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Feelings on MK and the MK ban after Apex

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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I rename Ganon Tier into God Tier. Thus, Ganon is God Tier. He's also the only character in God Tier. I guess we need to ban him.
Don't make bad statements like this unless you want to not be taken seriously. You know what God Tier means, everybody knows what it means. Nothing is "renamed" it. It's created for characters who are broken or strong enough to earn it. This was the entire case.

The God Tier argument in the form you present it is meaningless:
To most people, to argue that something is God Tier is to argue that said something is absurdly broken, especially in comparison to the rest of the top tier characters in the game. That some people call some tier God doesn't make a case for banning, the actual power has to be there. And the God Tier doesn't have to consist of one character alone, not at all. It can very easily be a small handful, especially if the cast is large.
And guess what, he is. He has all that power, safe moves, best planking, rules dedicated strictly to him. He has it all. Nobody has ever been on his level. Or close enough to. Otherwise, he'd share a tier. All God Tiers are there because they're strong enough, including banworthy. And any and all God Tier characters are banworthy, but if they share it with others, it's not a true God Tier, it's just a Top Tier. God Tiers aren't just about having enough power, it's about being a God him/herself. They're not exactly fair for gameplay unless everybody else is a God, and then, there's no true God Tier. Let's even dissect the name; Top is both Singular and Plural(in this particular situation). God is always Singular. The name even IMPLIES that there can only be one. If it was called Gods' Tier, sure.

Just as a note, this says nothing about Algol's power level. He is strong, unusual and easy to use, but as far as I know, not absurdly (or at all) stronger than the rest of the cast.
Akuma's just as easy to use. So is Necrid, and clearly, Meta Knight. This is part of the reason why we don't compare it to other games all that often.

By that token, would you call Viola in SC5 broken, for example? She also zones with ball-things. There is bad design and then there is gamebreaking power. As far as I know the Necrid ban is nowadays considered pretty silly.
Kind of hard to call someone broken when a month hasn't even passed, thus, we can't tell just how good she is in the metagame. You need time to see if anything is broken. We DON'T have that yet. So that's a bad comparison as well. Remember when people thought Ike was high tier so early on? Yeah, not really the case. And Necrid was horribly designed, and testing got him banned. And yes, easy projectiles are part of what got Algol banned, same with Link(besides being a Guest character).

I am apparently hallucinating that 0 against Pika and all those -1's for other good characters. Again, unless "Slight disadvantage" actually means something else than "roughly fair match", your argument is completely wrong.
That +0 isn't even agreed upon by everyone. Not to mention, a lot want to actually see it proven, and so far, the best we got is that a person or two was able to beat MK's, but not enough players for it to mean that much. So the +0 is more of an illusion right now. The problem is, it's still while the LGL exists(so Pikachu only goes +0 against a NERFED Meta Knight), and he still doesn't beat MK half the time. I'm more inclined to say it's just the person playing and not so much the character. If it's a true +0 within the current rules, more people could beat the high-level MK's with Pikachu. If that happens, the +0 is actually truthful.

Has tournament attendance really almost died? And duh, of course a widely used, all around solid character that's easy to learn makes a metagame revolve around him to an extent.
And those often get banned for being too easy to use, no weaknesses, and considered widely unacceptable by most players. Also, the point is, we've gotten more attendance since he was banned. So yes, it's HELPED. And it won't if we can't improve the overall metagame(which we barely have been able to). So far, the best we've got is some slightly different Tier placements, and a few characters who 'supposedly' go even with MK. The overhauls are extremely small. 6 Months without MK, well, we'll see if there's a new tier list with some major changes.

Again, partially an American attitude problem, partially just par for the course. That's like playing SSF4 AE 2012 and not practicing against Ryu (who's also strong, all around solid, easy to pick up and played by a monster like Daigo. => Ryus, Ryus everywhere).
Except Ryu doesn't have anything that makes him so much better than the rest of the cast. The comparison is rather pointless here. MK was not banned for being Overused anyway. That would make no difference as long as he doesn't win over 50% if not most of the tourneys. You want to do comparison? Fox has no bad match-ups in Melee. At all. But he still is beaten more than enough of the time by characters with no bad match-ups. He's overall even, and Falco, who's technically worse, is doing better than him. That's why the "no bad match-ups" isn't our only reason, or why too good isn't either. There are tons of factors that call attention to him, not just one.

This is all an argument about the name. Not about power. You don't ban by name, you ban by power.
That's what we did, we banned him because he has too much damn power(among other things). The God Tier in itself is just what helped proved he was far beyond all of the cast.

I also wouldn't cite those +0's, as they're not true completely. They only work under the condition that it's the regular MK they're facing. I'll agree with a +0 as long as the LGL is the same for everyone or does not exist. Until then, they're only BECAUSE MK is nerfed, otherwise, they're false.


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2009
Don't make bad statements like this unless you want to not be taken seriously. You know what God Tier means, everybody knows what it means. Nothing is "renamed" it. It's created for characters who are broken or strong enough to earn it. This was the entire case.
What he's referring to in this case is that words don't have any inherent meaning.

Him being in "God Tier" has no bearing what-so-ever at all on whether he's bannable, because what it means to be God Tier varies from person to person. God tier can have whatever meaning the reader/author wants to give to it, and he was calling you on that.

Like your definition of God Tier can simply be whatever qualities Meta Knight has. And then you can go "Well he's also god tier, so that's a problem"

The God Tier in itself is just what helped proved he was far beyond all of the cast.
Except it doesn't like prove anything at all. If you can give a term whatever meaning you want, just saying that "He fits this term!" doesn't help anyone lol


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
Yeah, we honestly do. If we, the community, wanted the game to be around one character, we would only actually care about that one. But we don't. We actually overall want variety. And he's not Top Tier, he's GOD Tier. Top Tier is for 2 or more characters at the top of the metagame. God Tier is for one character total. They are completely separate from eachother. A character must be significantly better than the rest of the cast to ever hit a God Tier.
Where did you get that Top tier-God Tier from?

I'm conscious of the will of the community but from a competitive aspect I think it's sad to obey every single of it's whims.

I'll address the point about competitiveness again in the quote where you did down below.

That doesn't matter in the end. Every rule on here is also subjective. The most objective way is to take an overall vote on what the community wants. That's a good influence, but we both agree with that anyway.
Subjectivity is something that can be reduced, granted it cannot be eliminated completely, but that is just a personal preference.

I think it make situation such as these much less ambiguous and easier to accept for the entire community.

But still not the majority. Right now, not enough people want the LGL removed, still believing its purpose is to make the overall game better. When it's just to stop a subjective tactic.
I have no real hope of convincing everyone, that's impossible. But I will sure voice my opinion in this kind of thread whenever someone is convinced that MK has been banned because of facts that are actually unrelated and used as excuses in a wrong way.

But convincing everyone isn't my ultimate goal, that'd be a waste of time.

That's the only reason to even balance the game, though. So the players can enjoy it. That was why we bothered with a LGL(even if it's based completely off of subjectively).
I find this approach dangerous because even after MK's ban, there is no limit to that. I mean what's next?

If 60% of the community doesn't like playing with Snake or playing on Frigate will they be banned?

Once again, you keep using the wrong word. Brawl is not Competitive. The players are. Brawl is a Competitive Game under the condition we put rules into it. Every game can be competitive when players make it that way. No matter how luck-based or crappy it is. M.U.G.E.N.'s competitive even with only Kung Fu Man. It's the players, not the game.
I don't know how I used it wrong, but reading you, this is exactly the sense I mean to use when I say it. The players are indeed what makes the game competitive, not the game itself.
But here you go using that rule argument again, I'll just elaborate on what I already said before so that we don't go in circles:

Brawl is a competitive Game because we, the players, are playing it to win. That's all there is to it.

Now last time your argument was that without rules, competition doesn't exist.
I'll go even further in that definition to tell you that without rules, the game itself doesn't exist in the first place.
That's why the game displays "GAME" when there's only one player left with stocks or "TIME" when the timer reaches 0.
Those rules are part of the game in the sense that they're the purpose/goal of the game or game mode we're playing unlike the one we add.
It is entirely possible to play a match of Brawl without it being Best of 3 or on Temple, as long as players are playing to win, AKA to reach the goal of the game that you count as rules, they're playing the game competitively.

That would be horrible. There is no metagame without consistency. Without a metagame, the competition might as well not exist. You want competitive Smash? You need specific rules and enough tourneys with the SAME rules. Unless you don't want a metagame, tiers, every item and every course on. It doesn't work, and becomes casual. Tourneys are not competitive games by default. It's only when the rules become very specific. Casual Smash can still be tourney-based, and that's why you're aiming for with the quoted paragraph, or atleast that's the intention of it. That stuff should NOT be dropped at any time.
I'd like to understand this focus on the metagame.

The lack of consistency doesn't kill the metagame, it makes it harder or downright impossible to discern which doesn't or shouldn't matter at all.
Competition can exist without needing to control the metagame like we are right now, especially when it's for the sake of fun instead stuff like randomness or time constraints.

Nope. It's completely different, and we'd have to kill this entire subforum to do so.
I wouldn't mind. There are other competitive communities that exist without higher authorities that regulate rulesets

I'd rather have that than a bunch of random tourneys with no consistent rules whatsoever.
Again, I wouldn't mind but that is just my personal view on it.

When it only affected Meta Knight, it helped. It was far from useless, but now it is without him.
It helped?

Explain the ban then.

Exactly why changing stages around for him is just as useless. Nothing we can do will weaken him outside of really stupid ideas(taking away his B moves) or hacks.
Yea that's why he shouldn't even be weakened in the first place

Mostly. Not every rule is voted upon, and some are put up because of the TO only. They're influences, but not straight out the only reason.
Well that is an inconsistent way to do what the community wants.

So sometimes it's just the TOs? Why sometimes one thing and why sometimes the other?

The box itself, the one I own, specifically intends the game to be played with multiple characters and multiple options. So we're still following the intention. Sakurai's intention was all items, characters, and stages. But the game itself is slightly different. And I'd say the original creator's intention matters. So overall, he wants everything playable and used.
Sakurai only created the game and left us the consumers the choice on how to play it.

