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Eor's Hellhouse Mafia - Night 2 (totally cancelled)


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
in other news, if we assume Lombardi isn't JC, we should just wait it out, for the real JC to post countering him.
but we dont know if there even is a REAL jc to counter-claim. we dont know what roles exist or not. or do you have extra info on this?


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
This game is a lot more reading than I'd imagined. -_-"

I'll catch up eventually...


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas

Unvote: Pythag

I voted for him when he said he'd be inactive for the first few days. Little did I know that one day in this game is plenty of days in real life.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Just to say I'm still here, just watching and waiting for something to happen.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
Wow... just wow. Lombardi play more mafia games. You are pretty much as good as dead for the rest of the game now. And the mafia knows it. <3 was counting on you to do better than that. You have proven to the mafia now that you will do anything to stay in the game. So if they feel the need they can puppet you right up until the end if they talk loud enough.

As for the people deciding to unvote him because of a role claim... You guys disappoint. Either
A. You guys are bad town players or more likely B. You guys are mafia.

Role claim is never 100 percent so <3 is shocked that some of our most intelligent players have dropped their votes 2 hours after the fact despite all of their "evidence" against him.

Before Mr. Lombardi claimed roll <3 had no intention of voting for him, other wise <3 would have. Just throwing that out there; take it as you will.

Before Mr. Lombardi claimed roll <3 suspected these players

TMW_RedCell to a lesser degree
Tom was also on <3’s radar, but with so few posts it was hard to really make any accurate links or guesses as to his voting trends and ideas of what makes a player mafia like.

The following (everything under this line) was written at 6:10am take that as you will.
<3’s hypothesis is that KevinM will follow the same trend as these other posters. Also know, none of this is solid fact, but how <3 views the situation. Please think for yourselves and use <3’s conclusions to find your own. If you skip this post don’t sign up for any more mafia games, you shouldn’t play them.

Note: While <3 hates to bring it up since it makes him a liar he must go back to “the phrase” for a lot of this theory to pan out. Sorry.


This first post is what drew <3’s attention to mediocre, then it was because despite the long post no real outstanding view were presented. While <3 never out right and said this he continued to poke and Mediocre and just watch his posts in general, none of them offered any new information or view points. In fact they only seemed to discourage thinking out side of the box.
As seen here:

And here:

All the while never pointing fingers.

Another main contributing factor is this post:

Medi quotes him in this post:

But not fully… TMW’s post is taken out of context. Medi in her post flat out tells people not to claim. But TMW is not suggesting that at all, in fact he goes on to say
TMW said:
We might as well go through every phrase possible and see if someone's not allowed to say it. That being said, je suis le towne.
He goes on to claim himself. <3 has a hard time believing Mediocre didn’t read the whole post he quoted. <3 also has a hard time believing Mediocre, if town, would tell people not to do something that clearly would benefit town with zero risk to the town.

These hold true up until the Lombardi bandwagon starts rolling. Then he slowly begins to back it up until Lombardi reveals his "role". In <3’s opinion the only logical reasons you’d not vote for someone is if they or someone else proves wrong the reason you vote for something and if you’ve proven the reason wrong.
It’s just Ironic that the first post made by Medi says
Mediocre said:
Mostly, this is a huge advantage for any mafia or independents who are out there. Although they really won't be able to effectively fake a role claim (because there will probably be no real reason to believe them), it still means that the innocence of any townie will be very hard to prove.
and yet he posts this, encouraging him to role claim as proof of his stance:
and was the first to drop his vote.

“Die to me or Die to kira.”

<3’d like to go to Tom next since he is another reason <3 began leaning toward Medi. Again first post:

Clearly <3 was the only player that was even remotely serious here. So taking such a serious tone instantly drew <3’s attention, and who did <3 vote for? Tom has always seemed to like a very intelligent person. Posts <3’s seen in the CT thread and the Writing forums paid tribute to this. So for <3 this formed the first “bond” in the game. A very loose, yet intelligent way, of covering for his fellow mafia member in a way that isn’t actually covering just him.

Covers all the major topics of the day thus far, <3 and Lombardi. Find it odd that KevinM is tacked on last since one he has never been a main focus of the community. Two KevinM wasn’t brought up any time recently in the thread, for some reason Kevin is on Tom’s mind still though after assuming the last things he read were just befreo his post this doesn’t make much sense to <3. And three his post have not made good sense… at all. Most are less than 2 sentences and none help offer any new information to the game, but instead like Medi’s posts discourage a lot of it. (more on that later though) Nothing very strong but very very few posts to work off of.

