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FGD~ Time to get SHTL done


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Wifi doesn't allow Fox to do anything cool, except maybe suicide frequently by accident.

If you want to play Fox on wifi, all your need are dair, uptilt, and camping lasers/side B (like Falco does, only less effective)


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2005
I don't see it. MK hasn't won a national tournament in over a year. Most of the "top MKs" have very good secondarys. There are very few players who would lose to Judge's MK, but beat his Wario. And he has worked 20 times harder on MK.

and I guarantee the ones that say "I love fighting MKs I've practiced the matchup so much it's an easy win lolol" will lose to GOOD Meta Knights.
Ally, ADHD, Lain, Anther, Blue Rogue, Hunger, DEHF, TKD, Razer, Nick Riddle, Co 18, mikehaze, meep.

Snake, Diddy, ICs, Pikachu, Wario, Wario, Falco, Fox, Snake, ZZS, DDD, Marth, ICs. Respectively.
That's a pretty diverse character list. All those people have beaten "GOOD Metaknights" on a fairly consistent basis.

not good enough to be banned.
but good enough to kill the game completely.
But would banning MK be good for the community? Would that increase tournament attendence? There is no way to know unless we did it.

Would it really make the game for "fun" by having more campy Snakes, Falcos, and Robs?

I think banning MK would kill the community for good. Most MK mains would quit. And non MK mains who oppose the rule would boycott touranments. This would create a lot of drama, tournaments would get smaller and smaller until the whole community died.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
zozefup...zero, and i mean ZERO mks abuse stalling tactics to their full extent

you play really dumb already but even you don't abuse the power of gliding under stage, planking, etc.

do that actively for 8 mins and for multiple sets and you'll start winning more =P

stalling done by MK is ridiculously powerful when played correctly (which no one has really done so far)...other characters' stalling abilities don't nearly approach this lvl


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
zozefup...zero, and i mean ZERO mks abuse stalling tactics to their full extent

you play really dumb already but even you don't abuse the power of gliding under stage, planking, etc.

do that actively for 8 mins and for multiple sets and you'll start winning more =P

stalling done by MK is ridiculously powerful when played correctly (which no one has really done so far)...other characters' stalling abilities don't nearly approach this lvl
If Zero metaknights do it, then there's either a **** good reason they don't, and it's not a problem.

Possible reasons why ZERO MKs use this:
  • It's too hard to do correctly: if by now it's too hard to do correctly, then it probably will continue to be that way
  • It's not actually as good as you think: this is probably the reason
  • They don't want to look like douches: I don't think M2K would care about his playstyle looking douchey.
  • They don't actually want to win: All high level pros want to win money.
  • They don't want their character to be banned: then we don't have a problem, do we?

I know a couple of really good MKs, they clearly know about all the camping techniques (don't try to tell me someone like M2K doesn't know about them) , and none of them use any.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
i think it's more of a matter of people not wanting to spend 8 minutes stalling >__> m2k and judge feel this way, afaik. i have no idea about dojo, ksizzle, lee martin, tyrant, and havok, though in their regions there's a ledge grab limit in place + anti-scrooging rules

but whatever. my next point was going to be something about how we've established arbitrary rules that change the way the game is won against stalling tactics such as "scrooging" and planking but no matter what i say my argument isn't really going to be acknowledged by zozefup


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
but whatever. my next point was going to be something about how we've established arbitrary rules that change the way the game is won against stalling tactics such as "scrooging" and planking but no matter what i say my argument isn't really going to be acknowledged by zozefup
probably because we don't have arbitrary rules against planking and scrooging; that'd be a good reason not to acknowledge that argument. Banning MK would just be an arbitrary change that's FAR more drastic than anything you claim there even is, just to counter a "problem" that doesn't even exist.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
i meant to say popular rulesets xD

i'm unsure about banning mk but i AM concerned about the existence of planking/anti-scrooging rules in more and more rulesets. either ban the character or don't make rules about that kind of ****


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
I know a couple of really good MKs, they clearly know about all the camping techniques (don't try to tell me someone like M2K doesn't know about them) , and none of them use any.
none of them have the patience. unless you are truly committed to being that gay, its not youre best strategy.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2005
I plank in EVERY tournament game I can. I have the patience for it. I play in checker tournaments that take 1 hour per game :). Planking is pretty good, I'm not gonna lie, but it's not going to win me any tournaments.

It's not very good at all in MK dittos. MK has a lot of options against it.
Diddy shoots peanuts, and it's very hard to avoid the damage. Plus is Dsmash at the ledge is SCARY.
Snake throws all kinds of crap at me.
Wairo throws bikes and tires at me.
I recently tired to plank Sonic, but he threw springs at me.
It's pretty good against DK and wolf. That is about the only way I can beat Ook and Kain. But sometimes they jump out with bairs and I get stage spiked. They still manage to beat me most games.

The only character I really feel comfortable doing it against is Falco. But getting an advantage on Falco is pretty hard.
Maybe someone could show me some videos of MKs planking and winning? Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

But if planking/scrooging is the only reason to ban MK, we should really just ban the technique. I don't understand the argument "ban the character! don't ban planking!". We banned the IDC without banning MK. Why can't we limit planking/scrooging? Don't kill the community by banning a character when you can ban the technique.

But for planking and scrooging to be banned, MKs need to start doing it and winning. Right now they are not.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
MK doing IDC is different from planking because there's no ambiguities. You're either doing IDC or not.

If you plank, when is the line crossed? How can you say that 49 ledge grabs is acceptable but 50 is? What makes that extra ledge grab that much more erroneous?

