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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
Geno never really stood a chance...but jeez they could've at least upgraded the Mii costume to a "full" one. He was a perfect candidate for that...
Real talk: the Geno and Bomberman costumes are the ones that bug me the most with the models clipping. Maybe they should have fixed that...

Bomberman's victory poses make it look like his arms are coming from his cheeks.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
Maybe included a song too...
Yeah, I have pretty much 0 connections with the characters but Geno fans really get shafted all the time.

Also since some people are mentioning their 3 most likely I'm going to go ahead and predict: Ryu Hyabusa, Arle with Tetris Stage, and Someone from Capcom (probably Dante)

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Geno never really stood a chance...but jeez they could've at least upgraded the Mii costume to a "full" one. He was a perfect candidate for that...
I never got this idea as it suggests that Geno deserves more special treatment over literally every other returning Mii Costume. It always came across as being offended at Geno being equal to the likes of Heihachi and ****. They improved the cape physics and **** to make it animate better too, it's like complaining that someone who got 3rd place didn't get the same prize as the winner of 1st place


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
I do wish that the Stage Builder used "autotiled" versions of existing stage terrain rather than generic ones. That and having all of the Battlefield/Ω backgrounds available. If I were to guess, they didn't have very extensive background stuff because moving backgrounds were too intensive (Tomodachi Life's background has no movement and looks much worse).

Perhaps it's one of those ideas that technology kind of has to catch up to like it seems to have been with transforming characters.
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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
I never got this idea as it suggests that Geno deserves more special treatment over literally every other returning Mii Costume. It always came across as being offended at Geno being equal to the likes of Heihachi and *. They improved the cape physics and * to make it animate better too, it's like complaining that someone who got 3rd place didn't get the same prize as the winner of 1st place
I think the belief stems from his proportions, which everyone felt would fit the Miis pretty well.

Ah well, at least I can still make Genosans


Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
YES. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one irked by that. You can tell they basically threw the assist trophy skin over the Mii without actually retooling the contact physics.
Tbh, I don't even think it needs that big of a retool, just... adjust the size of the head a bit, so the arms won't clip through. Most of the animations would be fine if not for the fact that Bomberman's head is a lot bigger than a Mii's.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
I never got this idea as it suggests that Geno deserves more special treatment over literally every other returning Mii Costume. It always came across as being offended at Geno being equal to the likes of Heihachi and *. They improved the cape physics and * to make it animate better too, it's like complaining that someone who got 3rd place didn't get the same prize as the winner of 1st place
Well, Geno deserves it in the sense that he has diehard fans that have been around forever, and Sakurai never properly crushes their hopes - first by mentioning his consideration in Brawl, then bringing him as a costume, etc. Fan support DOES mean something, otherwise we'd never have gotten Ridley, K.Rool, Bayonetta, Banjo, etc. Plus unlike someone like Heihachi, Geno is sort of the perfect height and proportion for a proper mii costume so in my opinion it'd be the perfect way to give this character and his fans something. I didn't know they improved the cape physics and such, that's nice, but c'mon that head piece is so ugly. He's pretty much never going to get in if he hasn't already, being more irrelevant and forgotten now than he ever was, but it'd be a good way to acknowledge what could've been.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2019
I never got this idea as it suggests that Geno deserves more special treatment over literally every other returning Mii Costume. It always came across as being offended at Geno being equal to the likes of Heihachi and *. They improved the cape physics and * to make it animate better too, it's like complaining that someone who got 3rd place didn't get the same prize as the winner of 1st place
Mayhap it's because some fans of Smash have actually developed a habit of laughing at some community picks getting the silver or copper.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Well, Geno deserves it in the sense that he has diehard fans that have been around forever, and Sakurai never properly crushes their hopes - first by mentioning his consideration in Brawl, then bringing him as a costume, etc. Fan support DOES mean something, otherwise we'd never have gotten Ridley, K.Rool, Bayonetta, Banjo, etc. Plus unlike someone like Heihachi, Geno is sort of the perfect height and proportion for a proper mii costume so in my opinion it'd be the perfect way to give this character and his fans something. I didn't know they improved the cape physics and such, that's nice, but c'mon that head piece is so ugly. He's pretty much never going to get in if he hasn't already, being more irrelevant and forgotten now than he ever was, but it'd be a good way to acknowledge what could've been.
Here's the thing though. Geno's not unique in this regard. Literally every old costume except for MonHun and Lloyd has returned while getting nothing more than a little bit of polish, with plenty of characters fitting those proportions but not getting changed at all. It just screams "My favourite is sooo special that they outright need more special treatment than literally anyone else" and I don't think any character deserves more or less love than the next one. As for the hat being ugly? Idk, every other Geno fan I've seen adores that hat, but does it mean it's an insult? Should Knuckles fans demand a Bomberman style costume? Should Zero fans demand a unique face that looks like Zero? The answer is no, the costumes have always been "It didn't work out but hey this is the next best thing".
Mayhap it's because some fans of Smash have actually developed a habit of laughing at some community picks getting the silver or copper.
So some people being ****heads means you should... Validate the ****heads? I don't get it, sounds like the exact opposite solution


