True, but regarding the sentence in bold, then it makes even less sense because Samus only uses shots and Missiles in two of her moves (plus Morph Bomb, which is mostly used for stalling and keepaway). With Mega Man, every normal is based around a power from the Robot Masters. Which works two ways as a reference and also a creative liberty to round out and balance the moveset.
For example, I don't see why they can't use Samus' different Beam types for normals. It would still achieve the same focus of being centered around projectiles, but actively round out her kit better and make her play closer to her home series.
As far as I know, normal melee attacks will always be necessary for Samus. Mega Man was able to use weapons almost exclusively because he had a whole bunch of melee ones: Charge Kick (though they opted just to have him slide for whatever reason), Top Spin, Mega Upper (not a weapon, but something he's done before), Flame Sword, Slash Claw, and Super Arm. His Up and Down Smash Attacks even take inspiration from the way that the Robot Masters use the weapons to avoid giving him more projectiles.
Samus on the other hand, has the Shine Spark, Screw Attack, Melee Counters, and that's about it. Most of her other stuff is just upgrades to her normal shot. While I do think it could be more than just a simple charge projectile, I don't think it would be a good idea to use it in most of her normals due to the polarizing nature of projectile normals.
EDIT: I do think they should add at least one of her Melee Counters though. The stationary one would be 10x better than a jab that doesn't work for no reason other than tradition.
There are also powers like the shine spark that could be added to her moveset.
I'm pretty convinced that her Dash Attack is supposed to be the Shine Spark. It doesn't have the bells and whistles attached, but it is a shoulder tackle out of a dash, she appears to crouch slightly before performing it (though not to the extent that she does in Super Metroid), and she does have the same pose when she does it.
Watch Sony acknowledge Ape Escape.
Sony please acknowledge Ape Escape.
They don't want to admit they've lost all of the monkeys.