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FGD~ Time to get SHTL done


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2008
I don't play this game anymore. Preparing for AE; I suck **** at MvC3 and Xfactor + DHC glitch is dumb (even though I run Wolvie/Wesker/Tron lololol)


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, California
my 21'st birthday is tomorrow, any suggestions?
Find a random Chinese high-schooler and ask her for casual intercourse of the sexual kind. (I am also graduating high-school myself, tomorrow, if anyone cares.)
I don't play this game anymore. Preparing for AE; I suck **** at MvC3 and Xfactor + DHC glitch is dumb (even though I run Wolvie/Wesker/Tron lololol)
What glitch would this be, exactly? (Lol you *****. I bet you run the Wesker OTG and Tron Gustaff Fire assists.)


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2008
DHC glitch is with specific supers, where once you DHC, the damage scaling resets in the middle of the combo. It's retardedly dumb, and you can kill almost any character from 100-0 by abusing it. There's a long post about the specifics on SRK, but whatever. The point is that it does stupid amounts of damage.

And yeah, I use Wesker OTG and Tron flame. It's really dumb with how many brainless 50/50s Wolverine can put people into. Only solution is to guess, and they're all really safe too. People think Phoenix is a stupid character in that game, but Wolverine might be even more stupid.

Also, level 3 Xfactor Wesker is stupid.

Also, Tron flame is a stupid assist.


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Find a random Chinese high-schooler and ask her for casual intercourse of the sexual kind. (I am also graduating high-school myself, tomorrow, if anyone cares.)What glitch would this be, exactly? (Lol you *****. I bet you run the Wesker OTG and Tron Gustaff Fire assists.)
your graduating light? congratulations!


Smash Lord
Aug 18, 2008
your graduating light? congratulations!
Indeed. Congrats to you. :cool:
yo fox's

my 21'st birthday is tomorrow, any suggestions?
Happy Birthday!

I dunno, we should set up a skype channel or something and all sing happy birthday to you? (shrugs)

Amazingly, I don't have to work ....er...today.

Some one help me battle the peach boards.
I think I'm suppose to have a money match with a Texas peach at SiiS5. I'll put my 2 cents in after that. (if the argument is still going.)


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
I have a lot more experience in the falco vs peach mu than I do fox vs peach, sorry. Playing kyon for four months makes you learn the mu.



The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
DHC glitch is with specific supers, where once you DHC, the damage scaling resets in the middle of the combo. It's retardedly dumb, and you can kill almost any character from 100-0 by abusing it. There's a long post about the specifics on SRK, but whatever. The point is that it does stupid amounts of damage.

And yeah, I use Wesker OTG and Tron flame. It's really dumb with how many brainless 50/50s Wolverine can put people into. Only solution is to guess, and they're all really safe too. People think Phoenix is a stupid character in that game, but Wolverine might be even more stupid.

Also, level 3 Xfactor Wesker is stupid.

Also, Tron flame is a stupid assist.
Wolverine's been the most broken, stupidest character for a long time now x)

Wolverine puts people into like 66/33s, then into another 66/33 if you guessed right. And then he's completely safe afterward >_>


Aug 15, 2010
"G-Ames?" Iowa
I decided I'm never going to any more grad parties.

Every single one is the same and they all are a waste of time after the first 5 minutes. Food is never that good either. There's nothing to actually do more than talk about nothing.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
So one of my co workers has a crush on me. She is about 20 years older than me though yo! Aiyyo someone help me, she feels and all that dog. This is not the move!



Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
So i used my training mode only fox on saturday. Must say, it didn't go that bad lol. Did just as well as with any of my other characters for the most part. Learning diddy is different with every character it seems :laugh: Though i will have to get my tech skill more precise...cuz many of the reads i made were messed up cuz of failing on my part :p


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
So i used my training mode only fox on saturday. Must say, it didn't go that bad lol. Did just as well as with any of my other characters for the most part. Learning diddy is different with every character it seems :laugh: Though i will have to get my tech skill more precise...cuz many of the reads i made were messed up cuz of failing on my part :p
its good that it didnt go so bad for you lol. and diddy is a silly monkey lol


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
I got some replays i'm trying to get recorded. Though the diddy ones weren't cuz the guy took out my controller for me so it left the results screen :laugh:


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Star Fox 3ds looks cool!
Too bad it's just a remake of 64 :/ le sigh.

Nintendo's E3 conference was alright I s'pose. Lots of cool stuff, but at the same time, lots of rehashes.

The "new console" confused me so much at first. He just kept showing that weird controller and saying "new console" but then I guess... it IS a new console, they just haven't shown the "console" portion of it yet, and are just showing off the controller? >_<

also new smash going to be on that console (WiiU) and 3DS. :D


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
Wtf that controller is weird as faaaaaaaaaaack >.>

Though that zelda pic was hella bad ***...i miss zelda...I WANT A NEW ONE ALREADY D:

Also starfox 3ds is gonna be epic. I never had a chance to finish the first one so this is gonna be awesome :)

I also can't way for Zelda:OoT 3ds <3 and skyward sword :(


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
That pic is another Zelda game in the making.

