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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
I like how damn near everyone is willing to scoff at Blocked Content yet PapaGenos does the exact same thing he does and myltiple people go "omg you guys see his latest video where he talks about 4chan rumours and glitches? I think we should listen to him!"
Papagenos is not like Blocked Content. The latter is much more clickbaity and acts like the fake leaks are real. On the other hand, Papagenos is more realistic and while he puts some stock into leaks, he always says to take these things with a grain of salt. Overall, I find him much more reasonable and credible than Blocked Content who seems to look at every single leak and says "This could be it people!"

Like what Gwen said, this whole thread turned into an echo chamber. I bet most of you don't even know what to talk about anymore.

I'll be supporting new and fresh auditions like Mr. Resetti and Johnny Gat and I'll suggest you all find some back up underrated characters to support, otherwise your all really just beating at a dead horse. (Not dissing you)
I feel like this thread recently has been doing a better job at discussing underrated characters. I mean yes we still talk about the usual suspects a lot but we have been sprinkling in more characters like a Falcom rep, Dark Souls, and Killer Instinct and some characters like Adol Christin and Reimu have made great strides in recent times which caused them to be taken more seriously and discussed more.

But yeah I agree that this thread could be a bit more open. Like Idk,maybe discuss Contra more? Just saying.


Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Truth be told, this might be what happens to speculation when the options get too wide. Speculation literally can talk about the biggest third-party out there to the most minor of side characters in Metroid, but that seems to create some kind of lull in what can be justified for a Smash inclusion. Without any guidance for what the Smash team is looking for, there's ironically little room for discussion. Its like a western wilderness of ideas without much room for validation.

Unless you want to hear my argument on why the missing spirits debacle is still a big problem that just got swept under the rug.
Oftentimes because people tend to go back to what they consider safe territory - aka. the games / characters they know. The devil you know kind of spiel. If you are interested in what other kinds of games exist or what lets say people in another region generally play... you kinda have to go outside of your comfort zone, and it's difficult to do when again, that safe zone always exists.

And other regions (Outside of JP / AM / EU) are wonky to talk about since they're not quite at the point where they're major drivers for Nintendo either. Which limits things to "Japan!" or "The West!" mostly. Kinda think it'd be more interesting (even if it might be a bit more toxic due to geopolitical ****) if more regions were indeed major for Nintendo.

I do think it's fair to say that speculation has hit it's burnout phase. We've been speculating about Ultimate for like what, three years now? And we still have half a year more to go until we know the final two characters. We've exhausted all possible topics to discuss, even new franchises that haven't been discussed in Smash speculation before like Halo and Ys/Trails are fresh out of juice at this point.

I still pop up whenever I can to see what you're all discussing about, but yeah I'll admit that stuff has gotten monotonous. Even Jones got bored of speculation. :nifty:
I find it kinda weird that just 6 months ago the speculation scene was at least with some juice left while the competitive scene was reeling after the torrent of scandals and then even more Nintendo interference. But now they've traded places, with the speculation scene seemingly out of gas while the competitive scene's feeling this sense of rejuvenation - primarily the prospect of major offline events + an online qualifier circuit that actually has implications since they serve as qualifiers to offline regionals. Especially given that there are little to no offline data on :ultbyleth: onwards. (Although the aftershocks of the scandals still leave the competitive scene in a very wonky place to say the least.)
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Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
The Portal Lady? There's a neat gimmick there, would probably be hard as hell to implement 8 of her on screen at once, or rather 16 different portals each one could make. But the idea sounds fun at least.

The thing is that Chrom worked as an echo. Lyn... I don't really think she works as an echo. I always imagined her sword style to be quite different. If Fire Emblem Warriors and her assist trophy are any indication, she would be kinda more similar to Vergil than Marth and company.

So unless they push hard a potential Fire Emblem 7 remake in the future, if that ever happens, I don't see her making it to be honest, seeing how they have operated so far with character picks for Fire Emblem. I'd like to be proven wrong though.
Oh for sure, Chrom had both a model and was a solid echo choice, I was mostly thinking in the sense that they'd take it a step further as well.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Smashboards has really hit a deadline it seems. I see the same recycled topics and arguments every time I see this thread. Honestly, it's why I don't even bother to click it most of the time.

Yup, Smashboards definitely peaks when a new Smash is announced and why I'm now starting to be sick of Ultimate and this tedium assed Fighters Pass. I just want a new Smash to be in development and Ultimate to be over and done.

Like what Gwen said, this whole thread turned into an echo chamber. I bet most of you don't even know what to talk about anymore.

