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Fµlly Nëw Chàrácter Archive


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2009
Try the codes I just posted in the OP.
Thanks for the code and thanks for responding! But i found the problem. The alternate file loader code conflicts with playing as alloys. I turned that code off and it works. I wish there was a way so that I can keep the alt file loader, because that's how i play with PSAs while keeping it in vBrawl. *sigh*


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2009
I know I may sound like a noob, but whats vBrawl? I've been wondering for a while.
Ehh I never knew the real definition but I always just assumed that it was regular brawl, I read it was Vanilla brawl. So uhh i kinda just guessed by context hah. I'm still not even sure if I'm correct.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2009
If you look at this, you're a stalker: NorCal
Ehh I never knew the real definition but I always just assumed that it was regular brawl, I read it was Vanilla brawl. So uhh i kinda just guessed by context hah. I'm still not even sure if I'm correct.
I assumed it was that too. Anyways, can someone tell me how many bones Olimar has.

EDIT: @leafbarrett: What the **** does vanilla have to do with plain Brawl anyways?


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
It IS regular/vanilla/pure/unhacked/virgin Brawl.

Also, it seems my game hates me again. The alloy codes killed the MyMusic on Battlefield. Seriously, I've tried re-inputting the codes, but the Battlefield MyMusic is still wrecked. Halp


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
It IS regular/vanilla/pure/unhacked/virgin Brawl.

Also, it seems my game hates me again. The alloy codes killed the MyMusic on Battlefield. Seriously, I've tried re-inputting the codes, but the Battlefield MyMusic is still wrecked. Halp
Try taking everything out of your SD card, reformatting the card, and putting everything back.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
leafbarrett: That won't fix anything, he needs to use the My Music Reset code for Battlefield.

ANYWAY, this isn't a HELP THREAD for getting the Alloy CSS codes to work. Use the stickied thread for that... it's why it's there...


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Well, unless someone finds another character to use Mew on, I guess Mew will have to wait until multiple movesets can be loaded through costumes.
Unhacked? Well then what is normal Brawl that has been hacked? (You can check the codes thread for My Music resets.)
Still vBrawl unless you have ASM changes like gravity changes, shield stun, etc. There are movesets made for vBrawl.
EDIT: Whoops, double post. >.<


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2009
If you look at this, you're a stalker: NorCal
Point? Gardevoir only has 39, and Mew, who also works on Olimar, has 40.
I figured if he had an extremely small bone count like the Alloys, then that would explain why he works so well.

Still vBrawl unless you have ASM changes like gravity changes, shield stun, etc. There are movesets made for vBrawl.
EDIT: Whoops, double post. >.<
Then I guess I use vBrawl.

Awesome Turtwig

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
Anyone know a psa attribute that controls how long a character will hold onto an enemy before letting go? Alloy have a very short time...


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2009
leafbarrett: That won't fix anything, he needs to use the My Music Reset code for Battlefield.

ANYWAY, this isn't a HELP THREAD for getting the Alloy CSS codes to work. Use the stickied thread for that... it's why it's there...
Sorry but I did post there, and in another thread regarding custom CSS's, and I also accidentally posted in the code request thread. All of them I was just ignored. But doesnt matter now I got the help I needed. Thanks shifter!


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2009
In your pants.
I need some psa help...


What did I do wrong? Only 1 hitbox, (doing 3 damage) hits an attack. How can I fix this?
Asynchronous Timers always count from the beginning of the animation, so all the collisions are appearing at the same time. Set the timers to Synchronous so they activate one after the other.

You also need to add in the event Terminate Collisions before each new collision. The way that is right now is just stacking a bunch of collisions on top of each other. Adding Terminate Collisions before each new collision will remove the first one before adding the next, creating a rapid attack. Like so:

S Timer
Collision 1
S Timer
Terminate Collisions
Collision 2
S Timer
Terminate Collisions
Collision 3

The lines represent where each hit would take place. Also, if you don't terminate the collisions, they will stay until the animation ends.

Of course, you could always just set a loop, but those are a bit more complicated.

That's pretty cool! A bit of balancing is in order, but still cool.

Alrighty, last order of business: Meta Ridley. At some point today, I don't know when, I will release a preview of him. No attacks are done, and very few animations are, but I did say it's just a preview.

It also has an interesting glitch with the running where he slows down at the end of the animation, and then speeds up again at the beginning (I have an idea why, I may look into that later).

But the good thing is, he has no actual glitches; he can grab and be grabbed, can move without dropping into the ground, and will never freeze for any reason.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2009
*Wall of text*
Thanks for the mini PSA lesson, I already knew about the synchronous timers, but forgot that you had to terminate collisions, so at least I learned something.