Also a report from E3 says the controller is really comfortable, Wii U also support GC games. I'm expecting a GCC port then.


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
That pic is another Zelda game in the making.

Also a report from E3 says the controller is really comfortable, Wii U also support GC games. I'm expecting a GCC port then.
Hmmm cool. I dont judge till i try anyways. I am kinda hyped though. I heard it's graphics are suppose to be "next gen".


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
It's graphics are on par w/ those of the 360. Not next gen at all. That demo was lacking compared to some modern PC games, which is pretty unforgivable for a tech demo (unless you're comparing across two different hardware classes like mobile vs console). That demo was severely lacking in dynamic object reflection on the water, water geometry variance (if there was even water geometry, I don't recall seeing evidence there was), sophisticated particle control. And while a lack of something doesn't mean the console can't do it well with all the other stuff, the following were not present in that demo: Multiple lighting systems, advanced lighting environments, ambient occlusion, any form of realistic shadows, geometric tessellation, potentially motion blur (i can't tell)
It did demo depth of field and and what looked like subsurface scattering, though.

My thoughts on the WiiU:

The Wii U looks like it should've been nintendo's console 4 years ago. That being said, since the 360 and PS3 are here to stay for a while, this is nintendos chance to actually compete in that market again. I'm always skeptical when it comes to proprietary designs such as this controller: any game that makes good use of it, will likely be much worse on any other console (one nice thing about the standardization of the other 3 major gaming platforms), thus making games exclusive to that console. While historically this has also worked the other way (games that are made for 360/PS3/PC are frequently not made for Wii), there is a good possiblity that this is more because the Wii just has terrible processing/graphical power, a lack of HD resolutions, and a severe lack of storage capacity. The WiiU looks like it may overcome all of these, providing all those expected standards that may allow more games to come to that console's owners than before.

Which brings me to my next point: The Wii's biggest problem was that Nintendo focused so much on innovating new stuff for it that they completely left out current stuff for it, and it suffers quite a bit because of that. A lack of HD resolutions, severe restrictions on game size and permanent storage, virtually no processing power needed by many new games, a horrible network policy and implementation, virtually no support for the console as a home media center device (only supporting SD netflix and whatever SD stuff you can find on the web, i.e. youtube, but in a browser, no support for it as a network media player or even as a dvd player). As such, the wii was an extremely limited console barely even able to call itself a part of that generation of consoles, yet sporting what appears to be the future of gaming consoles. The WiiU at least how Nintendo was pushing it at E3 seems to be addressing virtually all of these issues, adding in all the standards we expect of a current gen console. It will support HD resolutions (very important for games that would like to have a detailed UI or have lots of text), it will have games on High Density disks, allowing more standard size games to be shipped, much more storage on console for things like DLC, game patches, (maybe accelerated loading times?), processing and graphical power that should go about even with the 360 (have yet to see how much graphical muscle will be lost by powering the controller screens) allowing for the realism that makes some games and the AI or animations for others. Nintendo and EA's reps seem to be implying that they are reworking the network policy for the WiiU that may make the online community more open and have better performance with more user-driven features. The only expected standard not addressed is it's use as a media center device. Hopefully it will be able to at least play DVDs and act as a network media player (two things the other 3 platforms can do), if it can play Blu Rays, then that would actually put it above the 360 in that regard and be even with the PS3.

As far as the controller is concerned, to me that looks like a PITA to hold for long gaming sessions, but I don't know for sure yet. I also have no experience with analog circle pads. However, I think there are some pretty good things that can be done with that touchscreen. I could think of 3 really good uses during their demo and they gave a 4th before I came up with it. 1) the screens can be used to keep information for each player secret, allowing each user to make decisions based on only what they know. Historically pvp imperfect information games required networked play with each player at their own station w/ screen, however, this new controller allows that to all be done in person. The sort of things I mean are like, for example, a card game where you can see your hand, or a turn based strategy game where each player must input their moves secretly before the turn is executed. 2) Any time any sort of popup interface would occur in a game that takes the player out of the mode of normal gameplay, it could probably easily be moved to the controller screen to improve gameplay. This includes everything from real-time menus (such as in mutiplayer games like changing options in Halo; or in MMOs) to minigames, such as hacking vending machines in Bioshock or some sort of auxiliary control pad based on your environment (i.e. if you had to enter some numbers on a keypad to unlock a door) 3) Unique input opportunities, such as showing your inventory, offering context dependent actions that the player could take, or offering some sort of visual interface for control (such as showing your team on a top-down area map and selecting an area for your team members to go to, all w/o breaking the gameplay on the main screen (via menus, changing button actions, etc). 4) This one Nintendo was able to come up with but I didn't think of it: Asymmetric gaming (all players are not of the same user category), which would allow players to basically almost be playing different games that are part of the same game (such as one commander and 3 subordinates). I feel this controller has much more practical application to directly improving gameplay than the Wii's new controller.

