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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
PLEASE give me P5R on the Switch Nintendo, I'm begging you.

Also, the Silent Hill composer's teasing something that people have been waiting for, I remember Pyramid Head being discussed a few weeks ago but honestly that idea sounds so cool even if it's another example of Pyramid Head being pushed outside of context. Sounds infinitely more interesting than James, Heather and Harry
On the topic of Pyramid Head, I'm interested in how everyone here thinks he should play. While the character is cool a f, I can't help but see him as just too...slow and clunky to animate well in Smash as a character (he'd make a great Boss or assist). I'd be thrilled if someone could change my mind about that.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
While they said they have no plans after Season 2,
Gonna have to correct you on that one. In that interview, Sakurai didn't say "We have no plans," he said "The Smash Bros development that has been continuous development since Smash 4 will finally end." It's not quite as ambiguous as just "We have no plans."

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
PLEASE give me P5R on the Switch Nintendo, I'm begging you.

On the topic of Pyramid Head, I'm interested in how everyone here thinks he should play. While the character is cool a f, I can't help but see him as just too...slow and clunky to animate well in Smash as a character (he'd make a great Boss or assist). I'd be thrilled if someone could change my mind about that.
I think it was Þe 1 → Way who suggested it but one idea I saw was that he'd inflict debuffs when hitting a character to represent all guilt weighing down on James in SH2. We have loads of characters who can buff themselves in some way but surprisingly there aren't really any debuffers


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
I think it was Þe 1 → Way who suggested it but one idea I saw was that he'd inflict debuffs when hitting a character to represent all guilt weighing down on James in SH2. We have loads of characters who can buff themselves in some way but surprisingly there aren't really any debuffers
Other than Inklings. As being Inked is essentially a debuff. Increasing damage taken from all sources.
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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Steering things away from actual pornography, let's talk Zelda's 35th. I think given that Nintendo did some cool stuff for Mario's, I think we can expect something for this year. Here are a few things I think are likely.

  • OoT 3D and MM 3D or OoT and MM ports
  • Ports of Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD
  • Some Zelda game will come to the eShop. I would bet on Four Swords Adventures or Minish Cap.
  • Skyward Sword HD comes to the Switch
  • BotW2...comes in 2022
I think most of these are pretty safe bets for what Zelda will get for its anniversary. Maybe we might get another new game, but idk.
I always thought, IMO, that Breath of the Wild's formula could work for a Battle Royale-like game. But Four Swords Adventure would be cool too. With a friend, that game was fun as heck.

That said, I really wouldn't mind Nintendo trying a multiplayer-style Zelda game with Breath of the Wild's setting. I feel like there is alot of potential for one, with being able to explore with your friends throughout the Land of Hyrule or even just goof around, like Shield surfing competitions, speed-runs, sabotaging one another, teaming up to do crazy stuff with Runes and whatnot. I just think multiplayer has potential for a Zelda game.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Other than Inklings. As being Inked is essentially a debuff.
Gonna be honest, I forgot they existed, though the point still stands that there's a lot to explore with the idea.

Also SharkLord I know you're liking these posts because you're thinking of a different James so keep that **** up and you'll visit some Quiet Village very soon


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
PLEASE give me P5R on the Switch Nintendo, I'm begging you.

On the topic of Pyramid Head, I'm interested in how everyone here thinks he should play. While the character is cool a f, I can't help but see him as just too...slow and clunky to animate well in Smash as a character (he'd make a great Boss or assist). I'd be thrilled if someone could change my mind about that.
I believe his thing was that he's just a tormenter who harasses the main character, and while he causes a lot of harm, he can only indirectly kill them by worsening their mental state. I think it's up to his target to finish it, or at least, that's what I remember. From the looks of it, I think he'd deal ludicrous damage with each hit, but he'd be held back by pathetic knockback. It'd be an interesting contrast, I think.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
I think it was Þe 1 → Way who suggested it but one idea I saw was that he'd inflict debuffs when hitting a character to represent all guilt weighing down on James in SH2. We have loads of characters who can buff themselves in some way but surprisingly there aren't really any debuffers
Conceptually very cool, though I have some concerns about how it'd play out in practice. Fighting games are all about fluidity and feel. Heavy characters feel good because even if they move slow ( and a lot of them don't even move as slow as PH would) their attacks have a lot of weight and impact. I'm not sure gradually stacking debuffs would would be a fun experience for P Head or his opponent, which might be why theres not many debuff characters in Smash and why debuffs are often attached to really wonky moves like Rest.

Other than Inklings. As being Inked is essentially a debuff. Increasing damage taken from all sources.
Nevermind, I forgot about this one. But being inked doesn't feel that bad for inkling's opponent, as the only additional effect is damage. If PHead debuffs are supposed to represent weighing down opponents from guilt, I imagine it would entail actually slow down opponent movements which might be deemed anti-fun.