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
Here's the thing though. Geno's not unique in this regard. Literally every old costume except for MonHun and Lloyd has returned while getting nothing more than a little bit of polish, with plenty of characters fitting those proportions but not getting changed at all. It just screams "My favourite is sooo special that they outright need more special treatment than literally anyone else" and I don't think any character deserves more or less love than the next one. As for the hat being ugly? Idk, every other Geno fan I've seen adores that hat, but does it mean it's an insult? Should Knuckles fans demand a Bomberman style costume? Should Zero fans demand a unique face that looks like Zero? The answer is no, the costumes have always been "It didn't work out but hey this is the next best thing".
I see where you're coming from, but I also think Zero and Knuckles should have full mii costumes. Give it to all the big headed short limbed characters!


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
I see where you're coming from, but I also think Zero and Knuckles should have full mii costumes. Give it to all the big headed short limbed characters!
Exactly. Instead of arguing, "What makes Geno so special?" how about "Why don't ALL the top fan picks get better treatment?" As in, what if Isaac, Shadow, Knuckles and Zero were to be given the "Bomberman treatment" and had Mii costumes that were full reskins of their ATs? I gotta say, if Sakurai/Nintendo insists on giving them the shaft as fully fledged fighters, I think AT-Mii costume upgrades would be a cool consolation prize.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Honestly, I’d love for music pack DLC. I’d buy an Earthbound, Undertale, Sonic, Cuphead pack and more in a heartbeat if I could. Maybe for 3 bucks.
If I can’t get Octoling or Elma I’ll take an Octo Expansion or Xenoblade X music pack respectively


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
Honestly, I’d love for music pack DLC. I’d buy an Earthbound, Undertale, Sonic, Cuphead pack and more in a heartbeat if I could. Maybe for 3 bucks.
Yeah I'd be willing to pay quite a lot for a good selection of music. Alternate character costumes too. And full Mii costumes. Tbh Smash is sort of a gold mine for Nintendo if they really wanna milk it.

Give me Life Will Change Sakurai REEEEEEEEEEE

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I didn't say it as if it was a solution, I was saying it's a big source of the problem.
In that case it's simple. Who gives a flying **** about what they think? If they're so miserable that they can't enjoy a character without having to **** on someone, they should either be ignored or pitied as they clearly have no fun in their lives if their greatest joy is someone not getting the character they want in a ****ing kid's game. Just celebrate the character getting acknowledged, proving that they're indeed popular. Just report them instead of engaging with the miserable, unlived assholes
Exactly. Instead of arguing, "What makes Geno so special?" how about "Why don't ALL the top fan picks get better treatment?" As in, what if Isaac, Shadow, Knuckles and Zero were to be given the "Bomberman treatment" and had Mii costumes that were full reskins of their ATs? I gotta say, if Sakurai/Nintendo insists on giving them the shaft as fully fledged fighters, I think AT-Mii costume upgrades would be a cool consolation prize.
The reason why the former's asked is because everyone else seems to be completely fine with all the Mii costumes, Geno's the only one who has people say this after all


