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Event 52 Oct 18th-19th Kansas Results


Smash Champion
Aug 29, 2004
Overland Park, KS
This should be fairly obvious to most thinking players but I guess someone's going to have to say it...

Better head to head =/= better player. Period.

Certain players are good in certain character match-ups or vs. certain other playing styles. The only way to truly tell if a player is better than another player is for them to both play the exact same line-up of a reasonably large sample size of players.

And HugQ, dsmash backair backair.
If two people play the exact same sample of people and end with exactly the same record, then it stands that whomever won between the two of them should advance. I know it's ****ty but I guarantee you if Echo had been on the advancing side of the mess then you wouldn't be saying ****.

Atleast 3-4 people ended up being the victim of a tie decided by head to head or a complete three way tie resulting in going to full match count. Do you see any of them in here *****ing? No, because that's simply the way it goes sometimes. I know you are mad that your crewmate got eliminated because of that but he should have taken care of business and then he wouldn't have had to worry about it. If Jiano had beaten Scar in my pool I would have advanced due to a three way tie, but you don't see me complaining. You know why? Because in the end it's because I lost to Dark Sonic, not because Jiano didn't beat Scar for me. If you want to advance you have to take it for yourself.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
If you think mangos like 5 posts in this thread ruined everything then you really havent read most of these pages :laugh:
His 5 posts led to like... 10 pages of spam. I was pretty pissed reading through them. But... I'll do shouts cause Q asked for them xD

If I put you in the wrong region >_> Well I suck with that
QDVS: I finally got to play you. I meant to play you at Pound 3 (and others) but I was pretty lazy. Fun games ^^ I'm stealing some tricks =D Good **** in teams man. One of my favourite smashers to chill with at this. Come to Canada or at least more OOS stuff, we'll be there.

RockCrock: I didn't play you but I had fun chilling with you and Q. Ganon is beastly. Make sure to come to more stuff so I can actually play you next time X.X

Lambchops: Master of pyschology >_> Good games, your Falco does some stuff I've always thought more Falco's should do. It was fun actually chilling with you at this and watching you play Darkrain in friendlies.

ColBol: Grow your hair please. Glad I had friendlies with you at this. They were pretty lolz. I also can't believe you're 15 and almost my height. Liked the DK at Darkrain's house too + that you like laugh on command.

PB+J: Commentary ftw. I know you miss Eggm. I didn't play you, but I watched you in some of your matches. We'll play at the next big tourney.

Hiroshi: Had fun doing Fox dittos and stuff + Good games in teams. It sucks about singles pools. Don't let it get you down man, you'll have other chances to redeem yourself at tournaments.

Dark Sonic: Good **** with the placement. I had fun doing the Marth dittos at Darkrain's. Glad to know you're not a brawl player xD

S0FT: Friendlies were fun. You should switch mains to Fox, he's definitely more broken.

Ihavespaceballs: You're too good for me. I can't beat you lol. Good stuff with both your placements. I'm gonna have to work so much on my Samus game.

East Cost:
GOTM: Led Zeppelin ftw. Good games man, you really took us in teams. I'm trying to find a way down to the EC stuff. I'll bring some CDs of bootleg with me + Hopefully players from Quebec.

Scar: OMG We thought you were gonna be a newb and all self hype like Chaddd or something. Good stuff man, and thanks for recording so I can watch all the stuff again at home. <3 See your Falcon again.

M2K: Too good.

Cactuar/HARDGAY: You're not allowed to quit this game. Not when you're this talented and amazingly cool. I wanna be able to have more friendlies with you at the next tournament. Good job beating Scar while you were on your phone.

Wife: Good games in brackets and teams. Good luck reading The Fountainhead >_> I still wanna claw my eyes out at the thought of her writing. I'll see you at the next tourney man + hopefully at 1 in Canada.

Darkrain: **** much? Good job hosting this, it ran so well and thank you so much for the housing dude. Your cats are awesome. I had so much fun at this tournament. I'd definitely come back for another 1 like this.

Dmac: Thanks for shuttling us around to food and from the airport and what not. It's really appreciated man. ^^ Didn't play you though, I'll just have to do that next time.

N64: You have some kind of super extended grab range against me I swear. I'm sorry I wasn't doing well in the friendlies, I was pretty upset at that time. Since you're on EC for school hopefully I'll get to see you.

Other Midwest players: I fail at remembering tags and stuff. Good games, good job hosting and making the tournament run by showing up and supporting melee.

Other Coasts:
HugQ: GGs in the money matches and pools. I'll tell Jason and Reggie you said hi.

Kyle: You got a ****load better. I watched some of your matches. Stevewood Jablowme?