For the first half of the game KevinM’s posts were all for the most part joke votes, up until this one:

That was his turning point, followed by this:

Everything has a trigger, his obviously lies somewhere in between these two posts. Much like Mediocre he avoids the situation; unfortunately this is one post after TMW brings up the idea of <3 having a role that allows him to kill based on getting others to say a particular phrase. Medi runs with his own version and that catches on. (because no one reads…) So unfortunately <3 can’t put strong pressure on KevinM or anyone for that mater. It’s also a long shot… but <3 thinks Kevin brought up the idea because perhaps he lacks the ability to lie. When <3 plays as mafia he always pushes things to the edge, takes big risks that to townsfolk seem like nothing just so that risk is safe later in the game. <3 feels KevinM would play very similarly. He’s been joking up until then who’d take him seriously on that post?
After this there are no big scum tells but <3 is counting on KevinM to follow suit with Medi and OWM, dropping a vote with 0 evidence their reason for voting him has changed. Despite TMW and Enders posts…

Has offered nothing to discussion, ever. Jumps in votes for the play with most negative attention and leaves. Assuming Mediocre and KevinM are actually mafia it would make sense that he is one also since they haven’t called him out on it but have brought attention to other similar posters, and ones who explain themselves no less.

Ender (lower case ‘e’ though)
Have to add you on here now! Really really don’t want to; you are an intelligent play who unvoted Lombardi though (and then go on to explain why it is a bad idea to do so) so it must be done.

Spam Master
Really don’t want to put you on here either…Spam seem like a very skilled player IMO, that and the fact that most of <3’s suspects have been picking on him a larger portion of the game. *shrugs* that never means anything though.
You said this:
Spam Master said:
I agree but I'm gonna wait a while to see if we get a counter-claim.
And then proceed to unvote Lombardi in that same post.

A player, as intelligent as you seem to be, should now very well that a claim is never ever 100%. Ever. Again this put you on <3’s radar so you are very low on <3’s list.


This guy is by far the smartest player so far. He’s contributed the most to the game and has done so almost from the shadows. In other words “too good”, <3 hates this logic so much but… it what most of his suspicion is based on. There is one bit but you can also just say that’s him not wanting to be noticed. He never comes out and corrects Mediocre for taking his post out of context, that bugged <3 a smidge. He is on the bottom of <3’s list of suspects.

Everything above this line was written before 6:10AM take that as you will.
Screw it; just gonna post it now…

So yeah.
vote: mediocre

And while <3 feels his case against Mediocre is strong as said before NONE of this is 100%. None. Just <3’s observations and how he has interpreted them. <3 has a lot of faith in them but he DOES NOT expect you to. But does incourage you to take them into concideration and look into them futher. <3 wants to inspire discussion more than an uneducated bandwagon.
Oh and guys don’t take it personally. Sure you won’t though, especially if you are town. <3 looks forward to your responses or lack there of.

Also since there is nothing better to do… question time.

<3's questions to <3
“Why do you draw so much attention to yourself? You must be scum if you aren’t afraid of getting night killed.”
<3 sees himself as a martyr for town. 1 of three things can happen.
1. He is lynched proven town.
2. He is night killed by mafia, proven town and therefore must be on the right track.
3. He is night killed by mafia, proven town and is on the complete wrong track leading people in the wrong direction. (Doubtful)
There is that and the fact that we out number them at least 2 to 1.

”You are drawing a lot of conclusions from thin air! I don’t trust you!”
You don’t?! YES!
You shouldn’t trust a thing typed in front of you. Investigate things on your own. As said all over this post and a few other ones in this thread no doubt, don’t trust anyone or anything except yourself and the conclusion you bring forth. Don’t let people manipulate your most powerful weapon, your vote. Also if you are asking this learn to read big posts!

“Why is X, Y or Z on your list? Trying to protect them?”
Nope, just don’t suspect them or more likely there isn’t anywhere near enough “evidence” to put them here.

Want to try that “phrase” idea the TMW way?
Hell yes! <3 feels that even if we don’t find a mafia member with it we can at least use it as reference later. Or maybe… <3 can tell if someone lies. KevinM are you mafia?

Why are you speaking in the third person?
<3’s role requires him to do so. 3rd time it’s been said by <3.

