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Fµlly Nëw Chàrácter Archive


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2008
For Down B, spawn a Deku Nut. That could work for Seed Bomb. As for the 1/8 chance of being a stronger seed...uh, not sure how to do that.
Mmmaybe not a Deku Nut. They are absurdly powerful. (When thrown they can do 29% and stun/KO!) A Deku Nut would be better with a 1/56 spawn rate.

The only other seed item I know is the ones Diddy's Peanuts break into. Perhaps you could use an attack, and if the attack hits, spawn a few peanut seeds? That could be kind of a leech-seed style attack.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Someone, anyone, please help me fix Gardevoir's running animation so it isn't so jerky! ;~;
You clearly play Pokemon, so when I say Final Smash = Sheer Cold, I know you know what I mean and got equally excited.
Sheer Cold? o_o Overpowered! ...Unless you plan to make it REALLY hard to hit with...


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2006
Please give him Wood Hammer. It would be sweet. Blizzard is pretty classic, as is Ice beam. I believe Suicune uses some sort of beam when he appears. Is it even possible to use that?
@ Wood Hammer - see my response to the next quote.

I ruled out Blizzard because it would probably be the same as ICs. That's no fun.

For Down B, spawn a Deku Nut. That could work for Seed Bomb. As for the 1/8 chance of being a stronger seed...uh, not sure how to do that.

Ice Shard I can see working if it was fast, like in the Pokemon games. That way, it would require fast timing with the stronger hit, allowing for a decent amount of KB. The intial hit should have stun(not to the extent of electric attacks though) but little KB.

Hail....sounds great as is. You just need to find good graphical effects for the hail and the energy/ice ball.

For his recovery, Avalanche sounds like a decent counterpart to Ice Shard. It could have some starting lag, but then rise up quickly with a lot of KB in comparison to Ice Shard. I can also see Ice Punch working, but that sounds more like a generic recovery with it's only distinguishing factor being the freezing effect. Maybe use it as an Fsmash instead?

Of course, this is your project, so make how you want to. I'm just providing a few suggestions.

EDIT: For Wood Hammer, maybe Dsmash if you go with Ice Punch for Fsmash.
That's exactly what I was thinking for Wood Hammer, and Ice Punch if I decide on something else for his recovery. I would definitely make Ice Shard very fast.

The thing about Avalanche is I'm not exactly sure how to animate it. I don't believe a rising wall of snow is one of the universal graphic effects. :/

You clearly play Pokemon, so when I say Final Smash = Sheer Cold, I know you know what I mean and got equally excited.
You sir, can read my mind.

@ Eldiran: Thanks for the idea. That actually could help quite a bit if I can't figure something else out.

Oh yeah, and thanks for the responses, everyone else, too.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2009
If you look at this, you're a stalker: NorCal
Mmmaybe not a Deku Nut. They are absurdly powerful. (When thrown they can do 29% and stun/KO!) A Deku Nut would be better with a 1/56 spawn rate.
If he does want to use a Deku Nut, he could swap it from the Common3 and make it one of Pikachu's External Graphics, then hex edit it (or have someone else hex edit it) to make it less powerful, or make it spawn a flower.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
You clearly play Pokemon, so when I say Final Smash = Sheer Cold, I know you know what I mean and got equally excited.
Yes I do play quite a bit of Pokemon.


Hmm....should it work like Mario Finale, where you have to aim where the blast of cold air goes, or should it be more of an explosion of cold wind around you? I think the first one is closer to the games, but the second one might look cooler.

@Eldiran- Uh, model swap Ivy's Bullet Seeds with Pika's Thunder Jolt? It could work. And then we could have the occasional Deku Nut(maybe have it appear slightly more often than one of Peach's Bomb-Ombs).

EDIT: Wow, ninja'ed. Deku Nut over Pika's Thunder, then? Since we can make it weaker that way, we could have it appear more often.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2006
is it possible to get the snowy weather from the metal gear stage? And if you use your final smash you put the snowy weather layer above the current stage and everyone gets damage and fly around?
like a snow storm.... times ten?