I suppose the mechanic could bel like that one Samurai Showdown character (Yo****ora). He gets some super crazy ohko attack if he successfuly lands like, a specific set of other moves on an opponent that marks them.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Conceptually very cool, though I have some concerns about how it'd play out in practice. Fighting games are all about fluidity and feel. Heavy characters feel good because even if they move slow ( and a lot of them don't even move as slow as PH would) their attacks have a lot of weight and impact. I'm not sure gradually stacking debuffs would would be a fun experience for P Head or his opponent, which might be why theres not many debuff characters in Smash and why debuffs are often attached to really wonky moves like Rest.

Nevermind, I forgot about this one. But being inked doesn't feel that bad for inkling's opponent, as the only additional effect is damage. If PHead debuffs are supposed to represent weighing down opponents from guilt, I imagine it would entail actually slow down opponent movements which might be deemed anti-fun.

I suppose the mechanic could bel like that one Samurai Showdown character. He gets some super crazy ohko attack if he successfuly lands like, a specific set of other moves on an opponent that marks them.
At the same time I think it would be incredibly fun for FFAs, just tormenting everyone so they all target me while they're so debuffed that they can't do ****. Realistically though, not every attack would inflict debuffs, probably just some specials like idk, a command grab or a passive effect that's activated by a special move. It's been like 7 years since I've looked at Silent Hill so I don't quite remember everything beyond beeeeeeg knife, smothering the Mannequins and the symbolism for literally everything the ****** does

Jocario Zero

Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2014
Switch FC
Finally, Pikmin 4. It will likely not come out this year. But maybe someday.
Maybe i'm misremembering this but wasnt "Pikmin 4 is almost done" a mistranslation and they where just talking about a fourth game in the
series in general (which would be Hey!Pikmin on 3DS)?

I think PushDustIn said something about this but im unsure.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Gonna be honest, I forgot they existed, though the point still stands that there's a lot to explore with the idea.

Also SharkLord I know you're liking these posts because you're thinking of a different James so keep that **** up and you'll visit some Quiet Village very soon
Image result for spring man

(insert horrifying screech)


Smash Apprentice
Jan 16, 2020
Does the gas thing look like it could be referencing Nier Automata's access points? Also two robots in the picture. 2b and 9s?


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Does the gas thing look like it could be referencing Nier Automata's access points? Also two robots in the picture. 2b and 9s?
View attachment 302030
... it's a gasoline pump, dude.

I'm pretty sure my local 7-11 isn't a reference to Nier Automata.
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Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
Does the gas thing look like it could be referencing Nier Automata's access points? Also two robots in the picture. 2b and 9s?
View attachment 302030
Huh. Maybe you're onto something here. The two robots can't just be a coincidence.

...or then again, they could be absolutely nothing. Isn't the cynicism in this thread so refreshing? People might actually end up speculating or something.
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Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC
Does the gas thing look like it could be referencing Nier Automata's access points? Also two robots in the picture. 2b and 9s?
View attachment 302030
No! It's Rob and Megaman mourning over a potential robot character that Sakurai slayed. Gasoline pumps are tombstones for robots.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Or IS IT? cue X-Files theme

Also, is that Lìf in your profile pic?

I have decided that he is the coolest OC in FEH and that he should be in Smash.

Or maybe I just like edgy boys with swords.
No! It's Rob and Megaman mourning over a potential robot character that Sakurai slayed. Gasoline pumps are tombstones for robots.
I would say junkyards are more cementaries. I think Yoshi might take offense to his dinosaur bretheren being used as fuel though.
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Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
I guess going by the character sprites, Jason is the same way.
View attachment 302018

In the game art though, the tank looks a lot bigger.
View attachment 302019
I think that in case Blaster Master was added to Smash, the tank would be redesigned to be of the correct proportions and to be able to grab items and enemies... in the worst case they may make the front wheels transform into hands or something.
I'm not a big expert of the Blaster Master games, but I think that several different versions of SOPHIA exist, I can totally see Smash having an exclusive version of it specifically designed for the gameplay of Smash.


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Maybe i'm misremembering this but wasnt "Pikmin 4 is almost done" a mistranslation and they where just talking about a fourth game in the
series in general (which would be Hey!Pikmin on 3DS)?

I think PushDustIn said something about this but im unsure.
I don’t think this is the case, at least according to this:

I tried to see if PushDustIn said anything, but if he did I can’t find it.

I think they had trouble with Pikmin 3 too since Nintendo didn’t prioritize it due to Pikmin 2’s sales, so it’s not surprising if Pikmin 4 takes a longtime, though hopefully Pikmin 3 DX’s sales convinced them to put it somewhat higher on the priority scale.
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
hey so I got a question for anyone familiar with Apex Legends

who would be considered a likely pick? Assuming this plays like TF2 or Overwatch which I assume it does


Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
I believe his thing was that he's just a tormenter who harasses the main character, and while he causes a lot of harm, he can only indirectly kill them by worsening their mental state. I think it's up to his target to finish it, or at least, that's what I remember. From the looks of it, I think he'd deal ludicrous damage with each hit, but he'd be held back by pathetic knockback. It'd be an interesting contrast, I think.
That sounds absolutely atrocious for online doubles. Then again, online doubles is already a ****ing disaster (mostly because Team Attack is always off and can't be changed in Preffered Rules IIRC):

(Yeah, I know, this exploit infinite was patched out in 8.0 when they changed how Skewer works out of a grab... but I'm pretty sure that other Bury infinites like "Bury - > Sing" still works, so... it's like Sakurai and co. only patched that since the Skewer infinite was by far the easiest and most common way to grief people.)