I don't see how his intentions matter, we can follow him if we want but on a strictly competitive playing to win mindset, we don't have to.

There is no difference here. It kills the community because it's stale. I don't get the point of why you just repeated what I said.
Then re-read me.
I wanted to emphasize on the fact that staleness isn't something that is wrong in the first place, that was the point of me repeating but inserting that part in-between.

Ivan Ooze, Algol, Abyss. All three are bosses and completely in their own tier when they were banned. Being bosses wasn't the point, it was the fact that they happened to be members of the God Tier, on their own.
This is something that you seem to be already arguing with Komatik so I won't get inside that too much now.

My definition of a God Tier is a character that cannot be beaten by other characters, which is absolutely not the case with MK regardless of if it's possible to do it in an inconsistent or unreliable way, MK doesn't fit this description, plus he is not a boss character.

In order not to let this debate go in circles anymore let's post our sources.

Except it can't be legitimate if not proven. That's why every rule is far from legit if not proven. That's why we call LGL illegitimate, because planking(not definable) was never proven a true problem. If it was, it would've applied to all characters RIGHT away.
The problem for me is not the legitimacy, the problem is the proof

How do you decide that certain results or tests act as a proof, give me a concrete example

The most general definition happens to be winning too much/unbeatable. Makes sense logically.
winning too much and unbeatable are two different concept for me. I consider the former as Top Tier and the latter as God Tier, to use terms we've already talked about before.

In addition to that "too much" might be is different from a person to another.

He's got two rules catered to him, I'd like to note. First one is completely legit and is just to stop stalling, of which is affects Infinites too. So it's more or less a stalling rule. HOWEVER, in Melee, many got Stalling rules added to them. So the stalling thing was not made up for him, so I wouldn't call that a problem. It's just the LGL that goes too far. And that's enough of a reason to ban him in the first place. Nobody gets treated differently, nobody.
It's the LGL I'm talking about here, especially since you told me that this rule was targetting him directly and that applying it to other characters was just a cover-up.

The LGL goes too far so the LGL should be removed, not MK.

In a pre-ban context, MK was treated differently because of the very presence that LGL especially when he had a lower one compared to other characters.

Nope, you cannot legally do it. They do not exist in any reality of the situation. Likewise, Discrimination has only applies to statuses.

"treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination."

On his own merit, he's good enough to get his own Tier. So he no longer applies to a grouping problem. He has no class or category either. He's just an option like everything else. There's no racial or religious(same with age) problems. Thus, no discrimination. That, and since something of everything else is banned, it'd be discrimination if we didn't allow characters to be treated equally as all options, hence the Double Standard argument brought up before.
Again, you started that. You just don't remember it yourself :

Thino said:
Yea okay but what I'm asking is why it becomes automatic problem? Just because you judged that it is? That doesn't make it a fact I'm sorry.
Hyperfalcon said:
An exception to any rule is an bad inheriantly.(sp?) And it does. It's a problem because there's no excuse for ever treating anything more importantly than the rest. You want the exact reason? It's the same as discrimination. I don't even care how extreme this point is, because it's the EXACT same thing.

I don't mind if you want to contradict yourself by saying that discrimination isn't actually the same thing just because I turned the argument against you.

Wrong. I don't think it's okay to treat him differently at all. I think he should not banned as long as the LGL does not exist. Your statement is false.
How? That means you disagree with the ban, the LGL clause doesn't change anything to the fact that you don't think it's okay to treat him different and you think he shouldn't be banned which is EXACTLY what I said.

If he's not a problem like you say he is, he wouldn't need that rule in the first place.
Nobody said he needs it. The community made a rule for him because we want to, that is different from needing IMO.

Thus, he's being banned according to the community's rules. Only stuff that breaks the game's rules is obviously hacks. We're on the same page of why the Double Standard applies, and that Discrimination does not.

Something's more important if it's given more credit than something else. Or more weight, significance, etc. If something's made specifically for one character(the LGL is), then it's more important to him. I agree that the IDC makes MK more important anyway. But the LGL is just plain worse, since not every character even requires it. Or needs 50, or requires more to have any usable planking.
Yea but that is such a broad term.

I mean by that definition, It's like saying that Peach and Jiggs are more important than other Melee characters just because they got an attribute that other characters don't have.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Where did you get that Top tier-God Tier from?
God Tier specifically exists in Brawl. Check the thread yourself. He's been in a God Tier for more than one Tier list, but ONLY alone. He's never been partnered with someone on that list. For whatever reason.

I'm conscious of the will of the community but from a competitive aspect I think it's sad to obey every single of it's whims.

I'll address the point about competitiveness again in the quote where you did down below.
Okay, regardless of my definition, it still doesn't change that MK holds his own God Tier(labeled it, mind you) as is. And falls under the same points of being a God Tier.

Subjectivity is something that can be reduced, granted it cannot be eliminated completely, but that is just a personal preference.

I think it make situation such as these much less ambiguous and easier to accept for the entire community.
It's not truly objective, but it's the closest we can get regardless. The only objective way to play is All Items, All Characters, All Stages. Nobody would agree to that, however, so we wouldn't be having any Competitive Tourneys. Just all casuals.

I have no real hope of convincing everyone, that's impossible. But I will sure voice my opinion in this kind of thread whenever someone is convinced that MK has been banned because of facts that are actually unrelated and used as excuses in a wrong way.
Well, facts? He's won too much, overdominates in all areas, has the best frame data overall(thus, is superior to every member in the cast), outright REQUIRED a nerfing to even be allowed in tourneys, and wins the most money. Those are all facts. How we take them, is of course, as you said, subjective.

But convincing everyone isn't my ultimate goal, that'd be a waste of time.
Convincing one person won't help, though. You need to convince the majority.

I find this approach dangerous because even after MK's ban, there is no limit to that. I mean what's next?
Nothing. There's no longer a Double Standard. We've banned all items, and banned some courses. And then we ban one character. A double standard would be not banning him if and only if we even apply double standards. All of that is allowed to be banned, or none of it is. Whether or not he needs to be isn't the point of the Double Standard anyway. Saying he CAN'T is how the Double Standard is applied. He can be banned. Whether he should be or not is a different story.

If 60% of the community doesn't like playing with Snake or playing on Frigate will they be banned?
I'd like to note this would apply if that was the poll question in the longrun. The question was "Should MK be banned" nor "Do people not like to play as him?" They're different scenarios entirely. If you don't like playing with Snake, you don't have to. The issue is not if you don't want to, it's whether you're not allowed to play it or not. Snake is allowed be be played for many reasons, the biggest one because he has counters. If he didn't, he'd be sharing the God Tier with MK.

I don't know how I used it wrong, but reading you, this is exactly the sense I mean to use when I say it. The players are indeed what makes the game competitive, not the game itself.
And the rules are what defines the competitive aspect of it. Playing to win is just one part. But without rules, there is no WAY to win. They are both required, regardless. The competitive mindset is about making tons of rules and situations where the best winner can be found. Every game has a rule to it, and no competitive game can be played without some kind of rule. Street Fighting? If it has "No Rules", the actual unwritten rule is when the person dies you're fighting. All competition have natural rules, written or not.

Brawl is a competitive Game because we, the players, are playing it to win. That's all there is to it.
With rules. I can play to win with anything, but once again, no matter how many times you say it, a competitive person does not make a competitive game. It's the rules that allow the competition to even exist. They're both the key crux of the game itself. A game must have rules. A competition requires a game. They go hand in hand. As I said, the competitive mindset has nothing to do with the particular game itself.

Now last time your argument was that without rules, competition doesn't exist.
I'll go even further in that definition to tell you that without rules, the game itself doesn't exist in the first place.
That's why the game displays "GAME" when there's only one player left with stocks or "TIME" when the timer reaches 0.
Those rules are part of the game in the sense that they're the purpose/goal of the game or game mode we're playing unlike the one we add.
All you've shown is that you need players, a game, and rules. Which was exactly what I was saying the ENTIRE time.

It is entirely possible to play a match of Brawl without it being Best of 3 or on Temple, as long as players are playing to win, AKA to reach the goal of the game that you count as rules, they're playing the game competitively.
Which means you're using a particular rule to find that goal. They all go hand-in-hand.

I'd like to understand this focus on the metagame.

The lack of consistency doesn't kill the metagame, it makes it harder or downright impossible to discern which doesn't or shouldn't matter at all.
Competition can exist without needing to control the metagame like we are right now, especially when it's for the sake of fun instead stuff like randomness or time constraints.
Not everybody competes to have fun, so you can throw that out right now. Without the metagame, players cannot figure out how to win. If you're playing to win, you're working within the metagame. And yes, the lack of consistency does kill the metagame. Let me put it more clearly; If there are NO consistent rules, then there is no consistent style to play in. Because many particular ways to play are specific to a time or stock count. If courses are on with say Final Destination banned on one Tourney, and allowed on another, one cannot increase their metagame using the same stage. Thus, when they go onto that banned stage, they won't know what to do. Which means, you have to change your entire gameplan. The problem with this is, you can't have a consistent gameplan, and people cannot practice by going to tournaments because the rules are always different. Players cannot be on equal grounds anymore because of lack of consistency. It kills it simply because it makes it impossible to know how to face a character or course. FD is a bad example, mind you, but the context is the key.

I wouldn't mind. There are other competitive communities that exist without higher authorities that regulate rulesets
Too bad those other games still have consistent rules anyway. The problem is, Smash requires consistency to even work. It is designed completely differently from other fighting games. That stock count is a lot bigger than having lives like in Soul Calibur's Match tournaments. Once you lose, BOTH players are restored back to normal. It does not matter the real numbers of matches allowed, since every game is a neutral standing in the first place. Because we have another stock, only the KO'd player starts off neutral. This changes the entire gameplay in itself.

Again, I wouldn't mind but that is just my personal view on it.
It wouldn't work, since no other community does it anyway. I also explained earlier why their lack of consistency does not hurt them on the same level.

It helped?
Yes. Because he was the only one that actually needed it and the only one that actually PROVED to have a planking problem that we were unable to beat. Nobody has reliably beaten MK's planking yet.

Explain the ban then.
To remove the true issue of the LGL problem, to remove a character who has proven himself consistently to be the best and dominate the cast, to show that we don't tolerate imbalanced characters either. There is no issue with a LGL beyond MK, and we have yet to prove there is. That's a key note as always.

