DtJ Hilt
Little Lizard
Yeah, the cap is definitely 81, which is when all skills are at 100. And you can't abuse the prison to go over the cap like you could in Oblivion. Doing jail time doesn't decrease your levels in Skyrim, it decreases the progress towards your next level in X skill(s).
My second file was an alchemist/smith/enchanter, and used a loop of potions of fortify enchant/smithing, and armor with fortify alchemy/smithing, just to see how strong of armor/potions I could make through the ladder. Good times.
My second file was an alchemist/smith/enchanter, and used a loop of potions of fortify enchant/smithing, and armor with fortify alchemy/smithing, just to see how strong of armor/potions I could make through the ladder. Good times.