I don’t think this is the case, at least according to this:

I tried to see if PushDustIn said anything, but if he did I can’t find it.
Either way, I can only imagine that the behind the scenes have been really messy. Not just because of Miyamoto's words or what has happened since then, but also since 3 Deluxe came out rather late compared to other Wii U ports. We'll just have to see what happens or happened with the project - if it does exist, that is.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
hey so I got a question for anyone familiar with Apex Legends

who would be considered a likely pick? Assuming this plays like TF2 or Overwatch which I assume it does
Wraith is pretty much the most popular character in that game and is pushed the most in marketing material, so probably her.

Well, either her or Mirage, though honestly I would really rather not prefer it be him.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
That sounds absolutely atrocious for online doubles. Then again, online doubles is already a ****ing disaster (mostly because Team Attack is always off and can't be changed in Preffered Rules IIRC):

(Yeah, I know, this exploit infinite was patched out in 8.0 when they changed how Skewer works out of a grab... but I'm pretty sure that other Bury infinites like "Bury - > Sing" still works, so... it's like Sakurai and co. only patched that since the Skewer infinite was by far the easiest and most common way to grief people.)
Eeyup, exactly what I said. Torment.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Say, is Zippo still reliable? I don't know if he's mentioned anything Smash related, but apparently he talked about the plans for Sonic's 30th Anniversary, for what it's worth.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I believe his thing was that he's just a tormenter who harasses the main character, and while he causes a lot of harm, he can only indirectly kill them by worsening their mental state. I think it's up to his target to finish it, or at least, that's what I remember. From the looks of it, I think he'd deal ludicrous damage with each hit, but he'd be held back by pathetic knockback. It'd be an interesting contrast, I think.
Ganondorf: hits you with a big 'ol sword
You: take a lot of damage and go flying
Pyramid Head: hits you with a big 'ol sword
You: take a lot of damage and go nowhere
You: 1612569146892.png


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Ganondorf: hits you with a big 'ol sword
You: take a lot of damage and go flying
Pyramid Head: hits you with a big 'ol sword
You: take a lot of damage and go nowhere
You:View attachment 302036
Oh god, imagine what Vishera would do with that.
Pyramid Head But His Attacks Are Instant - Immediately shoots you up to 999% in seconds
Pyramid Head But His Knockback Scales To His Damage - Sends you flying with just a jab
Pyramid Head But He Can Actually Kill - You plain %$#@ing lose

Actually, let's make a game out of that. Spin the most cursed VisheraGames mods out of your most wanted characters and see what happens.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Oh god, imagine what Vishera would do with that.
Pyramid Head But His Attacks Are Instant - Immediately shoots you up to 999% in seconds
Pyramid Head But His Knockback Scales To His Damage - Sends you flying with just a jab
Pyramid Head But He Can Actually Kill - You plain %$#@ing lose

Actually, let's make a game out of that. Spin the most cursed VisheraGames mods out of your most wanted characters and see what happens.
Elma But She Has Infinite Overdrive Just Like In Xenoblade X - bro you might as well just instantly show the ELMA WINS screen upon selecting her
Reimu But Her Spell Cards Actually ARE Impossible - there was this Subterranean Animism mod video with actually impossible spell card patterns, you were guaranteed to die or bomb always. It’s like that
Oct 31, 2018
Oh god, imagine what Vishera would do with that.
Pyramid Head But His Attacks Are Instant - Immediately shoots you up to 999% in seconds
Pyramid Head But His Knockback Scales To His Damage - Sends you flying with just a jab
Pyramid Head But He Can Actually Kill - You plain %$#@ing lose

Actually, let's make a game out of that. Spin the most cursed VisheraGames mods out of your most wanted characters and see what happens.
Tiz but he's always brave - probably becomes a zippy boy
Zero but it's MvC - you never play the game again
Isaac but his hands expand - you know ;)

You said cursed. I had to.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Actually, let's make a game out of that. Spin the most cursed VisheraGames mods out of your most wanted characters and see what happens.
I'll do the characters I brainstormed previously:
  • Freddy, but he can always teleport to his opponent. proceeds to do DBZ sequences
  • Rex & Pyra/Mythra, but they can always cancel their arts.
  • Amaterasu, but Celestial Brush Techniques are instantaneous.
  • Chell, but infinite items.
  • Bandana Waddle Dee, but the parasol abilities are instant and Waddle Spear Barrage is much faster.
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