How do you profile mafia members?
<3 looks for changes in play style and triggers for those changes. He also looks for destructive play styles (not contributing, down talking new ideas, etc.) maintained for long periods of time. As well as bond between players how ever slight. There are other ways but <3 would like to keep them to his self so that the mafia may still fall into them.

How can you prove you are town?
Impossible. Even in death <3’s role could potentially lie for him. There is no way to prove <3 is town, but <3 will try to let his actions speak for him.

<3 has questions. Since everyone else refuses to ask them <3 will.
Who are the top 7 people you suspect? Why?
After reading <3’s post would you like to try TMW’s plan? Why or why not?
If you were mafia who would you kill tonight? Why?
If you were mafia who is the one none mafia member(not on your suspect) list you’d be sure to keep alive? Why?
How do you like the game so far?

Questions force people out of their shells; makes them point fingers; makes them contribute. It is also a permanent log of what been said and done. Questions are a great tool for finding mafia, and making the game worth playing. If you don’t want to answer <3’s questions at least ask your own.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Hmm <3 can you explain your suspicions of me a little more. I'd be glad to generate discussion on any member here.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
And sorry i'll address the rest of your post lately :) I just want to generate discussion and have a real lead for myself finally.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
<3 said:
As for the people deciding to unvote him because of a role claim... You guys disappoint. Either
A. You guys are bad town players or more likely B. You guys are mafia.

Role claim is never 100 percent so <3 is shocked that some of our most intelligent players have dropped their votes 2 hours after the fact despite all of their "evidence" against him.
People drop their votes because it's a strong claim. I haven't dropped mine and have no intention of dropping mine until someone has revealed they are more scummy. However, it could be attributed to a number of things that people will drop their votes, including the fact that they are worried about appearing scummy by keeping a pressure vote on. You can't base them as weak players, sometimes town players play to keep their own neck out there.

<3 said:
<3’s hypothesis is that KevinM will follow the same trend as these other posters. Also know, none of this is solid fact, but how <3 views the situation. Please think for yourselves and use <3’s conclusions to find your own. If you skip this post don’t sign up for any more mafia games, you shouldn’t play them.
And this trend would be? Implying that you know how everything is going to fall into place is never a good thing btw.

<3 said:
So for <3 this formed the first “bond” in the game. A very loose, yet intelligent way, of covering for his fellow mafia member in a way that isn’t actually covering just him.
I disagree with this, and what you said afterwards to explain his post. It seemed he focused on almost everyone that had been in discussion and active lately in the discussion.

If you had payed attention i was making a clever reference to a mass Eor kind of thing. Like when he made the role claim happen in was it South Park Mafia? It was pretty apparant i was joking, and the reason i needed to state that i was joking, was because you latched on it and started trying to make people say their alignment. It was doomed to failure and a waste of time.

<3 on OWM said:
Has offered nothing to discussion, ever. Jumps in votes for the play with most negative attention and leaves. Assuming Mediocre and KevinM are actually mafia it would make sense that he is one also since they haven’t called him out on it but have brought attention to other similar posters, and ones who explain themselves no less.
This is an interesting find, however i think it could also be attributed to the fact that OWM hasn't played many of these games and therefore doesn't want to post that often. As i did in my first game because i didn't want to seem suspicious. However your logic here is pretty good, but it can be attributed to either a scum tell, bad play, or new to the game.

<3 on Spam and Ender said:
Ender (lower case ‘e’ though)
Have to add you on here now! Really really don’t want to; you are an intelligent play who unvoted Lombardi though (and then go on to explain why it is a bad idea to do so) so it must be done.

Really don’t want to put you on here either…Spam seem like a very skilled player IMO, that and the fact that most of <3’s suspects have been picking on him a larger portion of the game. *shrugs* that never means anything though.
You said this:
Originally Posted by Spam Master
I agree but I'm gonna wait a while to see if we get a counter-claim.

And then proceed to unvote Lombardi in that same post.

A player, as intelligent as you seem to be, should now very well that a claim is never ever 100%. Ever. Again this put you on <3’s radar so you are very low on <3’s list.
It's a good thing they are low on your list, because i addressed why there could very well be no reason for suspicion after unvoting.

<3 on TMW said:
This guy is by far the smartest player so far. He’s contributed the most to the game and has done so almost from the shadows. In other words “too good”, <3 hates this logic so much but… it what most of his suspicion is based on. There is one bit but you can also just say that’s him not wanting to be noticed. He never comes out and corrects Mediocre for taking his post out of context, that bugged <3 a smidge. He is on the bottom of <3’s list of suspects.
Suspicious because you are threatened... thats rather interesting.