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
Oh, just had an idea! I believe the iceberg your character gets frozen in is a graphical effect in PSA. Well, for Avalanche, Snover could ride up on that iceberg and send shards of ice around during the attack, and then have it burst into a lot of ice shards at the end.

It could work.

EDIT: For the snowy weather, we would simply need to replace one of Pika's graphical effects with the snow, and then animate it.


Smash Cadet
Jun 24, 2008
College Park, La Pata, Waldorf
is it possible to get the snowy weather from the metal gear stage? And if you use your final smash you put the snowy weather layer above the current stage and everyone gets damage and fly around?
like a snow storm.... times ten?
BSZ has tried to use the snow for his Phendrana Drifts stage, but I don't think he got it to work. It was suggested that the snow only responded to certain songs since that's what spawns it on the MGS stage. So I don't know if we could use that, though it would be very cool if we could.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
It should be in ef_(Stage Name) or Scene Data or something like that.
Actually, when I tried to help(and failed) Bigshark add snow to Phendrana Drifts, it was just a normal model with a snow texture. When you open up the stage pac, check the brres packs for model data. 4 of them are for snowy effects(2 of them are just for the background I believe, and the other two animate in the foreground IIRC).

I hope that helps!


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2009
In your pants.
BSZ has tried to use the snow for his Phendrana Drifts stage, but I don't think he got it to work. It was suggested that the snow only responded to certain songs since that's what spawns it on the MGS stage. So I don't know if we could use that, though it would be very cool if we could.
Indeed it would, but yeah, it is spawned by the song, since different songs have different amounts of it, so unless you can find a way around that, it can't happen.

For Avalanche, I doubt the ice block would look very good. I suggest using the two universal ice graphics, and probably some wind effects.

For Dugtrio, a giant rock attached to it probably wouldn't look very good either, especially when landing, as it would sink into the ground. There's a dirt graphic (not sure if it's universal, but I know for sure Ike has one) so some of those placed right might look better.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2009
If you look at this, you're a stalker: NorCal
Indeed it would, but yeah, it is spawned by the song, since different songs have different amounts of it, so unless you can find a way around that, it can't happen.
How can that be, considering if you put the song on a custom stage it doesn't snow. Perhaps the stage has an If Event in it, If certain song is played: Make it snow. Maybe if we found what the requirement is, we could make it work...or not...I don't see how it would work with a character, though...unless the snow can only be triggered by an If Event...then we could make an If Up B is pressed: Make it snow...or not...I'm babbling here...


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2009
Can someone make animations for ice climbers so then they ride their hammers?

I'm trying to make them over the ice climbers but I suck too much on brawlbox :(


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
Wow! Lots of quotes to go through, bear with me everyone.... :dizzy:
@n64billy: if you want to remove "rope snake" from dugtrio. open dugtrios "FitLucasMotionEct" and try to remove "WpnLucasHimoHebi" animations and model and see if it works :3
dont know if it works or if you will get a freeze. make sure you have a copy of dugtrios "FitLucasMotionEct" XD
Thanks for that, if I don't go with the ekans ideas below (Which I probably will go with now) then I'll use that.

Just give the rope snake an Ekans texture. That would be lulzy. Actually, it is possible to do Double battles with Wild Pokemon in D/P/P, so it would still make sense in context. Maybe just use it in a couple of attacks + grab and give it a "darkness" hit box(for poison)?
The darkness hitbox for poison is a good idea, thanks

n64billy, I have an idea. How about instead of removing Lucas's Snake, why don't you texture hack it into an Ekans? Would be a pretty neat idea, considering Dugtrio's inability to grab.
EDIT: I Just whipped up an Ekans texture for the Snake. Will upload if you want me to.
Edit2: Preview:
WIN! (It's a little n, NEVER a big n..... always a little n.....)

That Ekans is awesome. What I am concerned about is Dugtrio's ability to jump.
I already have his jump figured out, just haven't animated it yet.
In Dugtrios entry and exit (It's in his bone structure, just hidden in all of his animations) are clumps of dirt, about 9 of them I think. I'll arange them so that the dirt is trailing behind him and surrounding his base.

