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Fµlly Nëw Chàrácter Archive


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
It's probably jerky because of Olimar's running animation and stuff, you can still see the little "dusts" as though Olimar is running and not Gardevoir. You may also need to check the run speed I guess too. Other than that, I don't know what else really (I'm actually just guessing through observation).


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2006
Back on topic: Any ideas you's would like to see in Dugtrio?
I am not sure if it is possible with polygon stretching and all, but I'd like the seperate heads acting like snakes and whips

the continuous A combo from Ivysaur but instead of whips it would be dugtrios head

Kyzon Xin

Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2006
Anyone have any idea why the running and walking are so jerky and why the dash attack stops in place, even though I have the TransN bone moving and "moves character" is checked in PSA? ;_;

its ur TransN its jerky..
when i made super sonic i used the trans for like ganon or something lol
sooo unless you wanna do some real work find a char with the same ammount of run frames and try that on


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2008
Question for you model swappers that doesn't involve model swapping (sort of):

I replaced Lucas' PSI Magnet (the personal GFX) with Togepi's ice attack, and the model shows up fine, but the texture suffers from the same problem as the Devil's; it looks really different in different places. But there's no Env texture, so what do I do?

I replaced the appropriate texture in TextureData[0] and renamed it and replaced the ModelData[5], but I made my own animation, to be specific.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2009
Was gonna post that pic, but I knew someone else would eventually, so thought; w/e.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
I don't really like the sound of Awesome Turtwig working on everything and then not making any of the things he makes a finished product and good product.

Imperfection bothers the hell out of me.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
It's like people who make things like "Sparkle Ness" with all of his attacks having different hit effects or other GFX changes but don't actually change anything about the hitboxes, frames, and so on. Not bothering to actually MAKE a new character.

It's stupid to just jump from one thing to the next, never actually finishing it, just like with his Knuckle Joe. Honestly, Shifter, I wouldn't put anything Awesome Turtwig says he will do in the OP for the simple fact that he isn't dedicated and if there's one thing his Knuckle Joe showed, it's that he didn't take much time into doing anything else for him once he was "done".


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
That's what I'm saying. Plus, Dialga will be hard as **** to animate.
Yeah, I was messing around with Deoxys, but I would have to hand animate all those bizarre bones and tentacles trying to look fluid in 160 animations (I counted) which is way to large of a task for a first hack.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2009
In your pants.
Since I just upgraded from 7 to XP (yes, upgraded), I no longer have the proper framework and all that. Can someone provide a link to it?

Also, an interesting new feature will be added to Meta Ridley... I won't say what it is, but I have the feeling you'll just eat it up.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2009
In your pants.
Upgraded? I just got 7, and its much better. And do you only need .NET Framework?
Believe me, it may seem nice at first, but you will probably come to dislike it eventually. I thought it was good, until I realized they removed almost everything I liked about XP to make room for a bunch of random things that I either find useless or even annoying.

And no, I apparently don't. Turns out that the framerate for Brawl Box has dropped from about 40 FPS to 1. That's right, 1. Even with updated framework. I also tried older versions of BB. Same thing.

So, needless to say, I'm a bit disgruntled right now.

Without 7, no functioning Brawl Box, and no Meta Ridley. Without XP, no machinima.

Quite a paradox.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
Believe me, it may seem nice at first, but you will probably come to dislike it eventually. I thought it was good, until I realized they removed almost everything I liked about XP to make room for a bunch of random things that I either find useless or even annoying.

And no, I apparently don't. Turns out that the framerate for Brawl Box has dropped from about 40 FPS to 1. That's right, 1. Even with updated framework. I also tried older versions of BB. Same thing.

So, needless to say, I'm a bit disgruntled right now.

Without 7, no functioning Brawl Box, and no Meta Ridley. Without XP, no machinima.

Quite a paradox.
Brawlbox. Brawlbox>Machinima. Ergo, XP>7


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
Reposting since no one answered.
No you don't have to rename it. For example, with Dugtrio, I made a new Dash and Run animation from scratch, and since I didn't import another animation on top, it kept lucas's old bone locations, so I had Dugrtrio VS Lucas working perfectly (Besides a T-Stance or two)
If you would like to rename the bones to their proper glory and see if it works, then what do you have to loose besides a few minutes of your time.