Gaynex: I told you you'd get 5th or higher on the plane ride there.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2005
If two people play the exact same sample of people and end with exactly the same record, then it stands that whomever won between the two of them should advance. I know it's ****ty but I guarantee you if Echo had been on the advancing side of the mess then you wouldn't be saying ****.

If Head to head is so ****ty, maybe we should just have a pool of 32 people at the end of the tourney and then give first place to whomever ends with the best record. I recall that being tried before and most people hating it because often times the tourney is settled by matches super early on in the pool and it destroys the importance and weight of the ending matches.

dyc, i see what you're saying, but h-h has to be last. match wins should take precedent because that indicates the better "record". according to dmac's story, he didn't win as many matches as that echo guy did. that's the biggest issue. echo made it tougher for his opponents. if you consider h-h before match wins, then that implies matchups between certain ppl are more important. why should dmac and echo's matches mean more than any other matches? that is not fair.

also, EVERY SINGLE pro sport that has these issues considers record wins first. take mlb for example. they don't care who wins the regular season series. as long as you get a few wins, it's okay. they only consider h-h at the end. the nba is exactly the same. in extreme cases, the mlb has teams play each other in a best of 1 at the end of the season.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
@ Razor, winning sets is and should be more important than winning matches, no question. And I maintain that being able to win head to head vs someone is a better indicator of who is better than how many people you can go 1-2 against as opposed to 0-2.

then he's not better because that's what being a pro at melee entails?

nevermind that mango is way, way better than you think he is.
lmao Way to quote the part that's not important. Head to head 1v1 does not decide who is better period, much the same as it doesn't in pools, same concept.


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007

first of all

m2k is gay ( lol )

and yes im cocky

but i think u should have the

right to be cocky if u can be

and i can PROBABLY Beat everyone who

has posted in this thread =)

second of all

u guys are all funny lol
dont try to be a lil wise *** in my face ... fair warning ... jk lol

but ill play your jiggz for $1 if i ever see u in a tourny ... and if u win ill say "cocky lil freak" from stafox :)

and then ill punch u in the face


Smash Journeyman
Aug 6, 2005
@ Razor, winning sets is and should be more important than winning matches, no question. And I maintain that being able to win head to head vs someone is a better indicator of who is better than how many people you can go 1-2 against as opposed to 0-2
hmm, i disagree. i do agree that set wins are first. But head to head means less because you WILL NOT be playing that tied person in the bracket. not only that, 1-2 or 0-2 has no meaning then. does that 1 win you get mean nothing? a person who lost every match and went 0-2 did waaay worse than someone who went 1-2 in all his matches.

also, you can't control you who have a tie with. i doubt echo even knew who he had a tie with until the end.


Smash Ace
May 7, 2007
Planet Earth
Arrogant, Ken Y, Jfox, get out of the RESULTS thread. Make your own thread and argue in there where people actually care.
Can someone close this please and make a new thread....


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
lmao Way to quote the part that's not important. Head to head 1v1 does not decide who is better period, much the same as it doesn't in pools, same concept.
Mango beat every top pro, not just M2K. In fact he beat every top pro AND M2K... In his first OOS major tournament. Usually people get BETTER with experience, so that would make Mango a phenom. Which, if you ever played him, you wouldn't disagree with.


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2007
Arrogant, Ken Y, Jfox, get out of the RESULTS thread. Make your own thread and argue in there where people actually care.
Can someone close this please and make a new thread....
its Ken_Y`

make me get out


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
also, you can't control you who have a tie with. i doubt echo even knew who he had a tie with until the end.
Totally agree with this. It sucks that you don't know which matches mean so much... and it's hard to assume that each one does, you just wear yourself out.

Mango beat every top pro, not just M2K. In fact he beat every top pro AND M2K... In his first OOS major tournament. Usually people get BETTER with experience, so that would make Mango a phenom. Which, if you ever played him, you wouldn't disagree with.
And so has M2K, and it's Mango's fault I haven't played him because he *****ed out @ this event, which apparently is not enough to stop WC from talking about Mangoooooo


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
To build on that even with regards to SS, I want to play him really badly because I've heard that I can beat him and that he would **** me, and I have no idea which it is but how am I supposed to respond to people who tell me that he's way better than me if he never travels for me to play him??

Nothing against SS because he's never said anything and I respect his skill as a player, basically pioneered (or at least popularized) the drop zone, something I use all the time now, but the point is I do not respect the argument that "you don't know b/c you've never played him" and similar ones.

You can't just hide behind "I don't/can't travel" (read:"johns") and expect others to take your word for it.

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
as far as i'm concerned mango beat the all the top players 1 time.

m2k has done it several.

he even beat the king of games KEN.

granted mango beat everyone at pound 3, but hasn't m2k won more national tourneys than anyone except ken?