I might get to answering your questions but as for right now. It seems that you BELIEVE you have a fair grasp of play styles, but a lot of what i've seen up until the Lombardi and <3 incident had been joking. And now you're just throwing suspicion around to get discussion going.. sometimes mafia members like to hide out in the open <3, i'll always keep that in mind.


Aug 19, 2001
Love never blows up and gets killed.
hmmmm. if all seems too well thought out. I'd like to trust <3, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

My vote remains the same until otherwise, just to be safe.

the problem is nobody is doing anything TOO weird. dang it day 1...


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas

I'm in this crazy state of mind that makes me think the more you contribute, the more suspicious you are to the other players, regardless of how smart your posts are.

"He's overplaying his town role... he must be mafia, since he's making it so obvious!"
"He's not making it obvious that he's town, he must be mafia!"

I mean, seriously, I'm afraid to join any controversial conversation because of small mindsets like that. I can tell you all now that I am town, but what does that mean to you? Does it make you think I'm really town, or does it sound like I'm just saying I'm town? It's like when you see a company with the word "Professional" in the title. You can tell they're not professional by the way they go around saying they are.

The fact that I can't really sway your opinions towards my trust without looking suspicious is killin' me. I guess this is why you guys like these games so much... I need to find my medium. :(

Lurking seems to be the best way to keep out of trouble-- but that's just lame. Ugh. I'll probably pop in more and more once more people die. xD


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
<3, I find myself wondering if your suspicions of me come from my disagreement with your alignment claiming plan. Judging by the content of your argument against me, it sure seems that way. I'm not trying to play psychoanalyst here, but you really seem fixated on that.

I've already explained why I'm against your plan.

First, I thought it would be a waste of time and energy, but I was willing to go along with it because denying something when you were so insistent on it would also waste a lot of time and energy. Plus, I thought that while there was a very small likelihood of a reward, there was no risk. Then redcell pointed out that there was a risk, and although it was small, that was enough to counterbalance that slight possibility of a reward.

Now I see that my stance needs some slight clarification. I admit that I didn't fully quote redcell, but it wasn't necessary for me to do so. It was possible you had some strange power that enable you to do something to people who claimed town - it didn't have to be tied down to a particular phrase. I admit that I didn't say this in my post, but that was what I was thinking.

You also seem to dislike my play style, and I really can't help that. I tend to be analytical and not very accusatory. I don't point many fingers, and those I do point I point with a purpose. Instead of spending my time accusing people, I've been trying to analyze the mechanics of the game. Apparently you don't find this valuable. Personally, I think it is very important that we share our ideas about how this game is likely to play about, particularly as there are is sizable number of players here who are completely new to the game.

Then, you go on to claim that I've made contradicting statements about roleclaiming. I really haven't. I believe that it's generally unwise to roleclaim, especially in this game, but almost always better than being lynched. I don't think I've ever said that roleclaiming was worthless, only that it would be far less convincing in this game than in many others.

You also don't seem to realize that Lombardi's roleclaim is a lot better than most would be in this game, because he claimed a character that was almost sure to be in this game. Eor has said previously that Jesus Christ would be a character in the game, so a mafia player would have to be a fool to roleclaim Jesus Christ. Even if he was, the probability is high that the real Jesus Christ would call him out on it, in which case I could recast my vote for him.

I'd also suggest that, in the future, you just go after your target instead of watering your post down with all the other suspicions you have about so many other players. It doesn't really do anything except serve as a warning to any scum you might have on your list, "Hey, you're acting scummy. Better stop."

And speaking of those other suspicions, I really don't think any of your arguments against me are very valid, and I feel that way about almost all of your arguments towards other players too.


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
I only removed my vote because jesus is not only a strong claim but its an exceptionally polar claim. He's either 100% lying and is definetly mafia or he is 100% town, there is absolutely no wiggle room. If someone counter claims I'm instantly and permanently voting for him.

Also, with the amount of time he was threatening a role claim, if he was mafia he would have run his claim by his partners. If any of his partners had even the smallest amount of cognitive power, they would have told him not claim as jesus, because it is one of the few confirmed characters and it is almost certain to draw a counter claim if he is lying. If we do get a counterclaim I'm willing to bet anything that lombardi is actually an independent, working by himself.