Yea that's why he shouldn't even be weakened in the first place
Pretty much. Either accept him how he is, or ban him. We've done it for everything else. Why should he be used as a Double Standard?

Well that is an inconsistent way to do what the community wants.
That's still not the point. It still keeps things consistent regardless if the rules are consistent. Who puts them in means zip compared to being consistent.

So sometimes it's just the TOs? Why sometimes one thing and why sometimes the other?
They can input any rule they wish, keep in mind. If people don't like it, they don't attend. However, too many people liked MK being gone, so we got attendees. As for the TO's in general, you require them to have tourneys.

Sakurai only created the game and left us the consumers the choice on how to play it.
He intended it to be played with everything on. It's how he prefers it. Not how we do, however.

don't see how his intentions matter, we can follow him if we want but on a strictly competitive playing to win mindset, we don't have to.
We don't need to be competitive whatsoever to ignore his intentions. I'm not a competitive player, I just put on what I like and hate. Doesn't make it good for tourneys, though.

Then re-read me.
I wanted to emphasize on the fact that staleness isn't something that is wrong in the first place, that was the point of me repeating but inserting that part in-between.
It's wrong because we won't have a game to play because people WILL leave(like some have already) due to no changes. It must evolve, or it'll die out. It's been already dying due to the staleness. It's gotten better since his banning, and will continue to grow. You can't have this competition without a metagame, afterall. And if the metagame sucks, you won't have any competition. It goes hand in hand, as usual.

This is something that you seem to be already arguing with Komatik so I won't get inside that too much now.

My definition of a God Tier is a character that cannot be beaten by other characters, which is absolutely not the case with MK regardless of if it's possible to do it in an inconsistent or unreliable way, MK doesn't fit this description, plus he is not a boss character.
Explain why he's in the God Tier officially, then. Our random definitions clearly do not matter. The only one that applies is that nobody is better than him or is on par with him, clearly. Also, Boss characters don't always get thrown into God Tier, they just happen to often be. The bosses in SF2, and I don't mean Akuma, aren't God Tier either. That's just Top Tier(and not all of them too).

In order not to let this debate go in circles anymore let's post our sources.
God Tier: Characters that are ridiculously good, to the point that it is almost unfair to use them. Most likely some sort of secret boss character that was not meant to be used in normal competitive play. There have been very few games with characters that could be considered to be in this tier, and they are probably banned.

MK has fit this definition already. It's definitely unfair to use him since none of the cast can even decently go even with him. He's not "fair" in any possible way, atleast not under our current ruleset.

The problem for me is not the legitimacy, the problem is the proof
The proof is literally the legitimacy. If there is no proof, it cannot be legitimate.

How do you decide that certain results or tests act as a proof, give me a concrete example
The combined total of all results and tests are what counts as proof, not a random tournament. It's why Apex was not a deciding factor for the URC either way. Despite the fact it furthers Pro-Ban's arguments anyway. But I don't consider it any proof except when combined with everything else. I do not specifically look at every tourney or look for results. I go off of what I have. I can allow someone else to answer that. I do not specifically concede it, but I do admit I cannot currently answer it. But what you want is the TOTAL results of multiple tourneys. And in those results, we both know he's won the complete and utter most. Money-wise, Top Tier combined(Fox, Snake, Diddy) didn't even match his total. It took the next tier to even go above his. So it took already 7 characters to match his money winnings. The rest of the cast, well, I haven't checked that paritcular data, I admit.

I cannot speak for any stages, as I have never gone into those discussions.

winning too much and unbeatable are two different concept for me. I consider the former as Top Tier and the latter as God Tier, to use terms we've already talked about before.
It doesn't matter what you "consider", MK is still stated as officially being the single member of the God Tier. Go off of what exists, not what you think it is. He is currently and undisputably God Tier. You want to argue his Tier placement, go to the Tier thread. But that's not in question either. He's still God Tier regardless.

In addition to that "too much" might be is different from a person to another.
Which was clearly enough to get those damn votes, since 76% of the players found him too much. Which is enough for the URC to take that into account. The majority finds him too much. That's just how it is.

It's the LGL I'm talking about here, especially since you told me that this rule was targetting him directly and that applying it to other characters was just a cover-up.

The LGL goes too far so the LGL should be removed, not MK.
I completely agree with this. I've said that before. Most fear that MK will go beyond dominating and just overdominate to the point of making us throw up, so that's why they refuse to remove it instead of MK. If the LGL leaves, MK can stay. But if they refuse to remove it, he needs to go.

In a pre-ban context, MK was treated differently because of the very presence that LGL especially when he had a lower one compared to other characters.

Again, you started that. You just don't remember it yourself :

I don't mind if you want to contradict yourself by saying that discrimination isn't actually the same thing just because I turned the argument against you.
It's more or less a Double Standard problem than a discrimination problem. I probably misspoke. It sounds like discrimination, and I was wrong on that. It's just a horrible Double Standard(which is indeed related to Discrimination anyway)

How? That means you disagree with the ban, the LGL clause doesn't change anything to the fact that you don't think it's okay to treat him different and you think he shouldn't be banned which is EXACTLY what I said.
I disagree with the LGL, not his ban. I personally want to see the LGL go first. But I wouldn't be surprised that without it, he would prove to earn his banning anyway. So they're just cutting out the middleman at this point. The problem is, you're misunderstanding me. Banning him is not treating him differently, it's just banning an option. Making a LGL IS treating him differently. If I said it wrong, this is what I actually mean.

Nobody said he needs it. The community made a rule for him because we want to, that is different from needing IMO.
Throw out the IMO, because a lot of people believe he needs it, including the overall community of every region. It's a general consensus. Most TO's think he needs it, so he gets it.


Yea but that is such a broad term.
It's not really. If something is given more significance, it's more important. That's what important means. As is. MK is more important than any member of the cast. If not all at this point.

I mean by that definition, It's like saying that Peach and Jiggs are more important than other Melee characters just because they got an attribute that other characters don't have.
That's exactly what it means. Keep in mind that there is context, of course. And they're only important in certain areas. Just like with every character that exists. However, in the overall majority, MK is more important in the total list of important attributes than any single character. So he's more important than the rest of the cast. Whether or not he should be is another story. But it doesn't change he is and still is even with the ban. The only way for the importance to drop is if he was completely unplayed, or, IF he gets unbanned, he gets played about as much as atleast the Top Tier of 7 characters.


Smash Hero
Jan 1, 2009
I wouldn't say it's "little techskill". Brawl runs on a 10 frame buffer system. So ideally the fastest players will need to be buffering most of their moves 10 frames before hand. That's one of the reasons you might notice that top players seem much faster than you think should be possible with their characters. They are technically playing in the future.
If anything, buffering just makes things easier. Try doing frameperfect aerials and OoS moves in Melee and you'll see why.


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2009
Hyperfalcon said:
God Tier specifically exists in Brawl. Check the thread yourself. He's been in a God Tier for more than one Tier list, but ONLY alone. He's never been partnered with someone on that list. For whatever reason.
The issue is that you're taking a word with one meaning, giving it another meaning, and then using that other meaning version of that word as evidence of the issue. Combined with your definition not even being consistent. As shown in this quote:

Top Tier is for 2 or more characters at the top of the metagame. God Tier is for one character total. They are completely separate from eachother. A character must be significantly better than the rest of the cast to ever hit a God Tier.
Like not only is your definition subjective, and different from the kind of definition that would serve to be useful for banning something, but the evidence that you believe would contribute to it isn't consistent at all. You first state that god tier is for one character, but that it is evidence for anything at all that he's ONLY been alone in god tier?

Not only is this all surface-level thinking, but it's not even it's not even consistent in its own branch of intuitive simplicity lol

I suppose I'll be a bit clearer, and talk about this quote in particular:
It doesn't matter what you "consider", MK is still stated as officially being the single member of the God Tier. Go off of what exists, not what you think it is. He is currently and undisputably God Tier. You want to argue his Tier placement, go to the Tier thread. But that's not in question either. He's still God Tier regardless.
This doesn't exactly follow, though. You have to investigate what the definition those who put him into God tier used. The argument that him being literally God tier has any relevance is just self-evidently silly when you think about who it was that put him in God tier in the first place.

The BBR did, even when they were in control of ruleset making decisions. Given this, I'd say it's pretty simple that the majority of them didn't use S tier/God tier as being synonymous with ban-worthy.

In my time on SWF, I've learned something: only some people write posts with more than, say, 1000 words, that are even worth reading in the first place. Hyperfalcon... definitely not one of them.
man no kidding

If it weren't for his posts giving me the chance for new ways to express my thoughts, I would've stopped a long time ago lol.


Smash Cadet
Jan 14, 2012
Definitions of
God Tier: A character the rest of the cast stands basically no chance against.
Top Tier: Fundamentally strong and solid characters that aren't completely ridiculous in a ST Akuma-ish manner, and do well against most of the cast.

Those are acceptable, yes?

Argument 1:
Premise 1: The SWF matchup chart is accurate.
Premise 2: "Slight disadvantage" actually means what it implies, that is, "roughly fair match with a small, but not terribly significant edge to one side."
Conclusion: Meta Knight, having multiple roughly fair matchups, does not fit the definition of a God Tier character given above.
(Furthermore, basically all of his oppressive matchups are against the bottom third of the roster who are generally dreadful and devoid of any favourable matchups anyway.)

Argument 2:
Premise 1: A character has to be God Tier to be bannable on account of simple raw power.
Premise 2: Meta Knight is not God Tier.
Conclusion: Meta Knight is not bannable on account of raw power.

This is all I have been arguing thus far, HyperFalcon. Please, do tell me where I am wrong. "Officially in the God Tier" is an appeal to authority (that is, a fallacious argument). It might say something, but we do not know the criteria by which he was put into said tier nor why the tier was named how it was.

That is, the name alone isn't an argument for bannability and thus we can't say anything substantive based on that placement other than the obligatory "Gee, he's probably pretty damn good." that applies to anything sitting at the top of the tier list.