You guys probably don't know what the Mr. olympia contest is but it goes like this. the bodybuilder of that year was the best bodybuilder of that year, not of all time.

kinda the same thing goes for mango just not of the year, but of that event.

i don't think m2k would lose to mango now.


Smash Hero
Dec 10, 2005
St Louis, Missouri/Fremont, CA
To build on that even with regards to SS, I want to play him really badly because I've heard that I can beat him and that he would **** me, and I have no idea which it is but how am I supposed to respond to people who tell me that he's way better than me if he never travels for me to play him??

Nothing against SS because he's never said anything and I respect his skill as a player, basically pioneered (or at least popularized) the drop zone, something I use all the time now, but the point is I do not respect the argument that "you don't know b/c you've never played him" and similar ones.

You can't just hide behind "I don't/can't travel" (read:"johns") and expect others to take your word for it.
Yeah but SS (jeff) is never on the boards and never does any ****talking anyways
He's just not interested in traveling out of state for tournies.

And this is coming from someone who's played you both: you're at least on the same level as him. People just aren't used to his style lmao.


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
yeah, the first few times it was like wow dis guy cool

now it's like

shut the **** up you define a stereotype you piece of ****


Smash Journeyman
Dec 25, 2007
Some Surburb outside of Philadelphia.
yeah, the first few times it was like wow dis guy cool

now it's like

shut the **** up you define a stereotype you piece of ****
And just to let you know, despite my flamboyant personality and humor, I think it should be adequately easy for someone to have acquainted themselves with knowing that I have a fairly good ambit of intelligence. Just because I lend to a characteristic of mine, which is played extravagantly, and simultaneously somewhat demeaning to some who strictly are dictated to that typical social environment, doesn't in anyway call for any kind of denigration on the part of the better Smash community. Some of you would stand to benefit by letting loose a little, and have fun. If you're amused by my posts good, if not? That's good too. And as I say, "Don't get it twisted." :laugh:


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
And just to let you know, despite my flamboyant personality and humor, I think it should be adequately easy for someone to have acquainted themselves with knowing that I have a fairly good ambit of intelligence. Just because I lend to a characteristic of mine, which is played extravagantly, and simultaneously somewhat demeaning to some who strictly are dictated to that typical social environment, doesn't in anyway call for any kind of denigration on the part of the better Smash community. Some of you would stand to benefit by letting loose a little, and have fun. If you're amused by my posts good, if not? That's good too. And as I say, "Don't get it twisted." :laugh:
Everyone can correct their typing patterns to make it look as if they're not ********.

Except *******.


Smash Champion
Aug 29, 2004
Overland Park, KS
dyc, i see what you're saying, but h-h has to be last. match wins should take precedent because that indicates the better "record". according to dmac's story, he didn't win as many matches as that echo guy did. that's the biggest issue. echo made it tougher for his opponents. if you consider h-h before match wins, then that implies matchups between certain ppl are more important. why should dmac and echo's matches mean more than any other matches? that is not fair.

also, EVERY SINGLE pro sport that has these issues considers record wins first. take mlb for example. they don't care who wins the regular season series. as long as you get a few wins, it's okay. they only consider h-h at the end. the nba is exactly the same. in extreme cases, the mlb has teams play each other in a best of 1 at the end of the season.
"Extreme cases"? Anytime there is a tie in a division or for the wildcard in Major League Baseball they automatically force a one game playoff.

The name of the game isn't "how many sets can I go 1-2 in". If you tie with someone and get elim'd because you lost to them then you should have won more sets.

Besides, going 1-2 doesn't necessarily mean you are better. I go 1-2 in lots of sets I lose just because i can go Mute with Jiggs. If I get ***** in matches 1 and 3 and squeak out a win on Lamesville that doesn't make me better than someone who has two relatively close matches and loses both.

My point is that you have to take care of business. If you lose enough sets to generate a tie then you didn't. I didn't and it cost me the bracket but you don't hear me complaining about how the pools were tallied.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 25, 2007
Some Surburb outside of Philadelphia.
Everyone can correct their typing patterns to make it look as if they're not ********.

Except *******.
That's true, but I posses an extensive smorgasbord of words in my vocabulary, to which periodically, I turn to, in order to insult and dishearten whack herbs in a fashion that can be nothing but my awesome contumely. Degradation at it's finest. I don't require you to believe it, as such is in truth the reality, but regard it as a good gesture on my part to forewarn future herbs of future consequences, seeing as I am quite the gentleman when I am pleased to be.

:rotfl: Well I'm done. . . Y'all be cool. All jokes.
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