All in all, if priced similarly to a 360, I think the WiiU will make a very legitimate competitor to the 3 current high end platforms (360, PS3, PC) if Nintendo does deliver the way I've interpreted their press release to mean things.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
SCOTU, y u so smart? I don't know half of the stuff you said in the first paragraph, or how you would notice that just from a stream and stuff.
That pic is another Zelda game in the making.
Are you sure? They said nothing about it so I assumed it was just an example screenshot.


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2008
im pretty sure the zelda thing on the Wii U is just a test for there newly obtained power. it just demonstrates what they could make, they did a similar thing when the gamecube was revealed.

i could be wrong and it could be a twilight princess sequal.

Uzima (Uzi)

Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
Colorado Springs
ok, scotu had his turn, activate nerdcore gaming mode

ok, i saw the nintendo press conference, and admitidly at first i was shocked, a bit let down when they showed the controler, hell like most people i thought that WAS the new "system" but after a bit of digging and more searching on their section ont he E3 website i found more about the actual new console itself, and to put it litely, i am very happy.

nintendos done something most though impossible, to make a system with the ability to have hardcore gaming and family gaming very very possible on the same system. with the processing power and graphical ability the Wii U has its up their with the ps3 from what i've found and heard.
meaning it will be able to play the big name games (like the ones showed in the video lineup
assassins creed, arkam city, Dirt, etc)
we will be seeing FAR more M rated games coming out, this is obvious as shown by the video before, lots of face shooting and blood spurting, etc

the way the big name developers are talking i expect to see alot more on the way.
long gone will be the days of "for the 360 and ps3" and we can look forward for "for all consoles"

the controler itself is a big thing, at first i was very skeptical, but after some brain storming with friends and watching the demo videos they showed, im extremely excited. It reminds me of 4 swords and christal chronicals on the gamecube, menu's and items and even other parts of the level on the controler, while big action and views are on the screen.
i loved those styles they used but was disapointed when i never saw anymore big names using it.
this will give a great comeback to those ways of gaming, along with even more powerful ways of utilising the style.

few more things, the zelda teck demo they showed absolutely floored me, looks beyond gorgeous.

in the end.

Nintendo knows exactly what they are doing, have all along and always will.
came out with the wii, people were shocked and concerned, but it exploded the market, becoming an INSAINLY strong selling system, eclipcing the 360 and PS3 with no problem. now their taking the huge success that the wiii was and bringing back heir rots as a hardcore gaming god and what do you get?
a HUGE influx of new hardcore gamers, at first i didnt think a "wii 2" would be a good idea, and something entirely new was needed, but i was wrong and doubted nintendo.

their taking all the wii people and leveling them up, so to speak, with Wii U

i am absolutly looking forward to what the future holds for this new system.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
SCOTU, y u so smart? I don't know half of the stuff you said in the first paragraph, or how you would notice that just from a stream and stuff.
I'm trying to go into the game development industry. Take how much material you've read on smash. I've probably read more about 3D graphics and rendering. In addition to having (and having read) several books on the topic, I've taken a senior level course in 3D rendering techniques.

tl;dr: I actually study this ****.

I read SCOTU's entire wall of text.

And enjoyed it. Thanks :)
np. Glad it didn't go to waste :)


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
As some new news comes out, I have to revise my opinions of the WiiU a bit. First off, the controller is no where near as cool or good as I previously though. If you can only have 1 of those per console, then that removes the biggest advantage they had.

Second, The WiiU is certainly NOT aiming to be a media center device like the 3 other major platforms. While its games will come on technology similar to (if not entirely compatible with) Blu Ray disks, the console itself will not double as a Blu Ray player. One of the bigger drawbacks of the Wii in this regards was that its games came on something very similar to DVDs to the point where the Wii could play DVD Video Disks. However nintendo did not provide this functionality, so anyone looking to both play games and watch DVDs would either need to both get a Wii and a DVD player or get one of the other platforms (when you factor in the price of a DVD player, the Wii rapidly looses it's price advantage), plus then you'd need to worry about having multiple AV inputs to deal with. Given this, I find that it's highly unlikely that the WiiU will be any sort of media device past what the Wii is.

Current Standings:
HD Resolutions: Check
Modern Graphics: Check
Modern Processing Power: Check
Modern Audio: Partial. (5.1, but no 7.1; this is much more useful to games than movies)
Game Size: Check
Permanent Storage: Check
Good controller: Partial (only 1, thus it seems mainly only really good for things like MMOs)
Media Features: Missing

So right now it's looking like a 360 with a tablet controller for 1 player/console games, no wired controllers, No media center features, but with a larger on disk capacity.
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