Personally, I think it'd be awesome if when Dugtrio jumped, he just pulled a huge chunk of dirt out of the earth and hopped around in that.
NO NO NO NO NO! See the above answer.

lso that is a rockin' Ekans.
It is :3

Thanks man! And his ability to jump...
Well I was thinking. What If we replaced the model of his PSI magnet article with Charizard's Rock Smash rock, make it larger, and move the bone it's attached to over to Dugtrio's body, rather than the hand bone. It should look like he's encased in a rock. So his jumps would be inside a rock, rather than revealing...
We would also have to change the animations of the rock, to, let's say, spin for the double jump.
PSI with Rock is a good idea, however, NO NO NO NO NO! Never put him IN a rock! :urg:
Yet again, read the above answer

okay, Dugtrio Jumping with a rock without revealing its true self, and Ekans as a secret weapon

Dugtrio just deserves its own thread

oh, and I just need to see a vid, or more pics.... please :)
You'll see Vids/Pics when they're ready to be seen, as for his own thread, thanks :)

^That contains Lucas's whole MotionEtc, with the edited Ekans.
Oh, and n64billy, I'll join the Dugtrio "team". JUST so you can make your own thread, and BioHedgy can't lock it. Also, I'll help with some PSAing, animations, and textures.
I dunno if I want others working on this as well. I feel a little too proud to share my projects with anyone else.... We'll see how much I get done before I consider making Dugtrio his own thread though.

A couple of ideas for Dugtrio's moveset:
Dig - Disappears under ground (kinda like MK disappears), you aim toward your opponent, and if you land the hit they are put into the ground (like DK's forward special). This probably wouldn't work in the air (or at all, I have no idea).
I have my own idea of Dig, but thanks for that side as well.... It's making me think more..

Earthquake - This would probably be easy to do. DK's down special makes the earth quake, maybe Dugtrio's does too?

It may be beneficial to check out serebii.net and see some moves a ground type learns, just to get some ideas.
Ahhh serebii.net.... how many times that site has helped me :)
You caught me right in the act, I was (After making the animation) going to just steal Donkey Kongs Down B and put it on top Dugtrios Down B.



Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2009
Hamilton ON CA
If' you're going to make him pull the occasional deku nut...
Model swap one of pika's articles with the deku nut and texture it differently so it's distinguishable from the deku nut. Maybe make it greenish-yellow/beige?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2009
Awwwhaha. Thank you guys so much for liking the Ekans! I've never have that many people like my textures. :3

It's okay if you don't wanna make a team, I understand completely. This should be completely credited to you. :3


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
Awwwhaha. Thank you guys so much for liking the Ekans! I've never have that many people like my textures. :3

It's okay if you don't wanna make a team, I understand completely. This should be completely credited to you. :3
Firstly, credit goes to you for the Ekans texture, so it's already not entirely credited to me.
Also, I never said that I don't want to ever make a team, I just said that I don't want to share my work :p

Slightly off topic but still related: I've got my team Chaos Control (Link in my signiture) but sadly it's only got two members left. Me and Daviziu (Who is slowly also leaving the hacking scene) so cuckoos, if you're got more textures to share and are interested in joining an actual texture hacking team, and like my site, then feel free to PM, or even better, IM me on MSN at n64billy@hotmail.com


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2009
Slightly off topic but still related: I've got my team Chaos Control (Link in my signiture) but sadly it's only got two members left. Me and Daviziu (Who is slowly also leaving the hacking scene) so cuckoos, if you're got more textures to share and are interested in joining an actual texture hacking team, and like my site, then feel free to PM, or even better, IM me on MSN at n64billy@hotmail.com
... I'll sleep on it.
The answer will most likely be yes. I'll see if my parents will give me free time during school weeks, so just wait until tomorrow. Okay?
Also, I'll PM you.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
Heh, I'm not the only one who makes big posts, yay!:laugh: Yours is still not as big as some of mine, though. Anyways, Dugtrio seems like he's going to be a great character! I hope you make him turn out as great as he seems right now, which I'm sure you will.;)
It's not as long yet, but it will be one day. Also, thanks :3
EDIT: How is Drifloon going? I was just reading through the OP and noticed that there hasn't been news on him recently so I'm curious....