I'd like to see you actually get him to be unique instead of taking the easy way out and just giving Lucas's attacks "mud" effects and fixing the bones. Nobody will play him if he's going to be exactly the same as Lucas, they might once just for kicks but after that one time, it's just a different model on the same character.

Originality please, no more of this "Sparkle Ness" or "Darkness Marth w/all his moves having the hit effect Dark". Dugtrio needs to be a full-fledged character, not just another Lucas with different effects.

If you're going to model swap, you should do the entire thing and not just be lazy.
Wow, mini rage much? First off, there is nothing easy about creating a new animation for every single attack and movement. Secondly, I'm only doing Dugtrio with Lucas's moves but with mud effects UNTIL I have finished all the animations. That way, I can still at least get a fully playable character out of him. THEN, after I've gotten used to bones and animation, I can begin making custom moves (Like DIG!)

As for the lazy part, this is me you're talking about, I'm surprised I'm even this passionate about Brawl hacking, haha. Thanks for your view though, it's helped open my mind a bit to what else I could do on him. :bee:

I am not sure if it is possible with polygon stretching and all, but I'd like the seperate heads acting like snakes and whips

the continuous A combo from Ivysaur but instead of whips it would be dugtrios head
Each head can be moved on their own, so can their noses and the dirt around them. I've already got a few move ideas, but thanks for that one aswell :)


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2009
Hamilton ON CA
Uh, I don't have footage, but I can tell you what they all are.

JumpAerial - Primid rolls in the air. It is his second jump. Watch my vid, I have footage of this.
JumpB - It's Primid's backwards jump
StepJump- These animations are not his footstool. They seem to be pieces of an unused attack or something. It is difficult to describe, so you should really just look at it yourself.

Is this your way of telling me "Hurry up, or Imma be invading on your territory?". I swear, I will have a beta up for Primid soon. Let's say, maybe... tomorrow sounds good, K?
I'm in your brawlbox... stealing you hax! notsrs
I was just curious, I know what they look like. I was looking at them in BrawlBox but I've never seen them in the SSE. Never seen a primid jump backward or double jump. I MAY have seen the stepjump thing once but I wasn't really paying attention so I may have imagined it.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
Haha, I was wondering when someone was going to ask about that. I made it up, its not the "correct" term. Since a beta is an incomplete version, then a "gamma" would be a version with hardly any done.

EDIT: Ninja'd
I'm sorry for being slow on this, but the correct term is an "alpha". An alpha is meant to represent something that is nowhere near completion, while a beta stands for something that is in a stable, playable state, but is otherwise unfinished. v.01 usually represents an alpha, and v.1 usually represents a beta. A gamma is actually a complete version that needs just a bit of fine tweaking before release; a v.9.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
I'm sorry for being slow on this, but the correct term is an "alpha". An alpha is meant to represent something that is nowhere near completion, while a beta stands for something that is in a stable, playable state, but is otherwise unfinished. v.01 usually represents an alpha, and v.1 usually represents a beta. A gamma is actually a complete version that needs just a bit of fine tweaking before release; a v.9.
In other words.....
Alpha --> Beta --> Gamma --> Final
(Correct me if I'm wrong)


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2009
In your pants.
*Zelda victory music*

Well, I got it working now. Turns out I just needed to reinstall my video drivers.

Weird how I always assume it's some big problem, when most of the time it's just something simple. Either way, I'm going to work on Meta Ridley right now.

And I stand by my last little teaser. :laugh:


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
*Zelda victory music*

Well, I got it working now. Turns out I just needed to reinstall my video drivers.

Weird how I always assume it's some big problem, when most of the time it's just something simple. Either way, I'm going to work on Meta Ridley right now.

And I stand by my last little teaser. :laugh:
just a question, but to what does the teaser pertain?


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2009
Also, an interesting new feature will be added to Meta Ridley... I won't say what it is, but I have the feeling you'll just eat it up.
...I think it was that one. I don't get it, either.