Well, facts? He's won too much, overdominates in all areas, has the best frame data overall(thus, is superior to every member in the cast), outright REQUIRED a nerfing to even be allowed in tourneys, and wins the most money. Those are all facts. How we take them, is of course, as you said, subjective.
Underlined are pure judgment calls, not facts. It would be correct to say that he has won the most by a good margin, and that he dominates in many areas. You have added very subjective weight into those statements.

Also, with regards to winning a lot, there is a saying in Finnish Magic circles. It goes "When **** gets paired against ****, **** wins". That is to say, even terrible decks/characters/factions can go relatively deep in tournaments by virtue of sheer numbers. This is to say nothing of an all around rock solid character like Meta Knight. The mere fact that he is played a ton means he will do well a ton. Conversely, a character that is also very strong and all around solid, like Diddy, Snake or Ice Climbers will not do as well. They are all simply played less than Meta Knight.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Definitions of
God Tier: A character the rest of the cast stands basically no chance against.
Top Tier: Fundamentally strong and solid characters that aren't completely ridiculous in a ST Akuma-ish manner, and do well against most of the cast.

Those are acceptable, yes?

Argument 1:
Premise 1: The SWF matchup chart is accurate.
Premise 2: "Slight disadvantage" actually means what it implies, that is, "roughly fair match with a small, but not terribly significant edge to one side."
Conclusion: Meta Knight, having multiple roughly fair matchups, does not fit the definition of a God Tier character given above.
(Furthermore, basically all of his oppressive matchups are against the bottom third of the roster who are generally dreadful and devoid of any favourable matchups anyway.)

Argument 2:
Premise 1: A character has to be God Tier to be bannable on account of simple raw power.
Premise 2: Meta Knight is not God Tier.
Conclusion: Meta Knight is not bannable on account of raw power.

This is all I have been arguing thus far, HyperFalcon. Please, do tell me where I am wrong. "Officially in the God Tier" is an appeal to authority (that is, a fallacious argument). It might say something, but we do not know the criteria by which he was put into said tier nor why the tier was named how it was.
That's because I ain't arguing the criteria of "God Tier". The only one that we even close to know of is that he's just plain out better than all the cast bar none. Which he is, and thus, got the appropriate tier. You can't really say he's not God Tier when that's his official label, in every current tier list, I might add. You can go onto the Tier List Discussion and argue how they're using it, but you cannot argue that it's the current title.

And nope, your definitions are not acceptable, either. God Tier was not created to be based upon Street Fighter. Don't base your definition off of one game. Smash is its own series. You're ignoring actual context. God Tier depends the Series/Game. This is not Street Fighter whatsoever. As I said, ask the Tier List creators their actual definition, not me. Thus, your comparisons have no meaning as the two God Tiers are 100% unrelated.

That is, the name alone isn't an argument for bannability and thus we can't say anything substantive based on that placement other than the obligatory "Gee, he's probably pretty damn good." that applies to anything sitting at the top of the tier list.
Yeah, it kind of is. Gods are totally allowed to be used with Mortals. :rolleyes: The implication is made that way. Nobody should NEED to be in God Tier unless they were just that damn powerful. Once again, it was made for him and him alone. Not the other way around.


Underlined are pure judgment calls, not facts. It would be correct to say that he has won the most by a good margin, and that he dominates in many areas. You have added very subjective weight into those statements.
Nah, they're pretty accurate. He dominates pretty much anywhere. He does not have any weaknesses, either.(going even is not a weakness, btw) Trying to argue those as saying it's not too much? I'd say winning almost every tourney he's in goes way too far for any character. Any competent player can take him beyond far. People severely overestimate how easy he is to play with good practice. He's easier than the rest, although like all characters, he does take skill to play. Nobody is saying he's super easy to pick up, but he's indeed easier than the rest of the cast. And Overdominating is simply him being the focus of the metagame, winning more than any single character by a large margin(hell, does the top of the top tier(note that MK is not a part of the Top Tier no matter how many times you try to say it) even win half as much as him? Probably not. And for good reasons; Because those characters have exploitable weaknesses that balance them.

Also, with regards to winning a lot, there is a saying in Finnish Magic circles. It goes "When **** gets paired against ****, **** wins". That is to say, even terrible decks/characters/factions can go relatively deep in tournaments by virtue of sheer numbers. This is to say nothing of an all around rock solid character like Meta Knight. The mere fact that he is played a ton means he will do well a ton. Conversely, a character that is also very strong and all around solid, like Diddy, Snake or Ice Climbers will not do as well. They are all simply played less than Meta Knight.
And wouldn't people not being able to play Meta Knight prevent this little problem? If half of the reason he wins is because nobody picks anyone else, well, taking him away means other characters can win. Maybe once other characters develop their metagames, we wouldn't need to use pocket MK's. They're one of the other major problems in itself. We definitely see much more diverse wins, thus, more characters will be played more, and maybe, just maybe, they'll get better. One thing that isn't mentioned is that the reason some of the other Top Tiers get farther is due to MK knocking out their counters.

And even so, MK has no hard counters, he barely has a soft counter. If he honestly was that reasonable in tournaments, he'd still be in the Top Tier. In addition, the reason we can't really counter him is that as we improve with our characters, the MK players find a way to counter them by practicing. It's a never-ending circle that keeping him around won't solve. In order for the circle to be shattered, he literally has to be banned. Which happened.
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
damn hyper, making 2008 budget cadet posts
...I really want to say "**** off", but it's like looking in a mirror that sees the past. ****.

@HyperFalcon: according to your definition of "god tier", almost every single "best" character in the history of fighting games belongs to it, from Blazblue Rachael to SF4 Sagat to Marvel 3 Phoenix to TvC Zero to Melee Fox to 64 Pikachu to SSF4AE Yun – they are all "better than the rest of the cast bar none". That's the very literal definition of "best in the game" – they are better than anyone else. Yet clearly, these are not all god tier characters – Melee Fox is only a little better than Falco; Yun didn't win EVO 2011, Sagat didn't win EVO 2010, et cetera.

God tier means something very different than "better than anyone else" – it basically means "so much better than anyone else that virtually no-one else even really stands a chance" – characters like Super Turbo Akuma, Ivan Ooze, and TvC Zero when playing on a laggy connection (TvC wifi can go eat a gigantic bag of ****s). If you want to argue that this is where MK is, then I'll inform the authorities that you're completely ****ing insane.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Marvel 2 Sentinel????

Do you even know about Magneto???????



Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
God Tier specifically exists in Brawl. Check the thread yourself. He's been in a God Tier for more than one Tier list, but ONLY alone. He's never been partnered with someone on that list. For whatever reason.
I don't see how those 2 points are related. But that is prolly because, unlike you, I don't differentiate Top Tier from God Tier by the number of character there are in the Tier

The fact that God tier specifically exists in Brawl gives even less weight to the term because that means WE give it the definition that we want, as a community, which in addition varies from person to person.

That's not what I'm looking for. You're basically telling me that you consider him God tier because you saw other people calling him that way.

Okay, regardless of my definition, it still doesn't change that MK holds his own God Tier(labeled it, mind you) as is. And falls under the same points of being a God Tier.
Not by what I define as God Tier.

It's not truly objective, but it's the closest we can get regardless. The only objective way to play is All Items, All Characters, All Stages. Nobody would agree to that, however, so we wouldn't be having any Competitive Tourneys. Just all casuals.
Yes, but just because nobody would agree to that.

Out of curiosity, can you tell me the various reasons why you think nobody would agree?

Well, facts? He's won too much, overdominates in all areas, has the best frame data overall(thus, is superior to every member in the cast), outright REQUIRED a nerfing to even be allowed in tourneys, and wins the most money. Those are all facts. How we take them, is of course, as you said, subjective.
You still mix up facts and opinions sometimes, even after replying to me more than 3 times, you're a stubborn one I must admit.

"too much" is subjective, you can say he's won too much when looking at the data, and I can look at the same data and tell you he didn't win too much.

What do you have to say to that? Nothing. Because as I've already stated in one of my posts, which you agreed with, nobody set any line beforehand to define what winning percentage is "too much".

Same with "REQUIRED", that word makes it look like there has been some sort of obligation as if something would have happened if he wasn't nerfed.

The raw fact is "The community nerfed him"

If you want to add interpretation that much his nerf, you should say something like "the community NEEDED to nerf him" or "WANTED to nerf him"

Convincing one person won't help, though. You need to convince the majority.
I'm realistic. That would take a lot of time I don't have time for that. I already spend a lot of time replying only to you, imagine having to do that with the rest of the pro-ban, especially since it's a matter of opinion and almost everything is subjective/arbitrary.

The only contribution I can give as anti-ban is participating to MK legal tourneys.

Convincing one person is more something personal.

Nothing. There's no longer a Double Standard. We've banned all items, and banned some courses. And then we ban one character. A double standard would be not banning him if and only if we even apply double standards. All of that is allowed to be banned, or none of it is. Whether or not he needs to be isn't the point of the Double Standard anyway. Saying he CAN'T is how the Double Standard is applied. He can be banned. Whether he should be or not is a different story.
Double Standard is not the problem I have with MK's ban personally, it's more about the last sentence you mentioned.

I'd like to note this would apply if that was the poll question in the longrun. The question was "Should MK be banned" nor "Do people not like to play as him?" They're different scenarios entirely. If you don't like playing with Snake, you don't have to. The issue is not if you don't want to, it's whether you're not allowed to play it or not. Snake is allowed be be played for many reasons, the biggest one because he has counters. If he didn't, he'd be sharing the God Tier with MK.
Then sorry I reformulate my question : if 60% of the community voted "Should Snake be banned?" would he be? regardless of the counters he has.

And the rules are what defines the competitive aspect of it. Playing to win is just one part. But without rules, there is no WAY to win. They are both required, regardless. The competitive mindset is about making tons of rules and situations where the best winner can be found. Every game has a rule to it, and no competitive game can be played without some kind of rule. Street Fighting? If it has "No Rules", the actual unwritten rule is when the person dies you're fighting. All competition have natural rules, written or not.
That's exactly what I'm talking about, I guess I differentiate these "unwritten rules" from the ones the one the community adds, because IMO they're inherent to the game. It's not only the competition that doesn't exist without those, the game itself doesn't if there's no purpose.

