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Final Fantasy IX Mafia | Game over! | Who won? :o

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#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Inferno, thoughts on Red Ryu please?

LST, for you Inferno read please?

RR, Seikend please? Your reasoning for Acrostic vote would be good as well because it seems very off due to it seems to come out of nowhere and I don't see AcroScum like at all. IMO, he's pretty towny of the posts I have seen so tell me why. Till then you landed yourself a nice:

FoS: Red Ryu

Seikend, can you explain your Panta/Inferno town reads?

Panta, do something that isn't fluffy and something that is helpful.

Hilt, how do you like LST?

Ignatius, will you be putting your vote somewhere serious soon?

The rest of the players just need to do something and maybe we can have a game going.

Vote: Panta

Overall out of all the people who have posted seriously as of yet I have the most disdain for Panta. He hasn't done anything besides ask little questions that don't add much nor has he done anything by himself and his overall tone towards Acro's question is bad simply being it's a tad defensive/acusatory at Acro. (110)

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I've been about V/LA for 3 days now and there is only about 20 posts as of this post till then?
1/4 of the people in this game are getting reminders|prods. The people that are active are aligning scum tells to text that I've typed because they have no other leads and they still want to stick up with the charade that this is a legitimate game by pushing a lynch for today.

unvote Vote: Acrostic Don't stop the content people.
I am getting trolled so hard this game.

Red Ryu said:
@Acrostic: You seem to be annoyed with JTB, do you think you need to ignore him based on playstyle?
I haven't noticed anything resembling a "play style" from him. I ignored him because I was being immature and was trying to deal with it passively, rather than actively telling him that I thought his reasons were bogus. I decided to address his questions|arguments regardless of how asinine I feel they are because that's what I obligated myself to doing when I signed up to play a game of mafia. If you want to know how I feel about it, then I would compare myself to Rockin in Touhou mafia or X-12 in Gurren Lagann. I was able to catch up on completed games in case I have to do meta assessments on the player present because the content in the thread is not even passable for anything.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
No preference atm. I don't know why that would matter. It's not like I can switch roles.
I find that first time players who dislike being scum do so because they dislike being conscientious about having to keep up a "town image." Based on your previous posts in this thread, you seem to not really care about keeping up a "town mask" or being concerned about how you are perceived at this point in the game. You stated that you have a fos on me on the basis that I have not "posted enough info." However some posts you have made:

Are completely filler|worthless. This files under me guessing whether you would be so careless as scum. Would scum really be that dumb to push a fos on another player for reasons that apply to them as well? If you're curious you're null tell to me at the moment, but at least I have some idea of how I can read you as this game progresses.

Leopard Skin Taser

Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2011
J said:
LST, for you Inferno read please?
Useless. Absolutely fine as a lynch candidate if this deplorable activity continues just because I wouldn't want him in my lylo, but for now, let's hunt scum.

I gotta say, it's funny. I have some town reads, and I have a couple moderately comfortable nulls. If this garbage heap of activity keeps up then we can easily just go off of keeping town reads alive until serious playing occurs and woot woot we got a game. For the time being, I have limited time to actually scumhunt. But, coming tomorrow or the next day, I'll make sure to try and rip this town a new one. And J, you're on my side this time ;).

This post was totally made by July btw.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Vote was due to his pushing on JTB, even ignoring his first posts he has been placing discontent on JTB. JTB has not done anything from what I can see to be shoved aside. He is cleared town so he has town movtives alone. Acro ignoring him concerns me.


DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
@LST/J: Funny you'd both ask me your opinions on each other, haha. I'm a bit confused at J asking me about LST, though. Seemed a bit more random. Did a recheck on both of their posts, though, as neither were players I was paying much attention to.

LST: Not a whole lot to say. Hasn't given off much of a town or scum read. Didn't like the last paragraph of his most recent post. Seemed like fancy filler, to keep his post just from being a reply to yourself. Said absolutely nothing in that post. Also, "don't want him in endgame but for now let's scumhunt"? For the situation we're in, atm, you have it backwards.

J: I'm fine with J, actually. Not because he defended me, but becaue he's putting forth work at a game that's barely moving along, instead of just letting it keep its slow pace. I agree with his stance on Panta, and it's definitely a wagon that I'll be joining at the end of this post. From my reread, I didn't notice anything from J that was particularly scummy, but it's only the first day in a slow moving game so I mean... yeah. We'll see.

As for Panta, we've gotten nothing of worth out of him yet. His posts, while not being incredibly few and have given little content, to put it nicely. Looking through his posts, I saw nothing of worth.

