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Fµlly Nëw Chàrácter Archive

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Is there a vid with Isaac fighting? You guys did an awesome job btw.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
Heh.... weeeiiirrrdd..... Does anyone know where the information is that chooses what bone items are connected too? I can't seem to find it in BrawlBox or PSA...


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2009
In your pants.
Heh.... weeeiiirrrdd..... Does anyone know where the information is that chooses what bone items are connected too? I can't seem to find it in BrawlBox or PSA...
Items are attached to the HaveN bones. Every character (including ATs and bosses) has one in each hand. If you want the item somewhere else, you would probably have to move that bone. Unless there's another way I'm not aware of.

Alrighty, onto business: we hit a speed bump with Meta Ridley. The bone indexes are screwing around with us again, and it's treating his neck (Neck02N to be specific) like his ThrowN bone. As I said, this is a problem, especially since it drastically interferes with something very important.

So, we need a hand with the bone index fixing and all that. If you can help, let me know ASAP.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
Items are attached to the HaveN bones. Every character (including ATs and bosses) has one in each hand. If you want the item somewhere else, you would probably have to move that bone. Unless there's another way I'm not aware of.
Grr... Dugtrio sort of doesn't have that bone since he was never planned to pick up items....
I'll keep looking.

Awesome Turtwig

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009

Get your ultra balls ready.

So, what you are seeing here, is my dialga, with a custom animation. Not much has been done, but I'm working on it. Can you put this in the OP?

Awesome Turtwig

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
*Sigh* Okay, but try to finish some of your projects before making more. Also, that doesn't look like a custom animation, that looks like Dialga's normal Wait1 rotaated.
Don't be a jerk :(

I can't fix Knuckle Joe's running. I was trying today, do you have any ideas?


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2009
If you look at this, you're a stalker: NorCal
Don't be a jerk :(

I can't fix Knuckle Joe's running. I was trying today, do you have any ideas?
I'm not being a jerk, I (and others) am just saying you are taking in too many tasks at once, and aren't finishing them, like Bulblorb. No offense, I'm just suggesting you finish a task before taking another one, and especially before you take another after that. About the running glitch, you're talking about speed, right? If so, try doing this new method that I would appreciate someone reposting so that I can add it to the OP.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
He has three going right now, Bulborb, Knuckle Joe, and now Dialga. If he can make them all work, kudos, I enjoy more characters. Knuckle Joe is already Beta'd, Bulborb was dropped, and now he is starting Dialga. Shrink Diagla to Bowsers size, and be warned that you will have to hand animate all of his animations. Deoxys has 160, and I have only done a few; I started two days ago. Its a big task, so think about it before taking it on.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
Actually, that was a reference to the good not-******** super special awesome original Yu-Gi-Oh! series. Y'know, the the four Magnet Warriors... (from strongest to weakest) Alpha, Gamma and Beta combine to form Valkyrion...
Go youtube yu-gi-oh abridged, and laugh more.

EDIT: Crap double post. *facepalm*

Awesome Turtwig

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
I'm not being a jerk, I (and others) am just saying you are taking in too many tasks at once, and aren't finishing them, like Bulblorb. No offense, I'm just suggesting you finish a task before taking another one, and especially before you take another after that. About the running glitch, you're talking about speed, right? If so, try doing this new method that I would appreciate someone reposting so that I can add it to the OP.
I found out a way to make Knuckle Joe slower, I have to edit the XRotN bone in the animation file. btw, yes, the dialga animation was my own.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!

Proof that Dugtrio can dash/run

Pics just for lulz
(These pictures weren't planned, they just happened)

Umm, Mario what are you doing...?

Oh dear god no......


Ekans used Bite

Dugtrio goes into deep thought....