Furthermore, it changes the way Smash is played. If you manage to get your opponent to x or y damage and KO him down to his last stock or w/e but you grab the ledge more than z times, then you lose? What? Smash is a game where winning is getting an advantage through stocks and/or percentages. The timer does not change this but it DOES add a time limit so now there's another, smaller "subset" of winning - timing out - that does NOT change the number of victory conditions. When you create a ledge grab rule regardless of whether it is enforced or not what happens is that now you add an extra way to win the game that DOES change the number of victory conditions.

Also...stalling isn't limited to planking. Glide under the stage against Diddy or above the stage even. Snake, same thing - mix it up. Wario too. Sonic, lol, his spring has a limited range of safety to beat planking. DK and Wolf don't have safe ways of beating planking but it's w/e, just glide if you're scared.


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
when i said "they" i was referring to top mks. even if you have the patience or one skill aspect mastered in brawl you cant win with Just that.
i.e. thiocyanide, amazing theory player, but his hands dont really work with his body. ive taken a lot of his ideas and put them into profitable tournament practice.
whereas someone like pierce is a theory player in my opinion, he can also accomplish the reaction time and other things necessary to win.
all of the top mks are missing the patience game that teh spammerer had, and i doubt any of them will ever get it.

although you are right, some chars can get around planking. you dont even need to plank sonic hes awful... but if you did springs are honestly not that big of a threath rofl.
wario gets ***** personally if planking is allowed, but i havent played like fiction/dmg or something so maybe im missing out ^^.

edit: if you plank wolf and lose youre doing it wrong rofl


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
none of them have the patience. unless you are truly committed to being that gay, its not youre best strategy.
Well, i kinda bet Judge doesn't really have the patience for it, but M2K definitely could.

I plank in EVERY tournament game I can. I have the patience for it. I play in checker tournaments that take 1 hour per game :). Planking is pretty good, I'm not gonna lie, but it's not going to win me any tournaments.

It's not very good at all in MK dittos. MK has a lot of options against it.
Diddy shoots peanuts, and it's very hard to avoid the damage. Plus is Dsmash at the ledge is SCARY.
Snake throws all kinds of crap at me.
Wairo throws bikes and tires at me.
I recently tired to plank Sonic, but he threw springs at me.
It's pretty good against DK and wolf. That is about the only way I can beat Ook and Kain. But sometimes they jump out with bairs and I get stage spiked. They still manage to beat me most games.

The only character I really feel comfortable doing it against is Falco. But getting an advantage on Falco is pretty hard.
Maybe someone could show me some videos of MKs planking and winning? Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

But if planking/scrooging is the only reason to ban MK, we should really just ban the technique. I don't understand the argument "ban the character! don't ban planking!". We banned the IDC without banning MK. Why can't we limit planking/scrooging? Don't kill the community by banning a character when you can ban the technique.

But for planking and scrooging to be banned, MKs need to start doing it and winning. Right now they are not.
Checkers is a solved game. Why the hell are there even tournaments for it?

i meant to say popular rulesets xD

i'm unsure about banning mk but i AM concerned about the existence of planking/anti-scrooging rules in more and more rulesets. either ban the character or don't make rules about that kind of ****
Or just don't ban those tactics. Scrooging has better reasons to get rid of itself than planking, but banning MK isn't really the way to do that. Planking has absolutely no reason to be banned at all.


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
Well, i kinda bet Judge doesn't really have the patience for it, but M2K definitely could..
definitely not for more than a set or two at high level play. he can beat most people just running at them and just guessing what you going to do and ****** you for being an idiot

the only mk ive seen willing to do that is teh spammer and he hates brawl.

Uzima (Uzi)

Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
Colorado Springs

this took off fast, lol

like polatics or religion lawl



i hear people say scrooging all the time yet i've never heard any one explain what it actually it o.o?


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
Scrooging is running a circle by going under the stage. MK can get from one side of the stage to the other quickly enough via gliding that it's pretty safe. When used excessively, this is called scrooging. Especially effective on Smashville.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2005
Can I see some videos of MK Planking good players out please?

If MKs arn't planking (for whatever reason), then there is no problem.


Monochrome Like A Panda
May 18, 2007
Fort Washington, MD.
Well back to more General Discussion. I've been thinking of getting a new Wii game. Anyone have any good suggestions? I already have TvC. I might get the new Super Mario bros soon enough, is there anything else?
Do you have a 360 or PS3?



Jesus Christ I am so excited for this game.

Code Lyon

Smash Journeyman
Feb 27, 2010
Kennesaw, GA

but yea the game is really fun.

for anyone who is gonna download it JOIN THE BLACK CLAN so we can actually do stuff together, my cousin was stupid and joined the white clan so now all we can do is fight each other or go on neutral maps but still can't be in the same party.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
Well back to more General Discussion. I've been thinking of getting a new Wii game. Anyone have any good suggestions? I already have TvC. I might get the new Super Mario bros soon enough, is there anything else?
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Best Wii Exclusive game to date.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
All the little energy terds die really easy to physical attacks iirc, and all you need to do is make sure that you don't have any units that can't take a magic hit (read: for the love of god max Ike's res; not hard to do), kill off all the terds, cause they'll cockblock for the boss and then just kill the boss. That's actually the easiest part4 endgame.

Code Lyon

Smash Journeyman
Feb 27, 2010
Kennesaw, GA
What >.< maybe I'm just being over agressive when I think I see opening to the boss.

So basically play defensely and kill the stupid teleport people.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
What >.< maybe I'm just being over agressive when I think I see opening to the boss.

So basically play defensely and kill the stupid teleport people.
nah, you can go aggro, just only do it w/ people who can take magic hits. Also, they don't teleport, they have something like, 28 mov though. Actually, Agro's pretty much the best strategy in almost every situation.
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