Vote: Panta


Smash Journeyman
Apr 16, 2007
Anyone you feel is null-scum or scum. Where would you put Tom?
Well, now there is. I'll explain when I get to them. Tom as Null.

Seikend, can you explain your Panta/Inferno town reads?
I skimmed over the recent posts and iirc someone said something about him having no interest in creating a self image. Which is pri much what I was thinking in regards to both Panta and Inferno. They're definetely weaker town reads than others, but town nonetheless.

@Soup Where you at? Get in hereeee.

Red Ryu confuses me, I don't understand the reasoning behind a lot of his posts.

@Red Ryu http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=13106637&postcount=125

Unless I'm misunderstaning, your vote is on Acrostic for pushing JTB, but also for ignoring him? If he kept pushing JTB would your read on Acrostic be townier? What would have been the town course of action in your eyes?

#117 is weird too, I didn't see anything about a "playstyle" bugging Acrostic.

@Hilt You never mentioned Panta before. Is your vote on him now due to J's #121 or was it an independent decision?

What's your opinion of Inferno, Tom, Seph? Why does it differ from Panta?

How does this "As for Panta, we've gotten nothing of worth out of him yet. His posts, while not being incredibly few and have given little content, to put it nicely. Looking through his posts, I saw nothing of worth." not apply to yourself, until your #126? Everything else looks contentless.

I don't like your Panta vote at all.


#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Vote was due to his pushing on JTB, even ignoring his first posts he has been placing discontent on JTB. JTB has not done anything from what I can see to be shoved aside. He is cleared town so he has town movtives alone. Acro ignoring him concerns me. :phone:


#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Vote was due to his pushing on JTB, even ignoring his first posts he has been placing discontent on JTB. JTB has not done anything from what I can see to be shoved aside. He is cleared town so he has town movtives alone. Acro ignoring him concerns me. :phone:
- Pushing on JTB was to initially test alignment b/c I didn't know it was mod-confirmed.
* Reference ten minute time gap:
-*Re-read flavor for clues
-*Looked up innocent child role on mafiascum
-*Posted that it's mod-confirmed and was a mistake

* How is this a scum gambit?
-* Try to make town lynch a cleared role? (unlikely)
-* Try to play the dumb side of the dumb|scum card? (aside from content confusion? i'm not that dumb)
-* Insult the clear for being stupid to win public opinion? (deserves another bullet point but deal with it)

- Placing discontent on JTB
* He's basing a vote around my first two posts:
-* Probably thinks he's Ryker (lmao)
-* Possibly reaction testing me and is just pissing me off (mission accomplished)
-* Will probably hammer me in lylo so I might as well call him an idiot now (lost Touhou|Dissidia|Fumoffu!)

- JTB has not done anything to be shoved aside
* Addressed all his points up to this post (MANY MANY times)
* I re-read Dissidia (while you and J were snacking on popcorn and laughing your ***** off)
-* This has around 0-1% correlation (i'm being generous with the 1%)
* JTB has not done anything to be shoved aside (like what)

- He is cleared town and has town motives alone
* A car salesman has the motive to sell cars alone (when he's not being miserable about his occupation)
-* Doesn't deny the chance the fact that he could be bad at selling cars
-* Doesn't deny the fact that he's bad at reading his customers
-* Doesn't deny that he's really bad at catching mafia (sorry analogy slip)

- Acro ignoring his concerns bothers me
* Get a room
-* The fact that you're either trolling me hardcore or being extremely stupid bothers me
-* The fact that you voted me after posting something regarding content bothers me
-* The fact that you can't distinguish between AtE and being bothered bothers me
-* The fact that you didn't bother to notice the lack of correlation between Dissidia and this bothers me

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I barely remember Dissidia at points but were you in the hydra that got the one shot watcher? JTB was scum in that game, and got caught by the watcher. More or less in this game it's you for what looks like placing doubt on JTB's scum hunting from what it looks like, I'll redread Dissidia later but for the most part your placing distrust on JTB, which to me seems to be what scum wants to do to town.
I may have confused my previous post, I ment your frustration led to you ignoring him later. Poor wording on my part.

@J: sorry missed you question on my phone, Seikend is nullish town, he is putting some good effort in learning others.



Jul 31, 2011
You winning son?
hey sport! (this is kuz/soup hydra)

we're finally here, hope you didn't mess anything up while we were at the bar cheating on my wife at the store!


