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Fµlly Nëw Chàrácter Archive


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2009
If you look at this, you're a stalker: NorCal
Here are the links for Pokemon Trainer and Ridley's animations again for anyone who missed seeing them:
Ridley Tiem...?
Trainin' 2 Fite
Are they Betas or just animations?

OH MY GOD. I'm so pissed off right now. I finished ALL of Goomba's animations, and here I am, gonna test them, when I move the Motion file to the SD card. WTF?!?!?! I say!!!!!! THIS DISK IS WRITE-PROTECTED?!?!?!?! WHEN THE HELL DID I DO THAT?????????????? So...... I mess around with it, and all of a sudden, poof. Bye bye new animations! I have to make them. AGAIN. So....... Ya probably not gonna get it out for a while. God **** it.
I hate when things like that happen. I feel sorry for you. This is why everyone should BACK UP YOUR WORK!!! I'll add that to the OP

After the texture for the Devil is fixed, I'll probably give it its own thread.
And I think I'll start a cBrawl Thread soon...
Do not do either of those, they will get locked as soon as Bionic Sonic sees them. (Probably.) Also, since cBrawl does have to do with this thread (kinda) I'll post it in the OP when you finish.

Any help? Anyone aslo know how to make it so that an alloy can pick-up items, or make it so that they can have shields?

Oh and brawlshifter, can you remove tingle from the OP and put Knuckle Joe over yellow alloy.
Yellow Alloy, that's what I was waiting for. About the Alloy thing, its not possible yet.


Smash Cadet
Jul 25, 2009
Thanks Brawlshifter. Luckily for me I still have the old file with MOST of the animations on it. I still have to ones that are absolutely necessary like attacks and stuff. I can still finish it. Hopefully a release by maybe.... the 3rd at the latest cause that's when my break ends.

Awesome Turtwig

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
Knuckle Joe is coming along great. Since he can have specials, I added volcan jab and the others to his smashes. I need to change some GFXs in the morning. I'm going to bed. And if anyone knows where I can find Knuckle joe's SFX, I will love you forever. Goodnight.

Oh and anyone know why this keeps happening in psa?

and is v 0.2.1 the latest?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2009
Rome - Italy
Ehi, no matter if i didn't maked all the animations.The most important thing is that it works, and i want to make a video about that .; - )


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
I know this is probably a really, really ******** question at this point but.....

lol how do i make the alloys playable/selectable ( ´∀`)


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2009
look at page 20.

...I guess I don't have much to do until the Devil's texture is fixed.

Are they Betas or just animations?
Do not do either of those, they will get locked as soon as Bionic Sonic sees them. (Probably.) Also, since cBrawl does have to do with this thread (kinda) I'll post it in the OP when you finish.
Don't Primid and Waluigi have their own thread?

Of course, I understand not making a thread for cBrawl.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 18, 2009
Meta Ridley!

Meta Ridley joins the brawl!

I am NOT too big!

Bored with facing feeble challengers, he’s come down to show the main crew who’s Boss!

What’s this, Alloys can’t shield?

Thanks to his advanced space pirate armor, not a problem!

Ridley is immune to all attacks!!...but he does have that weak point in his chest plate…

What’s this? Meta has a special attack?

Well, sort of. Lightly push the control stick forward. Instead of walking, Ridley fiercely flaps his wings, causing no damage, but pushing away his foes!

Pumped yet? You should be!

Nerd With An Afro

Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2009
Lancaster PA
@ brawlShifter

Scaling doesnt work (i dont know why) and i cant find the value of size in PSA (i saw it before but now i cant find it). can you tell me the offset?

@ tikaro

That is NOT a ******** question. i spent 2 hours trying to figure that out.

@ Brawlshifter
Can you add how to make alloys playable (and compatible with brawlplus and other brawl mods) in the op?

Get A Load of This!

Smash Journeyman
Aug 4, 2009
Good ol' uncle GALOT here with a demo of Mr. Weegee's Devil. I do have a short word vomit on what attacks might be somewhat overpowered, but, it's not intelligently written and I'm probably wrong about everything because I'm not exactly a tourney player and I'm playing in vBrawl. Still food for thought, though.

@Xaranid: Brilliant excuse for not being able to edit his hurtbox. I tip my hat.

Awesome Turtwig

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
Good ol' uncle GALOT here with a demo of Mr. Weegee's Devil. I do have a short word vomit on what attacks might be somewhat overpowered, but, it's not intelligently written and I'm probably wrong about everything because I'm not exactly a tourney player and I'm playing in vBrawl. Still food for thought, though.

@Xaranid: Brilliant excuse for not being able to edit his hurtbox. I tip my hat.
Nice... You got to review my Knuckle Joe when he's done alright? :D


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2009
GALOT said:
Lawdy this guy is broken. He's the most fun I've had with a custom character but he's broken as all sin (no pun intended). His jab is extremely quick and allows him to approach well, a bunch of his moves send him in odd directions and can even be used as a sort of dodge and counter attack, ex. his fsmash...and I don't even need to say anything about his grab. His dair spike is also quite overpowered, I've managed to KO with it around 10% on certain characters AND it can spike through stages (!) making characters like ROB and gliders lose some of their options. Overall very fun but not balanced at all.
...I can see I have work to do.
Well, without tearing apart the animations, how can I fix him?