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2009
Portland, OR
Good to see knuckle joe back. By the way billy, I see you have screens of electivre; does that mean you are still working on him? (dugtrio and electrivre, two pokemon at once)

Awesome Turtwig

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
Good to see knuckle joe back. By the way billy, I see you have screens of electivre; does that mean you are still working on him? (dugtrio and electrivre, two pokemon at once)
Thanks, you said you did Dialga a bit? How did you fix his running problem? By that, I mean what bones did you name to TransN, YRotN and XRotN?


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2009
Behind you!
By the way billy, I see you have screens of electivre; does that mean you are still working on him? (dugtrio and electrivre, two pokemon at once)
He's on hold for now, but if I finish Dugtrio on a good note then I will keep working on him. I want to learn on Dugtrio first since he has a REALLY easy bone structure. I'm not sure if I'll keep Bulbin on pause still or scrap him. I'll decide later after finishing Dugtrio.

Great! Updated.
@n64billy: Nice pics. What's the Snake thing?
The snake thing is whatever Lucas has. Load up the game and Grab with Lucas. You'll see what it is. That was just Lucas's taunt, and then paused at just the right moment.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2009
Sweden, Umeå (Currently in Seattle)
will make a video of all the animation I have done on hoppip
dont know what happend to walkfast and walkmedium, they freeze ;_;
video will come soon

@n64billy: if you want to remove "rope snake" from dugtrio. open dugtrios "FitLucasMotionEct" and try to remove "WpnLucasHimoHebi" animations and model and see if it works :3
dont know if it works or if you will get a freeze. make sure you have a copy of dugtrios "FitLucasMotionEct" XD


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
Just give the rope snake an Ekans texture. That would be lulzy. Actually, it is possible to do Double battles with Wild Pokemon in D/P/P, so it would still make sense in context. Maybe just use it in a couple of attacks + grab and give it a "darkness" hit box(for poison)?


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Shifter, you need to update the first post. I'm putting Gardevoir over Olimar now- Aw ****, 2 movesets are already using Olimar... :<
Also, Dugtrio isn't in the first post, at least not that I can see.

You're working on a way to make the running animation smooth? Or am I the only one who's got a character that runs without needing the momentum trick? I really don't want to do any more work unless I know I can get what I already have to work properly...


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2009
N64billy, I have an idea. How about instead of removing Lucas's Snake, why don't you texture hack it into an Ekans? Would be a pretty neat idea, considering Dugtrio's inability to grab.

EDIT: I Just whipped up an Ekans texture for the Snake. Will upload if you want me to.

Edit2: Preview:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2009
In a box
That Ekans is awesome. What I am concerned about is Dugtrio's ability to jump.

Anyways, Shifter and whoever else did minor work on Shaydas, do you think you could send it my way? I am starting filming for the Machinima, and really, I only need his wait1 working. It would be great if he worked on Green or Yellow Alloy. I am far too lazy to do it myself, even though I could probably do it in a matter of minutes.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2009
That Ekans is awesome. What I am concerned about is Dugtrio's ability to jump.

Anyways, Shifter and whoever else did minor work on Shaydas, do you think you could send it my way? I am starting filming for the Machinima, and really, I only need his wait1 working. It would be great if he worked on Green or Yellow Alloy. I am far too lazy to do it myself, even though I could probably do it in a matter of minutes.
Thanks man! And his ability to jump...
Well I was thinking. What If we replaced the model of his PSI magnet article with Charizard's Rock Smash rock, make it larger, and move the bone it's attached to over to Dugtrio's body, rather than the hand bone. It should look like he's encased in a rock. So his jumps would be inside a rock, rather than revealing...
We would also have to change the animations of the rock, to, let's say, spin for the double jump.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2006
okay, Dugtrio Jumping with a rock without revealing its true self, and Ekans as a secret weapon

Dugtrio just deserves its own thread

oh, and I just need to see a vid, or more pics.... please :)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2009
^That contains Lucas's whole MotionEtc, with the edited Ekans.
Oh, and n64billy, I'll join the Dugtrio "team". JUST so you can make your own thread, and BioHedgy can't lock it. Also, I'll help with some PSAing, animations, and textures.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2009
If you look at this, you're a stalker: NorCal
Shifter, you need to update the first post. I'm putting Gardevoir over Olimar now- Aw ****, 2 movesets are already using Olimar... :<
Also, Dugtrio isn't in the first post, at least not that I can see.
I've been updating the first post, I just forgot to put Dugtrio in. I'll do that now. I already put Gardevoir over over Olimar. At least, I thought I did. Didn't I? Let me check.

