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FGD~ Time to get SHTL done

Mar 28, 2008
It's a crying face, expressing my pain of Xiivi making me a slave. You see the last few avatars I've had (and got now)?, those are Xiivi's doing.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
General Discussion. It be happening right here Light :)

And you wouldn't, becaause you haven't been floating around here yesterday/today. Xiivi vs. KJ in an all out war. Not really sure who won :s


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Yo here is the texture for BF you seen in my vid.

I just tried it... it's... not the same ;_;

it's kind of like it but near the bottom of the waterfall or something, and the top looks different. If the stage was located at the top of this waterfall I'd like it but it's not :/ I'll ask Krystedez

...I think the one you linked me is the rumble falls texture o_O
Mar 28, 2008
I find that if my mum (or mom x.x) gets mad at me. Say Hi, but keep it going for a solid ten seconds, then say mom. She'll be so WTF'ed she'll have no choice but to forget everything you've done thats bad :3.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Don't have the 64 Emulator. Sorrz, Ah well it's too hard to really explain come to think of it, Lets talk about something else Light :p How have you been guys? I demand a paragraph about your past week, at least. I shall follow up with Mine if at least 4 people post theirs.

Uzima (Uzi)

Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
Colorado Springs
lol, ok.

friend lied to me and bassicaly stole $200 worth of airsoft stuff from me, lied again, then finaly returned it, minus like $30 worth of ammo.

just now got in an argument with all my room mates about being competitive.
they were all *****ing at me about wanting to play a game the way its intended, I.E. high metagame level.
from melee to playing the new tetris on 64.
my friend wouldn't explain how the mechanics worked and i get *****ed at for looking it up.
the most hard core scrubs you will ever see in your life.

hmm, also making tails and moneys and such.

whos next?

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest

Zucco namesearch-a-go-go baby!

My week has been ridiculously boring. I've thrown in at least 11
applications for a job and still no callbacks. I've downloaded several albums ranging from Marvel vs Capcom to Erykah Badu to Modest Mouse and etc. I've picked up a new secondary aka Ice Climbahs. I figured since I get bored with alot of characters because there isn't enough for me to do with them when I'm not playing actual people, the ICs kinda give me something to do even when I'm not playing people. I've finally made some progress in SNK vs Capcom Card Fighter: DS. It has some the most inane tasks that need to be completed to progress. For example: "Find SNK Hayate card." This is a rare card aaaaaaand no specific person has this card. You have to go to a floor with 4 people that want to trade cards and it appears at random, along with whatever card they want to barter for it. It took me like a week to get this **** card and when you get it and give it to the person that wants it, she drops it and you get it back. Now, I have to acquire either 3,000 or 30,000 CP (I forget) to battle some random broad on a Vegas-esque floor. Which is bull****. If and when I beat this game I'm gonna fast talk some chump into buying this game off of me for like $10.


Aug 15, 2010
"G-Ames?" Iowa
I think this is as good a chance as any to join the general discussion.

My week was awesome!
The week came to a climax of fun on sunday but it almost didn't happen. Last sunday(19th) I talked to a friend(Nick) who I wanted to get in the competitive smash experience and he said he'd go to a smashfest the next sunday.

I go back to college and get owned by a biology test I didn't expect to get beat by but I got some extra credit so it was all good. The assignment was basically saying "you need to change your study habits". Other than that school was school, went to lectures, went to lab, did my homework, ran for Cross.

Friday comes along and I go with a friend and take a ride 1 and a half hours away from my place to a camp to do all this awesome stuff with friends. Then we took a drive around the area and hiked behind a Wal-mart and explored the woods, finding campgrounds, cross country courses, horse trails, and apple trees(tasty). Then we went in Wal-mart and did things like play with knifes(that were plastic), screw up the self-check out lanes, and make a suggestive face on the Wii's Mii Channel.

It was a fun weekend, but as Sunday morning passed around I kept telling my friends I needed to get back home for smashfestivities(and since I was getting a ride from someone and didn't want to be late). They saying that I should stay there and hang out with them instead. I was still telling my plea when we went to walk on a golf course we always walk. Lucky for me, there were people watching us this time and they came on a Cart and told us to get off(they did it nicely). I asked them to give us a ride and we rode back to the camper. Luckily my friend's dad decided it was time to go and we started the ride back(around 2:45).

