave Panta but for like no reasoning. His vote also hasn't been doing anything to help him force this inactive thing nor has he voted Panta. He hasn't even made mention of his Acro vote yet.
You asked for my opinion other than Acro, that is why.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I honestly did not know that Acro was a scum-pick of yours. Why is he a scum-pick of yours first off and why haven't you been pushing it like at all?

This game is so slow and lonely. ;_;

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Seph, tell me what you think of Tom. Who's post is more telling, Panta's or Hilt's and why?

Hilt's obv. Shows that he actually put thought into the post and what he thought about Acro.

Tom is null to me, he hasn't posted very much so I can't really pick up a read.

You unvoted me in this post, was there a reason?

@Seph Read on Red Ryu and Hilt? Out of the people who have posted a fair share, are there any you'd not be willing to call town? Why?
RedRuy: He hasn't really said much other than "lets lynch an inactive." He's been mainly pushing me, but earlier in the game going for Hilt. I don't know if he just can't find a read yet or if he's just trying for a safe lynch.

Not sure what he was going for with his vote on 119.

Hilt: Love his 102 in response to Acro.
Not a fan of his 126, really safe from what I gathered.
His 153 carries over the same tone as 126.

- Pushing on JTB was to initially test alignment b/c I didn't know it was mod-confirmed.
* Reference ten minute time gap:
-*Re-read flavor for clues
-*Looked up innocent child role on mafiascum
-*Posted that it's mod-confirmed and was a mistake

* How is this a scum gambit?
-* Try to make town lynch a cleared role? (unlikely)
-* Try to play the dumb side of the dumb|scum card? (aside from content confusion? i'm not that dumb)
-* Insult the clear for being stupid to win public opinion? (deserves another bullet point but deal with it)

- Placing discontent on JTB
* He's basing a vote around my first two posts:
-* Probably thinks he's Ryker (lmao)
-* Possibly reaction testing me and is just pissing me off (mission accomplished)
-* Will probably hammer me in lylo so I might as well call him an idiot now (lost Touhou|Dissidia|Fumoffu!)

- JTB has not done anything to be shoved aside
* Addressed all his points up to this post (MANY MANY times)
* I re-read Dissidia (while you and J were snacking on popcorn and laughing your ***** off)
-* This has around 0-1% correlation (i'm being generous with the 1%)
* JTB has not done anything to be shoved aside (like what)

- He is cleared town and has town motives alone
* A car salesman has the motive to sell cars alone (when he's not being miserable about his occupation)
-* Doesn't deny the chance the fact that he could be bad at selling cars
-* Doesn't deny the fact that he's bad at reading his customers
-* Doesn't deny that he's really bad at catching mafia (sorry analogy slip)

- Acro ignoring his concerns bothers me
* Get a room
-* The fact that you're either trolling me hardcore or being extremely stupid bothers me
-* The fact that you voted me after posting something regarding content bothers me
-* The fact that you can't distinguish between AtE and being bothered bothers me
-* The fact that you didn't bother to notice the lack of correlation between Dissidia and this bothers me
^Acro being a douche.(this isn't a read btw)

@RedRuy and Hilt: At the time you guys were contemplating about lynching an inactive, you mentioned me. But at the time Aggressive Mediation was just as inactive. Why did you choose to single me out and not him? And while we're on the same note, why do you think Ignatius is undeserving of being listed either?


Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2011
Panta, answer my question about whether your Acro read changes or not please.
If scum have daytalk, no, my read largely didn't change, I still don't know why he would say something that.

If the scum don't have daytalk, then I consider Acrostic town.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
@RedRuy and Hilt: At the time you guys were contemplating about lynching an inactive, you mentioned me. But at the time Aggressive Mediation was just as inactive. Why did you choose to single me out and not him? And while we're on the same note, why do you think Ignatius is undeserving of being listed either?

I replaced into BIM4 for you and you were an inactive lynch in the recent Disco Room mafia. I trust AM to be more active than you.

Ignatius' first post was bleh, but I was more interested in people I have played with more.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I honestly did not know that Acro was a scum-pick of yours. Why is he a scum-pick of yours first off and why haven't you been pushing it like at all?

This game is so slow and lonely. ;_;
Have you been reading reading earlier or did I not post it? I pushed on Acro's earlier posts, recently I have been answering you because you have asked me questions.

Tell me, why are you miss points and events more than usual? This is not like you.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Series of posts coming, most likely. Going to make them as I catch up.
Hilt changed my mind if he keeps posting like he did before, Seph on the other hand...

Dad, what's your opinion of J so far regarding alignment and alignment alone?
He's saying you're repeating yourself and have no other way of reading people than jumping at inactives.
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