I'll be supporting new and fresh auditions like Mr. Resetti and Johnny Gat and I'll suggest you all find some back up underrated characters to support, otherwise your all really just beating at a dead horse. (Not dissing you)
Is this the part where I talk about Billy Hatcher again?


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
Papagenos is not like Blocked Content. The latter is much more clickbaity and acts like the fake leaks are real. On the other hand, Papagenos is more realistic and while he puts some stock into leaks, he always says to take these things with a grain of salt. Overall, I find him much more reasonable and credible than Blocked Content who seems to look at every single leak and says "This could be it people!"

I feel like this thread recently has been doing a better job at discussing underrated characters. I mean yes we still talk about the usual suspects a lot but we have been sprinkling in more characters like a Falcom rep, Dark Souls, and Killer Instinct and some characters like Adol Christin and Reimu have made great strides in recent times which caused them to be taken more seriously and discussed more.

But yeah I agree that this thread could be a bit more open. Like Idk,maybe discuss Contra more? Just saying.
I just brought up Contra earlier today in my idea for a dual reveal trailer along with Sarah Kerrigan. Contra was one of my favorite childhood games and I would love to see Bill Rizer get in. The only potential issue is how they would incorporate his moveset since it consists entirely of guns. Then again, they made Mega Man work so I’m sure Sakurai would be able to figure something out.


Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
I know exactly how Nintendo can lift everyone's spirits with the next announcement.

Just make it another guessing game. :4pacman:

On the topic of Chell, I think she could be interesting, even if I'm not sure if she'd be picked over someone like Gordon Freeman, a Dota rep or a TF2 rep. All I know is that if she gets in and the Portal Gun is OP, we should definitely rename Elite Smash to Chell Hell. :roll:
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Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
It's still gonna be a while until the next fighter(s). Most likely waiting until June.

Still banking on a double reveal but both releasing separately like how Hero and Banjo were.
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Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
everyone's gonna be shocked when vectorman is revealed to be the next dlc fighter.
I never owned a Sega Genesis but I always thought Vectorman looked pretty cool. I would totally be okay if he got in. He’s got a very unique and iconic design and looks like he could be a lot of fun.
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
So, here is another thought that I have. Now I'm not sure if this line of thinking will get us anywhere, but it's a gut feeling that I want to put out there.

Looking at this pass, I see two first parties and two big third parties. If we follow along with the common logic of "big E3 reveal, small third party or first party for last" then that means that we would end up with half the pass being big, hype third parties and the other half being more niche picks. I get the vibe that the attitude with this pass was "Ok, we will bring in some of the big guns, but to make up for the expensive licensing, we will shill a couple games that we own, plus maybe a third party character we can get for cheap."

Do with that what you will. Of course I am aware that people have different expectations for the nature of these last two characters, but looking at that line of thinking I think it means we could be right on the money. So what's the point of this post? Well I wanted to provide a perspective that might explain the choices in this pass and maybe this post might inspire some "eureka!" moments in people in regards to predicting the last couple characters.
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
I'd be one of the 20 people happy with that. So FINALLY, a GOOD DLC character in season 2.
I never owned a Sega Genesis but I always thought Vectorman looked pretty cool. I would totally be okay if he got in. He’s got a very unique and iconic design and looks like he could be a lot of fun.
You, people of faith, have seen the light. Vectorman will smile at you when He picks up the letter.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
I just brought up Contra earlier today in my idea for a dual reveal trailer along with Sarah Kerrigan. Contra was one of my favorite childhood games and I would love to see Bill Rizer get in. The only potential issue is how they would incorporate his moveset since it consists entirely of guns. Then again, they made Mega Man work so I’m sure Sakurai would be able to figure something out.
I imagine that most of his basic attacks, aerials, and specials will be guns. He also has a knife and katana to use for a jab and some tilts as a "Get off me" option.

everyone's gonna be shocked when vectorman is revealed to be the next dlc fighter.
Finally, it's about time someone else brought up the orb chad. His games are great so I would be stoked if he miraculously made it in.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
What two characters do you guys think could make for a fun double reveal trailer? What would you want their trail er to be like?
Kiryu and Kunio. They're both brawling thugs who hang out on the streets of Japan.

It would just be this, but with Kunio instead of Majima.