As we were riding, I thought it would probably be a good idea to call on Nick and see if everything was in order for our smashfest 30 minutes from our house. It wasn't, apparently his brother came home from college that weekend and they were going to drop him off after dinner(at 3:00?). Now this caused 2 problems for me.

-1, I told my ride to pick us up at Nick's house
-2, I was already running late and needed them to wait up.

Nick tells me that he was sorry and that was the end of the call. Now I'm sitting there waiting in the car trying to figure out what to do. Every plan I made failed because I didn't have my ride' phone number. So I decided to give his family time to eat dinner(30 minutes) and then I tried calling again. Best thing happened, No service! It didn't help that everytime I dialed the phone read the number aloud.

After some panicky thoughts on my part the phone actually gets some serivce and I make the call. Things finally start to turn around, I call and Nick's mom picks up. I tell her the problem that I was having with ride pick-up and how leaving to drive would kill everything. She tells me that Nick didn't actually have to them that time and could go to the smashfest. That was a great relief. I talk to Nick again and go over the details on how I was late and how he needed to wait.

The 30 minutes left to get home were still aweful to wait through. Nick called and said that the person giving a ride had arrived. I finally get to the house and I see them two playing brawl. We get up and go drive to the smashfest. We drove past where we were supposed to and then we couldn't find the place at the college where we were supposed to meet.

Once we arrived though smash ensued and all was good with the world. Had a bit of a rough start and the beggining beause I hadn't played people in 2 weekd We played the game and met the new peeps. Ordered pizza and ate it. Then I found out how stupid the Sheik vs Fox match-up was :'( . Did record some videos that I want to get critiqued sometime. We said goodbyes and drove the way back at around 10:15. Nick told me he had a great time and said he had to get out of the Brawl+ tatics him and I got during the summer.

Don't open this unless you want to be assualted by a wall of text.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Yeaah! KJ's sig is Da Bess.

Glad too see some new contributers to this thread :) Kuares you should post more around these boards :) let us get to know you better. I just joined up with fox about a month ago so I'm rather new now as well. Don't be shy.

As I promised, my Week in a couple Paragraphs.

I Moved to Victoria On the first of September, so my activity on these boards kind of died a bit due to me looking for a job, Here are the shenanigans that have ensued.

So, My last week has been interesting, for the most part I have been job hunting because I started this month off with a fresh, beautiful 2,500$ in my bank account. I checked up on it like 5 days ago and practically started crying in the lobby of the CIBC downtown. I had about 800$ left, which is both terrible and amazing. Who knew i could blow through 1,700$ WITHOUT paying rent, Simply Amazing. Anyways, so now I'm pretty much screwed unless I can find a job within the enxt month, And my last resort is mcdonalds downtown. Yaay :\

While all this job hunting was going on I Was waiting eagerly for my Licence to come in the mail as I passed my Drivers literally the 31st of August, and left at like 7AM on sept. 1st, so My mom got the drivers in the mail and then sent it out to me. First off, they always say one to two weeks max, really they mean like one to 4 weeks maybe, I don't know if you guys have it better where you live but alberta kinda blows for that.

Now I got my licence in the mail baout a week ago, I was stoked, I finally had photo ID again without having to take my passport around everywhere, it was exciting to also have the ability to drive a car (in a city, this is godsend); Then it fell out of my pocket.