... I'll sleep on it.
The answer will most likely be yes. I'll see if my parents will give me free time during school weeks, so just wait until tomorrow. Okay?
Also, I'll PM you.
Not a problem (School...? Hehe...... Americans :p) You don't have to spit out updates of things every few seconds, it's just if you want to casually release stuff and have a base site you can refer people too.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2009
If you look at this, you're a stalker: NorCal
It's not as long yet, but it will be one day. Also, thanks :3
EDIT: How is Drifloon going? I was just reading through the OP and noticed that there hasn't been news on him recently so I'm curious....
*Sigh* Curse my lazyness. I haven't worked in him for a long time now. Sometime before Winter Break is over I'll make up for it, though. I'll get at least 30 animations done (I hope), if not more (I really hope).
Not a problem (School...? Hehe...... Americans :p)
You're not American? Hmm...I thought you were. Wait, you don't have to go to school where you live?


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
*Sigh* Curse my lazyness. I haven't worked in him for a long time now. Sometime before Winter Break is over I'll make up for it, though. I'll get at least 30 animations done (I hope), if not more (I really hope).

You're not American? Hmm...I thought you were. Wait, you don't have to go to school where you live?
School finished a month ago here in Australia, also, I graduated from school (I'm 17)
EDIT: 30 animations is a lot! I'll hopefully have just as many done for Dugtrio before January finishes.

Awesome Turtwig

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
I need some serious TransN XRotN and YRotN help... I tried for like an hour tring to figure out which bones I should rename to those. But I can't find anything.... any help please?


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2009
Hamilton ON CA
I need some serious TransN XRotN and YRotN help... I tried for like an hour tring to figure out which bones I should rename to those. But I can't find anything.... any help please?
Yeah I need some help with that too. Kryal's guide here was a little confusing to me.

It seems what he's doing it making it so that the animation for the original character works on the swapped character. But I've got animations from the swapped character that still cause snap-back.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
Awesome Turtwig.

Open the pac of the character you are putting Dialga on top of, and find out what the bone ID of the TransN bone is, then, open your pac with Dialga imported over it. Find the bone with that bone ID (For Dugtrio, it was randomname_RotN, which is unsed anyways)

Treat that bone as if it were TransN! There is no need to rename the bone as long as that same ID moves correctly. Give it a go and let me know how it goes/if you need more help.

EDIT: You might get a problem where he teleports directly to the end of the animation. If you get this, put 0 as the value for frame 1, and once your last frame is keyframed, go through and keyframe ONLY THE Z movement of the values in between. It takes a few minute, but it will solve the problem.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2009
I feel like crap now, cuz everyone's gotten insane progress on their projects, and I've barley done anything on Nagagog, I haven't even started editing/creating animations, cuz I've made a promise to myself that I'd fully conceptualize his moveset before I started animating, which is a good/bad thing, mostly bad because I ran out of ideas a while ago, SOOOOOOOOooooo, I come to ask that the community help me out a bit here on moves and such. I started a little while back, and got specials and a few tilts done, but that's where I ran outta ideas.

Now I'm gonna post what I've done, and its a hella lot, so I'm sorry in advance. (It was made to look like those MYMsets, yah kno, big, full of detail and well organized.)


Real pic taken by me on Bridge of Eldin

This rotund beast was placed over Green Alloy by yours truly for ThunderSpam's SSE Machinima that he's making, and he was only supposed to have basic Running/walking, falling, and waiting animations for the sake of machinima and nothing more, but it was the first model I got to work PERFECTLY immediately over an alloy, so I thought I might as well go he whole 9 yards to give him proper animations and a moveset. And this is what I came up with.

Keep in mind that this moveset wasn't made for MYM, but I decided to post it here anyway because its rather unique and I've always wanted to create a moveset. This is also my first moveset ever, so constructive criticism on how I write among other things would be very appreciated.


