Not missing a character is not evidence, per se. It is just something that does not directly refute the leak. I mean, it missed characters in other ways such as Little Mac, Mii, and Pac-Man not present during e3 or Rosalina.I really hate when this thread does stuff like this. There have been text leaks before, but this thread is digging into this random dude on 4chan's text post just because people here like what they hear. Come on guys. It literally has no credibility. And people here cannot deny that Sal leak has evidence for it, as some people here have said it does not. Not missing a character yet and nailing WFT and Villager (the latter of which Sakurai had said before would never come to Smash) is a big deal. Then Little Mac... There's extreme evidence for that leak being real. Do not deny that. So why are we so into this random text leak? Just because we like it? Chibi-Robo I'd be psyched for sure, but we gotta have a real mind here folks.