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Fµlly Nëw Chàrácter Archive


Smash Cadet
Dec 24, 2009
Im new at this model editing so im trying to make Deoxys, im thinking of replacing ZakoBall with Deoxys and heres what i got of Deoxys' Stance ( sorry I couldn't get video of his stance)


Smash Cadet
Jan 1, 2008
K, I worked on some of Isaacs animations today. Trying to fix the scarf in JumpF which I assumed was jump forward. (correct me if i'm wrong) I got half way through then tested it in game and he instantly went into T pose and if you try to move him it freezes. Any suggestions?


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2009
If you look at this, you're a stalker: NorCal
I was thinking of replacing a Character with Knuckles but he only has 24 Bones, is there a Character with less bones than Knuckles?
Its been proven Knuckles will not work on anyone.

Hi, I'm new to PSA and I'm working on a Mr.L pac . The moves work fine, but it randomly freezes during matches, and I don't know why. Could someone who is good at psa see if they can fix it http://www.mediafire.com/?nzymndwjyml:(

edit: here is the motionfit... http://www.mediafire.com/?kdzzdwzw5yl
Wrong thread. Try the PSA Guide thread.

Squirtle's been demoted:

(Squirtle over Koopa Troopa.)

I'm thinking about adding an SSE enemies section to the OP, since they are characters too. By the way, I have no idea why the fish thing is up there...

Awesome Turtwig

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
I started playing around with ganon again, to make him stand...

:urg: I think I'm going in the right direction.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
Squirtle's been demoted:
I don't get it, what did you replace with Squirtle?

...if you're trying to make a squid.
Haha! Nice call! =P

Im new at this model editing so im trying to make Deoxys, im thinking of replacing ZakoBall with Deoxys and heres what i got of Deoxys' Stance ( sorry I couldn't get video of his stance)
Deoxys works on Red Alloy, I've already tried it out, all you have to do is re arrange his legs though (They turn up broken, just change the rotation settings) and then animate his arms.


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2009
Rephrased it.

Also, I'm thinking if I should make that moveset with Beast Ganon entirely of custom animations. I'm thinking about how difficult it'll be...


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2009
Very bad way to put that, unless you're a girl, which I don't think so. Although the Captain Falcon thing would be a good idea...
He didn't mean that in a homosexual way. It's an inside joke, "Captain Falcon is the manliest man in all of Smash Bros." It's like a random Smash Bros joke, I doubt he's homo. XD


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
If you replaced things in there with Captain Falcon, it would add to cBrawl. Think of it...a SSE...FILLED WITH MEN!
Ew......................... moving along now....

He didn't mean that in a homosexual way. It's an inside joke, "Captain Falcon is the manliest man in all of Smash Bros." It's like a random Smash Bros joke, I doubt he's homo. XD
EDIT: You want a joke? I'll give you a Smash bros Joke!

Bulbin: On hold
Electivire: On hold
Dugtrio: FTFW!

That's right kids! Dugtrio is going to be in Brawl for all of your Brawling pleasure!

Oh hai

Hey again

Little Baby Dugtrio

As shown in the image above, he's a little small so I'm going to scale him up, I'm not sure how much by though. He's over Lucas and works like a charm! All I have to do is make a running and walking animation to make sure movement is 100% working, then make a double jump animation. After that, it's a matter of changing the PSA to set things to the correct bones.

Also, when using Lucas's grab, it gives the BSOD, so I'll look into what's causing that another time.


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2009
Ew......................... moving along now....

EDIT: You want a joke? I'll give you a Smash bros Joke!

Bulbin: On hold
Electivire: On hold
Dugtrio: FTFW!

That's right kids! Dugtrio is going to be in Brawl for all of your Brawling pleasure!

As shown in the image above, he's a little small so I'm going to scale him up, I'm not sure how much by though. He's over Lucas and works like a charm! All I have to do is make a running and walking animation to make sure movement is 100% working, then make a double jump animation. After that, it's a matter of changing the PSA to set things to the correct bones.

Also, when using Lucas's grab, it gives the BSOD, so I'll look into what's causing that another time.
What happens when Dugtrio's in the air?

You see, me and mah buds had a running joke about what Dugtrio's body could actually be...

I once thought of a dugtrio moveset. The final smash was:

it crawls out of the ground. Being unwitnessable by man, the screen flashes white. everyone, form seeing this sight, takes rapid damage and flies away.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2009
If you look at this, you're a stalker: NorCal
He didn't mean that in a homosexual way. It's an inside joke, "Captain Falcon is the manliest man in all of Smash Bros." It's like a random Smash Bros joke, I doubt he's homo. XD
I didn't mean I thought he was homo, it was just, a strange way to put it.:laugh: I knew what he meant though. Although "Captain Falcon is the manliest man in all of Smash Bros." is definitely wrong. All of our custom characters are! They're manlier than every Smash Bros. character put together!


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
What happens when Dugtrio's in the air?