Fall Speed 8/10
Tanks fall fast.

Size 7/10
Explanation with a story attached: In the SSE, Nagagog was able to change his size on a whim, but somewhere along the way to group play he got stuck at about the size of D3, which also (Somehow) rendered him unable to change his size.

Real explanation: I'm lazy as hell.

Weight 8/10
His weight and size have something in common; They're unsurprisingly above average.

Power 9/10
He's a tank, which is expected of something his size.

Air Speed 3/10
Definitely not his strong suit.

Ground Speed 5/10
Tanks aren't too fast. Here's a fun fact; Strangely, if you tilt the control stick all the way, he walks slower than if you only tilt it a small bit, probably just a complication of model swapping.

Attack Speed 4/10
A little below average, but there had to be some compensation for his other extraneous stats.

Range 7/10
He has good range, but I won't explain why here, check "Specialty Power" which is below the stats.

Priority 9/10
He's a tank.

Jumps 11/10
He has several jumps, about as many as kirby, in order to compensate for the inability to grab ledges.

Recovery 7/10
His large amount of jumps is what saves him here, as he cannot even grab ledges.

Specialty power:
Cool eplanation: Nanagog has a strange kind of skin that allows him to stretch his limbs a small distance away from his main body, and as such, many attacks will have hitboxes like these;

1: At the tip of his outstretched limb that brings foes closer in.

2-4: Close-Quarter hitboxes

Real explanation: He needed something to make him at least sort of unique, that and this would be helpful for any tank character *Cough* Bowser *Cough Cough*

Either way the hitboxes will work like that for almost all of his attacks

Summary: He is indeed a tank, in all senses of the word. He falls fast, he hits hard, has GREAT priority, almost all of his attacks will either cancel projectiles or pierce defenses. He will be about the size of D3, with about the same weight/air mobility/fall speed.


As most of you know, the Alloys don't have specials, making this section rather redundant, but with TSON's theory of being able to create makeshift specials, these ideas may actually become possibilities, but its just filler until there's confirmation that it'd work.

Neutral ~ Counter
Works exactly like it sounds; He quickly winds himself into a ball and counters the first hit receives from frames 4 - 35, by spreading his arms and legs out widely and hitting all enemies close to him. But if no one attacks him in those few frames, he'll slowly come out of it, leaving him vulnerable to attacks. Good for crowd control because of decent KB, probably 0.9 multiplier, and 1.2 damage multiplier (Ie: Marth attacks with tipped f-tilt, Nanagog counters, Marth was hit by the counter dealing 14 damage)

Side ~ Gummy Fist
He holds his clenched fist behind his head and at the ready for almost a second, charging's a good word for it, and then quickly "Throws" it. He doesn't really throw it as it's still attached to his arm, so once it reaches as far as it can go, he retracts it back into his socket. It reaches to about 2 and 1/2 Warios in length and has decent knockback, does the most damage at 7% at the tip of his possible range, which also has superior knockback compared to point blank. and 5% lowest possible when used at point blank. Good for stages with walkoffs so you can knock the foe to the boundry, and then KO him with a tipped Gummy Fist
Down ~ Tantrum
Did I forget to mention that he has a bit of an anger issue? Well he does, and he's learned to direct that anger into the ground, by pounding it with his fists. The attack works kinda like DK's Down Special, only it doesn't loop, and it has a little more Base Knockback. He pounds his right hand, then left hand, then both hands at the same time, 1st 2 hits ~ Can't kill because of no growth and low base KB, 4% Last hit ~ Can kill because it has base knockback + a little growth, but don't expect to kill anyone with it, as it has VERY little growth, 8%

Up ~ Uppercut
Works the same way on air/ground; He jumps up a small bit with his right fist up, punishing foes with a punch that can hit multiple times (5). The last hit extends his arm out a little bit, adding some more KB to it. 1st hit; Low base, 1% No growth. 2nd hit; Low base 2% some growth. 3-4 hits; Medium base, 3% no growth. Last hit; No base 6% high growth. Every hit KB's straight up, with the exception of the last hit, which is angled to 80 degrees instead of 90. He's sent into freefall in the end