EDIT: Wow, I really thought I did. Well, its right now.

Anyways, Shifter and whoever else did minor work on Shaydas, do you think you could send it my way? I am starting filming for the Machinima, and really, I only need his wait1 working. It would be great if he worked on Green or Yellow Alloy. I am far too lazy to do it myself, even though I could probably do it in a matter of minutes.
I got the model to work on Green Alloy, the only problem is, I don't know which animation is his Wait1.:laugh: I'll send you the model if you want it.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2009
I have a question. Will anyone ever make ganon's mothers (from oot) over the ice climbers? I would make it myself but I don't have skill with brawlbox to make new animations...


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
^That contains Lucas's whole MotionEtc, with the edited Ekans.
Oh, and n64billy, I'll join the Dugtrio "team". JUST so you can make your own thread, and BioHedgy can't lock it. Also, I'll help with some PSAing, animations, and textures.
Hey, I posted the Ekans idea a full 3 hours before you. :p Good work on the texture, though. :)

Here was my post with the idea in it:

Just give the rope snake an Ekans texture. That would be lulzy. Actually, it is possible to do Double battles with Wild Pokemon in D/P/P, so it would still make sense in context. Maybe just use it in a couple of attacks + grab and give it a "darkness" hit box(for poison)?


Smash Cadet
Jun 24, 2008
College Park, La Pata, Waldorf
A couple of ideas for Dugtrio's moveset:

Dig - Disappears under ground (kinda like MK disappears), you aim toward your opponent, and if you land the hit they are put into the ground (like DK's forward special). This probably wouldn't work in the air (or at all, I have no idea).

Earthquake - This would probably be easy to do. DK's down special makes the earth quake, maybe Dugtrio's does too?

It may be beneficial to check out serebii.net and see some moves a ground type learns, just to get some ideas.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 18, 2006
Oh. Hai there!

So, I managed to get Snover's model to work over Pikachu. I must say, fighting with a T-posed Snover and winning is rather entertaining... Next step: fix the moving glitch, and put in my own animations/make more.

Meanwhile, I was wondering if anybody had moveset ideas for him. I've got a tentative moveset that I'm thinking about, but the only one I know for sure is his SideB. Here's what I've got so far:

SideB - Ice Shard: This moves Snover pretty far horizontally as he slashes with (Gasp) a shard of ice. Pressing B with good timing at the end of the animation allows him to use a more powerful upward slice, though that doesn't move him like the original hit.

Tentative moves -

B - Hail: Pellets of ice rain down from a ball of energy (or something) that Snover generates just above and in front of himself. Lasts as long as B is held, for up to five seconds.

UpB - ???: This is the one I'm least sure about. My first idea was Avalanche, which would look like Squirtle's Waterfall. The second was Ice Punch, which would look kind of like Mario's Super Jump Punch, but would only hit once and would have a chance of encasing opponents in ice.

DownB - Leech Seed/Seed Bomb: Either way, I'm hoping Snover will be able to generate a seed as an item. If it's Leech Seed, then upon impact the seed will plant a flower on the opponent, if it's Seed Bomb, it will create a small explosion, with a one-eighth chance or so of bringing out a more powerfully-exploding seed.

I've got plenty of time to decide, however. I've got to get used to the PSA program with his A moves first. :)


Smash Cadet
Jun 24, 2008
College Park, La Pata, Waldorf
Oh. Hai there!

So, I managed to get Snover's model to work over Pikachu. I must say, fighting with a T-posed Snover and winning is rather entertaining... Next step: fix the moving glitch, and put in my own animations/make more.