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
In that case it's simple. Who gives a flying ** about what they think? If they're so miserable that they can't enjoy a character without having to ** on someone, they should either be ignored or pitied as they clearly have no fun in their lives if their greatest joy is someone not getting the character they want in a ****ing kid's game. Just celebrate the character getting acknowledged, proving that they're indeed popular. Just report them instead of engaging with the miserable, unlived assholes

The reason why the former's asked is because everyone else seems to be completely fine with all the Mii costumes, Geno's the only one who has people say this after all
Well Geno was freshly murdered by the recent Sephiroth direct so that might have something to do with it. If we ever get a not full Hollow Knight costume for example, I'm sure people would bring up how it's a waste he didn't get a full costume at that time.


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2019
Give me Life Will Change Sakurai REEEEEEEEEEE
YES. Can I just say how much AMAZING Persona Music didn't get into Smash?! It's a freaking crime! We need Life Will Change, Keeper of Lust, Blooming Villain and Will Power. Three of those songs are straight-up boss fight music anyway. They would fit perfectly in Smash.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2019
As one of the resident Falcom guys, I can safely say that yeah, I'm not sure either.

Ys is by far the more influential series, but Trails seems to win out in the popularity department (Though, I suppose a plot-heavy game with tons of characters and multiple games in a row is just made to build a bigger fandom than a string of infrequent games that arnen't as connected). I think Estelle would be the Trails rep chosen, since she's prominently featured in the anniversary logo, but Rean's been the main character (Or at least, a main character) for five game straight now.

Something worth noting is that Kondo(?) has addressed Smash in an interview, saying Adol would be his first pick, but then admitting he didn't know how Adol would play (Most likely because Adol has a habit of losing all his old gear and getting new ones between games, not to mention the multiple different playstyles). He instead went to Rean, saying he'd fit in because he uses a sword. Going off of that, I'd hope that Adol would be the one chosen, because when you redo every stage in the game for Steve %$#@ing Minecraft, tying together a swordfighter with some various assorted magic artifacts should be a cinch.
Yep to be honest at this point if Nintendo wanted a Trails character I'm not as sure as I was about Estelle being the pick. Rean is popular as has been in a lot of consecutive games as a protagonist or one of them.

Just spitballing but I feel that if it was up to Sakurai he would go for Ys first, assuming we're in a scenario where Nintendo wants Falcom in Smash but they're pretty much okay with any character and let Sakurai more freedom to choose. In the other way if the final decision was up to Nintendo I think they might prefer Trails, which seems to be more popular and therefore easier to capitalize.

As of now I'm still a bit surprised Falcom hasn't released more old Ys/Trails game on the Switch. Well, they're doing it in regions such as Korea, and they're not a big company but still.

I'm gonna be wild because I don't really think I ca actually make a solid prediction anymore especially since the last two fighters were characters that I actively predicted at one point and then stopped, jajaja.

Sol Badguy
Kazuma Kiryu
Melmetal (I know right, predicting a Pokemon that isn't the fire bun with the yee yee *** haircut or any other shillmon. I don't see Pokemon happening for DLC for a few reasons but if we were, I think Melmetal coming with Pokemon GO content would be way more unique than just going with a boring starter and the ew gen stuff)

Otherwise though, none of these are overtly serious. I'm pretty confident in another Sega character though.
That's... a very metal selection. I like it.

I know, bad joke, but seriously. I can't think of a more rocking lineup lol


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Yep to be honest at this point if Nintendo wanted a Trails character I'm not as sure as I was about Estelle being the pick. Rean is popular as has been in a lot of consecutive games as a protagonist or one of them.

Just spitballing but I feel that if it was up to Sakurai he would go for Ys first, assuming we're in a scenario where Nintendo wants Falcom in Smash but they're pretty much okay with any character and let Sakurai more freedom to choose. In the other way if the final decision was up to Nintendo I think they might prefer Trails, which seems to be more popular and therefore easier to capitalize.