Jul 31, 2011
You winning son?
So i'm reading your explanations acrostic, and all i'm getting out of it is basically sincere yet somewhat devious posts, meaning you go into extensive detail as to why you did such things, but that there is too much there, i'm not sure if this is your posting forte, or just simply covering every base, either way, not sure if like.

Acrostic said:
Seikend I saw you stop by and leave. Don't lurk. JTB is waiting for everyone to post before s|he gets serious. And I will push policy lynches if needed.

Unvote, Vote: Seikend
aforemention to this, don't play the active buff game, and don't flip your meaningless vote to another one.


Jul 31, 2011
You winning son?
Tom said:
i find Acrostic's explanation for his actions to be absolutely acceptable and a null tell.
i was about to hit you if you didn't say null tell.

Seikend isn't giving me much on the first page, maybe i will find more on the next one.

J looks alright so far.


Jul 31, 2011
You winning son?
LST said:
Why are you fools all up on Acrostic? He's a new player, and if it wasn't for Sonic Mafia, I'd have not known what the Innochild is either.
new player doesn't mean you can write whatever he/she does as "oh he's noob."

remember the rule of thumb.


Jul 31, 2011
You winning son?
RR said:
Due to recent games I have had with people, I dislike lurkers more and more, I'm doing a Purple PL on him every game if he lurks like he did in recent games as scum. I'm doing this in every game now, if I see it too much, I'm lynching it.
This is a bad statement to go by, i hate to break it to you.

Iggy said:
I do have to say, I also have a pretty large disdain for anyone who hydras. To me it just feels like an admission that both players feel like they aren't good enough to do one persons job. So vote: Aggressive Mediation, why did you feel you needed to hydra in this game.
There was plenty of other hydras to pick at, most importantly picking at hydras in general is kinda weak, i'll mark it as "guy who doesn't like hydras but shouldn't use the hydra excuse."


Jul 31, 2011
You winning son?
LST said:
This guy mad.

Vote: Ignatius

Apparently you're pretty good at this game Iggy. You obviously know how to play if you've played previous games here and have played a multitude of BRoom games, so I'm pretty confident that questioning dumb vs scum is not fair to you. So let's get to the vote. You're putting pressure on a hydra simply for the fact that it's a hydra. Now although I respect your opinion of hydras, that has zero indication of alignment, seeing that it's a personal problem of yours. What really catches me oddly is that you went for a hydra that quite literally came in here and made one post that had zero substance. So my questions, are why did you add the vote to that question, and why do I get the feeling that you're faking content?
that was his first post, and reads more as introduction rather then 'faking content'.

Vote: LST

like me vote here, i'm betting money gorf is speaking but it's alot of huff and puff and no action.


Jul 31, 2011
You winning son?
wrt my above of course, i'd like to see how this will play out between them, or perhaps it did and i still need to read some more :(


Jul 31, 2011
You winning son?
JTB said:
Vote: Acrostic


All you have done is post alot of fluff and fake content. You felt a need to point out RR and J were probably not on the same scum team and I want to know what prompted that.
I want to like this vote, but mine is better. <:


Jul 31, 2011
You winning son?
J said:
Vote: Panta

Overall out of all the people who have posted seriously as of yet I have the most disdain for Panta. He hasn't done anything besides ask little questions that don't add much nor has he done anything by himself and his overall tone towards Acro's question is bad simply being it's a tad defensive/acusatory at Acro. (110)
I find his attitude to be the opposite, such as when he openly exclaims he is OMGUS voting.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Back from V/LA so I'll get to doing some real posting. Happy to have some things to respond to! ^^ I'm just gonna go in line by posts.

Acrostic, I really wasn't in Dissidia because I was doing Seph a favour with standing in for an inactive slot. So i really don't know anything about that game. Also I really dislike the tone you have been taking as of late because it just screams off over-defensiveness and that you are trying to scrounge up as much as you can to talk about. Slim it down a bit duder.

LST, lies. July doesn't talk in third person. I am however a bit confused because in that post you say, "This person is useless but let's do some scum-hunting!" Which is followed by a paragraph of you saying you don't have scum picks atm nor can you do anything till tomorrow which is just funny to me.

RR, FoS still stands. I really don't care for your reasoning and it doesn't make much sense at all. Who else are you looking at besides Acro?

Hilt, Aight so you are leaning null on LST because you don't think there is much info to go off of yet? What do you think of Dad's vote on LST then? Your reasoning for your Panta vote is somewhat what I was getting at. I don't like that he is adding stuff at all and is overall worthless but Seikend is right that voting purely based off that is holding a double standard. My vote was that reason + I felt his response to Acro was a little excessive.