Meanwhile, I was wondering if anybody had moveset ideas for him. I've got a tentative moveset that I'm thinking about, but the only one I know for sure is his SideB. Here's what I've got so far:

SideB - Ice Shard: This moves Snover pretty far horizontally as he slashes with (Gasp) a shard of ice. Pressing B with good timing at the end of the animation allows him to use a more powerful upward slice, though that doesn't move him like the original hit.

Tentative moves -

B - Hail: Pellets of ice rain down from a ball of energy (or something) that Snover generates just above and in front of himself. Lasts as long as B is held, for up to five seconds.

UpB - ???: This is the one I'm least sure about. My first idea was Avalanche, which would look like Squirtle's Waterfall. The second was Ice Punch, which would look kind of like Mario's Super Jump Punch, but would only hit once and would have a chance of encasing opponents in ice.

DownB - Leech Seed/Seed Bomb: Either way, I'm hoping Snover will be able to generate a seed as an item. If it's Leech Seed, then upon impact the seed will plant a flower on the opponent, if it's Seed Bomb, it will create a small explosion, with a one-eighth chance or so of bringing out a more powerfully-exploding seed.

I've got plenty of time to decide, however. I've got to get used to the PSA program with his A moves first. :)
Please give him Wood Hammer. It would be sweet. Blizzard is pretty classic, as is Ice beam. I believe Suicune uses some sort of beam when he appears. Is it even possible to use that?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2009
Yeah, Ekans with Dugtrio! Now it's like that Pokemon Stadium mini-game! Except it's not Diglett... I miss that game...

*runs to play Pokemon Stadium*
Oh my God, yeah, that's exactly what it made me think about. XD
I loved that game as a kid. My favorite was the Drowzee mini-game, personally.

Dayum, I love the new me. Y'know, the one that CONTRIBUTES. XD


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
For Down B, spawn a Deku Nut. That could work for Seed Bomb. As for the 1/8 chance of being a stronger seed...uh, not sure how to do that.

Ice Shard I can see working if it was fast, like in the Pokemon games. That way, it would require fast timing with the stronger hit, allowing for a decent amount of KB. The intial hit should have stun(not to the extent of electric attacks though) but little KB.

Hail....sounds great as is. You just need to find good graphical effects for the hail and the energy/ice ball.

For his recovery, Avalanche sounds like a decent counterpart to Ice Shard. It could have some starting lag, but then rise up quickly with a lot of KB in comparison to Ice Shard. I can also see Ice Punch working, but that sounds more like a generic recovery with it's only distinguishing factor being the freezing effect. Maybe use it as an Fsmash instead?

Of course, this is your project, so make how you want to. I'm just providing a few suggestions.

EDIT: For Wood Hammer, maybe Dsmash if you go with Ice Punch for Fsmash.


Smash Cadet
Jun 24, 2008
College Park, La Pata, Waldorf
For Down B, spawn a Deku Nut. That could work for Seed Bomb. As for the 1/8 chance of being a stronger seed...uh, not sure how to do that.

Ice Shard I can see working if it was fast, like in the Pokemon games. That way, it would require fast timing with the stronger hit, allowing for a decent amount of KB. The intial hit should have stun(not to the extent of electric attacks though) but little KB.

Hail....sounds great as is. You just need to find good graphical effects for the hail and the energy/ice ball.

For his recovery, Avalanche sounds like a decent counterpart to Ice Shard. It could have some starting lag, but then rise up quickly with a lot of KB in comparison to Ice Shard. I can also see Ice Punch working, but that sounds more like a generic recovery with it's only distinguishing factor being the freezing effect. Maybe use it as an Fsmash instead?

Of course, this is your project, so make how you want to. I'm just providing a few suggestions.

EDIT: For Wood Hammer, maybe Dsmash if you go with Ice Punch for Fsmash.
You clearly play Pokemon, so when I say Final Smash = Sheer Cold, I know you know what I mean and got equally excited.
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