Ok I know somebody before posted some ratings starting with a base of 1,400. I personally however believe this is a little high. At the same time, there is plenty of merit for those being higher because of the caliber of players being rated ie Mango, Lovage, S2J, MacD, DrPP, Fly, Lucky, ect. These are mostly players that would actually benefit the system by starting at a higher base. What I did was rate the last four local tournaments. During them we have had three out of state players and six out of community (spanning 4-5 cities) (including the oos) players. I used a base of 1,000. It's also important to note that all Winners Bracket matches should be calculated before Losers Brackets, because order of events can actually effect the outcome. Chronological order is important in other words. I will be posting a new list after each event that includes new players and updates on existing. I will be removing players after four consecutive months of inactivity. As of right now, our list is four months old thus nobody has been removed yet. The following is a table that details the ratings of each player that has participated in the Melee Singles brackets at Pathways since and including January. No low-tier, doubles, or brawl events are considered. Also, each match is calculated as 1-0 for the winner and 0-1 for the loser whether it be 2-1, 3-1, 3-2, ect. Note: The final (and current) rating would be listed under Elo-Apr. Chg is the change from the month before. In this column, new means it's the persons first tournament, na means they didn't participate in the event that month so there was no change. Record is recorded as: wins-losses-byes. Byes have no effect whatsoever on elo ratings. All ratings were calculated using the software provided in this topic.
Rank Gamertag Elo-Jan Chg Record Elo-Feb Chg Record Elo-Mar Chg Record
Chg Record
1 Zivilyn Bane 1120 new 5-0 1189 +69 9-0-1 1161 -28 12-2-1
+54 16-3-2
2 Saberguy 1132 new 5-0
na 5-0
3 Zantetsu 1049 new 4-2 1049 na 4-2 1031 -18 6-4
+48 11-6
4 Sinister 1059 new 4-2
na 4-2
5 VTS 1055 new 4-2
na 4-2
6 BoP 1032 new 3-2-1 1041 +9 6-4-1 1041 na 6-4-1
na 6-4-1
7 LinkMO 1038 new 3-2
na 3-2
8 Kellen 1030 new 3-2
na 3-2
9 DrewBear 980 new 1-2-1 1045 +65 5-4-1 1011 -34 6-6-1
na 6-6-1
10 xzerolegend 1017 new 3-2 1037 +20 6-4 1037 na 6-4
-29 7-6-1
11 Kodie 996 new 2-2 996 na 2-2 996 na 2-2
na 2-2
12 Linkz 956 new 1-2-1 942 -14 2-4-3 942 na 2-4-3
+54 5-6-4
13 Terrance 978 new 1-2-1 959 -19 2-4-1
+28 5-6-2
14 Terral 975 new 1-2 1011 +36 4-4-1 1007 -4 6-6-1
-28 7-8-3
15 Yoshiman 978 new 1-2
na 1-2
16 Male 975 new 0-2-1 975 na 0-2-1 975 na 0-2-1
na 0-2-1
17 BZA 1024 new 3-2-1 1024 na 3-2-1 1024 na 3-2-1
-58 3-4-2
18 an honest man 963 new 0-2
na 0-2
19 JeBus 953 new 0-2-1 953 na 0-2-1
na 0-2-1
20 Sam 953 new 0-2
na 0-2
21 ICE 974 new 1-2 951 -24 2-4-1 951 na 2-4-1
na 2-4-1
22 Kyle 950 new 0-2 950 na 0-2 950 na 0-2
na 0-2
23 Tempest 951 new 0-2-1 932 -19 1-4-1
na 1-4-1
24 YBMP 951 new 0-2
-39 0-4-2
25 Ugvts 952 new 0-2-1 908 -44 0-4-2 871 -37 0-6-2
-24 0-8-4
A few interesting things to note. For one we can see that player record does not directly correspond to rating, however they should be somewhat consistent. One of the major things one might notice about the March event is that Sinister came out rated higher than VTS. Both players were 4-2, yet VTS beat Sinister twice in the brackets! How does this happen? Well simple. While VTS was 2-0 vs Sinister, they were both unranked at the beginning of the event and started at the base of 1,000. VTS didn't beat anybody with a decent established rating, however Sinister beat me. When he beat me I was over 1,200 and lost over 40 points from the defeat (which he gained). So even though VTS beat Sinister twice, he's still rated lower. This is OK and even though elo can be a little tricky at first, it will absolutely balance itself out. In this case, maybe not since I doubt we'll see VTS back at one of these for a little while. But if we did another tournament with the same people I think we'd see them balance. Also note that in all reality, Sinister and VTS are both probably very close in skill and is entirely reflected in their respective ratings. Also note Zantetsu's change from April. He took a set off me in Grand Finals set one, however I still gained more points than him. Seems a little odd at first, however if you look closer the answer is pretty obvious. Since I was 2-1 vs him, the 1-1 almost offset (there might have been a mutual gain or loss of a very small amount), so it really only sees it as 1-0 for me, which makes sense if you think about it. And so as 1-0 for me, it's almost like a perfect record and Zantetsu having only one loss. It's also important to note that ratings change after each match, however if you're in round 5 of a tournament, your rating is still seen as what it was before the event until the event is over. Also notice only three players have participated in all four events, Terral, Ugvts, and myself.
Anyways, does anybody else have any opinions or thoughts on this? Please post up with comments and thoughts if you have any. Or any questions or things you notice.
I would personally be willing to start the database of players with elo ratings. However, I can not be the one to process each and every event until possibly there is a more automated system.
Brackets Used:
Pathways January
Pathways February
Pathways March
Pathways April