With rules. I can play to win with anything, but once again, no matter how many times you say it, a competitive person does not make a competitive game. It's the rules that allow the competition to even exist. They're both the key crux of the game itself. A game must have rules. A competition requires a game. They go hand in hand. As I said, the competitive mindset has nothing to do with the particular game itself.
Since you count the unwritten rules when saying that, then yes.

Notice how you said yourself that A game must have rules, and a competition requires a game? That's exactly what I mean.

You can have Brawl, and still play it competitively, because the game already has unwritten rules, without needing to add some yourself, those artificial rules are the ones I'm talking about.
When you already have a game, you don't need them.

All you've shown is that you need players, a game, and rules. Which was exactly what I was saying the ENTIRE time.
Except now I understand that you include the "unwritten rules" of the game when you say "rules".

Which means you're using a particular rule to find that goal. They all go hand-in-hand.
Yes, the rules that are included in the game, now I get you.

Not everybody competes to have fun, so you can throw that out right now.
But I believe a good majority do.

Without the metagame, players cannot figure out how to win. If you're playing to win, you're working within the metagame. And yes, the lack of consistency does kill the metagame. Let me put it more clearly; If there are NO consistent rules, then there is no consistent style to play in. Because many particular ways to play are specific to a time or stock count. If courses are on with say Final Destination banned on one Tourney, and allowed on another, one cannot increase their metagame using the same stage. Thus, when they go onto that banned stage, they won't know what to do. Which means, you have to change your entire gameplan. The problem with this is, you can't have a consistent gameplan, and people cannot practice by going to tournaments because the rules are always different. Players cannot be on equal grounds anymore because of lack of consistency. It kills it simply because it makes it impossible to know how to face a character or course. FD is a bad example, mind you, but the context is the key.
It's not that players wouldn't figure out how to win, It just means it would take them more time to do it, which I don't consider a bad thing.

The only way the metagame would be dead is if there was an infinite number of stages, even so it would just mean that players would have to adapt every match which is isn't a bad thing either.

Too bad those other games still have consistent rules anyway. The problem is, Smash requires consistency to even work. It is designed completely differently from other fighting games. That stock count is a lot bigger than having lives like in Soul Calibur's Match tournaments. Once you lose, BOTH players are restored back to normal. It does not matter the real numbers of matches allowed, since every game is a neutral standing in the first place. Because we have another stock, only the KO'd player starts off neutral. This changes the entire gameplay in itself.
Is inconsistency that bad? The only downside I can think of is the inability to rank players according to tournament results.

It wouldn't work, since no other community does it anyway. I also explained earlier why their lack of consistency does not hurt them on the same level.
nah, elaborate.

Yes. Because he was the only one that actually needed it and the only one that actually PROVED to have a planking problem that we were unable to beat. Nobody has reliably beaten MK's planking yet.
so you consider MK's planking to be unbeatable?

To remove the true issue of the LGL problem, to remove a character who has proven himself consistently to be the best and dominate the cast, to show that we don't tolerate imbalanced characters either. There is no issue with a LGL beyond MK, and we have yet to prove there is. That's a key note as always.
I don't see the problem in a character who proves himself to be the best and dominate the cast, but okay, since I asked for reasons.

Explain the persistence of the LGL then. Community whim?

Pretty much. Either accept him how he is, or ban him. We've done it for everything else. Why should he be used as a Double Standard?
Who said I agreed with items and stages bans?

That's still not the point. It still keeps things consistent regardless if the rules are consistent. Who puts them in means zip compared to being consistent.
I'm talking about decision making here, not the rules themselves.

They can input any rule they wish, keep in mind. If people don't like it, they don't attend. However, too many people liked MK being gone, so we got attendees. As for the TO's in general, you require them to have tourneys.

He intended it to be played with everything on. It's how he prefers it. Not how we do, however.
I know that.

We don't need to be competitive whatsoever to ignore his intentions. I'm not a competitive player, I just put on what I like and hate. Doesn't make it good for tourneys, though.
Sure we don't need to, but when we are competitive, we automatically do.

It's wrong because we won't have a game to play because people WILL leave(like some have already) due to no changes. It must evolve, or it'll die out. It's been already dying due to the staleness. It's gotten better since his banning, and will continue to grow. You can't have this competition without a metagame, afterall. And if the metagame sucks, you won't have any competition. It goes hand in hand, as usual.
I would like some numbers on the bolded part please.

And I suppose by "metagame sucks" you actually means "metagame doesn't fit the community".

Explain why he's in the God Tier officially, then. Our random definitions clearly do not matter. The only one that applies is that nobody is better than him or is on par with him, clearly. Also, Boss characters don't always get thrown into God Tier, they just happen to often be. The bosses in SF2, and I don't mean Akuma, aren't God Tier either. That's just Top Tier(and not all of them too).
Of course they do not matter. I thought I was clear about the definition I just gave.

And let me guess, The reason those bosses aren't God Tier is because they're not alone in their Tier right?

God Tier: Characters that are ridiculously good, to the point that it is almost unfair to use them. Most likely some sort of secret boss character that was not meant to be used in normal competitive play. There have been very few games with characters that could be considered to be in this tier, and they are probably banned.

MK has fit this definition already. It's definitely unfair to use him since none of the cast can even decently go even with him. He's not "fair" in any possible way, atleast not under our current ruleset.
Depends what is your definition of "fair".

The proof is literally the legitimacy. If there is no proof, it cannot be legitimate.

I can tell you that stalling is no fun, I can prove it to you by running around in circles around Temple, after that you cannot deny that stalling is no fun, I proved it to you.

Is that legitimate?

The combined total of all results and tests are what counts as proof, not a random tournament. It's why Apex was not a deciding factor for the URC either way. Despite the fact it furthers Pro-Ban's arguments anyway. But I don't consider it any proof except when combined with everything else. I do not specifically look at every tourney or look for results. I go off of what I have. I can allow someone else to answer that. I do not specifically concede it, but I do admit I cannot currently answer it. But what you want is the TOTAL results of multiple tourneys. And in those results, we both know he's won the complete and utter most. Money-wise, Top Tier combined(Fox, Snake, Diddy) didn't even match his total. It took the next tier to even go above his. So it took already 7 characters to match his money winnings. The rest of the cast, well, I haven't checked that paritcular data, I admit.

I cannot speak for any stages, as I have never gone into those discussions.
I'll wait till you can answer concretely then. Because I still don't see how all those reasons act as proof

It doesn't matter what you "consider", MK is still stated as officially being the single member of the God Tier. Go off of what exists, not what you think it is. He is currently and undisputably God Tier. You want to argue his Tier placement, go to the Tier thread. But that's not in question either. He's still God Tier regardless.
Oh hell no, I'm allowed to make my own opinions out of things , thank you very much for the proposition.

Which was clearly enough to get those damn votes, since 76% of the players found him too much. Which is enough for the URC to take that into account. The majority finds him too much. That's just how it is.
Which is why it's the only argument that pro-ban should use, my point still stands.

I completely agree with this. I've said that before. Most fear that MK will go beyond dominating and just overdominate to the point of making us throw up, so that's why they refuse to remove it instead of MK. If the LGL leaves, MK can stay. But if they refuse to remove it, he needs to go.
I was thinking more of the "removing LGL option" only but I get what you mean.

It's more or less a Double Standard problem than a discrimination problem. I probably misspoke. It sounds like discrimination, and I was wrong on that. It's just a horrible Double Standard(which is indeed related to Discrimination anyway)

I disagree with the LGL, not his ban. I personally want to see the LGL go first. But I wouldn't be surprised that without it, he would prove to earn his banning anyway. So they're just cutting out the middleman at this point. The problem is, you're misunderstanding me. Banning him is not treating him differently, it's just banning an option. Making a LGL IS treating him differently. If I said it wrong, this is what I actually mean.

Throw out the IMO, because a lot of people believe he needs it, including the overall community of every region. It's a general consensus. Most TO's think he needs it, so he gets it.
No, because just because a majority thinks he needs it, doesn't mean he actually needs it.

It's not really. If something is given more significance, it's more important. That's what important means. As is. MK is more important than any member of the cast. If not all at this point.
That's exactly what it means. Keep in mind that there is context, of course. And they're only important in certain areas. Just like with every character that exists. However, in the overall majority, MK is more important in the total list of important attributes than any single character. So he's more important than the rest of the cast. Whether or not he should be is another story. But it doesn't change he is and still is even with the ban. The only way for the importance to drop is if he was completely unplayed, or, IF he gets unbanned, he gets played about as much as atleast the Top Tier of 7 characters.
The fact that there is a context is what I meant by "broad". because if you take all these attributes in account, necessarily because all characters are different, there's always some that are going to be more important than others, which is something I don't see a problem with.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I don't see how those 2 points are related. But that is prolly because, unlike you, I don't differentiate Top Tier from God Tier by the number of character there are in the Tier

The fact that God tier specifically exists in Brawl gives even less weight to the term because that means WE give it the definition that we want, as a community, which in addition varies from person to person.

That's not what I'm looking for. You're basically telling me that you consider him God tier because you saw other people calling him that way.
You're forgetting the fact that it was made SOLELY for him.

Not by what I define as God Tier.
Let's be honest, nobody really cares what one person defines it as. It's the community as a whole, and the entirety of the PLAYERS who made the Tier List. Bring it to them, as I said before. My job is not to define it for you when I didn't make that particular Tier either.

Yes, but just because nobody would agree to that.

Out of curiosity, can you tell me the various reasons why you think nobody would agree?
Nobody believes it's truly balanced or that it truly uses Player Skill, which is one of the many reasons for the existence of these tourneys, to test player skill under multiple situations(as in variety). This is paraphrased from many TO's. They do indeed think variety is part of the game.

You still mix up facts and opinions sometimes, even after replying to me more than 3 times, you're a stubborn one I must admit.

"too much" is subjective, you can say he's won too much when looking at the data, and I can look at the same data and tell you he didn't win too much.

What do you have to say to that? Nothing. Because as I've already stated in one of my posts, which you agreed with, nobody set any line beforehand to define what winning percentage is "too much".

Same with "REQUIRED", that word makes it look like there has been some sort of obligation as if something would have happened if he wasn't nerfed.

