I really can't see them putting Injustice on there as the scene for it (at least from what I've seen and heard) has really died out on that game. I can see Melee coming back for the reasons people have said, and I feel like USF4 and UMVC3 are givens to the point that we don't even need to bother listing them. I have to agree that if a 3D fighter was going to get removed from that list, it would be DOA5U, even though it's a pretty good game, since TTT2 has a bigger scene, is a more notable name, and Tekken has only really not appeared at EVO when it was in between versions in 2012 (I think).
I'd get into how utterly disgusted I am at Killer Instinct not only getting any positive attention, but almost being a lock for the tournament, but as I've made my thoughts on it pretty clear since even before the game came out, I won't. I'll just say that I'll only be even close to semi-okay with it being in if it simply ups the number of games. If it gets in at the expense of removing KOFXIII, BBCP, or TTT2, then I'm going to be pissed about it.
That being said, my ideal list would be:
However, more realistically, I suspect:
Either way, I would guess that TTT2 and Injustice would finish on Day 1 or 2, KOFXIII will start off Day 3 (as I feel having it in the morning was a good way to get the crowd fired up for the rest of the day), probably followed by either KI or CP, with Melee following that, and whichever of KI or CP didn't go after KOFXIII following Melee as a "cool off" game for the crowd before UMVC3 and USF4. Just don't go ending CP on Day 1 and only showing the Top 8 like they did with P4A. That would be criminal.