Seikend, what is your opinion of Dad now that he has posted? I also feel your reasoning for Panta/Inferno is a WIFOMy reason. ">.> However I really like your last post otherwise.

Dad, I don't really like your LST vote nor can I say I fully understand your reasoning behind that vote. Can you go more into why you seem to like Panta? If you like him, what do you think of Hilt's vote?

Inferno, what? Are you saying that you have no reads whatsoever? How do you plan to fix this problem?


Jul 31, 2011
You winning son?
J said:
Dad, I don't really like your LST vote nor can I say I fully understand your reasoning behind that vote. Can you go more into why you seem to like Panta? If you like him, what do you think of Hilt's vote?
I never said i liked Panta, i am just getting a different vibe from him then you.

J said:
He hasn't done anything besides ask little questions that don't add much nor has he done anything by himself and his overall tone towards Acro's question is bad simply being it's a tad defensive/acusatory at Acro. (110)
Panta said:
Too bad that logic couldn't have saved me in the newbie game.

vote: Acrostic

Yes. This is an OMGUS vote.

From another game.
Panta said:
What does wrt mean? I see a lot of people using it but I can't understand the context.
That's two posts, one is openly stating OMGUS, the other is a mundane question to understand lingo, where you are getting your vibe of scum is beyond me.

Hilt said:
As for Panta, we've gotten nothing of worth out of him yet. His posts, while not being incredibly few and have given little content, to put it nicely. Looking through his posts, I saw nothing of worth.

Vote: Panta
the same goes here.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
What vibe are you getting from Panta then? Also I stated which post I disliked of Panta which led me to vote him as well with why in it too.

I also asked for you to expand on that reasoning solely because it doesn't make sense to me. Your wording is weird and I would like some clarification. (138)


Jul 31, 2011
You winning son?
What vibe are you getting from Panta then? Also I stated which post I disliked of Panta which led me to vote him as well with why in it too.
A town one. next question.

I also asked for you to expand on that reasoning solely because it doesn't make sense to me. Your wording is weird and I would like some clarification. (138)
"that was his first post, and reads more as introduction rather then 'faking content'."

where do you need more clarification, the huff puff is basically how long of detail he went into one little gripe.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Yay, I am actually on my normal account.

Anyways, so your reasoning for LSTscum is because you feel they are fluff-posting? Why didn't you just say that without the snippy tone? :facepalm: Tell me what you think of Acrostic then.

Also you just said "I never said I liked Panta." which implies that you don't think he is town but now you say "I have Panta with town vibes" and I'm lost again.


Jul 31, 2011
You winning son?
No, it's not fluff-posting, it's reaching for a point then stretching it, fluff posting is where there is no content or anything concerning of alignment.

134, J.

I don't like his play, but i am reading it as town. how hard is that?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
This is like pulling teeth when I am this tired.

No, it's not fluff-posting, it's reaching for a point then stretching it, fluff posting is where there is no content or anything concerning of alignment.

134, J.

I don't like his play, but i am reading it as town. how hard is that?
However, I agree with LST that the reasoning for his hydra vote was pretty bad and just not correct. I don't even get the stretching vibe like at all. Also your read on Acro came acrossed to me as you saying he was just null, but at the same time you just posted that you wouldn't mind being on the Acro wagon. I'm asking you to clarify these things.

Usually people like to use their words to clarify bad wording w.r.t. your Panta thing. :urg:

Leopard Skin Taser

Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2011
When Leopard Skin Taser says that it's July posting, it's totes Gordito trolling so that he isn't policy lynched for being the incredibly awesome Gordito. Obtw this is July (look @ this confusion >:D).

J said:
LST, lies. July doesn't talk in third person. I am however a bit confused because in that post you say, "This person is useless but let's do some scum-hunting!" Which is followed by a paragraph of you saying you don't have scum picks atm nor can you do anything till tomorrow which is just funny to me.
I don't want an inactive policy, and with the dreadful activity, it might dwindle down to that. I just wanna try and get people to actively play this game instead of using the excuse of "lol I'm reactionary.", and I don't want noobs to be intimidated by the fact that they dunno how to start the game. And that's why this game's been going on for DAYS and there's only 4 friggin pages. You know who's reactionary, and in fact, SO reactionary that he's called out on it almost all the time as town? Me, Gordito (but it's totally July posting). I'm sorry I'm just raging at the activity level this game. /end rant.

Leave me alone, you're always bugging me Dad :c. Your reasoning for your vote on me makes no sense and if it wasn't for the fact that I assume it's Soup posting, trying to get this game going, I'd call you scum back. But I really dunno how to take it at this point.