The raw fact is "The community nerfed him"

If you want to add interpretation that much his nerf, you should say something like "the community NEEDED to nerf him" or "WANTED to nerf him"
The Raw Fact is that the community had to nerf him to allow him in Tourneys. They found it best to weaken him because he wasn't acceptable in regular play without a nerf. That has yet to change. Everybody's done a terrible job at removing the LGL before banning MK. Which is funny anyway. And too much is what the TO's considered overall, the guys who run the Tourneys, and since they make the rules, they ultimately decide what the criteria is in that particular case.

I'm realistic. That would take a lot of time I don't have time for that. I already spend a lot of time replying only to you, imagine having to do that with the rest of the pro-ban, especially since it's a matter of opinion and almost everything is subjective/arbitrary.

The only contribution I can give as anti-ban is participating to MK legal tourneys.

Convincing one person is more something personal.
Then you're not going to get him unbanned at any time unless you actually convince the majority. You can't complain if you don't do the real work. Participating in the tourneys won't really do anything anyway. Because you're not actually convincing anyone with that.

Double Standard is not the problem I have with MK's ban personally, it's more about the last sentence you mentioned.
That's up to each individual person, but the overall reasons for the TO's are just what's going to make or break the deal when it comes to allowing him. There's not that many URC members, so you should spend time talking to them alone.

Then sorry I reformulate my question : if 60% of the community voted "Should Snake be banned?" would he be? regardless of the counters he has.
Let's note this is a pure hypothetical before we start. First, what makes you think those numbers are realistic? I could see 50% at best as is. A lot hate his really bad hitboxes, but others know he's completely beatable and counterable. Even low level players know he's not that difficult to beat with enough practice. Remember, low level and top level are playing. Overall, he's definitely good, but not enough that players are having huge trouble beating him. So I highly doubt those numbers. But if these numbers were indeed real, and enough polls got that result... there's very little chance he'd be banned. Why? 60% is not that much. That's 3/5 of the people. It's a bit over the top, but not that much. But over 3/4 is when it becomes too high. Now, as I said before, let's not question who voted what before we do anything more in this discussion. It's all assumed that the 60/40 ratio has the same number of voting top players as the same number of voting bottom players.(since I know too many people question who is who instead of the results themselves)

That's exactly what I'm talking about, I guess I differentiate these "unwritten rules" from the ones the one the community adds, because IMO they're inherent to the game. It's not only the competition that doesn't exist without those, the game itself doesn't if there's no purpose.
The point isn't what's written and not written at all. The point is, rules are required as a whole.

Since you count the unwritten rules when saying that, then yes.

Notice how you said yourself that A game must have rules, and a competition requires a game? That's exactly what I mean.

You can have Brawl, and still play it competitively, because the game already has unwritten rules, without needing to add some yourself, those artificial rules are the ones I'm talking about.
When you already have a game, you don't need them.
And the rules that the creator makes aren't any less "artificial" anyway. They're all rules regardless.

Except now I understand that you include the "unwritten rules" of the game when you say "rules".

Yes, the rules that are included in the game, now I get you.
I would've specified if I meant Player Rules. Generally, if a person says Rules, they mean any Rules.

But I believe a good majority do.
And what does that matter?

It's not that players wouldn't figure out how to win, It just means it would take them more time to do it, which I don't consider a bad thing.

The only way the metagame would be dead is if there was an infinite number of stages, even so it would just mean that players would have to adapt every match which is isn't a bad thing either.
Well, they certainly are having trouble to adapt to every Match since there's tons of unplayed matches. We both know why. That's why it can't honestly evolve if no other possibility come up(and they will now). Keep in mind I did not say it WILL evolve, and it may stay the same. But it certainly has better chances than if we kept MK Legal. It's a chance worth taking. Note that not even the URC considered evolving the metagame when it came to banning MK. They called it a "Bonus".

Is inconsistency that bad? The only downside I can think of is the inability to rank players according to tournament results.
And without ranks, you can't really figure out who the overall best characters are. Because nobody'll know who the best players are, and there's nobody to learn from. It all goes hand in hand.

nah, elaborate.
Let me put it simply; Smash does not use anything similar to any other regular metagame. Thus, the comparisons are downright impossible overall. They have a few similar things, like moves and combos, but that's it. They're based off of a completely different game engine and style.

so you consider MK's planking to be unbeatable?
Nigh-Unbeatable. Barely any character does semi-decently against it. But we honestly WON'T KNOW if we can really fight it if he can't do it for as long as possible. That's how we learn against it, but practicing against it as much as possible. The LGL actually limits our chances to figure out how to stop it.

I don't see the problem in a character who proves himself to be the best and dominate the cast, but okay, since I asked for reasons.
"Dominate the cast" is where, clearly, many draw the line. Being the best in overall score/stats is fine. As long as it's not even 50% more than the top. In other words, if his stats are twice as much as the next top character, something's off.

Explain the persistence of the LGL then. Community whim?
Eeyup. Some still believe it actually has anything to do with someone other than MK, which was never true in the first place. Nobody has actually proven to have planking good enough to warrant their own LGL. Or atleast not every member of the cast has, making the universal one all the more ridiculous.

Who said I agreed with items and stages bans?
Doesn't ultimately matter. Okay, you'd rather have All Stages(I'm sure that Custom ones may be an exception), All Items, and All Characters. But then we go with the problem that since we're testing the characters the MOST, like pretty much every fighting game(and why custom characters are banned for generally being unbalanced), and not the items or stages, when it comes to player skill. Now, why is randomness good for gameplay, especially when it can be controlled? So please explain why it's okay to have randomness that takes people's stocks away and you can't do ANYTHING about it.

I'm talking about decision making here, not the rules themselves.
Your current decision is fighting the rules right now, just to note that. In order to do that, you often have to break those rules(if not always). I found that out some time ago. I was honestly surprised. Anyway, the decisions make by the TO's are often based upon a lot of testing.(if people were honestly that butthurt about MK, they would've banned him the second he hit God Tier, but they didn't) Except Items, that was honestly stupid not to test them. No denying that.

My decisions are completely dependent upon the situations. You'd have to give me one to show you how I feel about it. But that's the case for every single person. The URC itself, well, let's be honest, I'm sure they go and discuss things thoroughly before making a major decision. ...Atleast some stuff. But this is a theory, and another one where the URC can answer.(let's be honest, if I had time and money, I could run Tourneys too. :p)

I know that.

Sure we don't need to, but when we are competitive, we automatically do.
This isn't really the case. Our current rules ignore it, yes. But this contradicts what you're saying. You say that we can play competitively with All Items(etc.) So we can play competitively with all the options that he intended. Results may not be favorable, but it's doable.

I would like some numbers on the bolded part please.
It's all I've been told by the TO's. I'll have them answer this one, respectively.

And I suppose by "metagame sucks" you actually means "metagame doesn't fit the community".
There's really no difference as is.

Of course they do not matter. I thought I was clear about the definition I just gave.

And let me guess, The reason those bosses aren't God Tier is because they're not alone in their Tier right?
Nope. It's because they haven't proven themselves to be good enough to get in there. Nobody is thrown in automatically (save Akuma, honestly, but that's them being bad and not making sure he should be)

Depends what is your definition of "fair".
Tolerable is what MK has been for a long time. That's pretty much right above Fair in the badness scale. Even if people don't think he's broken, it doesn't change that they just find him tolerable usually.


I can tell you that stalling is no fun, I can prove it to you by running around in circles around Temple, after that you cannot deny that stalling is no fun, I proved it to you.

Is that legitimate?
Yep. But the reason we don't like stalling isn't because of a fun factor, it's because it wastes everyone's time that we would rather the game continue on so tourneys don't run late. It's a matter of time. Stalling can be fun, but it doesn't change what I just said. Tourneys are on a time frame, so stalling has to be banned to prevent games from not finishing.(same with the Timer, respectively) I don't actually hate stall or camping. I just don't prefer them myself. Camping is a legitimate win condition(apparently it's fine according to our current rules, but eh), Stalling, well, is not. Stalling without a win condition, well, let's be honest, does not help the competitive state. Since our goal is to win, right?

I'll wait till you can answer concretely then. Because I still don't see how all those reasons act as proof
The proof depends upon how the person takes it. Clearly, nothing'll prove to you that MK is bannable, so I don't know why you're even bothering asking. But one thing is for certain; He is banned, so if you want him unbanned, you need to prove to the URC that the ban was unjust. I cannot help you there, but there's only 14 members anyway. And not all of them are pro-ban, just the majority, respectively. I think it was about 12 at the time? Not sure, been a long time respectively.

Oh hell no, I'm allowed to make my own opinions out of things , thank you very much for the proposition.
You're still acting like your personal definition has any bearing on it. ASK THE TIER THREAD what the definition they're using is. None of what I said was not fact. He is God Tier. You cannot deny this no matter how many times you say it.

Which is why it's the only argument that pro-ban should use, my point still stands.
Too bad they're not the only facts. And a debate does not use one set of data either. Because all you're doing is just making the Pro-Ban undisputed. Anti-Ban has yet to give any legitimate data to prove Pro-Ban wrong so far. So far, every piece of data goes towards the Pro-Ban. No matter what they use, Pro-Ban undoubtably wins.

I was thinking more of the "removing LGL option" only but I get what you mean.
So you'd rather we just remove the LGL and nothing else? Wait, are you pro-ban or anti-ban? Because I just gave a decent compromise to Anti-Ban's side, and while it clearly makes few happy, it'll make sure we can actually say MK even deserves all the hate he's given, since we have to play against him at his fullest, respectively.


No, because just because a majority thinks he needs it, doesn't mean he actually needs it.
Not how it works. If the majority decides, that's the decision. Majority rules, and the only people that can decide not to do that is the TO's alone. If they believe he needs it, he needs it.

The fact that there is a context is what I meant by "broad". because if you take all these attributes in account, necessarily because all characters are different, there's always some that are going to be more important than others, which is something I don't see a problem with.
The problem with the context is that no one truly ultimately matters but MK either. We've never thrown our attention to any other character enough to the point that it is cared about. I don't mean random people who have a hard-on for a character. Doc King's love of DeDeDe, Jebus' Diddy craze, etc. I'm talking about anyone that the community finds that important. He's even undisputed in the Important department, to the point of "who people care about the most" he's even God Tier. What the hell indeed.