...I'll weaken the hitboxes and slow some moves down.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
At first I thought Devil might be broken...then I discovered something. Hitting his bat counts as hitting him. o__o yeah, that pretty much made anything broken about him...unbroken. Remember he cannot shield or roll or dodge, and he has no specials. Oh, and something really bizarre (besides the texture problem) is that when he crouches, he teleports downwards and you see the little offscreen bubble for a second. This is really funny though because when you crouch spam it can make it difficult for your opponent to land an attack.

Get A Load of This!

Smash Journeyman
Aug 4, 2009
Nice... You got to review my Knuckle Joe when he's done alright? :D
I'll be sure to take a look at him at some point.

As for the bat thing, the only time I've ever really had a problem with it getting hit was during his grab at a long range and maybe once his dsmash and jab (when whiffed, but generally missing an attack gets you punished.) I'm still inclined to believe he's broken unless your opponent has the precision of a surgeon to pick apart the hurtbox on the bat on those attacks. Then again, it might just be because he's a new character.

I'd say some more startup/end lag on his fsmash, a smaller vertical grab hitbox and not nearly as much range on his spike would be a start.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 18, 2009
Good ol' uncle GALOT here with a demo of Mr. Weegee's Devil. I do have a short word vomit on what attacks might be somewhat overpowered, but, it's not intelligently written and I'm probably wrong about everything because I'm not exactly a tourney player and I'm playing in vBrawl. Still food for thought, though.

@Xaranid: Brilliant excuse for not being able to edit his hurtbox. I tip my hat.

Haha thanks. Razanak discovered the torso was the only area he could take damage in, and it worked out really well. It very conveniently balances his lack of shield. Later today Razanak MIGHT have a more...tangible...preview out. :)


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
look at page 20.
Thank you. (We should seriously add that to the OP.)

Also, does anyone know what Mech Warrior Gauss' filename is? I'm going to at least try to do something with him, even though he's just a trophy. If we ever get the ability to add bones to trophies, he'd be incredibly easy to do, seeing as he's made of simple polygons.


Smash Lord
Aug 30, 2009
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
I'm asking this to make things for myself clear.
It isn't possible to swap a model of a trophy (like Mewtwo's trophy) over a character, is it?
I'm sorry if this is already asked, but I wanted to make sure.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2009
If you look at this, you're a stalker: NorCal
Knuckle Joe is coming along great. Since he can have specials, I added volcan jab and the others to his smashes.
He can have specials?

Don't Primid and Waluigi have their own thread?
Yes, but as Bionic Sonic says they had something very different about them and it was a team project, or something like that. If you don't believe it'll get locked, take a look at the Bulblin thread, the Dry Bones thread, etc.

I haven't seen Devil at all before this, he looks great, nice job!


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
Hey all I'm working on Master Hand over green alloy (zakoball) :laugh:
And the noobs rejoiced!
I can see it all now...
"Um, no... Master Hand is cheap... You can't use him"
"BUT I EVEN BRANG MY OWN WIIMOTE! :confused::urg:"
"GTFO of my house."

That's what would happen if someone did that at a gathering from work =P

Bulblin isn't happening...
...yet! I will work on him eventually, just not now.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2009
Ok I have been ignored or have just posted in dead threads. Since this is an active thread hopefully someone can help me here. It is somewhat related too these model swaps.

I am having trouble trying to play as alloys. I have the CSS that make them appear, but when I select them they're just C falcon, Zelda, or whoever they originally are. The CSS I'm using is this one:

Custom CSS V3 - Maestro26 - This Needs a Better Name WITH ALLOYS [spunit262]
0668310C 00000030
387E006C 3B600000
3C808068 38840DE0
7CBB20AE 7CA50775
41800014 94A30004
3B7B0001 2C1B0032
4180FFE8 48000038
04690338 48000068
066900d8 00000008
2c170028 41820168
02680DE0 0022FFFF
06680DE0 0000002d
4a000108 2306070a
4e02090e 1b201613
10121a0d 0f5d291f
25172615 0c145e03
0b111827 4005245c
04192122 46000000

Custom Random V1 - Maestro26 - This Needs a Better Name WITH ALLOYS [spunit262]
06685824 0000000C
3C608068 7C630214
88630E80 00000000
046857F0 3AE00028
06680E80 00000028
00010823 06070a02
090e1b20 16131012
1a0d0f5d 1f251726
150c145e 030b1118
2705245c 04192122

I have no idea what other codes I need on. The following codes give me a black screen on start up or freezes at gecko.

-Alloys don't wreck my music
-Giga and company engine

The current Codes I have on are:

-file patch 3.5.1
-Unrestricted pause/replay camera
-Replays longer than 3 min
-The CSS mentioned above
-Tags in replays
-Infinite replays
-Custom Default settings
-Alternate File Loader
-New Pork is WWR
-Alloys have victory poses

So if anyone can help me out, or tell me what's wrong it would be greatly appreciated!


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Gardevoir works over Olimar! HALLELUJAH!!! <3
She even has a working walk! (at least before I added the custom walking animation)
Only problem is that she has a red glow in the center of her body, but oh well, I don't care! <3


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2009
If you look at this, you're a stalker: NorCal
Gardevoir works over Olimar! HALLELUJAH!!! <3
She even has a working walk! (at least before I added the custom walking animation)
Only problem is that she has a red glow in the center of her body, but oh well, I don't care! <3
So I was right, eh. Thunderspam found a way to delete the glow, its in the MotionEtc, or the moveset pac.
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