J, you're town this game. J, you know I'm town this game. Wanna take advantage of the fact and **** together?

@Mod request mass prodding/prods on those who need em, please. Preferably a mass prodding though.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
**** this town? IMO then we should start by gang-banging Daddy dearest. Incest is ick though.

Vote: Dad

Panta needs to be looked at however, I trust Hilt to that. Can you continue this please, Hilt?

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
@Hilt You never mentioned Panta before. Is your vote on him now due to J's #121 or was it an independent decision?
..did you not read my post? Of course it was based on J's reasoning. J pointing it out made me both realize panta's playstyle up until now and reread his posts. Me saying that it's a "wagon I'm willing to jump on" is obviously me saying that I'm agreeing with J and that his opinion on this player has influenced my own. What a stupid question.

Seph, I agree, would likely be a better pick than Panta. You're right in that. Seph hasn't made a post outside of the first page (40ppp) of the game. Do you think he should be the play? Or rather, if your vote wasn't on me, who would it be on? I know you don't plan to push town towards my lynch with only that reasoning, haha. But yeah, Seph slipped under my radar.

Inferno and Tom's posts have had very little content, less than Panta's. The reason I would choose my vote to be on Panta than Tom, is that I've never, ever played with Panta. I know nothing of his playstyle, and want to see his reactions. I've played a good amount of mafia with Tom, and know that if he pushes himself to be more active, he'll be one of the stronger players, and a much better slot for the lategame. I'm wanting to see if he'll do that of his own will, or if it will take pressure from other players to make that happen.

Regardless, you're taking votes more seriously than you should. They aren't merely a tool for killing. You're rather annoying.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I am...perplexed by Hilt's last post. His overall thing is a bit harsh towards Seikend and I didn't get the impression that he was being stupid or annoying in asking that.

Hilt, your opinion on Dad? Also you talk about your vote would be better somewhere else(i.e. Seph) yet you remain on Panta. Why?

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
@J: I don't like his reaction to LST's reaction to Ignatius' reaction to there being hydras in this game. I think LST calling Ignatius out on it was deserved and not scummy whatsoever.
Hilt, Aight so you are leaning null on LST because you don't think there is much info to go off of yet? What do you think of Dad's vote on LST then? Your reasoning for your Panta vote is somewhat what I was getting at. I don't like that he is adding stuff at all and is overall worthless but Seikend is right that voting purely based off that is holding a double standard. My vote was that reason + I felt his response to Acro was a little excessive.
Keep in mind. I don't want Panta to die because of that reason, I want him to see him react because of that reason. And yeah. I plan to keep an eye on him.

@Mod: Yes, we need prods for certain players. Mass prods are cool, but certain people have been inactive for longer than they should.


Jul 31, 2011
You winning son?
LST said:
Leave me alone, you're always bugging me Dad . Your reasoning for your vote on me makes no sense and if it wasn't for the fact that I assume it's Soup posting, trying to get this game going, I'd call you scum back. But I really dunno how to take it at this point.
Sorry sport, you were in the way of the TV and i'm trying to watch sports, i love sports you know.

J, you're being dumb again.

J said:
However, I agree with LST that the reasoning for his hydra vote was pretty bad and just not correct. I don't even get the stretching vibe like at all. Also your read on Acro came acrossed to me as you saying he was just null, but at the same time you just posted that you wouldn't mind being on the Acro wagon. I'm asking you to clarify these things.

Usually people like to use their words to clarify bad wording w.r.t. your Panta thing.
JTB is mod-confirmed town, he's basically clear and should use this for his advantage, his vote on Acro is not useful, is what i was saying.

alot of huff and puff for a little problem, basically.

Can people really not see what i am saying? is my wording THAT bad? .-.


DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
@J: "Likely" be a better pick for lynch. Not a pick for my vote. My vote is not going to lynch someone. It is not powerful enough to kill scum.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Aight @ Hilt.

Dad, the "u dumb?" argument? Really? Yes, your wording is bad and your vote on LST was poorly substantiated and placed on for a bad reason. I didn't like it at all. Can you explain your unvote because it looks like you unvoted simply because people were getting on you for voting LST.

RR, thoughts on Dad's quick unvote? Tell me what you get from Hilt's 153?

Seikend, will you join me and LST for a bit as buddies?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
EBWOP: @Hilt as well: Your wording was funny "His reaction to LST's reaction to Ignatius' reaction." got me confused a bit. I had to read it a couple of times. xD
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