EDIT: oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...................I get it...I think.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2009
If you look at this, you're a stalker: NorCal
I'm sorry for being slow on this, but the correct term is an "alpha". An alpha is meant to represent something that is nowhere near completion, while a beta stands for something that is in a stable, playable state, but is otherwise unfinished. v.01 usually represents an alpha, and v.1 usually represents a beta. A gamma is actually a complete version that needs just a bit of fine tweaking before release; a v.9.
I don't give a ****! Just kidding, I honestly thought alpha was the complete version.:laugh: As I said, though, gamma is made up.

In other words.....
Alpha --> Beta --> Gamma --> Final
(Correct me if I'm wrong)
Gamma is made up, there is no such thing.

You mean Valkyrion ;)
Is Valkyrion V in english? I know some Greek letters, but not all.


Smash Cadet
Sep 30, 2009
Since I just upgraded from 7 to XP (yes, upgraded), I no longer have the proper framework and all that. Can someone provide a link to it?

Also, an interesting new feature will be added to Meta Ridley... I won't say what it is, but I have the feeling you'll just eat it up.
I'm gonna take a guess at the teaser... he can bite enemies like Wario? or maybe even swallow them like Kirby, King DeDeDe, or Yoshi?


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2009
Sweden, Umeå (Currently in Seattle)
Each head can be moved on their own, so can their noses and the dirt around them. I've already got a few move ideas, but thanks for that one aswell :)
make "tri attack" :3

anyway, I have a moveset to hoppip

upB: bounce. he will bounce up into the air and strike into the ground a bit later.

downB: solarbeam. he will store energy and later on fire it like a beam (dont know like pikachus thunder or horizontally)

sideB: U turn. He will store power (i think) and then firing itself forward BUT he will teleport back there he was first.

B: stun/sleep spore or leech seed. dont know yet about those 3. I cant take poison powder because "poison" or "toxic" status is not in the game. but hoppip will make a dust of spore and make the opponent stunned, sleep or "lip stick flower"

Final: cotton spore. attacking all, making them "pause" or in a very slow motion.

what do you think?


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
make "tri attack" :3

anyway, I have a moveset to hoppip

upB: bounce. he will bounce up into the air and strike into the ground a bit later.

downB: solarbeam. he will store energy and later on fire it like a beam (dont know like pikachus thunder or horizontally)

sideB: U turn. He will store power (i think) and then firing itself forward BUT he will teleport back there he was first.

B: stun/sleep spore or leech seed. dont know yet about those 3. I cant take poison powder because "poison" or "toxic" status is not in the game. but hoppip will make a dust of spore and make the opponent stunned, sleep or "lip stick flower"

Final: cotton spore. attacking all, making them "pause" or in a very slow motion.

what do you think?
interesting, I like all the ideas aside from his sideB.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
interesting, I like all the ideas aside from his sideB.
I don't like the way he's arranged any of the moves at all, but then again, it's his character, his project.

Dugtrio is doing well, I've done a quick run animation and it works really well (Besides a slight 1 frame jitter which can be smoothed out)


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2009
Sweden, Umeå (Currently in Seattle)
I don't like the way he's arranged any of the moves at all, but then again, it's his character, his project.

Dugtrio is doing well, I've done a quick run animation and it works really well (Besides a slight 1 frame jitter which can be smoothed out)
I am not sure about the moves yet :urg:
want to make them unique and not copy any others :urg:

great, I cant wait to see dugtrio complete :3


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
I am not sure about the moves yet :urg:
want to make them unique and not copy any others :urg:

great, I cant wait to see dugtrio complete :3
Sorry... I gave you negative feedback while you gave me positive feedback.... :ohwell:

The Up B you mentioned (Bounce) seems a lot like DeDeDe's Up B, and with DeDeDe being a heavyweight, I struggle to imagine how this would work well for Hoppip seeing how it's incredibly light. Snakes Up B seems to be more fitting, where he begins to rise and rise and rise. (Fly/Updraft/Float.... not sure what you could call it)

Down B moves normally are used for Transformation, Counters, or Area Attacks. Perhaps this is where you could have Hoppip to charge up for Solar Beam..? (Making it only possibly to do when "rooted" into the ground (AKA Just on the ground, not in the air)
If Down B were to be Solar Beams charge, then either Side B or Neutral B could be the Solar Beam itself (Functioning similarly to ROB's laser)

Which ever special you have left could be Stun Spore. Like you said, it could freeze/slow down the opponant (Maybe even give them those flowers on their heads?) The attack would be weaker, but have more effect. It's range could be similar to where Metaknights cape goes for his final smash.... know what I mean?

