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Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2009
In a box
Primid's animations, is StepJump an attack of some sort?

I haven't seen any of these in the SSE (never really played it all that much but I finished it):

Anyone have video footage of the animations ingame? A description will do.
Uh, I don't have footage, but I can tell you what they all are.

JumpAerial - Primid rolls in the air. It is his second jump. Watch my vid, I have footage of this.
JumpB - It's Primid's backwards jump
StepJump- These animations are not his footstool. They seem to be pieces of an unused attack or something. It is difficult to describe, so you should really just look at it yourself.

Is this your way of telling me "Hurry up, or Imma be invading on your territory?". I swear, I will have a beta up for Primid soon. Let's say, maybe... tomorrow sounds good, K?


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2009
Well, he became a...ball of flesh.

Then his arms and legs stuck out and squirmed like worms.

Sometimes he spun around, or you could see his head writhe as if it was trying to leave his body.

...well, that's what happened when I tried him with other people's stuff.

Oh, the horror!


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
Well, he became a...ball of flesh.

Then his arms and legs stuck out and squirmed like worms.

Sometimes he spun around, or you could see his head writhe as if it was trying to leave his body.

...well, that's what happened when I tried him with other people's stuff.

Oh, the horror!
Sounds like a perfect moveset of creepiness! would make an excellent original character.

Btw, reminds me of Princess Monoke scene with the cursed boar. Looks like this;
http://www.genjipress.com/img/dvd/2001/B00003CXBK-1.jpg <img

Edit: Primid tomorrow? sweet!


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2009
If you look at this, you're a stalker: NorCal
EDIT: Screw what I said before, I'm changing this post:

So, people want comments on their Betas, I'll give them some.

First, Knuckle Joe:

Pretty good overall, for a beta. You still need to PSA him and match the hitboxes up, but I'm sure you know that. He is very fast, so you might want to consider trying the new method, which I would appreciate someone posting again so that I can add it to the OP. Good move placement choices (e.g. Uppercut for USmash, etc.). The UAir might have a little too much verticle momentum, it sends me off the screen sometimes. He freezes when you pass through a platform and when you use his DTilt. Good job overall.

Second, Nagagog:

Nice job so far. The parts of him that are complete are very smooth. His WalkSlow is faster than his WalkFast, you know. He didn't freeze on me, which I'm happy about. I would suggest adding a little horizontal momentum to his dash attack. He's looking good so far.

Lastly for tonight, Devil:

Very nice, Mr. Weegee. I can tell you put a lot of effort into him. I love the way you incorporated the bat into his moves. You definitely need to fix the texture problem, but I know you can't yet. You might want to do something about the bat being visible inside of him in a lot of his moves. A couple of his animations need to be fixed up a bit and smoothed out, mainly his Wait1. He can hold his own in a fight, that's for sure. Some of his moves are actually a bit over powered, such as his FSmash and DSmash, with which I can K.O. Mario easily at less than 100%. His grab is great, but the length makes it entirely too easy to regrab the enemy 10 times (if not more) after throwing them. He is great, but for some reason it randomly froze in the middle of the match, I don't know why. Excellent job overall, to everyone, I can't wait for them to be finished!


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
I know, you did a great job so far. Everyone has put a lot of work into their projects, not just Mr. Weegee, I wasn't putting your work down at all.
I think he mentioned it because he got (unfair) criticism that knuckle joe was an "easy" model to hack, and that he didn't have a new enough moveset. Personally I think all of you guys are inspirational with how much work you put into each character and getting them playable, and I smile, and jump with joy at each new release and update.

EDIT: @awesome turtwig- just curious, but what does the rest of him look like/can you upload something like that but zoomed out so we can see him in all his weird glory?


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
Any new word on Isaac and Lyn AT PSA's?
yo man, the word on the street is, Isaac is chillin with 2 different vers, a Ike+hair and an actual model yo. Daaaaaamn.

Last I heard on Lyn, she got dropped, picked up by a new hacker, who did a bit, experienced the run glitch, and then faded from the radar. That cool with you dawg?


