* China: 46 million Switches. The closest real Chinese figure is an estimate by Zhuge's firm Niko Partners, which put total Switch sales there at
4 million and the most popular console. Consoles are still niché there, but hey. One of Nintendo's primary expansion targets.
Nintendo for their part uses Asia (Japan excluded) for everything Asia outside Japan (including ANZ, mentioned above). Which is really wonky, but you do you I guess Ninty.
* India: 44 million Switches. In reality, the Switch struggles in India because of significant bureacratic hurdles and import prices that spiked to high heavens during the pandemic.
Still, second most popular console at around 50K+. We're talking that small.
* Africa: 42 million Switches. In reality, African numbers are negligble due to Nintendo not selling the console directly outside of South Africa, and due to factors mentioned below.
* SEA (South East Asia): 21 million Switches. For real, SouthEast Asia is a relatively small-ish region for Nintendo, but one of the primary expansion targets.
My guess would be something like 1 million or a couple million - it's small compared to its total population of 650 million people. Has a small but noticeable Smash scene scattered around the Philipines, Indonesia, Thailand etc. Quite a few SmashBoards members come from this region.
* Middle East: 12,2 million Switches. The real numbers for this region are hard to get, but
Nintendo has paid some attention to this region with bundles. My guess would be something approaching at least a million, but I don't feel confident saying more than that. Also has a small and local-only - but noticeable Smash scene - mostly based in Saudi Arabia and Dubai.
* CIS: 7,7 million Switches. Nintendo of Russia's had it rather rough, with most of you have heard of. Especially with the boss over there. Still, does have a small but noticeable Nintendo fandom. My guess would be that the Switch has sold in the 6 figure range (under a million), partly because Russia is PC / PlayStation / mobile-dominated.
* South Korea: 1,7 million. Doesn't look like much, but it would still be roughly triple of the ca.
500K-600K that's being reported by the Korean Herald (June 2020). Closest to becoming a somewhat major factor, which is a relief for Nintendo: Nintendo of Korea almost collapsed due to the Wii U's failure.