Yep, it got stuck to my iPhone case and fell out of my back pocket. That day however, is like etched into my memory as the worst day I've had so far. I've had a couple in the past you know, like accidentally crapping oneself during baseball game because straight up refusal to forsake my dignity and go into an outhouse (Ironyy), the time I ran into a fence and cut my face up, at the exact moment a bus load of girls in the grade above me went careening by(this wasn't so bad the next week, they all remembered me fighting the fence, and wanted to nurture me back to health, I was pleased). This day however, surpassed all of those days Put together. Starts off in the morning, I wake up and I had an excellent sleep, I had a job interview today and I was pretty excited/nervous because I, for some reason, suck at getting interviewed. I had a shower, it was good, I was worried my cousin had used up all the hot water with her girl-long shower(Girl is the measurement of time for when nothing else can possibly explain just how long they take) and was relieved to find that she did not. Breakfast was great, my Uncle brought home some apple strudels the night before and I had forgotten about them completely until my aunt handed me a plate of streaming hot breakfast pie. I should have realized, I should have known that when you pour coffee into a to-go cup, and then forget it, that the day usually sucks afterwords. I should have realized this and been more careful but the morning had worked me into the mis-belief that today was going to be great. Now I get dropped off right where my uncle parks his car for his work and we go our separate ways, It was early so I had to wake my buddies up so they could come and unlock the door when I arrived at their apartment, so I take out my Phone. I BELIEVE I dropped my licence somewhere here, but I'm not totally sure, Oh and before I forget It looks like I also dropped 77$ there too. I was so pissed off at myself for losing something I had literally received less than 24 hours ago that I don't really remember the interview, but I don't think I even had one, I think I showed up and the interviewer was surfing, GG world. Now, my friends laugh'd as they should have while all this was going down, but in an effort to cheer me up they decided we should go drinking at the college because we all knew some people and I wanted to see taylor anyways. I head over there around 3 because of this thing called Thunderfest, like I giant circus for older people, it had bands playing and games where two people had to run while attached to a bungee cord, they where running on a bouncey castle-type thing though, it actually looked hella fun. So I met up with taylor like 15 minuets after arriving, and she is hot. First thing I noticed is how god **** good looking she is, naturally my manly side was screaming "Tap that or I won't love you anymore" so I put my game face on, knowing she literally was a horny, lonely chick(she said so herself). Things didn't progress very far in that stage because I pussied out a lot, and then we all got drunk and she left with some other dude. Legittt right there, my fault I know, so anyways we left all our stuff in her dorm room, and we told her we'd come grab it the next day so, being the next day now, a half hour bus ride and a bit of "Motion Sickness" later we arrived at the Uni. She was with some other dude, we just called him Saterday(I was Friday;)) when we picked up our stuff, so it was kind of awkward but She warned me so it was all good I guess. While travelling home Via the bus, we had to transfer busses because we needed to do a bit of shopping first I think, I left my stuff I got from Taylors place on the 14. waste of a ****ing trip right there. It was terribad. My week blew chuncks, AND I havent' heard back from a single employer, Le sighh :(

Although the other day me and taylor Made out for a bit and I left her speechless, it was cute :laugh: and we are hanging out tomorrow, so wish me luck boys!

That was my week. Thumps way up to anyone that actually read it, and sorry about the ending I realized if I kept writing this like a book with all the explinations that no one would read it, sorry!

Uzima (Uzi)

Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
Colorado Springs
Yeaah! KJ's sig is Da Bess.

Glad too see some new contributers to this thread :) Kuares you should post more around these boards :) let us get to know you better. I just joined up with fox about a month ago so I'm rather new now as well. Don't be shy.

As I promised, my Week in a couple Paragraphs.

I Moved to Victoria On the first of September, so my activity on these boards kind of died a bit due to me looking for a job, Here are the shenanigans that have ensued.

So, My last week has been interesting, for the most part I have been job hunting because I started this month off with a fresh, beautiful 2,500$ in my bank account. I checked up on it like 5 days ago and practically started crying in the lobby of the CIBC downtown. I had about 800$ left, which is both terrible and amazing. Who knew i could blow through 1,700$ WITHOUT paying rent, Simply Amazing. Anyways, so now I'm pretty much screwed unless I can find a job within the enxt month, And my last resort is mcdonalds downtown. Yaay :\

While all this job hunting was going on I Was waiting eagerly for my Licence to come in the mail as I passed my Drivers literally the 31st of August, and left at like 7AM on sept. 1st, so My mom got the drivers in the mail and then sent it out to me. First off, they always say one to two weeks max, really they mean like one to 4 weeks maybe, I don't know if you guys have it better where you live but alberta kinda blows for that.

Now I got my licence in the mail baout a week ago, I was stoked, I finally had photo ID again without having to take my passport around everywhere, it was exciting to also have the ability to drive a car (in a city, this is godsend); Then it fell out of my pocket.