No tilt ~ Jabb
2 punches starting with the left. He extends his left arm out a short ways hitting the foe and then bringing them in so the second punch can connect. Left punch; Tipped deals 3% damage and brings foe into range for the right punch. Non tipped deals 2% and knocks them back a fair distance. Right punch; Has 2 hitboxes; 1 at the tip of his punch, and another in close quarters. The tipped deals extra knockback and "Stuns" the enemy by making them flinch, whilst they slide backwards on the ground. Each punch is registered by pressing the A button, so you can just press A once to bring foes in to range and then do a sex combo instead of simply knocking them back with the second jab.

S-tilt ~ Hook Kick
Nagagog spins clockwise while his foot is stuck out, thus making it a kick, kinda like Ike's Back throw, a spin and then a kick, dealing some damage and knockback. There are 3 variations of this move; Angled up, not angled at all, and angled down. Each do the same amount of damage, and KB; 6% and the same KB as C. Falc's F-tilt.

D-Tilt ~ Undercut
This hasn't been mentioned yet but its an extremely important factor in his gameplay; his crouch makes him float. I'm not joking. He squishes himself as flat as roadkill and hovers weirdly, I'll have pics up later, once I fix the fcked up arms

Cool eplanation: He stole some of Master Hand's magic so he could mindgame all day and all night.

Real eplanation: It was cause by a glitch in the YRot bone for that animation, but I found it so hilarious that I thought it would be a funny add to his his playstyle if I kept it.

Anyway, the attack he does while crouching is he punches down and then forward in a hook, all while hovering, hitting any people directly below, and in front of him. 8% fair KB, a good combo starter (Tanks really don't have combos, but w/e)

All ideas are appreciated and considered, so please don't hesitate to speak your mind.

Awesome Turtwig

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
Awesome Turtwig.

Open the pac of the character you are putting Dialga on top of, and find out what the bone ID of the TransN bone is, then, open your pac with Dialga imported over it. Find the bone with that bone ID (For Dugtrio, it was randomname_RotN, which is unsed anyways)

Treat that bone as if it were TransN! There is no need to rename the bone as long as that same ID moves correctly. Give it a go and let me know how it goes/if you need more help.

EDIT: You might get a problem where he teleports directly to the end of the animation. If you get this, put 0 as the value for frame 1, and once your last frame is keyframed, go through and keyframe ONLY THE Z movement of the values in between. It takes a few minute, but it will solve the problem.
Thank you so much. I opened Olimar's pac. Found that TransN's "BoneIndex" is one. Is this the number I need? So now I should go into dialga, find the bone with a "BoneIndex" of 1 and rename it? Thanks again.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2006
maybe he should duck when he is guarding?

jumping to the ground to begin guarding and then hoppin' back to un-guard
is this possible?

oh, and I noticed that Ivysaur has special effects, when he is attacked, or attacks, or moves there are leaves flying around all the time, maybe you can import them to your character

maybe Ivysaur is a good base for quadrupeds like entei or dialga or beast ganon... or (in my mind for midna on wolf link)

didn't know hoppip has a tail (shame on me)


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2006
Awesome Turtwig.

Open the pac of the character you are putting Dialga on top of, and find out what the bone ID of the TransN bone is, then, open your pac with Dialga imported over it. Find the bone with that bone ID (For Dugtrio, it was randomname_RotN, which is unsed anyways)

Treat that bone as if it were TransN! There is no need to rename the bone as long as that same ID moves correctly. Give it a go and let me know how it goes/if you need more help.

EDIT: You might get a problem where he teleports directly to the end of the animation. If you get this, put 0 as the value for frame 1, and once your last frame is keyframed, go through and keyframe ONLY THE Z movement of the values in between. It takes a few minute, but it will solve the problem.
I've been having that exact same teleporting problem with Snover ever since I fixed the snapback/dropthrough problems. That actually helps a lot, thanks. EDIT: It fixed the problem entirely.

Hopefully I'll be able to get some more animations done today.

Oh, and @ pikazz: Hoppip looks really good so far.
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