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2009
In your pants.
Your words intrigue me and I wish to know more. Which bone is this? (And I forget, which alloy are you working with?) Are you referring to any child bone as a bone attached to it, and how exactly does this stretching work? More questions, etc

I would very much like to continue with a Galleom with proper collisons.
For boss characters, only their first collision (for Meta, his torso, and for Galleom, his @$$,) seems to work. Each collision has a bone attached to it which can be moved like any other bone, and it will stretch the collision in the direction you move it.

... Well, I haven't done too much testing with it, so I'm not positive whether or not it actually stretches it, or just copies and moves it. I say "copy" because the original location of the collision will remain intact no mater what.

By the way, I know for sure that I'm going to need some help with Meta's moveset. There's some pretty complicated things I want to do with it.


Smash Lord
Jan 8, 2008
For boss characters, only their first collision (for Meta, his torso, and for Galleom, his @$$,) seems to work. Each collision has a bone attached to it which can be moved like any other bone, and it will stretch the collision in the direction you move it.

... Well, I haven't done too much testing with it, so I'm not positive whether or not it actually stretches it, or just copies and moves it. I say "copy" because the original location of the collision will remain intact no mater what.

By the way, I know for sure that I'm going to need some help with Meta's moveset. There's some pretty complicated things I want to do with it.
Intriguing. Are you referring to one of the bones named like "Collision#X"? I'll have to experiment with this. It'd be nice to work on Galleom again -- I had some pretty rockin' stuff planned.

Also, I'd be glad to help with Metaridley if you need it, especially if it's PSA you want help with.


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2009
Ganon animating

This is what I got. Creepy huh?
...I can see now that Beast ganon will never work out...

Very nice, Mr. Weegee. I can tell you put a lot of effort into him. I love the way you incorporated the bat into his moves. You definitely need to fix the texture problem, but I know you can't yet. You might want to do something about the bat being visible inside of him in a lot of his moves. A couple of his animations need to be fixed up a bit and smoothed out, mainly his Wait1. He can hold his own in a fight, that's for sure. Some of his moves are actually a bit over powered, such as his FSmash and DSmash, with which I can K.O. Mario easily at less than 100%. His grab is great, but the length makes it entirely too easy to regrab the enemy 10 times (if not more) after throwing them. He is great, but for some reason it randomly froze in the middle of the match, I don't know why. Excellent job overall, to everyone, I can't wait for them to be finished!
I'll get to work now.

EDIT: changed his wait one.

He waits, with arms crossed. Later, his head falls off and disintegrates, while the bat comes out of his head, flies a loop, and goes back in. Then his head regenerates.


Smash Cadet
Dec 20, 2009
sorry, because I know this has been asked, but how do I create a limit for how many times a b move can be used in the air?:confused:


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2009
Sweden, Umeå (Currently in Seattle)
well, have some bad news :C
because I have pal version I can't choose the alloys and have "winning/losing pose".
so I will have weavile and wobbafett paused for a time.
and they dont working on someone else either. tried olimar, ice climbers and pikachu, still keep freezing.
if you found someone they will work on, pm me or if you want to make those 2, pm me XD

and I have one good new. I will make hoppip instead
he will replace pikachu. still he has only the wait pose but he will get some new moves


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2009
Oh, well if you get Beast Ganon working, I was going to branch off of it and make the moveset that I talked about two pages ago.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2009
The third link for meta riley(the PAC) is broken- it redirects to fileden.com


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2009
In your pants.
Intriguing. Are you referring to one of the bones named like "Collision#X"? I'll have to experiment with this. It'd be nice to work on Galleom again -- I had some pretty rockin' stuff planned.

Also, I'd be glad to help with Metaridley if you need it, especially if it's PSA you want help with.
Awesome, I'll PM the details.

@People whose characters didn't work on Olimar: Try Ice Climbers.
But then there would be two of them.

The third link for meta riley(the PAC) is broken- it redirects to fileden.com
That's because I removed it, it wasn't the right file. But since my computer also has more than a few technincal errors, I wasn't able to put the right one up. Here's the right one.



Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2007
East Coast, US
I'll just flat out say it, I'm making a Porky using a texture edited Porky Bot for machinima purposes only.

His Bones are named WpnPorkyRobot_(whatever). Will renaming them to proper names mess up the bones at all?


Smash Cadet
Dec 24, 2009
I was thinking of replacing a Character with Knuckles but he only has 24 Bones, is there a Character with less bones than Knuckles?
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