Also, with the size of the game and the quick progression of pages, I am going to just say this every once and a while for anyone who may have skipped lombardi's claim, but probably only for day one.

If your role is jesus christ, no matter what your power is, claim immediately. You will be protected and a mafia will die day one


Smash Rookie
May 18, 2007
I'd also suggest that, in the future, you just go after your target instead of watering your post down with all the other suspicions you have about so many other players. It doesn't really do anything except serve as a warning to any scum you might have on your list, "Hey, you're acting scummy. Better stop."
Mediocre has a very good point here.

For anybody who is new, it usually isnt a good idea to list your minor suspicions, it only alerts any potential mafia and allows his parteners to villify you before you can present a clean argument.

We have enough people in the game that we can fairly steady conversation based on one persons solid accusation of another singal person and the populace's response. So if you think you have spotted a mafia but don't have any hard evidence, don't call them on it, just wait for them to dig themselves a nice little grave, then bury them.

There are a few exceptions to this rule, like a day one that is particularly absent of conversation or if a person you belief to be innocent is about to lynched and the populace demands an alternative, but usually it is better to ambush your prey than to run at it covered in war paint and screaming its name at the top of your lungs from a mile away.


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
Like <3 already said, I dropped my vote on lombardi when others were so thats kinda band wagoning in reverse. but currently the only person I am suspicious enough to mention is still lombardi.

Please tell me if there is anything wrong with this logic, im trying to think about it from every angle.
If we kill Lombardi he will come back to life (as his role claim says) and we will have a (maybe 90% sure, since JC MIGHT be independant. he was a carpenter ;) )townie.

or, he will be lynched and then night killed by mafia in which case he was a townie but the mafia had to use a night kill (im not sure how much of an impact making them use their nightkill will be).

or, he wont come back to life because his role claim was false and even if he was townie he lied about role claim.

or, we could not lynch him and just assume he is townie until he does something else wrong, but him being townie he might be later killed.

or, he is mafia but we dont lynch him and we have another mafia still.

I kinda skimmed over the last few posts because I dont think the lombardi thing has resolved, I think <3 came in with a huge post and changed the subject to <3 vs medi, which I think is probably a better discussion for day 2.


Smash Ace
May 8, 2007
Swimmin' in a fish bowl, year after year
Like <3 already said, I dropped my vote on lombardi when others were so thats kinda band wagoning in reverse. but currently the only person I am suspicious enough to mention is still lombardi.

Please tell me if there is anything wrong with this logic, im trying to think about it from every angle.
If we kill Lombardi he will come back to life (as his role claim says) and we will have a (maybe 90% sure, since JC MIGHT be independant. he was a carpenter ;) )townie.

or, he will be lynched and then night killed by mafia in which case he was a townie but the mafia had to use a night kill (im not sure how much of an impact making them use their nightkill will be).

or, he wont come back to life because his role claim was false and even if he was townie he lied about role claim.

or, we could not lynch him and just assume he is townie until he does something else wrong, but him being townie he might be later killed.

or, he is mafia but we dont lynch him and we have another mafia still.

I kinda skimmed over the last few posts because I dont think the lombardi thing has resolved, I think <3 came in with a huge post and changed the subject to <3 vs medi, which I think is probably a better discussion for day 2.
I don't think you understand my role. First of all, I do not come back if I get lynched, I only come back if I protect someone and the protectee is targetted. My role does nothing If I am nightkilled or lynched.

As for the part I put in bold...how could I be lynched and then nightkilled? I suppose you thought I came back from lynchings too.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
There is a possibility that Jesus is like Peach from Drab's game. Peach volunteered to be killed on Day 1 as proof that she was town, and lived through the rest of the game with everyone's trust the whole way through to victory.

But as someone said before, Jesus just feels like a townie role.


May 7, 2007
I don't think that Lombardi is mafia. You have to be pretty dumb, or really self assured in your ability to argue to lie about that role, and he doesn't strike me as either. I feel it would actually be counter productive for a mafia person to lie that he was Jesus, because when the truth would be found out, all of his supporters throughout would be instantly recognized.

Now, I have no idea what ender is stating above me, but I think that continuing to crucify "Jesus" would result in shooting ourselves in the foot. If someone counter claims than we have a new situation.

Anyway, I still want to kill smashbot.

..I worked really hard to put the word Irregardless into this post, but dang it, it's really hard to work in!