Even without a double reveal, I'd want Kiryu's trailer to be that, but with Wolf instead of Majima.
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Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
What would your reaction be in the hypothetical scenario where Daruk ends up being the next DLC character?
Meh. Kind of my general reaction to most Zelda characters honestly. But I'd at least be surprised they'd go with him and not one of the other 3 who seem more popular.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2014
Jacksonville, Fl
Honestly I feel like the only reason we got Banjo and Steve is just for the opportunity of working with Microsoft and getting the biggest game in Smash

If we want a Western fighter I think we might as well wait for a Playstation Allstars Round 2 as they have the potential to be the Western Smash wih their legacy and connections.

Sounds like a joke but I genuinely believe it.
Nintendo clearly values putting big icons into Smash to get people excited. They’re quickly running out of Japanese characters that fit that. I’d say there’s really only a Resident Evil character, Monster Hunter, Chun-Li, Tails & Dr Eggman left. Monster Hunter might be locked out of getting a fighter too, so that’s one less option.

There’s a lot of good mid tier & smaller Japanese characters left. But Nintendo will need to fill in the icon slots somehow. So I don’t see why’d they refuse to add Western characters.

They might be done with the icon slots for Ultimate, but the future Smash games will still need them.
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
What would your reaction be in the hypothetical scenario where Daruk ends up being the next DLC character?
Daruk is okay. The Gorons are a fairly iconic Zelda race, and I'm sure Sakurai could do something neat with the shield.

Of the four Champions though, he's the one I least expect. After AoC, it's became more apparent that the female Champions are the favorites. That lines up with who the developers claimed was their favorites as well as who the general public seem to prefer, so I'd be shocked if it wasn't Mipha or Urbosa.


Smash Champion
Jan 7, 2014
What two characters do you guys think could make for a fun double reveal trailer? What would you want their trailer to be like?

Fighters 10 and 11: Shadow the Hedgehog and Waluigi!

Wario tries to get away on his motorcycle, Pit, Dark Pit, Star Fox/Star Wolf, they're all shooting after him, but he keeps evading. Sonic runs after him too, but Wario FARTS.... POOOOOOOOOOT... and it creates a flatulent smokescreen and Wario escapes! Wario has gotten away, he laughs! "Waaaaaarrharharharharharrrrrrrrrrrio!" But then he looks forward, he gasps and panics! "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" KERPOW! A HORRIBLE HORRIBLE explosion takes place! Motorcycle parts go flying EVERYWHERE! Wario himself goes flying straight up into the sky! Sonic, Pit, Wolf et al finally catch up to see what happened, but when the dust settles, out comes the ULTIMATE LIFE FORM himself, Shadow the Hedgehog!

After a gameplay montage, eventually we see Shadow standing before his defeated opponents in sort of a callback to Shadow the Hedgehog's opening with Sonic struggling to get back up before giving in and falling down and then Shadow flies towards the screen. After Shadow is outta here, Wario finally comes back down and smashes into the ground. Everyone struggles to get up and are all like "We.... FINALLY got you"... Then out of NOWHERE, Waluigi shows up like "WAAAAAAAAAAAAHEHEHEHEHEHE!" and Wario's all happy and then you get ANOTHER gameplay montage as Waluigi destroys everyone Shadow already just destroyed. Then Wario farts. The end.


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
What would your reaction be in the hypothetical scenario where Daruk ends up being the next DLC character?
Daruk is probably my least favorite of the champions aesthetically but was my favorite to use in Age of Calamity. I wouldn’t mind if he ever got in. If they ever did cross series echoes, I could see any Gordon fitting Bowser’s moveset pretty well. At the very least, he’d be a cool mod over Bowser.


Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
Nintendo clearly values putting big icons into Smash to get people excited. They’re quickly running out of Japanese characters that fit that. I’d say there’s really only a Resident Evil character, Monster Hunter, Chun-Li, Tails & Dr Eggman left. Monster Hunter might be locked out of getting a fighter too, so that’s one less option.
I'd say Sora also fits that bill.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Nintendo clearly values putting big icons into Smash to get people excited. They’re quickly running out of Japanese characters that fit that. I’d say there’s really only a Resident Evil character, Monster Hunter, Chun-Li, Tails & Dr Eggman left. Monster Hunter might be locked out of getting a fighter too, so that’s one less option.

There’s a lot of good mid tier & smaller Japanese characters left. But Nintendo will need to fill in the icon slots somehow. So I don’t see why’d they refuse to add Western characters.

They might be done with the icon slots for Ultimate, but the future Smash games will still need them.
Technically, they already filled the icon slots with Steve and Sephiroth...