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2009
Hyper falcon read this!!!!!
Hyperfalcon said:
That's because I ain't arguing the criteria of "God Tier". The only one that we even close to know of is that he's just plain out better than all the cast bar none. Which he is, and thus, got the appropriate tier. You can't really say he's not God Tier when that's his official label, in every current tier list, I might add. You can go onto the Tier List Discussion and argue how they're using it, but you cannot argue that it's the current title.

And nope, your definitions are not acceptable, either. God Tier was not created to be based upon Street Fighter. Don't base your definition off of one game. Smash is its own series. You're ignoring actual context. God Tier depends the Series/Game. This is not Street Fighter whatsoever. As I said, ask the Tier List creators their actual definition, not me. Thus, your comparisons have no meaning as the two God Tiers are 100% unrelated.
you are accomplishing nothing but wasting everyone's time if you refuse to discuss the criteria of a word, and then continue to use that word, meaning the way you want it to, and acting like every other person uses it in the same way that you do, including the BBR. you are intentionally speaking a different language from the rest of us.

your definition of god tier involves being inherently bannable, and that because he's been god tier in the BBR tier lists, he's bannable.

this is completely ridiculous, though. you're taking the words that people are using, and reinterpreting them in ways that they weren't intended to be interpreted, then appealing to their own authority.

it's not his "official" label, it's the label that some people in a group gave to him, using a COMPLETELY different definition of god tier than you are. the god tier that you're arguing he's a part of, the one that involves him inherently being bannable, is in effect a completely different word than the god tier that the BBR put him in.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 27, 2010
Washington, DC
I have to admit, while I agree with his sentiment on a broad scale (that is, proban), he isn't exactly giving a compelling argument. His argument (as best I can tell) is circular: MK is god-tier because he's broken, and he's broken because he's god-tier?

Define your terms first, then worry about arguing later.


Smash Master
Jul 1, 2011
Hyperfalcon killed the thread 10-15 pages ago with his stubborn point of view. You guys arent accomplishing anything by responding to him aside from creating massive walls of text that go in circles most people skip over or cause them to avoid the thread altogether, just ignore his posts.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
these ****ing posters quoting every single sentence and responding lmao
it's hilarious how bad at argumentation these guys are


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2009
these ****ing posters quoting every single sentence and responding lmao
it's hilarious how bad at argumentation these guys are
It's the standard to refuse addressing the core
Instead you must only make it a bore


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
MK was given the God Tier label in BBR tier lists because he was in a tier of his own statistically and most people felt it wouldn't make sense to just name his tier top and have Diddy etc. be high. When you talk about top tiers, you usually mean more characters than just MK, right? In the European tier list both him and Diddy have their own tiers under the Top Tier label, it's really a matter of choice and semantics. The one thing it is supposed to get across is that he's very clearly the best character in the game and there is a relatively large statistical voting gap after him by virtue of there being multiple contenders for #2. A majority felt the specific differentiation was needed, that's all there's to it.
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
And Marc inadvertently brings up a very important point in the tier list: that MK has a perfect score and the next-best has, like, 12/15 doesn't necessarily mean that MK is so many miles better than the next-best character. It simply means that the number two spot is up for contention, while the #1 spot isn't, and as people assign points in accordance with their beliefs on that, it makes sense that an indisputable "best" character would be miles ahead of those who aren't in voting, even if he's not that far ahead in actual ability.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Eh, partially true. There's many people that even if it was universal that Diddy or X character was number 2, that MK would still be placed in his own tier. From any measure, voting or tournament usage/placings, he's MK tier worthy. Being voted #1 ahead of everyone else itself isn't a clear indicator that he's miles ahead of people, but what do you think the votes themselves are based off of? Most people voted for him to be #1 and in God tier, not #1 and "Well he happens to be x tier voting points ahead of the #2, he gets his own tier"

The distinction was chosen to be made, along with it fitting the guidelines of the tier system


Smash Cadet
Jan 14, 2012
I don't think there's any disagreement that MK is clearly the best, nor will you find many who'd think you're wrong for giving him his own "notch" on the tier rankings. It's just that calling it god tier has unfortuante implications, namely comparisons to stupid clearly broken bs and not just a clear-cut best character.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
How is it unfortunate when no other character actually has a reasonable chance against MK, and very few disagree even on his lackluster even match-ups?

Being the best is fine, but he should have even match-ups that are easily provable and don't require the LGL to get there.

I do admit there should be criteria, but the term Top Tier is taken, so God Tier was the only one that fit him best. It's really only a name, and to be honest, for Smash, he's as close as you can get outside of playing, say, Tabuu.(who is obviously not playable)


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I don't think there's any disagreement that MK is clearly the best, nor will you find many who'd think you're wrong for giving him his own "notch" on the tier rankings. It's just that calling it god tier has unfortuante implications, namely comparisons to stupid clearly broken bs and not just a clear-cut best character.
I mean you can call it what you want, the implication would still be there. Would people assume the same about MK if he was in MK tier, Top Top tier, SS (Any number of S) tier, Best tier, Cut above the rest tier, etc?
Oct 9, 2008
Vinyl Scratch's Party Bungalo
How is it unfortunate when no other character actually has a reasonable chance against MK, and very few disagree even on his lackluster even match-ups?

Being the best is fine, but he should have even match-ups that are easily provable and don't require the LGL to get there.

I do admit there should be criteria, but the term Top Tier is taken, so God Tier was the only one that fit him best. It's really only a name, and to be honest, for Smash, he's as close as you can get outside of playing, say, Tabuu.(who is obviously not playable)
Tabuu is Ganon tier.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2009
New York, NY
I would cosign to that only if Tabuu didn't have those ****ing exploding teleports.

****'s not fair at all.


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2009
DMG said:
Would people assume the same about MK if he was in MK tier, Top Top tier, SS (Any number of S) tier, Best tier, Cut above the rest tier, etc?
apparently not, given statements like this lol

The God Tier in itself is just what helped proved he was far beyond all of the cast.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I would cosign to that only if Tabuu didn't have those ****ing exploding teleports.

****'s not fair at all.
I honestly want to see his official programmed movelist. Get on it, hackers! And so, so true.

Hey, Master Hand is actually pretty balanced in Melee, save only being usable under special conditions. He was the first banned, but mainly for glitchy gameplay(and freezing the results screen).


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2009
Hey, Master Hand is actually pretty balanced in Melee, save only being usable under special conditions. He was the first banned, but mainly for glitchy gameplay(and freeing the results screen).
I thought Master Hand was pretty unanimously agreed to be like the worst character in the game, and the only thing that could ever win him a match is that if his opponent ever SD's, he wins by automatic timeout lol?

maybe I'm wrong, though haha.

i need to play more melee :c


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
You're forgetting the fact that it was made SOLELY for him.
It doesn't really matter to me since it doesn't change the fact that I do have a different definition of God Tier, regardless of what was made for him or not.

Let's be honest, nobody really cares what one person defines it as. It's the community as a whole, and the entirety of the PLAYERS who made the Tier List. Bring it to them, as I said before. My job is not to define it for you when I didn't make that particular Tier either.
The community defining it doesn't prevent me from having my own opinion about it, maybe you don't care but while arguing with me you have to acknowledge that my opnion is different.

Nobody believes it's truly balanced or that it truly uses Player Skill, which is one of the many reasons for the existence of these tourneys, to test player skill under multiple situations(as in variety). This is paraphrased from many TO's. They do indeed think variety is part of the game.
I see.

The Raw Fact is that the community had to nerf him to allow him in Tourneys. They found it best to weaken him because he wasn't acceptable in regular play without a nerf. That has yet to change. Everybody's done a terrible job at removing the LGL before banning MK. Which is funny anyway. And too much is what the TO's considered overall, the guys who run the Tourneys, and since they make the rules, they ultimately decide what the criteria is in that particular case.
Did you just plain ignore what I said and repeat exactly what you said before?

Then you're not going to get him unbanned at any time unless you actually convince the majority. You can't complain if you don't do the real work. Participating in the tourneys won't really do anything anyway. Because you're not actually convincing anyone with that.
Convincing would be only possible with argument coming from an objective situation.
That's not the case here.

Everything is done arbitrarily.

That's up to each individual person, but the overall reasons for the TO's are just what's going to make or break the deal when it comes to allowing him. There's not that many URC members, so you should spend time talking to them alone.
No, because I do agree about the risk of decrease in tournament attendance.

Let's note this is a pure hypothetical before we start. First, what makes you think those numbers are realistic? I could see 50% at best as is. A lot hate his really bad hitboxes, but others know he's completely beatable and counterable. Even low level players know he's not that difficult to beat with enough practice. Remember, low level and top level are playing. Overall, he's definitely good, but not enough that players are having huge trouble beating him. So I highly doubt those numbers. But if these numbers were indeed real, and enough polls got that result... there's very little chance he'd be banned. Why? 60% is not that much. That's 3/5 of the people. It's a bit over the top, but not that much. But over 3/4 is when it becomes too high. Now, as I said before, let's not question who voted what before we do anything more in this discussion. It's all assumed that the 60/40 ratio has the same number of voting top players as the same number of voting bottom players.(since I know too many people question who is who instead of the results themselves)
So yea, the values chosen aka "3/4 = too much" are, pretty much your opinion and it's actually up to anyone to decide on those right?

The point isn't what's written and not written at all. The point is, rules are required as a whole.
For me it is.

And what does that matter?
because that is exactly the point I've been trying to make for the last few posts:

Pro-bans banned MK because he's no fun.

Well, they certainly are having trouble to adapt to every Match since there's tons of unplayed matches. We both know why. That's why it can't honestly evolve if no other possibility come up(and they will now). Keep in mind I did not say it WILL evolve, and it may stay the same. But it certainly has better chances than if we kept MK Legal. It's a chance worth taking. Note that not even the URC considered evolving the metagame when it came to banning MK. They called it a "Bonus".
I don't see the problem in trying to adapt every match, but that is just me.

And without ranks, you can't really figure out who the overall best characters are. Because nobody'll know who the best players are, and there's nobody to learn from. It all goes hand in hand.
and I don't see the problem with that either.