You see, me and mah buds had a running joke about what Dugtrio's body could actually be...

I once thought of a dugtrio moveset. The final smash was:

it crawls out of the ground. Being unwitnessable by man, the screen flashes white. everyone, form seeing this sight, takes rapid damage and flies away.
You know I've always wondered what the other side of Dugtrio looks like as well....
I was thinking to replace most of Lucas's GFX with mud-looking effects.
I was thinking just to leave the FS as it is for now (Since it actually works :p)

Nerd With An Afro

Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2009
Lancaster PA
Point? Gardevoir only has 39, and Mew, who also works on Olimar, has 40.
That statement right there just made my day. now mew can actually have B moves! (olimar was 1 of the 4 characters i think i didnt test mews model on)

Also, would it be better to do all the animations then psa, or Psa then animations? or do 1 animations and edit it in psa?

EDIT: Double post fail, sorry about that.

Nerd With An Afro

Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2009
Lancaster PA

Anyway, can someone link me to the file for pokemon? and are they labeled, or do I have to find a translator...
*Refreshed page to make sure no one ninja'd me*
If you scroll down, there should be a media fire thing... go into that, then find the item folder. that should have all the Pokemon that are in brawl (that aren't playable).


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
OK, quick Brawlbox question, but pertinent here as well (by the way, thanks for the help afro) For actual animations, I have a limited number; how do I create a new animation? (I know how to manipulate bones and such, but how do I create a new attack for that character/pokemon?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2009
Rome - Italy
I succesfully swapped Mesprit on Pikachu!

But it is in a T-Stance and it's very little.
Is little like a Pokeball.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
I swapped Deoxys, **** its tough to hand animate.

Deoxys has too many tentacles, when I'm making any animation they all need to move or he looks stiff. Ffffff-

anyways, so far I have;
Wait animation;
Jump animation;
A taunt animation;
a landing animation;
and the animation for his lazer attack thing. So basically, nothing.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
Hehe, nice picture :)

anyway, hoppip is just fine.
all the wait animations is done :3
but need some ideas for his special attack.

\/B: solarbeam
<B: U turn or bounce
^B: splash
B: ???
final: cotton spore

I dont really know yet. please, give me some ideas :<
Ideas for Solar Beam: There are two possiblities, either a built up laser like ROB's regular B, or a straight out massive BEAM OF DEATH.

Ideas for Cotton Spore: I think Cotton Spore should be simliar to MewTwos Down B in Melee (Confusion). Where it stuns the enemy (Or at least trips them)

Side B could be something similar to staffy's spin, while Up B, not too sure.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2009
Sweden, Umeå (Currently in Seattle)
@pika- Stun spore/poison powder/sleep powder
maybe but I should take "leech seed" more :/
Ideas for Solar Beam: There are two possiblities, either a built up laser like ROB's regular B, or a straight out massive BEAM OF DEATH.

Ideas for Cotton Spore: I think Cotton Spore should be simliar to MewTwos Down B in Melee (Confusion). Where it stuns the enemy (Or at least trips them)

Side B could be something similar to staffy's spin, while Up B, not too sure.
I thought solarbeam would be like pikachus thunder but more powerful and take some time to attack like 5-10 seconds

and cotton spore will make the opponent freeze (or extremely slow mo) for a long time

maybe "staffy spin" but <B is the hardest part :urg:


Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2007
East Coast, US
I'll just flat out say it, I'm making a Porky using a texture edited Porky Bot for machinima purposes only.

His Bones are named WpnPorkyRobot_(whatever). Will renaming them to proper names mess up the bones at all?
Reposting since no one answered.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Back on topic: Any ideas you's would like to see in Dugtrio?
I'd like to see you actually get him to be unique instead of taking the easy way out and just giving Lucas's attacks "mud" effects and fixing the bones. Nobody will play him if he's going to be exactly the same as Lucas, they might once just for kicks but after that one time, it's just a different model on the same character.

Originality please, no more of this "Sparkle Ness" or "Darkness Marth w/all his moves having the hit effect Dark". Dugtrio needs to be a full-fledged character, not just another Lucas with different effects.

If you're going to model swap, you should do the entire thing and not just be lazy.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2006
anyway, hoppip is just fine.
all the wait animations is done :3
but need some ideas for his special attack.

\/B: solarbeam
<B: U turn or bounce
^B: splash
B: ???
final: cotton spore

I dont really know yet. please, give me some ideas :<
I would definitely make Bounce his UpB, since it just makes the most sense. His Neutral B could be Bullet Seed, if you didn't come up with anything else. I think Stun/Poison/Sleep Powder would be best as a side move; Leech Seed works too. Solarbeam and Cotton Spore sound pretty good the way they are. EDIT: I just thought of something... Hoppip weighs a grand total of one pound - less than even Jigglypuff. That's not exactly conducive to successful smashing.

On a somewhat related note: Has anyone tried swapping Snover over anyone yet? I've worked on some animations but haven't actually gotten around to trying to hack my wii yet. :p
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