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
but we dont know if there even is a REAL jc to counter-claim. we dont know what roles exist or not. or do you have extra info on this?
sorry, I don't have any extra info on the jc affair. I didn't meant to insinuate that i had any more information than anyone else, because I don't =/

<3: Sorry about asking you why you speak in the third person again, I must have missed where others had asked. I also don't take offense to the connections you drew between me and medi being possibly mafia. Its a good thing that you're suspicious of everyone, and I really wish more people would suspect everyone.

And for everyone who has addressed it, its very true that the more active you are, the more likely you are to be lynched on day 1. There are thirty people in this game. It seems very likely that a smart mafia member would just stay off the radar completely. :( i hate day 1.

i hate day 1. =/


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
...I worked really hard to put the word Irregardless into this post, but dang it, it's really hard to work in!
just to get on my nerves, i hope! lol

I had a little argument in the prommie lounge with uncle kenny over "irregardless".


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Lombardi, ender just got your role confused. I was thinking the exact thing he was because I guess we both misread your post.

It's not entirely true that if you're active you have a higher chance of being lynched. I'd say it's the opposite. I think the innactives are in danger when we discuss 'til we can discuss no longer, and we kill some random innactive to end the day.

And irregardless? NO.


Jul 1, 2007
It makes me feel special when you guys talk about me ^.^
Please, do so more.

And just to clarify: I haven't been as active in this game simply because I'm either busy, or entirely lazy. Most of the if I even come to this thread, I just lurk and change my vote if necessary; which reminds me:

Unvote: Mr.Lombardi34
Vote: smashbot662

Also please remember that this is my first time playing Mafia, so I'm still getting used to it all.
If I have anything important to say, I'll share. But for now,

See ya later.


Jul 1, 2007
It makes me feel special when you guys talk about me ^.^
Please, do so more.

And just to clarify: I haven't been as active in this game simply because I'm either busy, or entirely lazy. Most of the if I even come to this thread, I just lurk and change my vote if necessary; which reminds me:

Unvote: Mr.Lombardi34
Vote: smashbot662

Also please remember that this is my first time playing Mafia, so I'm still getting used to it all.
If I have anything important to say, I'll share.


Jul 1, 2007
You have two options:

1) It has to do something with my role.
2) I just love saying it.
3) I'm trying to trick you guys.

(mindgame'd, cause that was actually three options)

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Every time you post, it tries to be some day/game-changing post. I wonder how crazy you're going to get later on in the game, seeing as how this is only day 1! Sometimes crazy is good though.

Wow... just wow. Lombardi play more mafia games. You are pretty much as good as dead for the rest of the game now. And the mafia knows it. <3 was counting on you to do better than that. You have proven to the mafia now that you will do anything to stay in the game. So if they feel the need they can puppet you right up until the end if they talk loud enough.
As cruel as this may sound, I think(and am pretty sure that everyone else is thinking this too) that Mr. Lombardi doing a pretty good job of destroying himself. As Mr. Lombardi himself pointed out, the ONLY way he can rise again is if he dies for someone else(hence the whole point of him being Jesus, the Bible states that Jesus died so that we may live and have everlasting life), it looked like you thought that he was able to be lynched or night killed and use his ability. This makes commonyoshi's suggestion of lynching mute(though he didn't really suggest it you see, but he definitely hinted at it until he realized he had read Lombardi's post wrong).

As for the people deciding to unvote him because of a role claim... You guys disappoint. Either
A. You guys are bad town players or more likely B. You guys are mafia.
I'm seeing a bad habit of you judging peoples' actions/role/side when you don't know their true motives. For example, earlier in the game you chose to label people who played along to your phrase plan as, "not mafia" which was done just to scare people into going along with it. If they didn't, you would've told the people who were quick to listen to you to vote on who didn't cooperate. Mediocre, spam master, and ender have defended themselves, and if your push for the "phrase" plan was any indication, I would say it's likely that you're going to stick to your accusations. If this is the case, I'd like to see your refute.

Role claim is never 100 percent so <3 is shocked that some of our most intelligent players have dropped their votes 2 hours after the fact despite all of their "evidence" against him.

