Hahaha, I'm down with that. Thanks Skyler.
Anyways, I'm really not too disappointed with this press conference, because of Animal Crossing: City Life's debut and the further info on Wario Land: Shake (I've grown tremendously tired of WarioWare and this just breathed new life into the man-in-yellow for me). If Miyamoto stated that the Mario and Zelda teams are working really hard, we're definitely going to get some news later on. Why else would he say that - to promise us that in the future we will get some games? Yeah right.
Here's Nintendo's scheme. Firstly, they introduce this super-general system, the Wii, so that they can attract audiences ranging from two-year olds to seniles. Then, they introduce a ton of casual games for this massive load of casual gamers, with a few hardcore titles on the side. You see, after brainwashing these casuals to buy their system, they begin introducing titles like the Mario spin-off games and Link's Crossbow Training to bring the casual gamers into the hardcore gaming world, which will further translate into more and more hardcore games. Meanwhile, we're getting ticked at Nintendo for not catering only to us, but now - NOW - is the time that they will. I read not too long ago [from several sites] that Miyamoto has stated that the Zelda team are very busy working on games. That's games, with an 's'.
Nintendo is playing it safe, smart, and on top of a mountain. I'm with them.