The crazed maniacs at Nintendo doing crazed maniac things does not point to any potential fighters, actually.
I knew someone would say something like this if I mentioned this
No, this doesn't automatically mean that a Character from this mod will be in DLC.
But I think it's something to consider. I would say most of the time when Nintendo Takes down something, or they pressure devs to either stop development on the project, or get rid of it altogether, there's a Reason
The whole thing with Project M being pressured into stopping development made me look at Legacy XP getting taken down further. Nintendo saw Project M as a threat because of Project M tournament presence that was rivaling Smash 4.
Nintendo (Usually) don't take stuff just for fun. The most prominent takedowns in Nintendo history, like AM2R, Pokemon Urainium, Mario Battle Royale, Mario 64 stuff, etc all had something tied to it, whether it be Samus Returns, whatever New Pokemon game was released, Mario 35, Mario All Stars, etc
In regards to Brawl Mods, Legacy XP is the only other mod besides Project M that's just be shut down. Project + which is also a very Popular mod hasn't been shutdown at all. That's why I found it suspicous.
And I don't think Nintendo took down the mod themselves, it's possible they did the same thing with Project M and pressure Devs. or perhaps the Dev took it down on their own accord, but I wonder why they made sure to get rid of all links to the mod