Before Mr. Lombardi claimed roll <3 had no intention of voting for him, other wise <3 would have. Just throwing that out there; take it as you will.
I'll take this as a good thing, because it looks like we were thinking exactly the same way on the issue. Like you said, due to Mr. Lombardi's role-claim, the mafia now have a firm grasp on him. For example, I wouldn't be surprised if the mafia spared him his life for now, and used Mr. Lombardi as a "voice" (Note that this is assuming that the mafia has a member who can induct townies into their group). This is the worst case scenario though, and I seriously doubt that this will happen. I would not be surprised if people started pulling Mr. Lombardi in every direction, and seeing as how desperate he seems to stay in the game even at the cost of putting others at risk, I wouldn't be surprised if he played along. All in all, I think Mr. Lombardi living is a big risk to everyone trying to get a good lynch on day 1. I need to have a good look back on everything before I come to a conclusion though, and there are other things to worry about, so I'm holding back.

Also since there is nothing better to do… question time.

<3's questions to <3
“Why do you draw so much attention to yourself? You must be scum if you aren’t afraid of getting night killed.”
<3 sees himself as a martyr for town. 1 of three things can happen.
1. He is lynched proven town.
2. He is night killed by mafia, proven town and therefore must be on the right track.
3. He is night killed by mafia, proven town and is on the complete wrong track leading people in the wrong direction. (Doubtful)
There is that and the fact that we out number them at least 2 to 1.
I won't hide that I'm annoyed that all 3 of those outcomes have you dying. You've pointed out and offered things that other players didn't see/share, and your posting has helped me evaluate things from every single angle I can think of. You'll do yourself much better if you're here to share your thoughts. Note that I am by no means implying that you are guiding me, or that I won't vote for you if I find you scummy, but I think there are other people more worthy of lynching right now. Also, you seem to like to put every single thing you're thinking of on the table and then say, "hey guys, this is what's going to get you through the game, I'm off to die a glorious death now". Don't talk about being a martyr if you haven't predicted anything yet. No one, for that matter, can do that on day 1. Next, I hope that if any of your foresights are true, that you won't say that you were right and should be followed for the rest of the game. I will hear you out, you can be sure of that, but don't expect me or anyone else to automatically assume that you'll be correct on your assumptions again.

Want to try that “phrase” idea the TMW way?
Hell yes! <3 feels that even if we don’t find a mafia member with it we can at least use it as reference later. Or maybe… <3 can tell if someone lies. KevinM are you mafia?
I can't guess who other than yourself actually had this question come to mind when reading this post.

<3 has questions. Since everyone else refuses to ask them <3 will.
Who are the top 7 people you suspect? Why?
After reading <3’s post would you like to try TMW’s plan? Why or why not?
If you were mafia who would you kill tonight? Why?
If you were mafia who is the one none mafia member(not on your suspect) list you’d be sure to keep alive? Why?
How do you like the game so far?
I'm not here to fill out a poll.

Questions force people out of their shells; makes them point fingers; makes them contribute. It is also a permanent log of what been said and done. Questions are a great tool for finding mafia, and making the game worth playing. If you don’t want to answer <3’s questions at least ask your own.
This sounds like a great rubric for the mafia, except the mafia would say, "getting them to fight is a great way for determining which townies we should get rid of first!"

You make this sound like pointing fingers is a constructive way to contribute, which is not always the case as Mr. Lombardi has proven. That "permanent log of what been said and done" is the thread itself, whether or not we choose to go along with this. These questions could certainly ruin everything because someone's perception of other players may change during the game, and since they don't openly state so in the thread, people will quote what they said earlier and even though that's what they thought at the time they posted, it is in fact much different to what is going on in the person's mind.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
You have two options:

1) It has to do something with my role.
2) I just love saying it.
3) I'm trying to trick you guys.

(mindgame'd, cause that was actually three options)
I was going to point this out earlier, as I thought he was Leonidas. Seriously, what if I just started saying the most popular phrase from a movie that everyone else in the country saw months ago because I just saw the movie and was so engrossed with it that I just had to try and bring back an old fad?

Then again, he just posted twice without saying it and I really doubt(or maybe severely hope) that anyone(no one) would be so lame as to say something that was popular 8 months ago.

In that case, I'd say 3, unless you've got something even more lame up your sleeve.


open your parachute
Oct 7, 2002
Yeah, lombardi, I guess I misread your role-claim.

Maybe im remembering incorrectly but egrunts just randomly pops in and changes his vote from one person to another, without any reason at least in the posts I just read by him. I dont think thats really a mafia behavior but more just a ****ty townie. also that "sparta mindgames thing" seems like another dumb thing. Mafia wouldnt want to do stupid stuff like that because it would draw attention, so either egruntz is dumb and townie or dumb and mafia. :/

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006

I'm in this crazy state of mind that makes me think the more you contribute, the more suspicious you are to the other players, regardless of how smart your posts are.