Let me put it simply; Smash does not use anything similar to any other regular metagame. Thus, the comparisons are downright impossible overall. They have a few similar things, like moves and combos, but that's it. They're based off of a completely different game engine and style.
You basically told me that Smash is different from traditional fighters, I know that already.

I don't see how the difference justifies the control of the metagame.

Nigh-Unbeatable. Barely any character does semi-decently against it. But we honestly WON'T KNOW if we can really fight it if he can't do it for as long as possible. That's how we learn against it, but practicing against it as much as possible. The LGL actually limits our chances to figure out how to stop it.
Then I don't understand why you are pro-ban.

I mean if "overdominance" and tournament results and money data are your reasons, then you should consider techniques like planking as sources of that dominance.

"Dominate the cast" is where, clearly, many draw the line. Being the best in overall score/stats is fine. As long as it's not even 50% more than the top. In other words, if his stats are twice as much as the next top character, something's off.
That's a line that you defined by yourself.

It's not necessarily the same for everyone.

Eeyup. Some still believe it actually has anything to do with someone other than MK, which was never true in the first place. Nobody has actually proven to have planking good enough to warrant their own LGL. Or atleast not every member of the cast has, making the universal one all the more ridiculous.
I agree with that.

Doesn't ultimately matter. Okay, you'd rather have All Stages(I'm sure that Custom ones may be an exception), All Items, and All Characters. But then we go with the problem that since we're testing the characters the MOST, like pretty much every fighting game(and why custom characters are banned for generally being unbalanced), and not the items or stages, when it comes to player skill. Now, why is randomness good for gameplay, especially when it can be controlled? So please explain why it's okay to have randomness that takes people's stocks away and you can't do ANYTHING about it.
Well you're the one that mentioned something about Double Standards.

I'd consider randomness inherent to gameplay rather than actually "good" or "bad" personally.

I mean, the community finds themselves well embarrassed when a random factor cannot be controlled, like tripping, stichfaces, gordos and nine's, we just deal with those.

Your current decision is fighting the rules right now, just to note that. In order to do that, you often have to break those rules(if not always). I found that out some time ago. I was honestly surprised. Anyway, the decisions make by the TO's are often based upon a lot of testing.(if people were honestly that butthurt about MK, they would've banned him the second he hit God Tier, but they didn't) Except Items, that was honestly stupid not to test them. No denying that.

My decisions are completely dependent upon the situations. You'd have to give me one to show you how I feel about it. But that's the case for every single person. The URC itself, well, let's be honest, I'm sure they go and discuss things thoroughly before making a major decision. ...Atleast some stuff. But this is a theory, and another one where the URC can answer.(let's be honest, if I had time and money, I could run Tourneys too. :p)
So this quote is funny because I scroll up and I can't find out what we were talking about in the first place.

But.. I'm not fighting anything, I'm just voicing my opinion over these rules.

This isn't really the case. Our current rules ignore it, yes. But this contradicts what you're saying. You say that we can play competitively with All Items(etc.) So we can play competitively with all the options that he intended. Results may not be favorable, but it's doable.
Of course it's doable. I don't see where I said it's not and contradicted myself.

There's really no difference as is.
To me, there is.

Nope. It's because they haven't proven themselves to be good enough to get in there. Nobody is thrown in automatically (save Akuma, honestly, but that's them being bad and not making sure he should be)
I see, It's still a bit vague but I understand how you classify as God Tier.

Tolerable is what MK has been for a long time. That's pretty much right above Fair in the badness scale. Even if people don't think he's broken, it doesn't change that they just find him tolerable usually.
Yea but "tolerable" "fair" "goodness" "broken" all those are arbitrary and pretty much depend on the person, you agree with that right?

Yep. But the reason we don't like stalling isn't because of a fun factor, it's because it wastes everyone's time that we would rather the game continue on so tourneys don't run late. It's a matter of time. Stalling can be fun, but it doesn't change what I just said. Tourneys are on a time frame, so stalling has to be banned to prevent games from not finishing.(same with the Timer, respectively) I don't actually hate stall or camping. I just don't prefer them myself. Camping is a legitimate win condition(apparently it's fine according to our current rules, but eh), Stalling, well, is not. Stalling without a win condition, well, let's be honest, does not help the competitive state. Since our goal is to win, right?
Oh no, trust me, if only tournament time was the problem, it would be solved simply by reducing the timer.

That is clearly not the case here.

And I thought that the community currently decided the winner of a time out based on percentage, is that not considered a win condition?

The proof depends upon how the person takes it. Clearly, nothing'll prove to you that MK is bannable, so I don't know why you're even bothering asking. But one thing is for certain; He is banned, so if you want him unbanned, you need to prove to the URC that the ban was unjust. I cannot help you there, but there's only 14 members anyway. And not all of them are pro-ban, just the majority, respectively. I think it was about 12 at the time? Not sure, been a long time respectively.
Good. Seems like you're finally starting to understand how opinions work now.

You're still acting like your personal definition has any bearing on it. ASK THE TIER THREAD what the definition they're using is. None of what I said was not fact. He is God Tier. You cannot deny this no matter how many times you say it.
But the tier thread, or anyone in this community for that matter, don't stand as any kind of authority on how I should define a word, that's what you don't seem to understand.

I have my definition, they have theirs, just because they're the tier thread, doesn't mean I HAVE to follow them.

That's what you have to understand. So actually yes, I can deny this how many time I want, because it is an opinion, not a fact, they have theirs, I have mine.

Too bad they're not the only facts. And a debate does not use one set of data either. Because all you're doing is just making the Pro-Ban undisputed. Anti-Ban has yet to give any legitimate data to prove Pro-Ban wrong so far. So far, every piece of data goes towards the Pro-Ban. No matter what they use, Pro-Ban undoubtably wins.
You're voluntarily making this discussion going into circles, this is a point we've already addressed, I'll say it again:

The facts are the same for each side, the data is there, we don't have to provide any since you guys already did the job.

What we disagree on are not the facts or the data, what we disagree on is their interpretation.

This is why it is not actually a matter of proving any side wrong anymore.

We can use this same data and say it goes toward the Anti-Ban because the character doesn't cross the lines you guys seem to interpret he has crossed.

It's as simple as that, every Pro-Ban I've argued with seems to agree with that, you're the only one that seems to have trouble grasping this concept.

So you'd rather we just remove the LGL and nothing else? Wait, are you pro-ban or anti-ban? Because I just gave a decent compromise to Anti-Ban's side, and while it clearly makes few happy, it'll make sure we can actually say MK even deserves all the hate he's given, since we have to play against him at his fullest, respectively.
How is wanting no LGL and MK legal making me a Pro-Ban.

I don't want any compromise, I want MK unbanned and no LGL. I'm not in-between.

Not how it works. If the majority decides, that's the decision. Majority rules, and the only people that can decide not to do that is the TO's alone. If they believe he needs it, he needs it.
Nah, I agree that democracy is pretty cool and all, but that doesn't apply to needs.

The problem with the context is that no one truly ultimately matters but MK either. We've never thrown our attention to any other character enough to the point that it is cared about. I don't mean random people who have a hard-on for a character. Doc King's love of DeDeDe, Jebus' Diddy craze, etc. I'm talking about anyone that the community finds that important. He's even undisputed in the Important department, to the point of "who people care about the most" he's even God Tier. What the hell indeed.
again, I repeat, it is something I don't see a problem with.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
...I'll fully reply later. My computer will not stop refreshing the ****ing page.

Here's a quick reply of it;

God Tier was made because MK was too strong for Top Tier. That was it, nothing more. There was no special criteria. Read Marc's post.

Anything above 50% is objectively higher in all regards. If it's below, it's too little, if it's above, it's too much.

Lastly, if we only play ONE character at all times(which is really the biggest problem with MK being the dominant force since they're no one actually even close to viable as him) the game will stale and people will stop playing.

I should be able to do more later. I'm just a tad bit pissed off at it refreshing 4 times in a row.


Smash Cadet
Jan 14, 2012
How is it unfortunate when no other character actually has a reasonable chance against MK, and very few disagree even on his lackluster even match-ups?
This would be relevant if the claim were true. Assuming the SWF charts and tier lists you like to quote for his God Tier status are true, it isn't.

Premise 1: The SWF matchup chart is accurate.
Premise 2: "Slight disadvantage" actually means what it implies, that is, "roughly fair match with a small, but not terribly significant edge to one side."
Conclusion: Multiple characters have "a reasonable chance" against Meta Knight, given their matchup is described as "slightly disadvantaged".

Dictionary gives definitions like this for the word "slight":
small in amount, degree, etc.
of little importance, influence, etc.; trivial:
of little substance or strength.

Synonymous to words like:
insignificant, trifling, paltry, unsubstantial, inconsiderable

You are literally calling having a very small advantage over someone "unreasonable".
Funny how people are so very fine playing all those unreasonable matchups all day long without complaint. Or perhaps different grading standards are applied to MK's matchups and those "slight disadvantage" notes actually mean "crushed mercilessly by MK"? You're just spouting baseless crap again and again demanding that it be recognized as valid. Is that seriously the best you can do?

PS: Do note none of the above hangs on MK's 0 against Pika. It can be -1 for all I care, your argument is still baseless and wrong.


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
In a way I might have been responsible for calling it "God Tier", because I didn't agree with MK being a sole "Top Tier" and suggested that instead. I didn't think it was necessary to put him above the rest with a label in the first place (I think his own tier under the Top Tier label would have been clear enough), but at the same time it does make sense statistically and that's the most conventional label. Note that I'm against the ban and any "implications" are really in the eye of the beholder, but perhaps we should call it something else next time.


Smash Cadet
Jan 14, 2012
In a way I might have been responsible for calling it "God Tier", because I didn't agree with MK being a sole "Top Tier" and suggested that instead. I didn't think it was necessary to put him above the rest with a label in the first place (I think his own tier under the Top Tier label would have been clear enough), but at the same time it does make sense statistically and that's the most conventional label. Note that I'm against the ban and any "implications" are really in the eye of the beholder, but perhaps we should call it something else next time.
Just make it:
Top Tier:
Diddy etc.

Nice and clear: MK is clearly the best, yet not leagues above them.
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