Yep, it got stuck to my iPhone case and fell out of my back pocket. That day however, is like etched into my memory as the worst day I've had so far. I've had a couple in the past you know, like accidentally crapping oneself during baseball game because straight up refusal to forsake my dignity and go into an outhouse (Ironyy), the time I ran into a fence and cut my face up, at the exact moment a bus load of girls in the grade above me went careening by(this wasn't so bad the next week, they all remembered me fighting the fence, and wanted to nurture me back to health, I was pleased). This day however, surpassed all of those days Put together. Starts off in the morning, I wake up and I had an excellent sleep, I had a job interview today and I was pretty excited/nervous because I, for some reason, suck at getting interviewed. I had a shower, it was good, I was worried my cousin had used up all the hot water with her girl-long shower(Girl is the measurement of time for when nothing else can possibly explain just how long they take) and was relieved to find that she did not. Breakfast was great, my Uncle brought home some apple strudels the night before and I had forgotten about them completely until my aunt handed me a plate of streaming hot breakfast pie. I should have realized, I should have known that when you pour coffee into a to-go cup, and then forget it, that the day usually sucks afterwords. I should have realized this and been more careful but the morning had worked me into the mis-belief that today was going to be great. Now I get dropped off right where my uncle parks his car for his work and we go our separate ways, It was early so I had to wake my buddies up so they could come and unlock the door when I arrived at their apartment, so I take out my Phone. I BELIEVE I dropped my licence somewhere here, but I'm not totally sure, Oh and before I forget It looks like I also dropped 77$ there too. I was so pissed off at myself for losing something I had literally received less than 24 hours ago that I don't really remember the interview, but I don't think I even had one, I think I showed up and the interviewer was surfing, GG world. Now, my friends laugh'd as they should have while all this was going down, but in an effort to cheer me up they decided we should go drinking at the college because we all knew some people and I wanted to see taylor anyways. I head over there around 3 because of this thing called Thunderfest, like I giant circus for older people, it had bands playing and games where two people had to run while attached to a bungee cord, they where running on a bouncey castle-type thing though, it actually looked hella fun. So I met up with taylor like 15 minuets after arriving, and she is hot. First thing I noticed is how god **** good looking she is, naturally my manly side was screaming "Tap that or I won't love you anymore" so I put my game face on, knowing she literally was a horny, lonely chick(she said so herself). Things didn't progress very far in that stage because I pussied out a lot, and then we all got drunk and she left with some other dude. Legittt right there, my fault I know, so anyways we left all our stuff in her dorm room, and we told her we'd come grab it the next day so, being the next day now, a half hour bus ride and a bit of "Motion Sickness" later we arrived at the Uni. She was with some other dude, we just called him Saterday(I was Friday;)) when we picked up our stuff, so it was kind of awkward but She warned me so it was all good I guess. While travelling home Via the bus, we had to transfer busses because we needed to do a bit of shopping first I think, I left my stuff I got from Taylors place on the 14. waste of a ****ing trip right there. It was terribad. My week blew chuncks, AND I havent' heard back from a single employer, Le sighh :(

Although the other day me and taylor Made out for a bit and I left her speechless, it was cute :laugh: and we are hanging out tomorrow, so wish me luck boys!

That was my week. Thumps way up to anyone that actually read it, and sorry about the ending I realized if I kept writing this like a book with all the explinations that no one would read it, sorry!
daaaaaaaang dude, harsh week : /

nice ending though lol, sings of things to come


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Props on reading that :p

Yeah, I have a hang out with Taylor Friday, prolly chill with Bri sat or sun, and then Mon or tues I am going out with Ashley.

hopefully this week is better than the last :\


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
haha it is amusing to tell horror stories of at least. Not that i, at all, like recalling that at all, oh yeah, and to add to the drivers licence thing, i have to travel back to alberta to get a new card issued.


Aug 15, 2010
"G-Ames?" Iowa
I'm horribly shy at posting. I also got a problem with taking 30 minutes just to write one post(15 mins writing, 15 mins looking it over). Definitly gonna try to post more though. I guess one thing you guys should know that I'm from Iowa.

But yeah, I found this awesome fanart.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2010
Mt. Freeze
Wow, that looks awesome. Their faces looks a little... too fanarty, but otherwise... wow. Do you know what that was made with?
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