"He's overplaying his town role... he must be mafia, since he's making it so obvious!"
"He's not making it obvious that he's town, he must be mafia!"

I mean, seriously, I'm afraid to join any controversial conversation because of small mindsets like that. I can tell you all now that I am town, but what does that mean to you? Does it make you think I'm really town, or does it sound like I'm just saying I'm town? It's like when you see a company with the word "Professional" in the title. You can tell they're not professional by the way they go around saying they are.

The fact that I can't really sway your opinions towards my trust without looking suspicious is killin' me. I guess this is why you guys like these games so much... I need to find my medium. :(

Lurking seems to be the best way to keep out of trouble-- but that's just lame. Ugh. I'll probably pop in more and more once more people die. xD
don't worry X7 im no good at this either. It's my first time. but i think we're doing alright.
If we all contribute, regardless of whether or not it's your opinion on the current situation or if it's accusing someone, things may work out for the better. Hopefully you'll come around sooner or later, these discussions need suggestions and thoughts from everybody if we're going to get anywhere.

This behemoth of a mafia game(by SWF's standards anyway) may seem intimidating, but you'll find that you'll be having a lot more fun if you jump in and say what's on your mind. Unless you come in here and goof around like smashbot and axemangx did, but I doubt that either of you are like that. Besides, any good mafia player will look at every post, regardless of how active the poster is.

As for Egruntz's case, I don't want to start or be involved in another 6-page speculation on his role because it would be pointless.


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
Tazmily Village, Currently Maining: Lucas and Didd
If we all contribute, regardless of whether or not it's your opinion on the current situation or if it's accusing someone, things may work out for the better. Hopefully you'll come around sooner or later, these discussions need suggestions and thoughts from everybody if we're going to get anywhere.

This behemoth of a mafia game(by SWF's standards anyway) may seem intimidating, but you'll find that you'll be having a lot more fun if you jump in and say what's on your mind. Unless you come in here and goof around like smashbot and axemangx did, but I doubt that either of you are like that. Besides, any good mafia player will look at every post, regardless of how active the poster is.

As for Egruntz's case, I don't want to start or be involved in another 6-page speculation on his role because it would be pointless.
When did I goof around? Other than when the Mafia was starting.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
This makes commonyoshi's suggestion of lynching mute(though he didn't really suggest it you see, but he definitely hinted at it until he realized he had read Lombardi's post wrong).
My post wasn't to suggest lynching him. I just pointed out, to ender I think, that just because he claims to have a double life ability and prooves it does not mean he is really a townie. I was just using an example from a previous game. Of course, smashninja from Kingdom Hearts mafia had two lives, and we was town.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
egruntz, if its really a mind game, next time you switch votes dont put "this is sparta" in your post.

Im real sorry, this week is keeping me really busy and whats worse is its keepin my sis busy on the compy with her HW. Im getting on when I can, but tis not as frequent as Id like.


Wow, you guys have posted A LOT, I'm not even going to attempt to reread all of that.

So I'll just jump back in and try to keep up this time.

Anyone care to tell me what all has happened in a nutshell?


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
sorry to sound like a ****, but you signed up for this so you have to do the work required or just request replacement


Mar 25, 2004
Earth Bet
I have to agree with KevinM, although I'd have put it a little differently.

If you want to play this game, you really have to read the thread yourself, or else you won't be able to develop your own opinions. If you just get all your information from other people, you won't be able to help but adopt their personal opinions and biases.

If you don't follow what's going on for yourself, you're not really playing the game.


Jul 1, 2007
egruntz, if its really a mind game, next time you switch votes dont put "this is sparta" in your post.

Im real sorry, this week is keeping me really busy and whats worse is its keepin my sis busy on the compy with her HW. Im getting on when I can, but tis not as frequent as Id like.
A mindgame is a mindgame. I could just mindgame up by putting, or not putting, "this is sparta" in my next post / vote change. And just for the fun of it: This is sparta!

My role really isn't something you guys should be worried about, let me just warn you now. You should definitely not point your attention at me, and aim at some other suspicious people :bigthumbu

In games like these I tend to make a puzzle out of myself, just for pleasure. I intentionally draw attention toward my direction. Even though that goes against what I just said in the paragraph above. spartaspartasparta.
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