Plus, we could have a Terry situation where we don't realise the character is an icon until AFTER they get announced.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Nintendo clearly values putting big icons into Smash to get people excited. They’re quickly running out of Japanese characters that fit that. I’d say there’s really only a Resident Evil character, Monster Hunter, Chun-Li, Tails & Dr Eggman left. Monster Hunter might be locked out of getting a fighter too, so that’s one less option.

There’s a lot of good mid tier & smaller Japanese characters left. But Nintendo will need to fill in the icon slots somehow. So I don’t see why’d they refuse to add Western characters.

They might be done with the icon slots for Ultimate, but the future Smash games will still need them.
I don't think Nintendo really needs Western games that much. That's not saying they'll reject them as long as they can but there are quite a few more big-name additions they can include before they'll run out of "icon slots".

I'd say Tekken, Dark Souls, Devil May Cry, Dynasty Warriors if they can add a character from it, aside from the ones you listed. Plus, Ultimate so far had, what, three new big franchises? It's not like newcomers have to be chock full of them.
Oct 31, 2018
What would your reaction be in the hypothetical scenario where Daruk ends up being the next DLC character?
I can't believe I'm saying this, but after Age of Calamity I'd rather have Yunobo (assuming he plays similarly). Daruk strikes me as a guy who would play like Donkey Kong with Ganon's sword attacks and rollout. That could be interesting if done right, but I'd have to be sold on it. I'm a bit worn out on the whole slow characters with big buttons thing.


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
I'd say Sora also fits that bill.
I know they pretty much have no chance of ever happening but either Ansem or Xemnas would be two of my most hype reveals possible. Ansem has a really cool and unique fighting style with his shadow and Xemnas’ white coat is awesome looking. He could be a lot of fun with his lightning attacks and dual laser swords as well. I think the best I can hope for is for Sora to get in first then one of them get added later like Sephiroth.
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Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2014
Jacksonville, Fl
I'd say Sora also fits that bill.
Yeah, I totally forgot to list him even though he’s one of my most wanteds. Oops lol

Technically, they already filled the icon slots with Steve and Sephiroth...

Plus, we could have a Terry situation where we don't realise the character is an icon until AFTER they get announced.
Yeah, I did say that Ultimate might be done with them. But I don’t think it’s wise to rule out big western characters for future games.

I don't think Nintendo really needs Western games that much. That's not saying they'll reject them as long as they can but there are quite a few more big-name additions they can include before they'll run out of "icon slots".

I'd say Tekken, Dark Souls, Devil May Cry, Dynasty Warriors if they can add a character from it, aside from the ones you listed. Plus, Ultimate so far had, what, three new big franchises? It's not like newcomers have to be chock full of them.
I also forgot Tekken/Heihachi on my list of icons. The rosters aren’t chock full of icons but we get them often enough where it’s clear that it’s something Nintendo wants sprinkled into the games.

We’ve gotten the Belmonts, Hero, Steve & Sephiroth in Ultimate alone.


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
I never really understood why they go with Heihachi instead of Jin for most crossovers. I haven’t played much Tekken but isn’t Jin the main protagonist? It feels the same as adding M. Bison instead of Ryu.

Þe 1 → Way

Smash Champion
Dec 12, 2020
Wouldn’t You Like To Know?
I never really understood why they go with Heihachi instead of Jin for most crossovers. I haven’t played much Tekken but isn’t Jin the main protagonist? It feels the same as adding M. Bison instead of Ryu.
Heihachi is the mascot of Tekken though. He's the guy I think of when someone says Tekken.


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
Heihachi is the mascot of Tekken though. He's the guy I think of when someone says Tekken.
I guess that makes sense. You never really see people asking for Liu Kang or Kilik. Scorpion and Nightmare just became much more iconic to the series despite not being the protagonist. I wonder if fighting games are the only exception to the main protagonist first “rule”.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Daruk is okay. The Gorons are a fairly iconic Zelda race, and I'm sure Sakurai could do something neat with the shield.

Of the four Champions though, he's the one I least expect. After AoC, it's became more apparent that the female Champions are the favorites. That lines up with who the developers claimed was their favorites as well as who the general public seem to prefer, so I'd be shocked if it wasn't Mipha or Urbosa.
Yeah, from what I've seen:
  • Daruk is a bog standard "boisterous" character. Not bad, but not terribly interesting.
  • Rivalli is insufferable.
  • Mipha is sweet, and she has the whole thing with Link for players to get invested in.
  • Urbosa is...well I'm not exactly sure how to describe her, but I like her calm attitude, and her dynamic with other characters is just nice to watch.
It's pretty easy to see why everyone likes the girls more. Myself included.

Well, we do have Revali already.
Except Falco's actually tolerable.
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