As of now I'm still a bit surprised Falcom hasn't released more old Ys/Trails game on the Switch. Well, they're doing it in regions such as Korea, and they're not a big company but still.
I think it has something to do with XSEED handling the previous translations but NIS America now having the publishing rights in the West. Ys Origins proves that Falcom can still get a hang of them, but the deals might take a bit of work to sort out, plus the new code for the Switch. I wouldn't be surprised if they have more ports in the pipeline but can't get them out as fast as they'd like because of the XSEED/NIS thing.


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2015
Raz challenger pack

Play Psychonauts, y'all.
"Hey, guys! Let's predict who the rest of the DLC will be!"

"Crash, Ryu, Dante"
"Lloyd, Crash, Rex"
"Rex, Crash, Ryu"
"Dante, Zarude, Waluigi"
"Waluigi, Lloyd, Dante"

"KOS-MOS, Isaac, Geno"..........

"What a moron! That would never happen!"
"Quick! Spam the troll memes!"

(a couple months later)

Sakurai: "You spoke, and we listened..."


LOL In all honesty, I sincerely doubt the actual DLC would end up like this, but holy hell, the sheer catastrophic amounts of salt from the Smash community would be well worth the price of admission. Karma really has a way of making the rounds.
Being seen as unlikely ≠ rage-inducing.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Well Geno was freshly murdered by the recent Sephiroth direct so that might have something to do with it. If we ever get a not full Hollow Knight costume for example, I'm sure people would bring up how it's a waste he didn't get a full costume at that time.
I never saw it for Heihachi, never saw people lament it for the likes of Knuckles, nothing else like that. We've had deluxe costumes 6 characters ago, so Geno's recency clearly isn't a factor if nobody else had it

Adrianette Bromide

Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2020
Beeland Capital
That's... a very metal selection. I like it.

I know, bad joke, but seriously. I can't think of a more rocking lineup lol
I definitely do think there is merit to both Sol and Kiryu but it's moreso I think ArcSys and Sega in general have a shot. ArcSys because of the fact they've collaborated with Smash for the River City spirits before which puts them out of the running but it's not like a Mii costume where you would ask "Why not save this for the ArcSys rep."

Sega makes sense considering both Square and Microsoft characters and a lot of their brands are pretty relevant, big on Nintendo or not. Yakuza just got a new game that's really freakin' popular, Puyo Puyo got a new game on the Switch, Shin Megami Tensei got a new remaster and is getting a new game, Sonic would just be all around a popular pick, you get the point.

Melmetal is kind of a guilty pleasure haha, I think a GO stage would be funny.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
I never saw it for Heihachi, never saw people lament it for the likes of Knuckles, nothing else like that. We've had deluxe costumes 6 characters ago, so Geno's recency clearly isn't a factor if nobody else had it
I'm sure fans of those characters did lament it! But they in terms of Smash they have a smaller (and likely less vocal) fanbase than Geno.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Idk I still think the River City spirit event before a playable ArcSys character doesn’t bode well for an arcsys rep. Square was an exception cause it already had two playable characters beforehand (Cloud and Hero) and they weren’t gonna drop the returning Geno costume with someone not from Square Enix.

ArcSys is a new company who hasn’t received playable rep, why spoil their presence beforehand?
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Adrianette Bromide

Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2020
Beeland Capital
Idk I still think the River City spirit event before a playable ArcSys character doesn’t bode well for an arcsys rep. Square was an exception cause it already had two playable characters beforehand (Cloud and Hero) and they weren’t gonna drop the returning Geno costume with someone not from Square Enix.

ArcSys is a new company who hasn’t received playable rep, why spoil their presence beforehand?
True true!


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Melmetal is kind of a guilty pleasure haha, I think a GO stage would be funny.
It's a stage where you're trapped in a mobile phone and whenever it tilts around you're all sent sliding. When the user flicks the screen, you're yeeted through the top of the phone and into the blast zone.
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