How I would fix the most broken character in the game (Hero)
-Remove the critical hit mechanic
-Remove Hocus Pocus
-Reduce launch power on Kafrizz
-Make the Zap spells reflectable
-very slightly reduce magic bursts range
That sounds like you're trying to make your own frustration come across as everyone's opinions when it isn't everyone's opinion, if I may be so bold. Besides, that would cripple a character that isn't considered OP / broken to begin with.
I'm not gonna say "Git gud" just yet: I recommend that you take advantage of the linear nature of his spells (attack from diagonally above / below, most of his spells don't reach there) and take advantage of his sluggish sword attacks. Up Smash in particular is really bad even with the Crit chance because it has no horizontal range. Easier said than done in a match, sure, but
adaptating to what your opponent's doing is a major part of fighting games for a reason. Edit: This is far from as important in casual matches etc. granted, just reacted to the tone of the quoted post.
Hey so
I wonder if we’ll at least get a partner showcase and or direct mini this month
idk why but I’m feeling the latter more esp since Zelda 35th anniversary
As for partner showcase, direct mini or them returning to weekly reveals:
I could see one such event - or them restarting the weekly reveals thing in February. But March feels a tad liklier to me because of Nintendo might want to try to shift peoples' attention away from stuff that ends March 31st. Keywords being "try to", mind - I don't think they'll succeed in that regard if they attempt that because the stir surrounding limited availability was palpable. Even if Mario 3D AllStars sold really well.