Yay, Meta Ridley updates FTW.


I know I speak for everyone when I say that we should place some Gentleman's rules into effect, specifically the one stating that you comment on new characters/info that were recently posted before stating your business or something of the like.

I felt ignored, when I didn't even get a comment on Nagagog, even though I worked so hard on it (And the fact that it still got almost 100 downloads >.>), and I know some other people are getting ignored here as well. I, as well as other people posting new character updates/info want feedback on the stuff we produce, like Nagagog, I still haven't heard Anything in terms of constructive criticism/feedback about him.

****, now I'm rambling, but (Hopefully,) you get my point.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2009
If you look at this, you're a stalker: NorCal

I know I speak for everyone when I say that we should place some Gentleman's rules into effect, specifically the one stating that you comment on new characters/info that were recently posted before stating your business or something of the like.

I felt ignored, when I didn't even get a comment on Nagagog, even though I worked so hard on it (And the fact that it still got almost 100 downloads >.>), and I know some other people are getting ignored here as well. I, as well as other people posting new character updates/info want feedback on the stuff we produce, like Nagagog, I still haven't heard Anything in terms of constructive criticism/feedback about him.

****, now I'm rambling, but (Hopefully,) you get my point.
I commented on him. I'm not going to look back 100 pages to find it, but I did. I didn't download it yet though. I will tomorrow, since its Christmas today, then I'll critique it. But commenting on someone elses work is entirely up to the person, you can't force someone to be nice. Not over the internet at least.

@Awesome Turtwig: Don't appeal it, it got locked just like many other threads about the same thing, just a different character. You were supposed to keep it here, as Bionic Sonic says. I'll add it now. By the way, nice job!

Awesome Turtwig

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
Thanks for the mini PSA lesson, I already knew about the synchronous timers, but forgot that you had to terminate collisions, so at least I learned something.

Yay, Meta Ridley updates FTW.


I know I speak for everyone when I say that we should place some Gentleman's rules into effect, specifically the one stating that you comment on new characters/info that were recently posted before stating your business or something of the like.

I felt ignored, when I didn't even get a comment on Nagagog, even though I worked so hard on it (And the fact that it still got almost 100 downloads >.>), and I know some other people are getting ignored here as well. I, as well as other people posting new character updates/info want feedback on the stuff we produce, like Nagagog, I still haven't heard Anything in terms of constructive criticism/feedback about him.

****, now I'm rambling, but (Hopefully,) you get my point.
I'll test him out later okay. I'll let you know how I feel. I can't right now. You know... the family.

Awesome Turtwig

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
@Awesome Turtwig: Don't appeal it, it got locked just like many other threads about the same thing, just a different character. You were supposed to keep it here, as Bionic Sonic says. I'll add it now.
Thank you so much. :D If it isn't too much trouble, can you also put the video in the op too? right under the dl link? Thanks again.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2009
Hamilton ON CA
I can't open it in brawlbox! :(

It's an arc_auto_file not a PAC File

Well that was a lame fix, I just changed the file extension. Turns out they're exactly the same.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2009
In your pants.
Quick update on Meta: I have a beta falling animation done. Going to do the jumps next.

Also, I noticed that during testing, it was difficult to find a stage big enough for him to run (Eldin works, but that pig dude and the constantly breaking bridge gets annoying). There would also be the issue of the many other things to be tested in the future, and it would be annoying to have to dig around stages to find good places to try them in.

That's why I took a few minutes to throw this together.

Basically, it's a testing stage. This should cover anything you need to test; from movement, to jumping and falling, to wall jumping, to edge grabbing, or even just running into stuff. And all areas are easily accessible to all characters. It was thanks to this stage that I realized something has to be done about Ridley's collision. In battle it may not be noticeable, but it is if you're trying to fall past a spring and you suddenly teleport way over to the side and bounce back up.

The stage isn't practical at all for battles, but handy for the tedious testing process.

Awesome Turtwig

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
Knuckle Joe? He seems like he would easily work on Olimar. Well, I never said it was perfect, but its worth a shot for specials, final smashes, shield, etc.
I'll try again later then. Do I have to do anything with the pikmin models? I'll let you know what happens.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2009
In your pants.
kso, Ridley's jumps look awesome so far, so as soon as I get JumpSquat and the landings done, expect a download.

For the sake of playability, I would make him smaller - Bowser's much bigger in the newer Mario games.
He can't be any smaller. If he were, he would be almost impossible to hit.
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