I hope that's given you a bit of a better understand for what I PERSONALLY imagine for Hoppips special attacks. Yet again, it's your project, but I look forward to trying it out no matter which way you go. (Feel free to spit out ideas for Dugtrio :))


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2009
Sweden, Umeå (Currently in Seattle)
Sorry... I gave you negative feedback while you gave me positive feedback.... :ohwell:

The Up B you mentioned (Bounce) seems a lot like DeDeDe's Up B, and with DeDeDe being a heavyweight, I struggle to imagine how this would work well for Hoppip seeing how it's incredibly light. Snakes Up B seems to be more fitting, where he begins to rise and rise and rise. (Fly/Updraft/Float.... not sure what you could call it)

Down B moves normally are used for Transformation, Counters, or Area Attacks. Perhaps this is where you could have Hoppip to charge up for Solar Beam..? (Making it only possibly to do when "rooted" into the ground (AKA Just on the ground, not in the air)
If Down B were to be Solar Beams charge, then either Side B or Neutral B could be the Solar Beam itself (Functioning similarly to ROB's laser)

Which ever special you have left could be Stun Spore. Like you said, it could freeze/slow down the opponant (Maybe even give them those flowers on their heads?) The attack would be weaker, but have more effect. It's range could be similar to where Metaknights cape goes for his final smash.... know what I mean?

I hope that's given you a bit of a better understand for what I PERSONALLY imagine for Hoppips special attacks. Yet again, it's your project, but I look forward to trying it out no matter which way you go. (Feel free to spit out ideas for Dugtrio :))
you had right about the upB, feels like too much dedede :urg:
and he is too light for that attack too.
I can use "splash" instead for upB. he jumps a bit, no damage BUT a big cape effect on the opponent then they are too close xD

The down B sound good. to charge like r.o.b.s laser but I dont know how to make that effect :urg: will check out robs laser later

so I will change stun/sleep/leech to the sideB instead for B. good idea but now I dont know what B will be :/ maybe tackle, double-edge, return or someone other attack

I got 2 idea for your dugtrios grab and uthrow :3

the 2 first diglett will grab the opponent while the diglett at the back will punch him xD

and the upthrow, first, the smallest diglett will punch him, after that, diglett nr 2 will punch him and after that. diglett 3 will punch him hard up XD
(and sorry for I said diglett, didn't know what I should say XD)


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
you had right about the upB, feels like too much dedede :urg:
and he is too light for that attack too.
I can use "splash" instead for upB. he jumps a bit, no damage BUT a big cape effect on the opponent then they are too close xD
I'm not talking about the attack, I'm talking about the movement. Start up Brawl, choose Snake, and use his Up B. You'll see the movement I'm talking about.

The down B sound good. to charge like r.o.b.s laser but I dont know how to make that effect :urg: will check out robs laser later

so I will change stun/sleep/leech to the sideB instead for B. good idea
Thanks. Don't be too worried about how you'll go around doing the actual attack yet. I'm sure it couldn't be TOO complicated if you got the help of others on the board. Just get animations done first, then work on the PSA, leaving more complicated things until the end.

but now I dont know what B will be :/ maybe tackle, double-edge, return or someone other attack
I know you said you don't want to copy and you want to be authentic, but the B you're looking for would probably be similar to Jigglypwns Forward B (That punch)

I got 2 idea for your dugtrios grab and uthrow :3

the 2 first diglett will grab the opponent while the diglett at the back will punch him xD

and the upthrow, first, the smallest diglett will punch him, after that, diglett nr 2 will punch him and after that. diglett 3 will punch him hard up XD
(and sorry for I said diglett, didn't know what I should say XD)
Thanks for the idea! I'll keep it in mind for when I get to the grabs (Which will be hard since Lucas has that snake thing, and the game gets the BSOD (Big Screech of Death) whenver I sheild and grab)
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